Example #1
def compute_avoid():
    vec1 = Vector2()
    direction = Vector2()
    for point in obstacle:
        vec1.x = robot2[0] - point[0]
        vec1.y = robot2[1] - point[1]
        distance = vec1.norm()  #magnitude of vector = length
        vec1 = vec1 / distance  #convert vec1 to unit vector
        vec1 = vec1 / distance  #magnitude in opposite direction is inversely proportional to distance btw robots
        direction += vec1
    #print("avoid: ", direction)
    return direction
Example #2
def compute_separation(nearest_agents):
    #Find distance between neighboring agents
    vec1 = Vector2()
    direction = Vector2()
    for agent in nearest_agents:
        vec1.x = robot2[0] - agent[0]
        vec1.y = robot2[1] - agent[1]
        distance = vec1.norm()  #magnitude of vector = length
        vec1 = vec1 / distance  #convert vec1 to unit vector
        vec1 = vec1 / distance  #magnitude in opposite direction is inversely proportional to distance btw robots
        direction += vec1
    #print("separation: ", direction)
    return direction
Example #3
    def __init__(self, initial_velocity_x, initial_velocity_y, wait_count,
                 start_count, frequency):
        self.position = Vector2()
        self.velocity = Vector2()
        self.mass = 1.0  # Mass of robot in kilograms
        self.wait_count = wait_count  # Waiting time before starting
        self.start_count = start_count  # Time during which initial velocity is being sent
        self.frequency = frequency  # Control loop frequency

        # Set initial velocity
        self.initial_velocity = Twist()
        self.initial_velocity.linear.x = 0.0
        self.initial_velocity.linear.y = 0.0
Example #4
    def compute_alignment(self, nearest_agents):
        mean_velocity = Vector2()
        steer = Vector2()
        # Find mean direction of neighboring agents.
        for agent in nearest_agents:
            agent_velocity = get_agent_velocity(agent)
            mean_velocity += agent_velocity
        print("alignment*:   %s", mean_velocity)

        # Steer toward calculated mean direction with maximum velocity.
        if nearest_agents:
            steer = mean_velocity - self.velocity
        return steer
Example #5
    def compute_alignment(self, nearest_agents):
        """Return alignment component."""
        mean_velocity = Vector2()
        steer = Vector2()
        # Find mean velocity of neighboring agents
        for agent in nearest_agents:
            agent_velocity = get_agent_velocity(agent)
            mean_velocity += agent_velocity

        # Steer toward calculated mean velocity
        if nearest_agents:
            steer = mean_velocity - self.velocity
        return steer
Example #6
    def compute_avoids(self, avoids):
        Return avoid component.

        This rule consists of two components. The first is active for all
        obstacles within range and depends on agent's distance from obstacle as
        well as its aproach angle. Force is maximum when agent approaches the
        obstacle head-on and minimum if obstacle is to the side of an agent.
        Second component depends only on distance and only obstacles closer than
        avoid_radius are taken into account. This is to ensure minimal distance
        from obstacles at all times.
        main_direction = Vector2()
        safety_direction = Vector2()
        count = 0

        # Calculate repulsive force for each obstacle in sight.
        for obst in avoids:
            obst_position = get_obst_position(obst)
            d = obst_position.norm()
            obst_position *= -1  # Make vector point away from obstacle.
            obst_position.normalize()  # Normalize to get only direction.
            # Additionally, if obstacle is very close...
            if d < self.avoid_radius:
                # Scale lineary so that there is no force when agent is on the
                # edge of minimum avoiding distance and force is maximum if the
                # distance from the obstacle is zero.
                safety_scaling = -2 * self.max_force / self.avoid_radius * d + 2 * self.max_force
                safety_direction += obst_position * safety_scaling
                count += 1

            # For all other obstacles: scale with inverse square law.
            obst_position = obst_position / (self.avoid_scaling * d**2)
            main_direction += obst_position

        if avoids:
            # Calculate the approach vector.
            a = angle_diff(self.old_heading, main_direction.arg() + 180)
            # We mustn't allow scaling to be negative.
            side_scaling = max(math.cos(math.radians(a)), 0)
            # Divicde by number of obstacles to get average.
            main_direction = main_direction / len(avoids) * side_scaling
            safety_direction /= count

        rospy.logdebug("avoids*:      %s", main_direction)
        # Final force is sum of two componets.
        # Force is not limited so this rule has highest priority.
        return main_direction + safety_direction
Example #7
def compute_migration():
    #Find vector pointing to migration point
    migration_point = Vector2()
    migration_point.x = pos_leaderx - pos_robot2x
    migration_point.y = pos_leadery - pos_robot2y
    print("migration*:   %s", migration_point)
    return migration_point
Example #8
def compute_migration():
    #Find vector pointing to migration point
    migration_point = Vector2()
    migration_point.x = leader[0] - robot2[0]
    migration_point.y = leader[1] - robot2[1]
    #print("migration*:   %s", migration_point)
    return migration_point
Example #9
def compute_migration():
    #Find vector pointing to migration point
    migration_point = Vector2()
    migration_point.x = pos_leaderx - pos_robot3x
    migration_point.y = pos_leadery - pos_robot3y
    print('migration: ', migration_point)
    return migration_point
Example #10
def compute_velocity():
    nearest_agents = compute_nearest_agents()
    if not nearest_agents:
        vel = Twist()
        vel.linear.x = 0
        vel.linear.y = 0
        return vel

    # Compute all the components.
    alignment = compute_alignment(nearest_agents)
    cohesion = compute_cohesion(nearest_agents)
    separation = compute_separation(nearest_agents)
    migration = compute_migration()
    avoid = compute_avoid()

    alignment_factor = 0.2
    cohesion_factor = 0.3
    separation_factor = 0.6
    migration_factor = 0.6
    avoid_factor = 1.4

    # Add components together and limit the output.
    velocity = Vector2()
    velocity += alignment * alignment_factor
    velocity += cohesion * cohesion_factor
    velocity += separation * separation_factor
    velocity += migration * migration_factor
    velocity += avoid * avoid_factor

    # Return the the velocity as Twist message.
    vel = Twist()
    vel.linear.x = velocity.x
    vel.linear.y = velocity.y

    return vel
Example #11
    def compute_separation(self, nearest_agents):
        """Return separation component."""
        direction = Vector2()
        count = 0

        # Calculate repulsive force for each neighboring agent in sight.
        for agent in nearest_agents:
            agent_position = get_agent_position(agent)
            d = agent_position.norm()
            if d < self.crowd_radius:
                count += 1
                agent_position *= -1  # Make vector point away from other agent.
                agent_position.normalize()  # Normalize to get only direction.
                # Vector's magnitude is proportional to inverse square of the distance between agents.
                agent_position = agent_position / (self.separation_scaling *
                direction += agent_position

        if count:
            # Devide by number of close-by agents to get average force.
            direction /= count
                2 * self.max_force
            )  # 2 * max_force gives this rule a slight priority.
        rospy.logdebug("separation*:  %s", direction)
        return direction
Example #12
def compute_velocity():

    # Compute all the components.
    alignment = compute_alignment()
    cohesion = compute_cohesion()
    separation = compute_separation()
    migration = compute_migration()

    print("alignment: ", alignment)
    print("cohesion: ", cohesion)
    print("separation: ", separation)
    print("migration: ", migration)

    alignment_factor = 1.5
    cohesion_factor = 1.0
    separation_factor = 0.0
    migration_factor = 1.0

    # Add components together and limit the output.
    velocity = Vector2()
    velocity += alignment * alignment_factor
    velocity += cohesion * cohesion_factor
    velocity += separation * separation_factor
    velocity += migration * migration_factor

    print('velocity: ', velocity)

    # Return the the velocity as Twist message.
    vel = Twist()
    vel.linear.x = velocity.x
    vel.linear.y = velocity.y

    return vel
Example #13
    def compute_cohesion(self, nearest_agents):
        mean_position = Vector2()
        direction = Vector2()
        # Find mean position of neighboring agents.
        for agent in nearest_agents:
            agent_position = get_agent_position(agent)
            mean_position += agent_position

        # Apply force in the direction of calculated mean position.
        # Force is proportional to agents' distance from the mean.
        if nearest_agents:
            direction = mean_position / len(nearest_agents)
            print("cohesion*:    %s", direction)
            d = direction.norm()
            direction.set_mag((self.max_force * (d / self.search_radius)))
        return direction
Example #14
def compute_alignment():
    #Find mean direction of neighboring agents.
    mean_velocity = Vector2()
    mean_velocity.x = (vel_leaderx + vel_robot2x) / 2
    mean_velocity.y = (vel_leadery + vel_robot2y) / 2
    print('alignment: ', mean_velocity)
    return mean_velocity
Example #15
 def createPolygon(self, points, static=True):
     obj = GameObject.GameObject(self)
     ((x, y), vectors) = Polygon.getPolygonFromPoints(points)
     obj.transform.position = Vector2.Vector2(x, y)
     obj.collider = Collider.PolygonCollider(obj, 0, 0, vectors)
     obj.collider.static = static
     return obj
Example #16
def compute_velocity():

    leader[0] = pos_leaderx
    leader[1] = pos_leadery
    leader[2] = vel_leaderx
    leader[3] = vel_leadery

    robot2[0] = pos_robot2x
    robot2[1] = pos_robot2y
    robot2[2] = vel_robot2x
    robot2[3] = vel_robot2y

    robot3[0] = pos_robot3x
    robot3[1] = pos_robot3y
    robot3[2] = vel_robot3x
    robot3[3] = vel_robot3y

    #robot4[0] = pos_robot4x
    #robot4[1] = pos_robot4y
    #robot4[2] = vel_robot4x
    #robot4[3] = vel_robot4y

    all_agents[0] = leader
    all_agents[1] = robot2
    #all_agents[2] = robot4

    nearest_agents = compute_nearest_agents()

    # Compute all the components.
    alignment = compute_alignment(nearest_agents)
    cohesion = compute_cohesion(nearest_agents)
    separation = compute_separation(nearest_agents)
    migration = compute_migration()

    #print('alignment: ', alignment)
    #print('cohesion: ', cohesion)
    #print('separation: ', separation)
    #print('migration: ', migration)

    alignment_factor = 0.2
    cohesion_factor = 0.2
    separation_factor = 0.5
    migration_factor = 1

    # Add components together and limit the output.
    velocity = Vector2()
    velocity += alignment * alignment_factor
    velocity += cohesion * cohesion_factor
    velocity += separation * separation_factor
    velocity += migration * migration_factor

    #print('velocity: ', velocity)

    # Return the the velocity as Twist message.
    vel = Twist()
    vel.linear.x = velocity.x
    vel.linear.y = velocity.y

    return vel
Example #17
def compute_alignment(nearest_agents):
    #Find mean direction of neighboring agents.
    mean_velocity = Vector2()
    for agent in nearest_agents:
        mean_velocity.x += agent[2]
        mean_velocity.y += agent[3]
    mean_velocity.x = mean_velocity.x / len(nearest_agents)
    mean_velocity.y = mean_velocity.y / len(nearest_agents)
    return mean_velocity
Example #18
    def compute_cohesion(self, nearest_agents):
        """Return cohesion component."""
        mean_position = Vector2()
        steer = Vector2()
        # Find mean position of neighboring agents
        for agent in nearest_agents:
            agent_position = get_agent_position(agent)
            mean_position += agent_position
        direction = mean_position / len(nearest_agents)

        # Steer toward calculated mean position
        # Force is proportional to agents distance from mean
        d = direction.norm()
        if d > 0:
            direction.set_mag(self.max_speed * (d / self.search_radius))
            steer = direction - self.velocity
        return steer
Example #19
 def createCircGameObject(self, x, y, r, riged=True, trigger=False):
     obj = GameObject.GameObject(self)
     obj.transform.position = Vector2.Vector2(x, y)
     col = Collider.CircleCollider(obj, 0, 0, r)
     col.isTrigger = trigger
     if riged:
     return obj
Example #20
def compute_cohesion():
    #Find mean position of neighboring agents.
    mean_position = Vector2()
    mean_position.x = (pos_leaderx + pos_robot2x) / 2
    mean_position.y = (pos_leadery + pos_robot2y) / 2
    mean_position.x -= pos_robot3x
    mean_position.y -= pos_robot3y
    print('cohesion: ', mean_position)
    return mean_position
Example #21
    def compute_avoids(self, avoids):
        """Return avoid component."""
        direction = Vector2()
        steer = Vector2()
        # Find mean position of obstacles
        for obst in avoids:
            obst_position = get_obst_position(obst)
            d = obst_position.norm()
            obst_position *= -1  # Make vector point away from obstacle
            obst_position.normalize()  # Normalize to get only direction
            # Vector's magnitude is reciprocal to distance between agents
            obst_position /= d
            direction += obst_position

        # Steer away from calculated mean position
        if avoids:
            steer = direction - self.velocity
        return steer
Example #22
def compute_separation():
    #Find distance between neighboring agents
    vec1 = Vector2()
    vec1.x = pos_robot2x - pos_leaderx
    vec1.y = pos_robot2y - pos_leadery
    distance = vec1.norm() #magnitude of vector = length
    vec1 = vec1 / distance #convert vec1 to unit vector
    vec1 = vec1 / distance #magnitude in opposite direction is inversely proportional to distance btw robots  
    vec2 = Vector2()
    vec2.x = pos_robot2x - pos_robot3x
    vec2.y = pos_robot2y - pos_robot3y
    distance = vec2.norm() #magnitude of vector = length
    vec2 = vec2 / distance #convert vec1 to unit vector
    vec2 = vec2 / distance #magnitude in opposite direction is inversely proportional to distance btw robots 

    direction = Vector2()
    direction = vec1 + vec2
    print("separation: ", direction)
    return direction
Example #23
def compute_separation():
    #Find distance between neighboring agents
    vec1 = Vector2()
    vec1.x = pos_robot3x - pos_leaderx
    vec1.y = pos_robot3y - pos_leadery
    normal = vec1.norm()
    #distance = math.sqrt(pow(pos_robot3x-pos_robot3x, 2)+ pow(pos_leadery-pos_leadery, 2))
    vec1 = vec1 * normal

    vec2 = Vector2()
    vec2.x = pos_robot3x - pos_robot2x
    vec2.y = pos_robot3y - pos_robot2y
    normal = vec2.norm()
    #distance = math.sqrt(pow(pos_robot3x-pos_robot3x, 2) + pow(pos_robot2y-pos_robot2y,2))
    vec2 = vec2 * normal

    direction = Vector2()
    direction.x = -vec1.x - vec2.x
    direction.y = -vec1.y - vec2.y
    print('separation: ', direction)
    return direction
Example #24
def compute_cohesion(nearest_agents):
    #Find mean position of neighboring agents.
    mean_position = Vector2()
    for agent in nearest_agents:
        mean_position.x = agent[0]
        mean_position.y = agent[1]
    mean_position.x = mean_position.x / len(nearest_agents)
    mean_position.y = mean_position.x / len(nearest_agents)
    mean_position.x -= robot2[0]
    mean_position.y -= robot2[1]
    #print("cohesion: ", mean_position)
    return mean_position
Example #25
    def __init__(self, initial_velocity_x, initial_velocity_y, wait_count, start_count, frequency):
        """Create an empty boid and update parameters."""
        self.position = Vector2()
        self.velocity = Vector2()
        self.mass = 0.18                # Mass of Sphero robot in kilograms
        self.wait_count = wait_count    # Waiting time before starting
        self.start_count = start_count  # Time during which initial velocity is being sent
        self.frequency = frequency      # Control loop frequency

        # Set initial velocity
        self.initial_velocity = Twist()
        self.initial_velocity.linear.x = initial_velocity_x
        self.initial_velocity.linear.y = initial_velocity_y

        # # Initialize moving average filters.
        # self.x_filter = MAFilter(3)
        # self.y_filter = MAFilter(3)

        # This dictionary holds values of each flocking components and is used
        # to pass them to the visualization markers publisher.
        self.viz_components = {}
Example #26
    def compute_arrival(self, pose_x, pose_y, my_agent):
        #definiram publisher(topic tipa Twist)
        #definiram node anonymous=True da nebi imao vise istih nodova
        velocity_arrival = Vector2()
        radius = self.arrival_radius
        target_offset_x = pose_x - get_agent_position(my_agent).x
        target_offset_y = pose_y - get_agent_position(my_agent).y
        ramped_speed_x = self.max_force * (target_offset_x / radius)
        ramped_speed_y = self.max_force * (target_offset_y / radius)
        velocity_arrival.x = min(ramped_speed_x, self.max_force)
        velocity_arrival.y = min(ramped_speed_y, self.max_force)

        return velocity_arrival
Example #27
    def compute_separation(self, nearest_agents):
        """Return separation component."""
        direction = Vector2()
        steer = Vector2()
        count = 0
        # Find mean position of neighboring agents
        for agent in nearest_agents:
            agent_position = get_agent_position(agent)
            if agent_position.norm() < self.crowd_radius:
                count += 1
                d = agent_position.norm()
                agent_position *= -1  # Make vector point away from other agent
                agent_position.normalize()  # Normalize to get only direction
                # Vector's magnitude is reciprocal to distance between agents
                agent_position /= d
                direction += agent_position

        # Steer away from calculated mean position
        if count:
            steer = direction - self.velocity
        return steer
Example #28
 def __init__(self, main, size, gravity=Vector2.Vector2()):
     size = (main.screen.get_width(), main.screen.get_height())
     self.terrain = Terrain.Terrain(main.resources, size, self)
     self.phyEng = PhysEng.PhysEng()
     self.objects = []
     self.toRemove = []
     self.gravity = gravity
     self.main = main
     self.reset = False
     self.load = False
     self.objs = []
     self.map_file = []
     self.name = "world"
     self.music = []
     self.size = size
Example #29
def visualizeColorMap(mapGraph, picSize):
    mapSize = mapGraph.getMapSize()
    pict = pg.Surface((mapSize.a, mapSize.b))
    nodes = mapGraph.getNodes()

    for x in range(mapSize.a):
        for y in range(mapSize.b):
            mapPos = Vector2(x, y)
                (x, y),
                    key=lambda n: abs(n.pos - mapPos)).getObject().getColor())

    pict = pg.transform.scale(pict, (picSize.a, picSize.b))

    return pict
Example #30
 def __init__ (self):
     self.fullscreen = True
     self.INIT = True
     self.resources = Resources.Resources() 
     if not hasattr(self, 'World'):
         self.world = World.World(self, self.RESOLUTION, Vector2.Vector2(0, 0))
     self.fps = 0
     self.fps_time = 0
     self.delta = 0