Example #1
def sendBittransfer(payee_username, amount, description=""):
    """Create and redeem a BitTransfer."""
    wallet = Wallet()
    username = Config().username
    bittransfer, signature = createBittransfer(
        wallet, username, payee_username, amount, description)

    return redeemBittransfer(bittransfer, signature, payee_username)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, url, wallet=None):
        """Instantiate a Test Payment Channel Server interface for the
        specified URL.

            url (str): URL of Test server.
            wallet (two1.wallet.Wallet): Wallet instance.

            TestPaymentChannelServer: instance of TestPaymentChannelServer.

        self._wallet = wallet if wallet else Wallet()
Example #3
def main(ctx, json):
    """Manage payment channels.

    The `21 channels` command is used for creating, opening, closing, and conducting
    diagnostics for the payment channel micropayments protocol. After opening
    a channel with a merchant, making a payment returns a token, which the
    merchant will accept as proof of payment within the 402 payments protocol.
    Example of opening a channel, making payments, and closing the channel:

    $ channels open https://mkt.21.co/21dotco/payments/channel 100000 120\n
    $ channels pay https://mkt.21.co/21dotco/payments/channel 100\n
    $ channels pay https://mkt.21.co/21dotco/payments/channel 100\n
    $ channels pay https://mkt.21.co/21dotco/payments/channel 100\n
    $ channels info https://mkt.21.co/21dotco/payments/channel\n
    $ channels close https://mkt.21.co/21dotco/payments/channel\n
    client = PaymentChannelClient(Wallet(WALLET_PATH), CHANNELS_DB_PATH)
    ctx.obj = {'client': client, 'json': json}
Example #4
def request(*args, payment_method=None, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate, or use a cached BitRequests object, and make a request."""
    global _requests
    global _current_method
    global _current_wallet
    payment_method = payment_method or _current_method

    if not _current_wallet:
        from two1.wallet import Wallet
        _current_wallet = Wallet()

    if payment_method not in _requests:
        if payment_method == OFF_CHAIN:
            from two1.server.machine_auth_wallet import MachineAuthWallet
            _requests[_current_method] = BitTransferRequests(
        elif payment_method == ON_CHAIN:
            _requests[_current_method] = OnChainRequests(_current_wallet)
        elif payment_method == CHANNEL:
            _requests[_current_method] = ChannelRequests(_current_wallet)
            raise ValueError('That method is not supported.')

    return _requests[payment_method].request(*args, **kwargs)
import click

# import from the 21 Bitcoin Developer Library
from two1.commands.config import Config
from two1.wallet import Wallet
from two1.bitrequests import BitTransferRequests

username = Config().username
wallet = Wallet()
requests = BitTransferRequests(wallet, username)

@click.argument('file_name', required=False)
              help='ip:port to connect to')
def img2txt21(server, file_name):
    """ Call the img to text api hosted on the micropayments server"""

    ## If a file isn't specified, read image from stdin
    if file_name:
        upload = requests.post('http://' + server + '/upload',
                               files={'file': open(file_name, 'rb')})
        file = click.get_binary_stream('stdin')
        file_name = 'test.jpg'
        upload = requests.post('http://' + server + '/upload',
                               files={'file': (file_name, file)})

    # convert image to text
Example #6
import flask
from two1.wallet import Wallet
from two1.bitserv.flask import Payment

app = flask.Flask(__name__)
payment = Payment(app, Wallet())

def hello():
    return "Hello world"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(host="::", port=500)
Example #7
import logging
import os
from transcodeE16 import TranscodeE16

from two1.commands.util import config
from two1.wallet import Wallet
from two1.bitrequests import BitTransferRequests
requests = BitTransferRequests(Wallet(), config.Config().username)

log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')

def testDuration():
    Tests getting the duration for a sample video.
        log.warning("In testDuration()")
        dataDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data')

        # Create the speed testing client
        transcoder = TranscodeE16(dataDir)
        duration = transcoder.getDuration('http://www.esixteen.co/video/sample.mp4')

        log.info("Duration test completed with duration: {}", duration)

    except Exception as err:
        log.warning('Client test failed')
Example #8
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from two1.wallet import Wallet
from two1.bitrequests import BitTransferRequests
import sys

# set up bitrequest client for BitTransfer requests
wallet = Wallet()
requests = BitTransferRequests(wallet)

# server address
# TODO: URL from cmdline
server_url = 'http://localhost:{}/'.format(port)

def play():
    # get the question from the server
    print("we are sending 100 satoshis and expecting them back")
    url=server_url + 'test?payout_address={}'.format(payout_address)
    res = requests.get(url=url)

if __name__ == '__main__':