Example #1
    def read_psf_model(self,
        psffn = None
        if gaussPsf:
            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixturePSF
            v = psf_sigma**2
            psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., v, v, 0.)
            print('WARNING: using mock PSF:', psf)
            psf.version = '0'
            psf.plver = ''
        elif pixPsf:
            # spatially varying pixelized PsfEx
            from tractor.psfex import PixelizedPsfEx
            print('Reading PsfEx model from', self.psffn)
            psf = PixelizedPsfEx(self.psffn)
            psf.shift(x0, y0)
            psffn = self.psffn
        elif const2psf:
            from tractor.psfex import PsfExModel
            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF
            # 2-component constant MoG.
            print('Reading PsfEx model from', self.psffn)
            psffn = self.psffn
            psfex = PsfExModel(self.psffn)
            psfim = psfex.at(cx, cy)
            psfim = psfim[5:-5, 5:-5]
            print('Fitting PsfEx model as 2-component Gaussian...')
            psf = GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF.fromStamp(psfim, N=2)
            del psfim
            del psfex
            assert (False)
        print('Using PSF model', psf)

        if psffn is not None:
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(psffn)
            psf.version = hdr.get('LEGSURV', None)
            if psf.version is None:
                psf.version = str(os.stat(psffn).st_mtime)
            psf.plver = hdr.get('PLVER', '').strip()
        return psf
Example #2
    def read_psf_model(self, x0, y0, gaussPsf=False, pixPsf=False,
                       const2psf=False, psf_sigma=1., cx=0, cy=0):
        psffn = None
        if gaussPsf:
            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixturePSF
            v = psf_sigma**2
            psf = GaussianMixturePSF(1., 0., 0., v, v, 0.)
            print('WARNING: using mock PSF:', psf)
            psf.version = '0'
            psf.plver = ''
        elif pixPsf:
            # spatially varying pixelized PsfEx
            from tractor.psfex import PixelizedPsfEx
            print('Reading PsfEx model from', self.psffn)
            psf = PixelizedPsfEx(self.psffn)
            psf.shift(x0, y0)
            psffn = self.psffn
        elif const2psf:
            from tractor.psfex import PsfExModel
            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF
            # 2-component constant MoG.
            print('Reading PsfEx model from', self.psffn)
            psffn = self.psffn
            psfex = PsfExModel(self.psffn)
            psfim = psfex.at(cx, cy)
            psfim = psfim[5:-5, 5:-5]
            print('Fitting PsfEx model as 2-component Gaussian...')
            psf = GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF.fromStamp(psfim, N=2)
            del psfim
            del psfex
        print('Using PSF model', psf)

        if psffn is not None:
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(psffn)
            psf.version = hdr.get('LEGSURV', None)
            if psf.version is None:
                psf.version = str(os.stat(psffn).st_mtime)
            psf.plver = hdr.get('PLVER', '').strip()
        return psf
Example #3
    def run_calibs(self,
        pixscale: in degrees/pixel
        for fn in [self.wcsfn, self.sefn, self.psffn, self.psffitfn]:
            print('exists?', os.path.exists(fn), fn)

        run_fcopy = False
        run_se = False
        run_astrom = False
        run_psfex = False
        run_psfexfit = False

        sedir = 'NGVS-g-Single'

        if not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [self.sefn]]):
            run_se = True
            run_fcopy = True
        if not all([
                for fn in [self.wcsfn, self.corrfn, self.sdssfn]
            run_astrom = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.psffn):
            run_psfex = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.psffitfn):
            run_psfexfit = True

        if run_fcopy and (run_se and se):
            tmpimgfn = create_temp(suffix='.fits')
            cmd = 'imcopy %s"+%i" %s' % (self.imgfn, self.hdu, tmpimgfn)
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_astrom or run_se:
            # grab header values...
            primhdr = self.read_image_primary_header()
            hdr = self.read_image_header()
            magzp = hdr['PHOT_C'] + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr['EXPTIME'])
            seeing = self.seeing
            print('Seeing', seeing, 'arcsec')

        if run_se and se:
            #'-SEEING_FWHM %f' % seeing,
            #'-PIXEL_SCALE 0',
            #'-PIXEL_SCALE %f' % (pixscale * 3600),
            #'-MAG_ZEROPOINT %f' % magzp,
            cmd = ' '.join([
                'sex', '-c',
                os.path.join(sedir, 'psfex.sex'), '-PARAMETERS_NAME',
                os.path.join(sedir, 'psfex.param'), '-FILTER_NAME',
                os.path.join(sedir, 'default.conv'), '-CATALOG_NAME',
                self.sefn, tmpimgfn
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

        if run_astrom and astrom:
            cmd = ' '.join([
                'solve-field --config', an_config, '-D . --temp-dir', tempdir,
                '--ra %f --dec %f' % (ra, dec), '--radius 1',
                '-L %f -H %f -u app' %
                (0.9 * pixscale * 3600, 1.1 * pixscale * 3600),
                '--continue --no-plots --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0',
                '-X x_image -Y y_image -s flux_auto --extension 2',
                '--width %i --height %i' % (W, H), '--crpix-center',
                '-N none -U none -S none -M none --rdls', self.sdssfn,
                '--corr', self.corrfn, '--wcs', self.wcsfn, '--temp-axy',
                '--tag-all', self.sefn
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

        if run_psfex and psfex:
            cmd = ('psfex -c %s -PSF_DIR %s %s -NTHREADS 1' %
                   (os.path.join(sedir, 'gradmap.psfex'),
                    os.path.dirname(self.psffn), self.sefn))
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

            dotpsf = self.psffn.replace('.fits', '.psf')
            if os.path.exists(dotpsf) and not os.path.exists(self.psffn):
                cmd = 'mv %s %s' % (dotpsf, self.psffn)
                if os.system(cmd):
                    raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

        if run_psfexfit and psfexfit:
            print('Fit PSF...')

            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF, GaussianMixturePSF
            from tractor.psfex import PsfEx

            iminfo = self.get_image_info()
            #print 'img:', iminfo
            H, W = iminfo['dims']
            psfex = PsfEx(self.psffn,
            psfex.savesplinedata = True
            print('Fitting MoG model to PsfEx')
            pp, XX, YY = psfex.splinedata

            # Convert to GaussianMixturePSF
            ppvar = np.zeros_like(pp)
            for iy in range(psfex.ny):
                for ix in range(psfex.nx):
                    psf = GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF(*pp[iy, ix, :])
                    mog = psf.toMog()
                    ppvar[iy, ix, :] = mog.getParams()
            psfexvar = PsfEx(self.psffn,
            psfexvar.splinedata = (ppvar, XX, YY)
            psfexvar.toFits(self.psffitfn, merge=True)
            print('Wrote', self.psffitfn)
Example #4
    def run_calibs(self, ra, dec, pixscale, mock_psf,
                   W=2048, H=4096, se=True,
                   astrom=True, psfex=True, sky=True,
                   morph=False, se2=False, psfexfit=True,
                   funpack=True, fcopy=False, use_mask=True,
        pixscale: in arcsec/pixel

        just_check: if True, returns True if calibs need to be run.
        print 'run_calibs:', str(self), 'near RA,Dec', ra,dec, 'with pixscale', pixscale, 'arcsec/pix'

        for fn in [self.wcsfn, self.sefn, self.psffn, self.psffitfn, self.skyfn]:
            print 'exists?', os.path.exists(fn), fn

        if mock_psf:
            psfex = False
            psfexfit = False
        run_funpack = False
        run_se = False
        run_se2 = False
        run_astrom = False
        run_psfex = False
        run_psfexfit = False
        run_morph = False
        run_sky = False
        if se and not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [self.sefn]]):
            run_se = True
            run_funpack = True
        if se2 and not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [self.se2fn]]):
            run_se2 = True
            run_funpack = True
        #if not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [self.wcsfn,self.corrfn,self.sdssfn]]):
        if astrom and not os.path.exists(self.wcsfn):
            run_astrom = True
        if psfex and not os.path.exists(self.psffn):
            run_psfex = True
        if psfexfit and not (os.path.exists(self.psffitfn) and os.path.exists(self.psffitellfn)):
            run_psfexfit = True
        if morph and not os.path.exists(self.morphfn):
            run_morph = True
            run_funpack = True
        if sky and not os.path.exists(self.skyfn):
            run_sky = True

        if just_check:
            return (run_se or run_se2 or run_astrom or run_psfex or run_psfexfit
                    or run_morph or run_sky)

        if run_funpack and (funpack or fcopy):
            tmpimgfn  = create_temp(suffix='.fits')
            tmpmaskfn = create_temp(suffix='.fits')
            if funpack:
                cmd = 'funpack -E %i -O %s %s' % (self.hdu, tmpimgfn, self.imgfn)
                cmd = 'imcopy %s"+%i" %s' % (self.imgfn, self.hdu, tmpimgfn)
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
            if use_mask:
                cmd = 'funpack -E %i -O %s %s' % (self.hdu, tmpmaskfn, self.dqfn)
                print cmd
                if os.system(cmd):
                    raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_astrom or run_morph or run_se or run_se2:
            # grab header values...
            primhdr = self.read_image_primary_header()
            hdr     = self.read_image_header()
            magzp  = primhdr['MAGZERO']
            fwhm = hdr['FWHM']
            seeing = pixscale * fwhm
            print 'FWHM', fwhm, 'pix'
            print 'pixscale', pixscale, 'arcsec/pix'
            print 'Seeing', seeing, 'arcsec'
        if run_se:
            maskstr = ''
            if use_mask:
                maskstr = '-FLAG_IMAGE ' + tmpmaskfn
            cmd = ' '.join([
                '-c', os.path.join(sedir, 'DECaLS-v2.sex'),
                maskstr, '-SEEING_FWHM %f' % seeing,
                '-PIXEL_SCALE 0',
                #'-PIXEL_SCALE %f' % (pixscale),
                '-MAG_ZEROPOINT %f' % magzp, '-CATALOG_NAME', self.sefn,
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_se2:
            cmd = ' '.join([
                '-c', os.path.join(sedir, 'DECaLS-v2-2.sex'),
                '-FLAG_IMAGE', tmpmaskfn, '-SEEING_FWHM %f' % seeing,
                '-PIXEL_SCALE %f' % (pixscale),
                '-MAG_ZEROPOINT %f' % magzp, '-CATALOG_NAME', self.se2fn,
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_astrom:
            cmd = ' '.join([
                'solve-field --config', an_config, '-D . --temp-dir', tempdir,
                '--ra %f --dec %f' % (ra,dec), '--radius 1',
                '-L %f -H %f -u app' % (0.9 * pixscale, 1.1 * pixscale),
                '--continue --no-plots --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0',
                '-X x_image -Y y_image -s flux_auto --extension 2',
                '--width %i --height %i' % (W,H),
                '-N none -U none -S none -M none',
                #'--rdls', self.sdssfn,
                #'--corr', self.corrfn,
                '--rdls none --corr none',
                '--wcs', self.wcsfn, 
                '--temp-axy', '--tag-all', self.sefn])
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

            if not os.path.exists(self.wcsfn):
                # Run a second phase...
                an_config_2 = os.path.join(decals_dir, 'calib', 'an-config', 'cfg2')
                cmd = ' '.join([
                    'solve-field --config', an_config_2, '-D . --temp-dir', tempdir,
                    '--ra %f --dec %f' % (ra,dec), '--radius 1',
                    '-L %f -H %f -u app' % (0.9 * pixscale, 1.1 * pixscale),
                    '--continue --no-plots --uniformize 0',
                    '-X x_image -Y y_image -s flux_auto --extension 2',
                    '--width %i --height %i' % (W,H),
                    '-N none -U none -S none -M none',
                    '--rdls none --corr none',
                    '--wcs', self.wcsfn, 
                    '--temp-axy', '--tag-all', self.sefn])
                print cmd
                if os.system(cmd):
                    raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

        if run_psfex:
            cmd = ('psfex -c %s -PSF_DIR %s %s' %
                   (os.path.join(sedir, 'DECaLS-v2.psfex'),
                    os.path.dirname(self.psffn), self.sefn))
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_psfexfit:
            print 'Fit PSF...'
            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF, GaussianMixturePSF
            from tractor.psfex import PsfEx
            iminfo = self.get_image_info()
            #print 'img:', iminfo
            H,W = iminfo['dims']
            psfex = PsfEx(self.psffn, W, H, ny=13, nx=7,
            psfex.savesplinedata = True
            print 'Fitting MoG model to PsfEx'
            pp,XX,YY = psfex.splinedata

            psfex.toFits(self.psffitellfn, merge=True)
            print 'Wrote', self.psffitellfn
            # Convert to GaussianMixturePSF
            ppvar = np.zeros_like(pp)
            for iy in range(psfex.ny):
                for ix in range(psfex.nx):
                    psf = GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF(*pp[iy, ix, :])
                    mog = psf.toMog()
                    ppvar[iy,ix,:] = mog.getParams()
            psfexvar = PsfEx(self.psffn, W, H, ny=psfex.ny, nx=psfex.nx,
            psfexvar.splinedata = (ppvar, XX, YY)
            psfexvar.toFits(self.psffitfn, merge=True)
            print 'Wrote', self.psffitfn
        if run_morph:
            cmd = ' '.join(['sex -c', os.path.join(sedir, 'CS82_MF.sex'),
                            '-FLAG_IMAGE', tmpmaskfn,
                            '-SEEING_FWHM %f' % seeing,
                            '-MAG_ZEROPOINT %f' % magzp,
                            '-PSF_NAME', self.psffn,
                            '-CATALOG_NAME', self.morphfn,
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

        if run_sky:
            img = self.read_image()
            wt = self.read_invvar()
            img = img[wt > 0]
                skyval = estimate_mode(img, raiseOnWarn=True)
                skyval = np.median(img)
            sky = ConstantSky(skyval)
            tt = type(sky)
            sky_type = '%s.%s' % (tt.__module__, tt.__name__)
            hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR()
            hdr.add_record(dict(name='SKY', value=sky_type, comment='Sky class'))
            sky.toFitsHeader(hdr, prefix='SKY_')
            fits = fitsio.FITS(self.skyfn, 'rw', clobber=True)
            fits.write(None, header=hdr)
Example #5
    def run_calibs(self, ra, dec, pixscale, W=2112, H=4644, se=True,
                   astrom=True, psfex=True, psfexfit=True):
        pixscale: in degrees/pixel
        for fn in [self.wcsfn,self.sefn,self.psffn,self.psffitfn]:
            print 'exists?', os.path.exists(fn), fn
        run_fcopy = False
        run_se = False
        run_astrom = False
        run_psfex = False
        run_psfexfit = False

        sedir = 'NGVS-g-Single'
        if not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [self.sefn]]):
            run_se = True
            run_fcopy = True
        if not all([os.path.exists(fn) for fn in [self.wcsfn,self.corrfn,self.sdssfn]]):
            run_astrom = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.psffn):
            run_psfex = True
        if not os.path.exists(self.psffitfn):
            run_psfexfit = True

        if run_fcopy and (run_se and se):
            tmpimgfn  = create_temp(suffix='.fits')
            cmd = 'imcopy %s"+%i" %s' % (self.imgfn, self.hdu, tmpimgfn)
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_astrom or run_se:
            # grab header values...
            primhdr = self.read_image_primary_header()
            hdr     = self.read_image_header()
            magzp = hdr['PHOT_C'] + 2.5 * np.log10(hdr['EXPTIME'])
            seeing = self.seeing
            print 'Seeing', seeing, 'arcsec'
        if run_se and se:
            #'-SEEING_FWHM %f' % seeing,
            #'-PIXEL_SCALE 0',
            #'-PIXEL_SCALE %f' % (pixscale * 3600),
            #'-MAG_ZEROPOINT %f' % magzp,
            cmd = ' '.join([
                '-c', os.path.join(sedir, 'psfex.sex'),
                '-PARAMETERS_NAME', os.path.join(sedir, 'psfex.param'),
                '-FILTER_NAME', os.path.join(sedir, 'default.conv'),
                '-CATALOG_NAME', self.sefn,
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_astrom and astrom:
            cmd = ' '.join([
                'solve-field --config', an_config, '-D . --temp-dir', tempdir,
                '--ra %f --dec %f' % (ra,dec), '--radius 1',
                '-L %f -H %f -u app' % (0.9 * pixscale * 3600, 1.1 * pixscale * 3600),
                '--continue --no-plots --no-remove-lines --uniformize 0',
                '-X x_image -Y y_image -s flux_auto --extension 2',
                '--width %i --height %i' % (W,H),
                '-N none -U none -S none -M none --rdls', self.sdssfn,
                '--corr', self.corrfn, '--wcs', self.wcsfn, 
                '--temp-axy', '--tag-all', self.sefn])
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_psfex and psfex:
            cmd = ('psfex -c %s -PSF_DIR %s %s -NTHREADS 1' %
                   (os.path.join(sedir, 'gradmap.psfex'),
                    os.path.dirname(self.psffn), self.sefn))
            print cmd
            if os.system(cmd):
                raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)

            dotpsf = self.psffn.replace('.fits', '.psf')
            if os.path.exists(dotpsf) and not os.path.exists(self.psffn):
                cmd = 'mv %s %s' % (dotpsf, self.psffn)
                print cmd
                if os.system(cmd):
                    raise RuntimeError('Command failed: ' + cmd)
        if run_psfexfit and psfexfit:
            print 'Fit PSF...'
            from tractor.basics import GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF, GaussianMixturePSF
            from tractor.psfex import PsfEx
            iminfo = self.get_image_info()
            #print 'img:', iminfo
            H,W = iminfo['dims']
            psfex = PsfEx(self.psffn, W, H, ny=13, nx=7,
            psfex.savesplinedata = True
            print 'Fitting MoG model to PsfEx'
            pp,XX,YY = psfex.splinedata
            # Convert to GaussianMixturePSF
            ppvar = np.zeros_like(pp)
            for iy in range(psfex.ny):
                for ix in range(psfex.nx):
                    psf = GaussianMixtureEllipsePSF(*pp[iy, ix, :])
                    mog = psf.toMog()
                    ppvar[iy,ix,:] = mog.getParams()
            psfexvar = PsfEx(self.psffn, W, H, ny=psfex.ny, nx=psfex.nx,
            psfexvar.splinedata = (ppvar, XX, YY)
            psfexvar.toFits(self.psffitfn, merge=True)
            print 'Wrote', self.psffitfn