Example #1
    def retrieve_examine_workspace(self):
        """Was the workspace set.  If not, see if it can be retrieved"""
        if self.has_error():

        # If the workspace is set, make sure it's the right type
        if self.user_workspace:
            if not isinstance(self.user_workspace, UserWorkspace):
                self.add_err_msg(('user_workspace must be a UserWorkspace'
                                  ' object or None'))
            # Looks like we have a user workspace!

        # If there's not a user workspace, see if we can get it
        #   via the request_obj
        if self.request_obj and not self.user_workspace:
            ws_info = ws_util.get_latest_user_workspace(self.request_obj)
            if ws_info.success:
                # Got one!
                self.user_workspace = ws_info.result_obj

                # Also use the d3m_config from it
                # This overrides a manually set d3m_config
                self.d3m_config = self.user_workspace.d3m_config

        #  See if there's a default d3m_config
        if not self.d3m_config:
            self.d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
Example #2
def view_pebbles_home(request):
    """Serve up the workspace, the current home page.
    Include global js settings"""
    app_config = AppConfiguration.get_config()
    if app_config is None:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('view_no_domain_config_error'))

    # Is this D3M Mode?  If so, make sure:
    #  (1) there is D3M config information
    #  (2) user is logged in
    if app_config.is_d3m_domain():
        # (1) Is there a valid D3M config?
        d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
        if not d3m_config:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(\

        # (2) Is the user authenticated?
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            return HttpResponseRedirect(\

    session_key = get_session_key(request)

    dinfo = dict(title='TwoRavens',

    return render(request, 'index.html', dinfo)
Example #3
def view_get_problem_data_info(request, d3m_config_id=None):
    """Get info on train data and target files, if they exist"""
    if d3m_config_id is None:
        d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
        d3m_config = D3MConfiguration.objects.filter(id=d3m_config_id).first()

    if d3m_config is None:
        user_msg = 'Config not found! (view_get_problem_data_info)'
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_msg))

    is_pretty = request.GET.get('pretty', False)

    train_data_info = get_train_data_info(d3m_config)

    if not train_data_info.success:
        resp_dict = get_json_error(train_data_info.err_msg)

        resp_dict = get_json_success('It worked',

    if is_pretty is not False:  # return this as a formatted string?
        config_str = '<pre>%s<pre>' % \
        return HttpResponse(config_str)

    return JsonResponse(resp_dict)
Example #4
def view_d3m_config_error(request):
    """Show this when the app is in D3M mode
    but there's no config info available"""
    # Only show this if:
    # (a) in D3M mode
    app_config = AppConfiguration.get_config()
    if app_config is None:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('view_no_domain_config_error'))

    if not app_config.is_d3m_domain():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home'))

    # and (b) not D3M config info is in the db
    d3m_config_info = get_latest_d3m_config()
    if d3m_config_info:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home'))

    dinfo = dict(title='D3M configuration error')

    return render(request,
Example #5
def view_get_problem_data_info(request, d3m_config_id=None):
    """Get info on train data and target files, if they exist"""
    if d3m_config_id is None:
        d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
        d3m_config = D3MConfiguration.objects.filter(id=d3m_config_id).first()

    if d3m_config is None:
        raise Http404('Config not found!')

    is_pretty = request.GET.get('pretty', False)

    info_dict, err_msg = get_train_data_info(d3m_config)

    if err_msg:
        resp_dict = dict(success=False, message=err_msg)

        resp_dict = dict(success=True, data=info_dict)

    if is_pretty is not False:  # return this as a formatted string?
        config_str = '<pre>%s<pre>' % \
        return HttpResponse(config_str)

    return JsonResponse(resp_dict)
Example #6
def delete_user_workspaces(user):
    """Used to reset UserWorkspace objects based on a user/problem"""
    if not isinstance(user, User):
        return err_resp('user must be a "User" object, not: "%s"' % user)

    d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
    if not d3m_config:
        return err_resp('No default D3MConfiguration set.')

    params = dict(user=user)

    workspaces = UserWorkspace.objects.filter(**params)
    cnt = workspaces.count()

    return ok_resp('Workspaces cleared. %d deleted' % cnt)
Example #7
def view_d3m_details_json_latest(request, as_eval_dict=False):
    """Return the "latest" D3m configuration as JSON.
    "latest" may be most recently added or a "default"
    of some kind"""
    is_pretty = request.GET.get('pretty', False)

    # Is there a default config?
    d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
    if not d3m_config:
        raise Http404('no configs available')

    if is_pretty is not False:  # return this as a formatted string?
        config_str = '<pre>%s<pre>' % \
        return HttpResponse(config_str)

    # return as JSON!
    return JsonResponse(d3m_config.to_dict(as_eval_dict))
Example #8
def view_get_config_file(request, config_key, d3m_config_id=None):
    """Get contents of a file specified in the config"""
    if not config_key in D3M_FILE_ATTRIBUTES:
        user_msg = (f'Config key "{config_key}" not found!'
                    f' (view_get_config_file)')
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_msg))

    if d3m_config_id is None:
        d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
        d3m_config = D3MConfiguration.objects.filter(id=d3m_config_id).first()

    if d3m_config is None:
        user_msg = 'Config not found!'
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_msg))

    # Make sure the config has a value.
    # For example the D3MPROBLEMPATH may be blank
    if not getattr(d3m_config, config_key):
        user_msg = f'Sorry! The config does not have a "{config_key}" value!'
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_msg))

    filepath_info = get_d3m_filepath(d3m_config, config_key)
    if not filepath_info.success:
        user_msg = f'{filepath_info.err_msg} (view_get_config_file)'
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_msg))

    # Relatively small files...
    # response = FileResponse(open(filepath_info.result_obj, 'rb'))
    # return response

    fcontent = open(filepath_info.result_obj, 'r').read()

    json_info = json_loads(fcontent)
    if not json_info.success:
        user_msg = f'{json_info.err_msg} (view_get_config_file)'
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_msg))

    return JsonResponse(get_json_success(\
Example #9
def view_get_config_file(request, config_key, d3m_config_id=None):
    """Get contents of a file specified in the config"""
    if not config_key in D3M_FILE_ATTRIBUTES:
        raise Http404('config_key not found!')

    if d3m_config_id is None:
        d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
        d3m_config = D3MConfiguration.objects.filter(id=d3m_config_id).first()

    if d3m_config is None:
        raise Http404('Config not found!')

    filepath, err_msg_or_None = get_d3m_filepath(d3m_config, config_key)
    if err_msg_or_None is not None:
        return JsonResponse(dict(success=False, message=err_msg_or_None))

    response = FileResponse(open(filepath, 'rb'))

    return response
Example #10
def get_user_workspaces(user, create_if_not_found=True):
    """Get UserWorkspace list based on the active D3M config
        - This is trickier now.
        - An augmented workspace may have the active D3M config as
            the original_workspace
    if not isinstance(user, User):
        return err_resp('user must be a "User" object, not: "%s"' % user)

    d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
    print('d3m_config', d3m_config)
    if not d3m_config:
        return err_resp('No default D3MConfiguration set.')

    params = dict(user=user)

    params = get_default_workspace_params(**params)
    params['d3m_config'] = d3m_config

    params_original_ws = dict(original_workspace__d3m_config=d3m_config)

    workspaces = UserWorkspace.objects.filter(\
                            Q(**params) |
    print('workspaces', workspaces)
    # Make sure the list has a current workspace
    has_current_workspace = [
        ws for ws in workspaces if ws.is_current_workspace

    if (not has_current_workspace) or (workspaces.count() == 0):
        if create_if_not_found:
            ws_info = create_new_user_workspace(user, d3m_config)
            if not ws_info.success:
                return err_resp('%s (get_user_workspaces)' %\
            return ok_resp([ws_info.result_obj])
        return err_resp('No workspaces found for the User and default config')

    return ok_resp(list(workspaces))
Example #11
def get_latest_d3m_user_config(user, create_if_not_found=True, **kwargs):
    """Find the lastest UserWorkspace and return the attached d3m_config

    return_full_workspace = True : return UserWorkspace instead of D3MConfiguration
    if not isinstance(user, User):
        return err_resp('user must be a "User" object, not: "%s"' % user)

    return_full_workspace = kwargs.get('return_full_workspace', False)

    d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
    if not d3m_config:
        return err_resp('No default D3MConfiguration set.')

    params = dict(

    params = get_default_workspace_params(**params)

    latest_workspace = UserWorkspace.objects.filter(**params).first()
    if latest_workspace:
        if return_full_workspace:
            return ok_resp(latest_workspace)
        return ok_resp(latest_workspace.d3m_config)

    if create_if_not_found:
        ws_info = create_new_user_workspace(user, d3m_config)
        if not ws_info.success:
            return err_resp('%s (get_latest_d3m_user_config)' %\
        new_workspace = ws_info.result_obj
        if return_full_workspace:
            return ok_resp(new_workspace)
        return ok_resp(new_workspace.d3m_config)

    return err_resp('No workspace found for the User and default config')
Example #12
def execute_pipeline(info_str=None):
    """Ask a TA2 to ListPipelines via gRPC

    This call is a bit different b/c it writes part of the data to a file
    and places that file uri into the original request

    Success:  (updated request str, grpc json response)
    Failure: (None, error message)
    if info_str is None:
        info_str = get_test_info_str()

    if info_str is None:
        err_msg = 'UI Str for PipelineListResult is None'
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    if info_str.find(VAL_DATA_URI) == -1:
        err_msg = ('Expected to see place holder for file uri.'
                   ' Placeholder is "%s"') % VAL_DATA_URI
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
    if not d3m_config:
        err_msg = ('The D3M configuration is not available.'
                   ' Therefore, there is no "temp_storage_root" directory to'
                   ' write the data.')
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Is this valid JSON?
    # --------------------------------
        info_dict = json.loads(info_str, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert UI Str to JSON: %s' % (err_obj)
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    if not KEY_DATA in info_dict:
        err_msg = ('The JSON request did not contain a "%s" key.') % KEY_DATA
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    file_uri, err_msg = write_data_for_execute_pipeline(
        d3m_config, info_dict[KEY_DATA])

    if err_msg is not None:
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # Reformat the original content
    # (1) remove the data key
    if KEY_DATA in info_dict:
        del info_dict[KEY_DATA]

    # (2) convert it back to a JSON string
    info_str = json.dumps(info_dict)

    # (3) replace the VAL_DATA_URI with the file_uri
    info_str_formatted = info_str.replace(VAL_DATA_URI, file_uri)

    # --------------------------------
    # convert the JSON string to a gRPC request
    # --------------------------------
        req = Parse(info_str_formatted, core_pb2.PipelineExecuteRequest())
    except ParseError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert JSON to gRPC: %s' % (err_obj)
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    if settings.TA2_STATIC_TEST_MODE:

        #return info_str_formatted,\
        #       get_grpc_test_json('test_responses/execute_results_1pipe_ok.json',
        #                          dict())
        template_info = get_predict_file_info_dict()

        template_str = get_grpc_test_json(
            'test_responses/execute_results_1pipe_ok.json', template_info)

        # These next lines embed file uri content into the JSON
        embed_util = FileEmbedUtil(template_str)
        if embed_util.has_error:
            return get_failed_precondition_response(embed_util.error_message)

        test_note = ('Test.  An actual result would be the test JSON with'
                     ' the "data" section removed and DATA_URI replaced'
                     ' with a file path to where the "data" section was'
                     ' written.')

        return json.dumps(dict(note=test_note)), embed_util.get_final_results()
        #return info_str_formatted,\
        #       get_grpc_test_json('test_responses/execute_results_1pipe_ok.json',
        #                          dict())

    # --------------------------------
    # Get the connection, return an error if there are channel issues
    # --------------------------------
    core_stub, err_msg = TA2Connection.get_grpc_stub()
    if err_msg:
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Send the gRPC request - returns a stream
    # --------------------------------
        reply = core_stub.ExecutePipeline(req)
    except Exception as ex:
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(str(ex))

    # --------------------------------
    # Convert the reply to JSON and send it on
    # --------------------------------
    results = map(MessageToJson, reply)
    result_str = '[' + ', '.join(results) + ']'

    embed_util = FileEmbedUtil(result_str)
    if embed_util.has_error:
        return get_failed_precondition_response(embed_util.error_message)

    return info_str_formatted, embed_util.get_final_results()
Example #13
def export_pipeline(info_str=None, call_entry=None):
    """Ask a TA2 to ExportPipeline via gRPC"""
    if info_str is None:
        info_str = get_test_info_str()

    if info_str is None:
        err_msg = 'UI Str for ExportPipeline is None'
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    if info_str.find(VAL_EXECUTABLE_URI) == -1:
        err_msg = ('Expected to see place holder for executable uri.'
                   ' Placeholder is "%s"') % VAL_EXECUTABLE_URI
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
    if not d3m_config:
        err_msg = ('The D3M configuration is not available.'
                   ' Therefore, there is no "executables_root" directory to'
                   ' write the data.')
        return None, get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Is this valid JSON?
    # --------------------------------
        info_dict = json.loads(info_str, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert UI Str to JSON: %s' % (err_obj)
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Construct and set a write directory for the executable
    # --------------------------------

    # get the pipeline id
    pipeline_id, err_msg = get_pipeline_id(info_dict)
    if err_msg:
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # dir = d3m_config.executables_root + pipeline_id
    executable_write_dir = join('file://%s' % d3m_config.executables_root,

    # update the dict + info_str
    info_dict[KEY_PIPELINE_EXEC_URI] = executable_write_dir
    if KEY_PIPELINE_EXEC_URI_FROM_UI in info_dict:
        del info_dict[KEY_PIPELINE_EXEC_URI_FROM_UI]

        info_str = json.dumps(info_dict)
    except TypeError as ex_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to PipelineExportRequest info to JSON: %s' % ex_obj
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    #print('info_str', info_str)
    if call_entry:
        call_entry.request_msg = info_str
    # --------------------------------
    # convert the JSON string to a gRPC request
    # --------------------------------
        req = Parse(info_str, core_pb2.PipelineExportRequest())
    except ParseError as err_obj:
        err_msg = 'Failed to convert JSON to gRPC: %s' % (err_obj)
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    if settings.TA2_STATIC_TEST_MODE:
        return get_grpc_test_json('test_responses/export_pipeline_ok.json',

    # --------------------------------
    # Get the connection, return an error if there are channel issues
    # --------------------------------
    core_stub, err_msg = TA2Connection.get_grpc_stub()
    if err_msg:
        return get_failed_precondition_response(err_msg)

    # --------------------------------
    # Send the gRPC request - returns a stream
    # --------------------------------
        reply = core_stub.ExportPipeline(req)
    except Exception as ex:
        return get_failed_precondition_response(str(ex))

    # --------------------------------
    # Convert the reply to JSON and send it back
    # --------------------------------
    return MessageToJson(reply)
Example #14
    def get_ta2_run_command(self):
        """Return the Docker run command"""
        if self.has_error():
            return self.error_message

        ta2_info = self.get_ta2_info()
        if not ta2_info:

        # The new config has already been sent, so get env variables related to it
        d3m_config = get_latest_d3m_config()
        if not d3m_config:
            print('d3m_config not found! (get_ta2_run_command)')

        env_str = d3m_config.get_docker_env_settings()
        if env_str is None:
            env_str = ''

        image_name = ta2_info[1]
        additional_options = ta2_info[2]

        print('INPUT', self.data_input_dir)
        print('OUTPUT', self.data_output_dir)

        # sudo is not necessary if just trying to run a local image?
        # If trying to download and run into an issue, then use sudo
        docker_cmd = ('docker run --rm'
                      ' --name ta2_server'
                      ' {4}'
                      ' {2}'
                      ' -v {0}:/input'
                      ' -v {1}:/output'
                      ' -v /ravens_volume:/ravens_volume'
                      ' {3}'

        print('docker_cmd', docker_cmd)

        xdocker_cmd = ('docker run --rm'
                      ' --name ta2_server'
                      ' -e D3MTIMEOUT=60'
                      ' -e D3MINPUTDIR=/input'
                      ' -e D3MOUTPUTDIR=/output'
                      ' -e D3MRUN=ta2ta3'
                      ' {2}'
                      ' -v {0}:/input'
                      ' -v {1}:/output'
                      ' -v /ravens_volume:/ravens_volume'
                      ' {3}'

        return docker_cmd
Example #15
def view_pebbles_home(request):
    """Serve up the workspace, the current home page.
    Include global js settings"""
    if not request.user.is_authenticated:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('login'))

    app_config = AppConfiguration.get_config()
    if app_config is None:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('view_no_domain_config_error'))

    user_info = get_authenticated_user(request)
    if not user_info.success:
        return JsonResponse(get_json_error(user_info.err_msg))
    user = user_info.result_obj

    # Is this D3M Mode?  If so, make sure:
    #  (1) there is D3M config information
    #  (2) user is logged in
    if app_config.is_d3m_domain():
        # (1) Is there a valid D3M config?
        d3m_config_info = get_latest_d3m_config()
        if not d3m_config_info:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('view_list_dataset_choices_html'))
            # return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('view_d3m_config_error'))

        session_key = get_session_key(request)

        session_key = '(event-data-no-session-key)'

    dinfo = dict(title='TwoRavens',
                 TA3_GRPC_USER_AGENT=settings.TA3_GRPC_USER_AGENT, TA3TA2_API_VERSION=TA3TA2Util.get_api_version(),

    log_data = dict(session_key=session_key,

    LogEntryMaker.create_system_entry(user, log_data)
    #print('-' * 40)

    return render(request,