Example #1
    def test_errors(self):
        class MyMeta(type):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta, otherarg=1):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            types.new_class("MyClass", (object,),
                            dict(metaclass=MyMeta, otherarg=1))
        types.prepare_class("MyClass", (object,),
                            dict(metaclass=MyMeta, otherarg=1))

        class MyMeta(type):
            def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace, otherarg):
                super().__init__(name, bases, namespace)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta, otherarg=1):

        class MyMeta(type):
            def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, otherarg):
                return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

            def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace, otherarg):
                super().__init__(name, bases, namespace)
                self.otherarg = otherarg

        class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta, otherarg=1):

        self.assertEqual(MyClass.otherarg, 1)
Example #2
def _copy_module(module, include=None, exclude=None):
    copied = types.ModuleType(module.__name__)
    copied.__package__ = getattr(module, "__package__", None)
    for name, value in module.__dict__.items():
        if (name.startswith("_") or (exclude is not None and name in exclude) or
                (include is not None and name not in include)):
        type_ = type(value)
        if value is None or type_ in (bool, bytes, float, int, str):
            setattr(copied, name, value)
        elif type_ in (types.FunctionType, types.LambdaType,
            def func_proxy(func):
                """Return a proxy for the given function."""
                # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
                return lambda *args, **kwargs: func(*args, **kwargs)
            setattr(copied, name, func_proxy(value))
        elif type_ is type and value is not type:
                proxy = types.new_class(name, bases=(value,))
                proxy.mro = lambda: []
                setattr(copied, name, types.new_class(name, bases=(proxy,)))
            except TypeError:
    return copied
Example #3
def test_both(test_class, **kwargs):
    frozen_tests = types.new_class('Frozen_'+test_class.__name__,
                                   (test_class, unittest.TestCase))
    source_tests = types.new_class('Source_'+test_class.__name__,
                                   (test_class, unittest.TestCase))
    frozen_tests.__module__ = source_tests.__module__ = test_class.__module__
    for attr, (frozen_value, source_value) in kwargs.items():
        setattr(frozen_tests, attr, frozen_value)
        setattr(source_tests, attr, source_value)
    return frozen_tests, source_tests
Example #4
    def extension_add_subevent(self, code, subcode, evt, name = None):
        """extension_add_subevent(code, evt, [name])

        Add an extension subevent.  CODE is the numeric code, subcode
        is the sub-ID of this event that shares the code ID with other
        sub-events and EVT is the event class.  EVT will be cloned, and
        the attribute _code of the new event class will be set to CODE.

        If NAME is omitted, it will be set to the name of EVT.  This
        name is used to insert an entry in the DictWrapper

        if hasattr(types, 'ClassType'):
            newevt = types.ClassType(evt.__name__, evt.__bases__,
            newevt = types.new_class(evt.__name__, evt.__bases__,
        newevt._code = code

        self.display.add_extension_event(code, newevt, subcode)

        if name is None:
            name = evt.__name__

        # store subcodes as a tuple of (event code, subcode) in the
        # extension dict maintained in the display object
        setattr(self.extension_event, name, (code,subcode))
Example #5
    def extension_add_event(self, code, evt, name = None):
        """extension_add_event(code, evt, [name])

        Add an extension event.  CODE is the numeric code, and EVT is
        the event class.  EVT will be cloned, and the attribute _code
        of the new event class will be set to CODE.

        If NAME is omitted, it will be set to the name of EVT.  This
        name is used to insert an entry in the DictWrapper

        if hasattr(types, 'ClassType'):
            newevt = types.ClassType(evt.__name__, evt.__bases__,
            newevt = types.new_class(evt.__name__, evt.__bases__,
        newevt._code = code

        self.display.add_extension_event(code, newevt)

        if name is None:
            name = evt.__name__

        setattr(self.extension_event, name, code)
    def data_entry_form(self, row_name='new', data_instance = None, depth = 2):
        self.form_class = None
        self.classattr = {}

        if data_instance is None:
            data_instance = DataInstance(self.table_name, row_name, depth)

            if row_name != 'new':

        self.instance = data_instance


        self.classattr['form_data_type_0'] = HiddenField('form_data_type_0', default=self.form_type)
        self.classattr['form_data_table_0'] = HiddenField('form_data_table_0', default=self.table_name)
        self.classattr['form_data_row_name_0'] = HiddenField('form_data_row_name_0', default=row_name)
        self.classattr['row_counter'] = HiddenField('row_counter', default=data_instance.instance_counter)

        form_class = new_class('SingleForm', (Form,), {}, lambda ns: ns.update(self.classattr))


        self.form_class = form_class(None)
Example #7
    def test_metaclass_override_function(self):
        # Special case: the given metaclass isn't a class,
        # so there is no metaclass calculation.
        class A(metaclass=self.Meta):

        marker = object()
        def func(*args, **kwargs):
            return marker

        X = types.new_class("X", (), {"metaclass": func})
        Y = types.new_class("Y", (object,), {"metaclass": func})
        Z = types.new_class("Z", (A,), {"metaclass": func})
        self.assertIs(marker, X)
        self.assertIs(marker, Y)
        self.assertIs(marker, Z)
Example #8
def make_abc_subclasses(base_class):
    classes = []
    for kind, abc in [('Frozen', frozen_abc), ('Source', source_abc)]:
        name = '_'.join([kind, base_class.__name__])
        base_classes = base_class, getattr(abc, base_class.__name__)
        classes.append(types.new_class(name, base_classes))
    return classes
Example #9
 def test_new_class_metaclass_keywords(self):
     #Test that keywords are passed to the metaclass:
     def meta_func(name, bases, ns, **kw):
         return name, bases, ns, kw
     res = types.new_class("X",
                           (int, object),
                           dict(metaclass=meta_func, x=0))
     self.assertEqual(res, ("X", (int, object), {}, {"x": 0}))
Example #10
 def ensure_tomes(self):
     for number in range(1, 29):
         class_id = 'Tome_{0:02d}'.format(number)
         self.tomes[number] = types.new_class(
             (Tome, ),
             kwds = { "ontology" : onto }
Example #11
    def test_prepare_class(self):
        # Basic test of metaclass derivation
        expected_ns = {}
        class A(type):
            def __new__(*args, **kwargs):
                return type.__new__(*args, **kwargs)

            def __prepare__(*args):
                return expected_ns

        B = types.new_class("B", (object,))
        C = types.new_class("C", (object,), {"metaclass": A})

        # The most derived metaclass of D is A rather than type.
        meta, ns, kwds = types.prepare_class("D", (B, C), {"metaclass": type})
        self.assertIs(meta, A)
        self.assertIs(ns, expected_ns)
        self.assertEqual(len(kwds), 0)
Example #12
 def test_new_class_meta(self):
     Meta = self.Meta
     settings = {"metaclass": Meta, "z": 2}
     # We do this twice to make sure the passed in dict isn't mutated
     for i in range(2):
         C = types.new_class("C" + str(i), (), settings)
         self.assertIsInstance(C, Meta)
         self.assertEqual(C.y, 1)
         self.assertEqual(C.z, 2)
Example #13
File: schema.py Project: NoZip/uzu
    def decorator(cls):
        assert isinstance(driver, Driver)
        assert issubclass(cls, Schema)
        assert not issubclass(cls, DrivedMixin)

        drived_class = new_class(cls.__name__, (cls, DrivedMixin))
        drived_class.driver = driver

        return drived_class
Example #14
 def test_new_class_exec_body(self):
     Meta = self.Meta
     def func(ns):
         ns["x"] = 0
     C = types.new_class("C", (), {"metaclass": Meta, "z": 2}, func)
     self.assertIsInstance(C, Meta)
     self.assertEqual(C.x, 0)
     self.assertEqual(C.y, 1)
     self.assertEqual(C.z, 2)
Example #15
def make_return_value_tests(base_class, test_class):
    frozen_class, source_class = make_abc_subclasses(base_class)
    tests = []
    for prefix, class_in_test in [('Frozen', frozen_class), ('Source', source_class)]:
        def set_ns(ns):
            ns['ins'] = class_in_test()
        tests.append(types.new_class('_'.join([prefix, test_class.__name__]),
                                     (test_class, unittest.TestCase),
    return tests
Example #16
    def test_tests_fail_1(self):
        SimpleTestCase = types.new_class('SimpleTestCase',
                                         (BaseSimpleTestCase, tb.TestCase))

        suite = unittest.TestSuite()

        result = unittest.TestResult()

        self.assertIn('ZeroDivisionError', result.errors[0][1])
Example #17
 def subclass(cls, name, bases, dict={}):
     if not isinstance(bases, tuple):
         bases = (bases,)
     name = name.encode('utf-8')
     key = '.'.join((name, str(bases)))
     subclass = cls.cache.get(key)
     if subclass is None:
         subclass = types.new_class(name, bases, dict)
         #subclass = classobj(name, bases, dict)
         cls.cache[key] = subclass
     return subclass
Example #18
def parametrize(TestCase):
  '''Parametrize a :class:`unittest.TestCase`.

  >>> @parametrize
  ... class TestSomething(unittest.TestCase):
  ...   def test_equality(self):
  ...     self.assertEqual(self.x, self.y)
  >>> TestSomething(x=1, y=1)
  >>> TestSomething(x=2, y=2)
  return types.new_class(TestCase.__name__, (), dict(metaclass=_ParametrizedCollection, base=TestCase))
Example #19
def Event(name):
    A mutator for events.

    Still unproven if it works, but *should*
    dynamically make classes for each unique event.
    This way, debugging is easier,
    since we can tell which event is which.
    c = new_class(name, bases=(_Event,))(name)
    return c
Example #20
File: ddl.py Project: virajs/edgedb
def _new_nonterm(clsname, clsdict={}, clskwds={}, clsbases=(Nonterm,)):
    mod = sys.modules[__name__]

    def clsexec(ns):
        ns['__module__'] = __name__
        for k, v in clsdict.items():
            ns[k] = v
        return ns

    cls = types.new_class(clsname, clsbases, clskwds, clsexec)
    setattr(mod, clsname, cls)
    return cls
Example #21
def create_inheritance_tests(base_class):
    def set_frozen(ns):
        ns['abc'] = frozen_abc
    def set_source(ns):
        ns['abc'] = source_abc

    classes = []
    for prefix, ns_set in [('Frozen', set_frozen), ('Source', set_source)]:
        classes.append(types.new_class('_'.join([prefix, base_class.__name__]),
                                       (base_class, unittest.TestCase),
    return classes
Example #22
 def test_new_class_meta_with_base(self):
     Meta = self.Meta
     def func(ns):
         ns["x"] = 0
     C = types.new_class(name="C",
                         kwds=dict(metaclass=Meta, z=2),
     self.assertTrue(issubclass(C, int))
     self.assertIsInstance(C, Meta)
     self.assertEqual(C.x, 0)
     self.assertEqual(C.y, 1)
     self.assertEqual(C.z, 2)
Example #23
    def select(self, cls: type):
        d3.select() method.

            cls: class of elements to be selected

            a object of the selected class, with the new expression in it
        exp = self.method('select', cls.__name__.lower())
        selection_class = types.new_class(cls.__name__ + 'Selection', bases=(cls, Selection))
        return selection_class(exp)
Example #24
    def __init__(self, errorCode):
        name = 'SVNERR_' + self.name
        bases = (SVNError,)

        cls_dict = {}
        me = self
        # Methods
        def __init__(self, message, returncode, cmd):
            super(me.errcls, self).__init__(message, returncode, cmd)
            self.svn_errcode = me

        cls_dict['__init__'] = __init__

        self.errcls = types.new_class(name, bases, {}, lambda ns: ns.update(cls_dict))
Example #25
def _gen_keyword_tokens():
    # Define keyword tokens

    mod = sys.modules[__name__]

    def clsexec(ns):
        ns['__module__'] = __name__
        return ns

    for val, (token, typ) in keywords.graphql_keywords.items():
        clsname = f'T_{token}'
        clskwds = dict(metaclass=parsing.TokenMeta, token=token)
        cls = types.new_class(clsname, (Token,), clskwds, clsexec)
        setattr(mod, clsname, cls)
Example #26
def make_dataclass(cls_name, fields, *, bases=(), namespace=None, init=True,
                   repr=True, eq=True, order=False, unsafe_hash=False,
    """Return a new dynamically created dataclass.

    The dataclass name will be 'cls_name'.  'fields' is an iterable
    of either (name), (name, type) or (name, type, Field) objects. If type is
    omitted, use the string 'typing.Any'.  Field objects are created by
    the equivalent of calling 'field(name, type [, Field-info])'.

      C = make_dataclass('C', ['x', ('y', int), ('z', int, field(init=False))], bases=(Base,))

    is equivalent to:

      class C(Base):
          x: 'typing.Any'
          y: int
          z: int = field(init=False)

    For the bases and namespace parameters, see the builtin type() function.

    The parameters init, repr, eq, order, unsafe_hash, and frozen are passed to

    if namespace is None:
        namespace = {}
        # Copy namespace since we're going to mutate it.
        namespace = namespace.copy()

    anns = {}
    for item in fields:
        if isinstance(item, str):
            name = item
            tp = 'typing.Any'
        elif len(item) == 2:
            name, tp, = item
        elif len(item) == 3:
            name, tp, spec = item
            namespace[name] = spec
        anns[name] = tp

    namespace['__annotations__'] = anns
    # We use `types.new_class()` instead of simply `type()` to allow dynamic creation
    # of generic dataclassses.
    cls = types.new_class(cls_name, bases, {}, lambda ns: ns.update(namespace))
    return dataclass(cls, init=init, repr=repr, eq=eq, order=order,
                     unsafe_hash=unsafe_hash, frozen=frozen)
Example #27
def nef_class(cls):
    '''This function is a decorator that is used to add generated special methods to classes, as
    described below.

    The `nef_class()` decorator examines the class to find __annotations__. A field is defined as class
    variable that has a type annotation. The order of the __annotations__ in all of the generated methods
    is the order in which they appear in the class definition.
    Be default the instance decorated by `nef_class` is attributed frozen, which means we prefer
    it to be immutable.

    Some basic arithmetic operators are mounted and would apply on `.data` field.
    base = attr.s(frozen=True, auto_attribs=True, slots=True)(cls)
    cls_ = types.new_class(base.__name__, (base, NefClass))
    return cls_
Example #28
    def userConsent(self, Dx, Uy, Tz, Rw, className, retroactive=True):
        createConsent = None
        if retroactive:
            #is subsumed by (T and U) or access(D)
            createdConsent = types.new_class(className, (self.onto.rConsent, ),
            createdConsent.is_a = [(self.getClass(Tz) & self.getClass(Uy))
                                   | self.onto.access.some(self.getClass(Dx))]

            #non-retroactive Consent: subsumed by (T and U) or access(D and T)
            createdConsent = types.new_class(className,
                                             (self.onto.nrConsent, ), {})
            createdConsent.is_a = [
                (self.getClass(Tz) & self.getClass(Uy))
                | self.onto.access.some(self.getClass(Dx) & self.getClass(Tz))

        #is equivalent to (T and U)
        createdConsent.equivalent_to = [self.getClass(Tz) & self.getClass(Uy)]

        return createConsent
    def _find_class_for(cls, element_name=None,
                        class_name=None, create_missing=True):
        """Look in the parent modules for classes matching the element name.

        One or both of element/class name must be specified.

            element_name: The name of the element type.
            class_name: The class name of the element type.
            create_missing: Whether classes should be auto-created if no
                existing match is found.
            A Resource class.
        if not element_name and not class_name:
            raise Error('One of element_name,class_name must be specified.')
        elif not element_name:
            element_name = util.underscore(class_name)
        elif not class_name:
            class_name = util.camelize(element_name)

        module_path = cls.__module__.split('.')
        for depth in range(len(module_path), 0, -1):
                module = sys.modules['.'.join(module_path[:depth])]
            except ImportError:
                klass = getattr(module, class_name)
                return klass
            except AttributeError:
                    __import__('.'.join([module.__name__, element_name]))
                    submodule = sys.modules['.'.join([module.__name__,
                except ImportError:
                    klass = getattr(submodule, class_name)
                    return klass
                except AttributeError:

        # If we made it this far, no such class was found
        if create_missing:
            return types.new_class(class_name, (cls,),
                                exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update({'__module__': cls.__module__}) or ns)
    def builder(namespace):
        Fills the namespace of the parent class with class members that are
        classes. Each class member has the name of a property, and each
        class has up to two static methods, a Get method if the property is
        readable and a Set method if the property is writable.

        For example, given the spec:

        <property name="Version" type="s" access="read">

        A class called "Version" with a single method "Get" will be added to the

        :param namespace: the class's namespace
        for prop in properties:
                name = prop.attrib["name"]
            except KeyError as err:  # pragma: no cover
                fmt_str = ("No name attribute found for property belonging to "
                           'interface "%s"')
                raise DPClientGenerationError(fmt_str %
                                              interface_name) from err

                access = prop.attrib["access"]
            except KeyError as err:  # pragma: no cover
                fmt_str = ('No access attribute found for property "%s" '
                           'belonging to interface "%s"')
                raise DPClientGenerationError(fmt_str %
                                              (name, interface_name)) from err
                signature = prop.attrib["type"]
            except KeyError as err:  # pragma: no cover
                fmt_str = ('No type attribute found for property "%s" '
                           'belonging to interface "%s"')
                raise DPClientGenerationError(fmt_str %
                                              (name, interface_name)) from err

            namespace[name] = types.new_class(name,
                                              bases=(object, ),
                                                  access, name, signature))
Example #31
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace):
        fieldmethods = {}
        generic_types = {}
        for attr_name, obj in list(namespace.items()):
            if getattr(obj, "__isfieldmethod__", False):
                # TODO: Ensure callable as cls.somefieldmethod(field).
                fieldmethods[attr_name] = obj
            elif isinstance(obj, TypeVar):
                generic_types[attr_name] = obj

        namespace = dict(namespace)
        annotations = namespace.pop("__annotations__", {})
        field_base_cls = types.new_class("_FieldBase", (_FieldBase, ))
        field_base_cls.__module__ = namespace["__module__"]
        fields = {}

        # Make the ADT base class.
        def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
            raise TypeError(f"Cannot instantiate ADT class {cls.__name__!r}")

            "__new__": __new__,
            "_fields": fields,
            "_generic_types": generic_types,
            "_FieldBase": field_base_cls,
        cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)
        if generic_types:
            cls.__qualname__ += "[{}]".format(",".join(
                t.__name__ for t in generic_types.values()))
        field_base_cls.__adtbase__ = cls
        field_base_cls.__qualname__ = cls.__qualname__ + "." + field_base_cls.__name__

        # Make the field classes based on the ADT class annotations.
        for field_name, arg_types in annotations.items():
            if type(arg_types) is not tuple:
                raise TypeError(
                    f"{field_name!r} is a badly declared field - should use a tuple of types"
            f = _make_field(field_name, field_base_cls, arg_types)
            f.__qualname__ = cls.__qualname__ + "." + f.__name__
            for method_name, method in fieldmethods.items():
                setattr(f, method_name, _fieldmethod(method, cls, f))
            fields[field_name] = f
            setattr(cls, field_name, f)

        return cls
Example #32
def as_names(cls: EnumCls, aliaser: Callable[[str], str] = lambda s: s) -> EnumCls:
    # Enum requires to call namespace __setitem__
    def exec_body(namespace: dict):
        for elt in cls:  # type: ignore
            namespace[elt.name] = aliaser(elt.name)

    if not issubclass(cls, Enum):
        raise TypeError("as_names must be called with Enum subclass")
    name_cls = type_name(None)(
        new_class(cls.__name__, (str, Enum), exec_body=exec_body)
    deserializer(Conversion(partial(getattr, cls), source=name_cls, target=cls))
        Conversion(lambda obj: getattr(name_cls, obj.name), source=cls, target=name_cls)
    return cls
Example #33
def graphene_input_object_from_model_form(cls_name, model_form):
    import types
    import graphene
    from graphene_django.form_converter import convert_form_field
    form_instance = model_form()
    cls_dict = {
        fname: convert_form_field(form_instance.fields[fname])
        for fname in form_instance.fields
    new_cls = types.new_class(
        cls_name, (graphene.InputObjectType,), {},
        lambda ns: ns.update(cls_dict)
    import sys
    new_cls.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']
    return new_cls
Example #34
 def __call__(self, func: types.FunctionType):
     args, _, _, defaults, _, _, annotations = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
     return dataclass(types.new_class(
         bases=(Query, ),
         kwds={'rtype': self.rtype},
             'update', {
                 '__annotations__': annotations,
                 '__doc__': func.__doc__,
                 '__module__': func.__module__,
                 '__req__': property(compose(partial(apply, func),
                 **dict(zip(reversed(args), reversed(defaults or ())))
def named_tuple(classname, fieldnames):
    #Populate a dictionary of field property accessors
    cls_dict = {name: property(operator.itemgetter(n))}
    #Make a __new__ function and add to the class dict
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        if len(args) != len(fieldnames)
            raise TypeError('Expected {} arguments'.format(len(fieldnames)))
        return tuple.__new__(cls, args)
    cls_dict['__new__'] = __new__
    #Make the class
    cls = types.new_class(classname, (tuple,), {}, lambda ns: ns.update(cls_dict))
    cls.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']
    return cls
Example #36
def generate_classes(rooturl, user, pwd):
    Generates classes for from rest api given structs. After the classes are
    generated they can be imported like normal classes
    :param rooturl: URL to rest api
    :param user: Username for the Rest API
    :param pwd: Password of the Rest API
    :return: A List with class names
    cls_names = get_provided_classes(rooturl, user, pwd)
    for name in cls_names:
        meta = get_class_meta(rooturl, name, user, pwd)
        cls = new_class(name, (RestBase, ))
        setattr(cls, 'meta', meta)
        globals()[name] = cls
    return sorted(cls_names)
Example #37
def subclass_CidSubObj(sub_line_type):
    """Produce a `CidSubObj` based subclass."""

    # see if already exists
    cls_name = SUB_OBJ_CLASS_DICT[sub_line_type]
        return CidSubObj.getsubcls(cls_name)
    except ChildRegistryError:

    # resolve 2 of the CidSubObj generic types
    SubLine = sub_line_type  # type of CidLine indicating start of an object in CID file

    cls = new_class(cls_name, (CidSubObj[CidObj, CidSeq, SubLine], Generic[CidObj, CidSeq]))

    return cls
Example #38
def interface_as_type(typ, module):
    # type: (Interface, str) -> type
    # we don't add the fields yet -- these types may not exist yet.
    return new_class(
        (types.Namespace, ),
        kwds={"metaclass": types.Interface},
                "__doc__": typ.desc,
                "__raw__": typ,
                "__module__": module
Example #39
def patch_config_as_nothrow(instance):
    if "NoThrow" in [instance.__name__, instance.__class__.__name__]:
        return instance

    if type(instance) == type:
        instance = types.new_class(instance.__name__ + "NoThrow", (instance, ), dict(metaclass=NoThrowMeta))
        for (k, v) in inspect.getmembers(instance):
            if not k.startswith("__") and type(v) == type:
                type.__setattr__(instance, k, patch_config_as_nothrow(v))
        for (k, v) in inspect.getmembers(instance.__class__):
            if not k.startswith("__") and type(v) == type:
                type.__setattr__(instance.__class__, k, patch_config_as_nothrow(v))
        instance.__class__ = type(instance.__class__.__name__ + "NoThrow", (instance.__class__, NoThrowBase), {})

    return instance
Example #40
def _make_skeleton_class(type_constructor, name, bases, type_kwargs,
                         class_tracker_id, extra):
    """Build dynamic class with an empty __dict__ to be filled once memoized

    If class_tracker_id is not None, try to lookup an existing class definition
    matching that id. If none is found, track a newly reconstructed class
    definition under that id so that other instances stemming from the same
    class id will also reuse this class definition.

    The "extra" variable is meant to be a dict (or None) that can be used for
    forward compatibility shall the need arise.
    skeleton_class = types.new_class(name, bases,
                                     {'metaclass': type_constructor},
                                     lambda ns: ns.update(type_kwargs))
    return _lookup_class_or_track(class_tracker_id, skeleton_class)
Example #41
    def populate_domains(self):
            Generate domain classes (ex: self.Page) and methods (ex: self.Page.enable)
        for domain in DOMAINS:
            # Create a new class for each domain with the correct name
            domain_class = types.new_class(domain["domain"], (DomainProxy, ))
            new_instance = domain_class(self)
            for command in domain.get("commands", []):
                # Create a new method for each domain command
                method_sig = create_signature(command.get("parameters", []))
                new_fn = wrap_factory(command["name"], method_sig)
                new_method = types.MethodType(new_fn, new_instance)
                setattr(new_instance, command["name"], new_method)

            setattr(self, domain["domain"], new_instance)
Example #42
    def _new_nonterm(self,
                     clsbases=(Nonterm, )):
        mod = sys.modules[self.name]

        def clsexec(ns):
            ns['__module__'] = self.name
            for k, v in clsdict.items():
                ns[k] = v
            return ns

        cls = types.new_class(clsname, clsbases, clskwds, clsexec)
        setattr(mod, clsname, cls)
        return cls
Example #43
    def as_standard_format(self, include_thing=True):
        propClass = types.new_class(self.uri, (MrDataProperty, ))
        propClass.uri = "mrdata_prop:" + propClass.__name__.split(":")[0]

        prop = propClass()
        prop.uri = self.uri
        if self.thing:
            prop.uri = self.thing.uri.split(":")[-1] + ":" + \
            if include_thing:
                prop._source = self.thing.as_standard_format()
        if self.value:
            prop._target = self.value.as_standard_format()
        for p in self.properties:
        return prop
Example #44
def rounder_mixin(conv: Conv,
                  types: TypeArg = None,
                  names: Any = None) -> Type[Real]:
    """Mixin class for rounding/modular routines.

    Defines the operators `%`, `//`, and the functions  `divmod`, `round`,

    conv : Callable
        Function used to convert a tuple of inputs.
    types : Type or Tuple[Type] or None, optional
        The types of output that are converted. By default `None -> Number`.
    names : Any or Tuple[Any, ...], optional
        Name spaces `(opspace, namespace, mathspace)`. A single namespace is
        expanded to 3. By default `None -> (operator, builtins, math)`.

        opspace : default - operator
            namespace with function attributes: {`floordiv`, `mod`}.
        defspace : default - builtins
            namespace with function attributes: {`divmod`, `round`}.
        mathspace : default - math
            namespace with function attributes: {`trunc`, `floor`, `ceil`}.

    You must call `set_objclasses(class)` after defining the `class`.
    The `__objclass__` attribute is needed to convert the outputs back.
    opsp, dfsp, masp = tuplify(default(names, (operator, builtins, math)), 3)
    method = one_method_wrapper(conv, types)
    ops = opr_methods_wrapper(conv, types)

    def exec_body(nsp: dict) -> None:
        """Mixin class for rounding/modular routines.
        nsp['__floordiv__'], nsp['__rfloordiv__'] = ops(opsp.floordiv)
        nsp['__mod__'], nsp['__rmod__'] = ops(opsp.mod)
        nsp['__divmod__'], nsp['__rdivmod__'] = ops(dfsp.divmod)
        nsp['__round__'] = method(dfsp.round)
        nsp['__trunc__'] = method(masp.trunc)
        nsp['__floor__'] = method(masp.floor)
        nsp['__ceil__'] = method(masp.ceil)

    return new_class('RoundableMixin', exec_body=exec_body)
Example #45
def named_tuple(classname, fieldnames):
    cls_dict = {
        name: property(operator.itemgetter(n))
        for n, name in enumerate(fieldnames)

    def __new__(cls, *args):
        if len(args) != len(fieldnames):
            raise TypeError('Expected {} arguments'.format(len(fieldnames)))
        return tuple.__new__(cls, args)

    cls_dict['__new__'] = __new__

    cls = types.new_class(classname, (tuple, ), {},
                          lambda ns: ns.update(cls_dict))
    cls.__module__ = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']
    return cls
Example #46
    def __rshift__(self, other):
        from . import datatype

        if isinstance(self, parametrized):
            bases = (Generic[self.parameters], )
            bases = tuple()

        cls = new_class(
            exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update(__annotations__=other.

        return datatype(cls)
Example #47
def create_class(name, attr_defs):
    Return class from *name* and *attr_defs* dictionary.
    Do the same thing as instruction:
    class X(metaclass=Class):
        a1 = Att(int, 1)
        a2 = float
    with *name* = 'X' and *attr_defs* = {'a1': Att(int, 1), 'a2': Att(float)}
    see Class and Att definitions.
    meta = {'metaclass': Class}

    def update(clsdic):
        for att, val in attr_defs.items():
            clsdic[att] = val

    return types.new_class(name, kwds=meta, exec_body=update)
Example #48
    def __call__(*args, **params):
        assert 1 <= len(args) <= 2
        cls = args[0]

        if len(args) == 1 and not params:
            loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader
            ts = unittest.TestSuite()
            for test_case in sorted(cls.__test_cases,
            return ts

        name = args[1] if len(args) == 2 else None
        if name is None:
            name = ','.join('{}={}'.format(k, v)
                            for k, v in sorted(params.items()))
            name = name.replace('%', '%{}'.format(ord('%'))).replace(
                '.', '%{}'.format(ord('.')))
        assert '.' not in name
        assert not hasattr(cls, name), 'duplicate test name'

        def setUp(self):
            for k, v in params.items():
                setattr(self, k, v)
            return cls.__base.setUp(self)

        def populate(ns):
            for k, v in vars(cls.__base).items():
                enable_if = getattr(v, '_parametrize_enable_if', None)
                if enable_if and not enable_if(**params):
                    ns[k] = None
                      __qualname__=cls.__qualname__ + ':' + name,
            return ns

        TestCase = types.new_class(name, (cls.__base, ), exec_body=populate)

        # Add `TestCase` as `name` to this collection.
        setattr(cls, name, TestCase)
        # Trick `unittest.loader.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule` into finding
        # this test case.
        setattr(sys.modules[cls.__module__], cls.__qualname__ + ':' + name,
Example #49
def specialize_class(cls, kind, base=None, **kwargs):
    # XXX Support passing in submodule names--load (and cache) them?
    # That would clean up the test modules a bit more.
    if base is None:
        base = unittest.TestCase
    elif not isinstance(base, type):
        base = base[kind]
    name = '{}_{}'.format(kind, cls.__name__)
    bases = (cls, base)
    specialized = types.new_class(name, bases)
    specialized.__module__ = cls.__module__
    specialized._NAME = cls.__name__
    specialized._KIND = kind
    for attr, values in kwargs.items():
        value = values[kind]
        setattr(specialized, attr, value)
    return specialized
def create_deferred_base_class(name, fields={}, meta={}, polymorphic=False):
    metaclass = deferred.ForeignKeyBuilder
    model_class = models.Model

    if polymorphic:
        metaclass = deferred.PolymorphicForeignKeyBuilder
        model_class = PolymorphicModel

    meta.setdefault('app_label', 'foo')
    meta.setdefault('abstract', True)
    Meta = type(str('Meta'), (), meta)
    cls_dict = dict(Meta=Meta,
    return new_class(name, (model_class, ), {'metaclass': metaclass},
                     lambda attrs: attrs.update(cls_dict))
Example #51
def object_deserialization(
    func: Callable[..., T],
    *input_class_modifiers: Callable[[type], Any],
    parameters_metadata: Mapping[str, Mapping] = None,
) -> Any:
    fields = parameters_as_fields(func, parameters_metadata)
    types = get_type_hints(func, include_extras=True)
    if "return" not in types:
        raise TypeError("Object deserialization must be typed")
    return_type = types["return"]
    bases = ()
    if getattr(return_type, "__parameters__", ()):
        bases = (Generic[return_type.__parameters__], )  # type: ignore
    elif func.__name__ != "<lambda>":
        input_class_modifiers = (

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    input_cls = new_class(
        exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update({"__init__": __init__}),
    for modifier in input_class_modifiers:
    set_object_fields(input_cls, fields)
    if any(f.additional_properties for f in fields):
        kwargs_param = next(f.name for f in fields if f.additional_properties)

        def wrapper(input):
            kwargs = input.kwargs.copy()
            return func(**kwargs)


        def wrapper(input):
            return func(**input.kwargs)

    wrapper.__annotations__["input"] = input_cls
    wrapper.__annotations__["return"] = return_type
    return wrapper
Example #52
def create_card(data, name, card_type, cls_dict_others=None):
    """Internal function to create a card, called by other creators."""

    assert 'id' in data, 'Data must contain value of key "id".'

    if name is None:
        if 'name' in data:
            name = data['name']
            name = '{}_{}'.format(card_type.__name__, data['id'])

    cls_dict = {'data': data}

    if cls_dict_others is not None:

    return new_class(name, (card_type, ), {}, lambda ns: ns.update(cls_dict))
Example #53
def define(_doc=None, **funcs):
    Define protocol.

    :return protocol object with functions defined
    :param _doc: protocol documentation
    :param funcs: map from funtion name to its documentation
    def fill_class(ns):
        ns['__doc__'] = _doc
        ns['_protocol_functions'] = funcs
            f_name: staticmethod(_def_disp_function(f_name, f_doc))
            for f_name, f_doc in funcs.items()
        return ns
    return types.new_class('Protocol', exec_body=fill_class)
Example #54
    def test_metaclass_derivation(self):
        # issue1294232: correct metaclass calculation
        new_calls = []  # to check the order of __new__ calls
        class AMeta(type):
            def __new__(mcls, name, bases, ns):
                return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, ns)
            def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases):
                return {}

        class BMeta(AMeta):
            def __new__(mcls, name, bases, ns):
                return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, ns)
            def __prepare__(mcls, name, bases):
                ns = super().__prepare__(name, bases)
                ns['BMeta_was_here'] = True
                return ns

        A = types.new_class("A", (), {"metaclass": AMeta})
        self.assertEqual(new_calls, ['AMeta'])

        B = types.new_class("B", (), {"metaclass": BMeta})
        # BMeta.__new__ calls AMeta.__new__ with super:
        self.assertEqual(new_calls, ['BMeta', 'AMeta'])

        C = types.new_class("C", (A, B))
        # The most derived metaclass is BMeta:
        self.assertEqual(new_calls, ['BMeta', 'AMeta'])
        # BMeta.__prepare__ should've been called:
        self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', C.__dict__)

        # The order of the bases shouldn't matter:
        C2 = types.new_class("C2", (B, A))
        self.assertEqual(new_calls, ['BMeta', 'AMeta'])
        self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', C2.__dict__)

        # Check correct metaclass calculation when a metaclass is declared:
        D = types.new_class("D", (C,), {"metaclass": type})
        self.assertEqual(new_calls, ['BMeta', 'AMeta'])
        self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', D.__dict__)

        E = types.new_class("E", (C,), {"metaclass": AMeta})
        self.assertEqual(new_calls, ['BMeta', 'AMeta'])
        self.assertIn('BMeta_was_here', E.__dict__)
Example #55
def configure(conf, spec, *, create_properties=True, converters=None, **kwargs):
    """For an explanation see the :doc:`intro`.

    :param conf: the configuration
    :type conf: :term:`path-like object` or :term:`text file` opened for reading
                or :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` object
    :param spec: the specification
    :type spec: :term:`path-like object` or :term:`text file` opened for reading
                or ``None``
    :param bool create_properties: if ``True`` properties will be created, else
                                   only item access with [sec,opt] can be used
    :param dict converters: same as the ``converters`` argument of
                            but used directly by this function
    :param kwargs: arguments for the :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`
                   (ignored if ``conf`` is a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`
    :return: configuration object
    :rtype: Config
    :raises SpecError: if there is a problem with the specification
    :raises ConfigError: if there is a problem with the configuration
    :raises configparser.Error: from :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`
    cp = ConfigParser(**kwargs)
    if spec is None:
        _read_conf(cp, conf)
        options = _without_spec(cp, create_properties, kwargs)
        spec_data = Spec(spec, converters if converters else {})
        tmp_cp = _check_fixed_opts(conf, spec_data.fixed_opts, kwargs)
        _read_conf(cp, tmp_cp)
        options = _with_spec(cp, create_properties, spec_data, kwargs)

    def cls_cb(ns):
        ns['__module__'] = __name__
        if create_properties:
            for key, data in options.items():
                ns[data.name] = property(create_getter(key),
                                         None if data.ro
                                         else create_setter(key),

    C = types.new_class('Config', (Config,), {}, cls_cb)
    return C(options, create_properties, kwargs)
Example #56
def make_cls(
    name: str,
    base: Type[proxy_base[T]] = None,
    include: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> Type:
  Produces a new class that is the same as #proxy but does not inherit
  from it. Members can be specifically included and excluded with the
  *include*/*exclude* arguments.

  If *base* is not specified, it defaults to the #proxy class.

    if base is None:
        base = cast(Type[proxy[T]], proxy)

    mro = base.__mro__
    if proxy_base not in base.__mro__:
        raise TypeError('base must be subclass of proxy_base')

    # We only want to copy the members starting with the #proxy_base class.
    members = {}
    for cls in reversed(mro[:mro.index(proxy_base) + 1]):

    filtered_members = {}
    for key, value in members.items():
        take = False
        if include is not None and key in include:
            take = True
        elif include is None and (key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__')
                                  or key == '_get_current_object'):
            take = True
        if exclude is not None and key in exclude:
            take = False
        if key in ['__name__', '__weakref__', '__module__', '__doc__'] \
            and (not include or key not in include):
            take = False
        if take:
            filtered_members[key] = value

    return types.new_class(
        name, (Generic[T], ),
        exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update(filtered_members))  # type: ignore
def auto_class_factory(name,
    # Create a new class with the right name from the base class
    new_class = types.new_class(name, (_BaseAutoModelClass, ))
    new_class._model_mapping = model_mapping
    class_docstring = insert_head_doc(CLASS_DOCSTRING, head_doc=head_doc)
    new_class.__doc__ = class_docstring.replace("BaseAutoModelClass", name)

    # Now we need to copy and re-register `from_config` and `from_pretrained` as class methods otherwise we can't
    # have a specific docstrings for them.
    from_config = copy_func(_BaseAutoModelClass.from_config)
    from_config_docstring = insert_head_doc(FROM_CONFIG_DOCSTRING,
    from_config_docstring = from_config_docstring.replace(
        "BaseAutoModelClass", name)
    from_config_docstring = from_config_docstring.replace(
        "checkpoint_placeholder", checkpoint_for_example)
    from_config.__doc__ = from_config_docstring
    from_config = replace_list_option_in_docstrings(
        model_mapping, use_model_types=False)(from_config)
    new_class.from_config = classmethod(from_config)

    if name.startswith("TF"):
        from_pretrained_docstring = FROM_PRETRAINED_TF_DOCSTRING
    elif name.startswith("Flax"):
        from_pretrained_docstring = FROM_PRETRAINED_FLAX_DOCSTRING
        from_pretrained_docstring = FROM_PRETRAINED_TORCH_DOCSTRING
    from_pretrained = copy_func(_BaseAutoModelClass.from_pretrained)
    from_pretrained_docstring = insert_head_doc(from_pretrained_docstring,
    from_pretrained_docstring = from_pretrained_docstring.replace(
        "BaseAutoModelClass", name)
    from_pretrained_docstring = from_pretrained_docstring.replace(
        "checkpoint_placeholder", checkpoint_for_example)
    shortcut = checkpoint_for_example.split("/")[-1].split("-")[0]
    from_pretrained_docstring = from_pretrained_docstring.replace(
        "shortcut_placeholder", shortcut)
    from_pretrained.__doc__ = from_pretrained_docstring
    from_pretrained = replace_list_option_in_docstrings(model_mapping)(
    new_class.from_pretrained = classmethod(from_pretrained)
    return new_class
Example #58
def mathops_mixin(conv: Conv,
                  types: TypeArg = None,
                  names: Any = None) -> Type[Complex]:
    """Mixin class to mimic arithmetic number types.

    Defines the arithmetic operators `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `**`, `==`, `!=` and
    the functions `pow`, `abs`. Operators `//`, `%` are in `rounder_mixin`,
    operators `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=` are in `ordered_mixin` and `<<`, `>>`, `&`,
    `^`, `|`, `~` are in `bit_twiddle_mixin`.

    conv : Callable
        Function used to convert a tuple of inputs.
    types : Type or Tuple[Type] or None, optional
        The types of output that will be converted. By default `None -> Number`
    names : Any, optional
        namespace with function attributes: {'eq', `ne`, `add`, `sub`, `mul`,
        `truediv`, `pow`, `neg`, `pos`, `abs`}. By default `None -> operator`.

    You must call `set_objclasses(class)` after defining the `class`.
    The `__objclass__` attribute is needed to convert the outputs back.
    names = default(names, operator)
    method_in = in_method_wrapper(conv)
    method = one_method_wrapper(conv, types)
    ops = opr_methods_wrapper(conv, types)

    def exec_body(nsp: dict) -> None:
        """Mixin class to mimic arithmetic number types.
        nsp['__eq__'] = method_in(names.eq)
        nsp['__ne__'] = method_in(names.ne)
        nsp['__add__'], nsp['__radd__'] = ops(names.add)
        nsp['__sub__'], nsp['__rsub__'] = ops(names.sub)
        nsp['__mul__'], nsp['__rmul__'] = ops(names.mul)
        nsp['__truediv__'], nsp['__rtruediv__'] = ops(names.truediv)
        nsp['__pow__'], nsp['__rpow__'] = ops(names.pow)
        nsp['__neg__'] = method(names.neg)
        nsp['__pos__'] = method(names.pos)
        nsp['__abs__'] = method(names.abs)

    return new_class('ArithmeticMixin', exec_body=exec_body)
Example #59
def recursiveCopyUnproblematic(ontologyClass, ontologyParrent):
    found = False
    for rel in relations:
        if rel[0].upper() == ontologyClass.__name__.upper(
        ) and rel[1] != "includes":
            found = True
        if rel[2].upper() == ontologyClass.__name__.upper(
        ) and rel[1] != "is_included":
            found = True
    if found == False:
        with resultOntology:
            NewClass = types.new_class(ontologyClass.__name__,
                                       (ontologyParrent, ), {})
        for ontologySubclass in ontologyClass.subclasses():
            if not ontologySubclass.__name__ == ontologyClass.__name__:
                recursiveCopyUnproblematic(ontologySubclass, NewClass)