Example #1
    def _parse_surface(self, data_arrays, data_arrays_part2, surface_type,
        meta_dict = self._get_meta_dict(data_arrays[0])
        anatomical_structure_primary = meta_dict.get(self.ASP_ATTR)
        gid = meta_dict.get(self.UNIQUE_ID_ATTR)
        subject = meta_dict.get(self.SUBJECT_ATTR)
        title = meta_dict.get(self.NAME_ATTR)

        # Now try to determine what type of surface we have
        # If a surface type is not explicitly given we use the type specified in the metadata
        if surface_type == OPTION_READ_METADATA:
            surface_type = anatomical_structure_primary
        if surface_type is None:
            raise ParseException("Please specify the type of the surface")

        surface = make_surface(surface_type)
        if surface is None:
            raise ParseException("Could not determine surface type! %s" %

        # Now fill TVB data type with metadata
        if gid is not None:
            gid = gid.replace("{", "").replace("}", "")
            surface.gid = gid
        if subject is not None:
            surface.subject = subject
        if title is not None:
            surface.title = title

        surface.storage_path = self.storage_path
        surface.zero_based_triangles = True

        # Now fill TVB data type with geometry data
        vertices = data_arrays[0].data
        triangles = data_arrays[1].data
        vertices_in_lh = len(vertices)
        # If a second file is present append that data
        if data_arrays_part2 is not None:
            # offset the indices
            offset = len(vertices)
            vertices = np.vstack([vertices, data_arrays_part2[0].data])
            triangles = np.vstack(
                [triangles, offset + data_arrays_part2[1].data])

        if should_center:
            vertices = center_vertices(vertices)

        # set hemisphere mask if cortex
        if isinstance(surface, CorticalSurface):
            # if there was a 2nd file then len(vertices) != vertices_in_lh
            surface.hemisphere_mask = np.zeros(len(vertices), dtype=np.bool)
            surface.hemisphere_mask[vertices_in_lh:] = 1

        surface.vertices = vertices
        surface.triangles = triangles
        return surface
Example #2
    def _parse_surface(self, data_arrays, data_arrays_part2, surface_type, should_center):
        meta_dict = self._get_meta_dict(data_arrays[0])
        anatomical_structure_primary = meta_dict.get(self.ASP_ATTR)
        gid = meta_dict.get(self.UNIQUE_ID_ATTR)
        subject = meta_dict.get(self.SUBJECT_ATTR)
        title = meta_dict.get(self.NAME_ATTR)

        # Now try to determine what type of surface we have
        # If a surface type is not explicitly given we use the type specified in the metadata
        if surface_type == OPTION_READ_METADATA:
            surface_type = anatomical_structure_primary
        if surface_type is None:
            raise ParseException("Please specify the type of the surface")

        surface = make_surface(surface_type)
        if surface is None:
            raise ParseException("Could not determine surface type! %s" % surface_type)

        # Now fill TVB data type with metadata
        if gid is not None:
            gid = gid.replace("{", "").replace("}", "")
            surface.gid = gid
        if subject is not None:
            surface.subject = subject
        if title is not None:
            surface.title = title

        surface.storage_path = self.storage_path
        surface.zero_based_triangles = True

        # Now fill TVB data type with geometry data
        vertices = data_arrays[0].data
        triangles = data_arrays[1].data
        vertices_in_lh = len(vertices)
        # If a second file is present append that data
        if data_arrays_part2 is not None:
            # offset the indices
            offset = len(vertices)
            vertices = np.vstack([vertices, data_arrays_part2[0].data])
            triangles = np.vstack([triangles, offset + data_arrays_part2[1].data])

        if should_center:
            vertices = center_vertices(vertices)

        # set hemisphere mask if cortex
        if isinstance(surface, CorticalSurface):
            # if there was a 2nd file then len(vertices) != vertices_in_lh
            surface.hemisphere_mask = np.zeros(len(vertices), dtype=np.bool)
            surface.hemisphere_mask[vertices_in_lh:] = 1

        surface.vertices = vertices
        surface.triangles = triangles
        return surface
Example #3
    def launch(self, view_model):
        # type: (ObjSurfaceImporterModel) -> [SurfaceIndex]
        Execute import operations:
            surface = make_surface(view_model.surface_type)
            if surface is None:
                raise ParseException("Could not determine surface type! %s" %

            surface.zero_based_triangles = True

            with open(view_model.data_file) as f:
                obj = ObjSurface(f)

            if view_model.should_center:
                vertices = center_vertices(obj.vertices)
                vertices = obj.vertices

            surface.vertices = vertices
            surface.triangles = obj.triangles

            if obj.have_normals:
                self.log.debug("OBJ came with normals included")
                surface.vertex_normals = obj.normals
                    "OBJ came without normals. We will try to compute them...")

            surface.number_of_vertices = surface.vertices.shape[0]
            surface.number_of_triangles = surface.triangles.shape[0]

            validation_result = surface.validate()
            if validation_result.warnings:

            return h5.store_complete(surface, self.storage_path)

        except ParseException as excep:
            raise LaunchException(excep)
Example #4
    def launch(self, surface_type, data_file, should_center=False):
        Execute import operations:
            surface = make_surface(surface_type)
            if surface is None:
                raise ParseException("Could not determine surface type! %s" %

            surface.storage_path = self.storage_path
            surface.zero_based_triangles = True

            with open(data_file) as f:
                obj = ObjSurface(f)

            if should_center:
                vertices = center_vertices(obj.vertices)
                vertices = obj.vertices

            surface.vertices = vertices
            surface.triangles = obj.triangles

            if obj.have_normals:
                self.log.debug("OBJ came with normals included")
                surface.vertex_normals = obj.normals
                    "OBJ came without normals. We will try to compute them...")

            validation_result = surface.validate()

            if validation_result.warnings:

            return [surface]

        except ParseException, excep:
            raise LaunchException(excep)
    def launch(self, surface_type, data_file, should_center=False):
        Execute import operations:
            surface = make_surface(surface_type)
            if surface is None:
                raise ParseException("Could not determine surface type! %s" % surface_type)

            surface.storage_path = self.storage_path
            surface.zero_based_triangles = True

            with open(data_file) as f:
                obj = ObjSurface(f)

            if should_center:
                vertices = center_vertices(obj.vertices)
                vertices = obj.vertices

            surface.vertices = vertices
            surface.triangles = obj.triangles

            if obj.have_normals:
                self.log.debug("OBJ came with normals included")
                surface.vertex_normals = obj.normals
                self.log.warning("OBJ came without normals. We will try to compute them...")

            validation_result = surface.validate()

            if validation_result.warnings:

            return [surface]

        except ParseException, excep:
            raise LaunchException(excep)
    def launch(self,
        Execute import operations: unpack ZIP and build Surface object as result.

        :param uploaded: an archive containing the Surface data to be imported
        :param surface_type: a string from the following\: \
                            "Skin Air", "Skull Skin", "Brain Skull", "Cortical Surface", "EEG Cap", "Face"

        :returns: a subclass of `Surface` DataType
        :raises LaunchException: when
                * `uploaded` is missing
                * `surface_type` is invalid
        :raises RuntimeError: when triangles contain an invalid vertex index
        if uploaded is None:
            raise LaunchException(
                "Please select ZIP file which contains data to import")

        self.logger.debug("Start to import surface: '%s' from file: %s" %
                          (surface_type, uploaded))
            zip_surface = ZipSurfaceParser(uploaded)
        except IOError:
            exception_str = "Did not find the specified ZIP at %s" % uploaded
            raise LaunchException(exception_str)

        # Detect and instantiate correct surface type
        self.logger.debug("Create surface instance")
        surface = self._make_surface(surface_type)
        surface.storage_path = self.storage_path
        surface.zero_based_triangles = zero_based_triangles
        if should_center:
            vertices = center_vertices(zip_surface.vertices)
            vertices = zip_surface.vertices
        surface.vertices = vertices
        if len(zip_surface.normals) != 0:
            surface.vertex_normals = zip_surface.normals
        if zero_based_triangles:
            surface.triangles = zip_surface.triangles
            surface.triangles = zip_surface.triangles - 1

        if zip_surface.bi_hemispheric:
            self.logger.info("Hemispheres detected")

        surface.hemisphere_mask = zip_surface.hemisphere_mask
        surface.triangle_normals = None

        # Now check if the triangles of the surface are valid
        triangles_min_vertex = numpy.amin(surface.triangles)
        if triangles_min_vertex < 0:
            if triangles_min_vertex == -1 and not zero_based_triangles:
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Triangles contain a negative vertex index. Maybe you have a ZERO based surface."
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Your triangles contain a negative vertex index: %d" %

        no_of_vertices = len(surface.vertices)
        triangles_max_vertex = numpy.amax(surface.triangles)
        if triangles_max_vertex >= no_of_vertices:
            if triangles_max_vertex == no_of_vertices and zero_based_triangles:
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Your triangles contain an invalid vertex index: %d. "
                    "Maybe your surface is NOT ZERO Based." %
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Your triangles contain an invalid vertex index: %d." %

        validation_result = surface.validate()

        if validation_result.warnings:

        self.logger.debug("Surface ready to be stored")
        return surface
    def launch(self, view_model):
        # type: (ZIPSurfaceImporterModel) -> [SurfaceIndex]
        Execute import operations: unpack ZIP and build Surface object as result
        :raises LaunchException: when
                * `uploaded` is missing
                * `surface_type` is invalid
        :raises RuntimeError: when triangles contain an invalid vertex index
        if view_model.uploaded is None:
            raise LaunchException(
                "Please select ZIP file which contains data to import")

        self.logger.debug("Start to import surface: '%s' from file: %s" %
                          (view_model.surface_type, view_model.uploaded))
            zip_surface = ZipSurfaceParser(view_model.uploaded)
        except IOError:
            exception_str = "Did not find the specified ZIP at %s" % view_model.uploaded
            raise LaunchException(exception_str)

        # Detect and instantiate correct surface type
        self.logger.debug("Create surface instance")
        surface = self._make_surface(view_model.surface_type)
        surface.zero_based_triangles = view_model.zero_based_triangles
        if view_model.should_center:
            vertices = center_vertices(zip_surface.vertices)
            vertices = zip_surface.vertices
        surface.vertices = vertices
        if len(zip_surface.normals) != 0:
            surface.vertex_normals = zip_surface.normals
        if view_model.zero_based_triangles:
            surface.triangles = zip_surface.triangles
            surface.triangles = zip_surface.triangles - 1

        if zip_surface.bi_hemispheric:
            self.logger.info("Hemispheres detected")

        surface.hemisphere_mask = zip_surface.hemisphere_mask

        # Now check if the triangles of the surface are valid
        triangles_min_vertex = numpy.amin(surface.triangles)
        if triangles_min_vertex < 0:
            if triangles_min_vertex == -1 and not view_model.zero_based_triangles:
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Triangles contain a negative vertex index. Maybe you have a ZERO based surface."
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Your triangles contain a negative vertex index: %d" %

        no_of_vertices = len(surface.vertices)
        triangles_max_vertex = numpy.amax(surface.triangles)
        if triangles_max_vertex >= no_of_vertices:
            if triangles_max_vertex == no_of_vertices and view_model.zero_based_triangles:
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Your triangles contain an invalid vertex index: %d. "
                    "Maybe your surface is NOT ZERO Based." %
                raise LaunchException(
                    "Your triangles contain an invalid vertex index: %d." %

        validation_result = surface.validate()

        if validation_result.warnings:

        self.logger.debug("Surface ready to be stored")

        surf_idx = h5.store_complete(surface, self.storage_path)
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_1 = surface.surface_type
        return surf_idx
    def launch(self, uploaded, surface_type, zero_based_triangles=False, should_center=False):
        Execute import operations: unpack ZIP and build Surface object as result.

        :param uploaded: an archive containing the Surface data to be imported
        :param surface_type: a string from the following\: \
                            "Skin Air", "Skull Skin", "Brain Skull", "Cortical Surface", "EEG Cap", "Face"

        :returns: a subclass of `Surface` DataType
        :raises LaunchException: when
                * `uploaded` is missing
                * `surface_type` is invalid
        :raises RuntimeError: when triangles contain an invalid vertex index
        if uploaded is None:
            raise LaunchException("Please select ZIP file which contains data to import")

        self.logger.debug("Start to import surface: '%s' from file: %s" % (surface_type, uploaded))
            zip_surface = ZipSurfaceParser(uploaded)
        except IOError:
            exception_str = "Did not find the specified ZIP at %s" % uploaded
            raise LaunchException(exception_str)

        # Detect and instantiate correct surface type
        self.logger.debug("Create surface instance")
        surface = self._make_surface(surface_type)
        surface.storage_path = self.storage_path
        surface.zero_based_triangles = zero_based_triangles
        if should_center:
            vertices = center_vertices(zip_surface.vertices)
            vertices = zip_surface.vertices
        surface.vertices = vertices
        if len(zip_surface.normals) != 0:
            surface.vertex_normals = zip_surface.normals
        if zero_based_triangles:
            surface.triangles = zip_surface.triangles
            surface.triangles = zip_surface.triangles - 1

        if zip_surface.bi_hemispheric:
            self.logger.info("Hemispheres detected")

        surface.hemisphere_mask = zip_surface.hemisphere_mask
        surface.triangle_normals = None

        # Now check if the triangles of the surface are valid
        triangles_min_vertex = numpy.amin(surface.triangles)
        if triangles_min_vertex < 0:
            if triangles_min_vertex == -1 and not zero_based_triangles:
                raise LaunchException("Triangles contain a negative vertex index. Maybe you have a ZERO based surface.")
                raise LaunchException("Your triangles contain a negative vertex index: %d" % triangles_min_vertex)

        no_of_vertices = len(surface.vertices)
        triangles_max_vertex = numpy.amax(surface.triangles)
        if triangles_max_vertex >= no_of_vertices:
            if triangles_max_vertex == no_of_vertices and zero_based_triangles:
                raise LaunchException("Your triangles contain an invalid vertex index: %d. "
                                      "Maybe your surface is NOT ZERO Based." % triangles_max_vertex)
                raise LaunchException("Your triangles contain an invalid vertex index: %d." % triangles_max_vertex)

        validation_result = surface.validate()

        if validation_result.warnings:

        self.logger.debug("Surface ready to be stored")
        return surface