Example #1
def errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr=1.0, radius=1.0):
    #print "errors per image"
    #  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
    #  Find errors per image
    ll = len(params)
    nn = len(params[0])
    perr = [None] * nn
    for k in xrange(nn):
        nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        r1, r2, r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0], avgtrans[k][1])
        sacos = 0.0
        sder = 0.0
        ser3 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(ll):
            #print i,fifi[i]
            d = max_3D_pixel_error(params[i][k], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
            #if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
            ser3 += d
            n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][k][0], params[i][k][1])
            sacos += lacos(n1 * r1 + n2 * r2 + n3 * r3)
            sder += pixel_error_2D(params[i][k][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r=1.0)
        # average deviation in radians
        sacos /= ll
        sare = tan(sacos)
        sder /= ll
        ser3 /= ll
        #print  k, ser3, sare, sder
        perr[k] = [ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

    #write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
    #perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
    return perr
Example #2
def errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr=1.0, radius = 1.0):
	#print "errors per image"
	#  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
	#  Find errors per image
	ll = len(params)
	nn = len(params[0])
	perr = [None]*nn
	for k in xrange(nn):
		nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
		r1,r2,r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0],avgtrans[k][1])
		sacos = 0.0
		sder = 0.0
		ser3 = 0.0
		for i in xrange(ll):
			#print i,fifi[i]
			d = max_3D_pixel_error(params[i][k], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
			#if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
			ser3 += d
			n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][k][0],params[i][k][1])
			sacos += acos( min(1.0, n1*r1+n2*r2+n3*r3) )
			sder += pixel_error_2D(params[i][k][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r = 1.0)
		# average deviation in radians
		sacos /= ll
		sare   = tan(sacos)
		sder  /= ll
		ser3  /= ll
		#print  k, ser3, sare, sder
		perr[k] = [ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

	#write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
	#perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
	return perr
Example #3
def average_trans(params):
    #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
    from utilities import getfvec
    from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
    from math import sqrt, degrees, radians, acos
    nn = lem(params[0])
    avgtrans = [None] * nn
    pixer = [0.0] * nn
    for j in xrange(nn):
        nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        if (sym == 1):
            #pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
            for i in xrange(ll):
                n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0], params[i][j][1])
                nas[0] += n1
                nas[1] += n2
                nas[2] += n3
            m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0], params[0][j][1])
            nas[0] = m1
            nas[1] = m2
            nas[2] = m3
            for i in xrange(1, ll):
                qnom = -1.e10
                for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                    t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0] + j * qsym,
                    nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                    if (nom > qnom):
                        qnom = nom
                        n1 = t1
                        n2 = t2
                        n3 = t3
                    #if(k == 2):
                    #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                nas[0] += n1
                nas[1] += n2
                nas[2] += n3
                print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
            #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

        nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

        if (nom < 1.e-6):
            nphi = 0.0
            ntheta = 0.0
            ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
            if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) - 180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

        #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
        twod = average2dtransform([params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
        avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]
    return avgtrans
Example #4
def average_trans(params):
	#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
	from utilities import getfvec
	from pixel_error import max_3D_pixel_error
	from math import sqrt, degrees, radians, acos
	nn = lem(params[0])
	avgtrans = [None]*nn
	pixer   = [0.0]*nn
	for j in xrange(nn):
		nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
		if( sym == 1):
			#pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
			for i in xrange(ll):
				n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0],params[i][j][1])
				nas[0] += n1
				nas[1] += n2
				nas[2] += n3
			m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0],params[0][j][1])
			nas[0] = m1
			nas[1] = m2
			nas[2] = m3
			for i in xrange(1,ll):
				qnom = -1.e10
				for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
					t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0]+j*qsym,params[i][j][1])
					nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
					if(nom > qnom):
						qnom = nom
					#if(k == 2):
					#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
				nas[0] += n1
				nas[1] += n2
				nas[2] += n3
				print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
			#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

		nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

		if(nom < 1.e-6):
			nphi   = 0.0
			ntheta = 0.0
			ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
			if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
			else:                       nphi   =  degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

		#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
		twod = average2dtransform([params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
		avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]
	return avgtrans
Example #5
def errors_per_image_original(nn,
    #print "errors per image"
    #  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
    #  Find errors per image
    #  Find outliers, remove them, repeat calculations
    perr = [None] * nn
    for k in xrange(nn):
        lin = k // (nn // 4)
        fifi = []
        for j in xrange(6):
            if (asi[lin][j] != -10):
                #print  " fff  ",k,lin,j,asi[lin][j],qt[j][k]
        assert (len(fifi) == 3)
        nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        r1, r2, r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0], avgtrans[k][1])
        sacos = 0.0
        sder = 0.0
        ser3 = 0.0
        for i in xrange(3):
            #print i,fifi[i]
            d = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[i], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
            #if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
            ser3 += d
            n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0], fifi[i][1])
            sacos += lacos(n1 * r1 + n2 * r2 + n3 * r3)
            sder += pixel_error_2D(fifi[i][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r=1.0)
        # average deviation in radians
        sacos /= 3.0
        sare = tan(sacos)
        sder /= 3.0
        ser3 /= 3
        #print  k, ser3, sare, sder
        perr[k] = [k, ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

    #write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
    perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
    return perr
Example #6
def errors_per_image_original(nn, qt, asi, avgtrans, thresherr=1.0, radius = 1.0):
	#print "errors per image"
	#  We have average parameters and transformed parameters
	#  Find errors per image
	#  Find outliers, remove them, repeat calculations
	perr = [None]*nn
	for k in xrange(nn):
		lin = k//(nn//4)
		fifi = []
		for j in xrange(6):
			if(asi[lin][j] != -10):
				#print  " fff  ",k,lin,j,asi[lin][j],qt[j][k]
		assert(len(fifi) == 3)
		nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
		r1,r2,r3 = getfvec(avgtrans[k][0],avgtrans[k][1])
		sacos = 0.0
		sder = 0.0
		ser3 = 0.0
		for i in xrange(3):
			#print i,fifi[i]
			d = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[i], avgtrans[k], r=radius)
			#if(d>10.):  print  "  LARGE ERROR",k,i,d,fifi[i], avgtrans[k]
			ser3 += d
			n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0],fifi[i][1])
			sacos += acos(min(1.0,n1*r1+n2*r2+n3*r3))
			sder += pixel_error_2D(fifi[i][2:], avgtrans[k][2:], r = 1.0)
		# average deviation in radians
		sacos /= 3.0
		sare   = tan(sacos)
		sder  /= 3.0
		ser3  /= 3
		#print  k, ser3, sare, sder
		perr[k] = [k, ser3, sacos, sare, sder]

	#write_text_row(perr, 'per.txt')
	perr = [perr[k][1] <= thresherr for k in xrange(nn)]
	return perr
Example #7
def main():
    arglist = []
    for arg in sys.argv:

    progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
    usage = progname + " stack outdir --phase=1 --ou=outer_radius|sxconsistency.py --phase=3 newlocal/main000 --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms"
    parser = OptionParser(usage, version=SPARXVERSION)
        "Phase =1 prepares resampled stacks, =2 analyzes consistency of orientation parameters"
                      help="outer radius for calculation of pixel error")
                      help="symmetry of the refined structure")
        help="Threshold for accpetable orientation errors (in pixels)")
        help="Accuracy for checking whether parameters are identical")
                      help="Root of of four chunk files with indeces")
        help="Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])
    global_def.BATCH = True
    if options.phase == 1 and len(args) == 2:
        inputbdb = args[0]
        outdir = args[1]
        nn = EMUtil.get_image_count(inputbdb)
        t = range(nn)
        chunks = []
        for i in xrange(4):
            #  I use the MPI function here just to easily get the balanced load
            j, k = MPI_start_end(nn, 4, i)
            write_text_file(chunks[i], os.path.join(outdir,
                                                    'chunk%01d.txt' % i))

        del t
        write_text_file([len(chunks[i]) for i in xrange(4)],
                        os.path.join(outdir, 'chunklengths.txt'))
		pt = [[None]]*6
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				pt[ll] = chunks[i]+chunks[j]

		for i in xrange(6):
			listfile = os.path.join(outdir,'lili%01d.txt'%i)
			outbdb = "bdb:"+ os.path.join(outdir,"X%01d"%i)
			cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format('e2bdb.py', inputbdb, '--makevstack='+outbdb, '--list='+listfile)
			subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
        #  Run 6 programs

    elif options.phase == 2 and len(args) == 2:
        outdir = args[0]
        howmanythesame = args[1]
        ndigits = options.ndigits  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
        prms = []
        for i in xrange(6):
                    os.path.join(outdir, options.params + "%01d.txt" % i)))
            for j in xrange(len(prms[-1])):
                for k in xrange(5):
                    prms[-1][j][k] = round(prms[-1][j][k], ndigits)

        nn = 2 * len(prms[0])
        n4 = nn // 4
        qt = [[[-1.0]] * nn for i in xrange(6)]
        ll = 0
        for i in xrange(3):
            for j in xrange(i + 1, 4):
                qt[ll][i * n4:(i + 1) * n4] = prms[ll][:n4]
                qt[ll][j * n4:(j + 1) * n4] = prms[ll][n4:]
                ll += 1

        thesame = 0

        for ll in xrange(len(qt[0])):
            rw = []
            for j in xrange(6):
                if (len(qt[j][ll]) > 1): rw.append(qt[j][ll])
            isame = True
            for j in xrange(3):
                if (rw[0][j] != rw[1][j]):
                    isame = False
                    #print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[1][j]
                if (rw[0][j] != rw[2][j]):
                    isame = False
                    #print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[2][j]
            if isame: thesame += 1
        qt = float(thesame) / nn
        print("Proportion of the same orientations ", qt)
        write_text_file([qt], os.path.join(outdir, howmanythesame))

    #########     PHASE 3
    elif options.phase == 3 and len(args) == 2:
        outdir = args[0]
        outgrouparms = args[1]
        radius = options.ou
        thresherr = options.thresherr  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
        sym = int(options.sym[1:])
        qsym = 360.0 / sym

        blocks = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
        params = {}
        ll = 0
        for i in xrange(3):
            for j in xrange(i + 1, 4):
                params[chr(65 + i) + chr(48 + ll)] = []
                params[chr(65 + j) + chr(48 + ll)] = []
                ll += 1

        chunks = {}
        chunklengths = {}
        for i in xrange(4):
            chunks[chr(65 + i)] = map(
                    os.path.join(outdir, options.chunk + "%01d.txt" % i)))
            chunklengths[chr(65 + i)] = len(chunks[chr(65 + i)])

        for i in xrange(6):
            prms = read_text_row(
                os.path.join(outdir, options.params + "%01d.txt" % i))
            for q in blocks:
                if q + chr(48 + i) in params:
                    params[q + chr(48 + i)] = prms[:chunklengths[q]]
                    del prms[:chunklengths[q]]

        pairs = [["A0", "A1"], ["B3", "B4"], ["C1", "C5"], ["D2", "D4"]]
        lefts = ["A2", "B0", "C3", "D5"]

        #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
        avgtrans = {}
        pixer = {}
        for i, q in enumerate(pairs):
            avgtrans[q[0][0]] = [0.0] * chunklengths[q[0][0]]
            pixer[q[0][0]] = [0.0] * chunklengths[q[0][0]]
            for j in xrange(chunklengths[q[0][0]]):
                fifi = [params[q[0]][j], params[q[1]][j]]

                nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                if (sym == 1):
                    pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0],
                    for i in xrange(2):
                        n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0], fifi[i][1])
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                    m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(fifi[0][0], fifi[0][1])
                    nas[0] = m1
                    nas[1] = m2
                    nas[2] = m3
                    #if(k == 2):
                    #	print  "XXXX"
                    #	print fifi[0],nas
                    for i in xrange(1, 2):
                        qnom = -1.e10
                        for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                            t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0] + j * qsym,
                            nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                            if (nom > qnom):
                                qnom = nom
                                n1 = t1
                                n2 = t2
                                n3 = t3
                            #if(k == 2):
                            #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                        print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
                    #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!
                    pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0],

                nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

                if (nom < 1.e-6):
                    nphi = 0.0
                    ntheta = 0.0
                    ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
                    if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                        nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) -
                                180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                        nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

                #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
                twod = average2dtransform([fifi[0][2:], fifi[1][2:]])
                avgtrans[q[0][0]][j] = [
                    nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]

        perr = {}
        tgood = 0
        for q in blocks:
            perr[q] = [True] * chunklengths[q]
            for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                if (pixer[q][k] > thresherr): perr[q][k] = False
                if perr[q][k]: tgood += 1
            if (tgood < 4):
                    "  No good images within the pixel error threshold specified"
        print(" tgood ", tgood)
        hi = hist_list(
            [pixer[q][k] for q in blocks for k in xrange(chunklengths[q])], 16)
        for i in xrange(len(hi[0])):
            print("%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f " % (i, hi[0][i], hi[1][i]))
        #  Finished, store average orientation params and table of good images

        #  store lists of good images for each group
        #  blocks is indexed by first letter
        good = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
        bad = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
        for i, q in enumerate(blocks):
            for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                #deprt = max_3D_pixel_error(params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k],r=radius)
                if perr[q][k]:
                    #[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k] ])
                    #[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k]])
            write_text_file(good[i], os.path.join(outdir,
                                                  "newgood%01d.txt" % i))
            write_text_file(bad[i], os.path.join(outdir, "newbad%01d.txt" % i))

            #  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
            #  These parameters refer to the original X files.
            ll = 0
            for m in xrange(6):
                if q + chr(48 + m) in params:
                    prmsgood = []
                    prmsbad = []
                        j = lefts.index(q + chr(48 + m))
                        for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                            if perr[q][k]:
                                prmsgood.append(params[q + chr(48 + m)][k])
                                prmsbad.append(params[q + chr(48 + m)][k])
                        for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
                            if perr[q][k]:
                                     "params-newgood%01d%01d.txt" % (i, ll)))
                                     "params-newbad%01d%01d.txt" % (i, ll)))
                    ll += 1

        #  Generate newlili files from newgood, these contain original numbering of the total single file
        ll = 0
        for i in xrange(3):
            for j in xrange(i + 1, 4):
                write_text_file(good[i] + good[j],
                                os.path.join(outdir, "newlili%01d.txt" % ll))
                ll += 1

        #  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
        #  These parameters refer to the original X files.
        for i in xrange(6):
            prms = []
            for q in blocks:
                if q + chr(48 + i) in params:
                        j = lefts.index(q + chr(48 + i))
                        prms += params[q + chr(48 + i)]
                        prms += avgtrans[q]
                           os.path.join(outdir, outgrouparms + "%01d.txt" % i))

        #  Write chunklengths
        chunklengths = [len(good[i]) for i in xrange(4)]
        write_text_file(chunklengths, os.path.join(outdir, "chunklengths.txt"))
		#  We do not use consecutive numbering anymore
		#  Generate newx files from newgood, these contain consecutive (with gaps) numbering that allows to generate truncated X files from the previous X files
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			firstblock = []
			l = len(perr[blocks[i]])
			for k in xrange(l):
				if  perr[blocks[i]][k]:
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				secondblock = []
				for k in xrange(len(perr[blocks[j]])):
					if  perr[blocks[j]][k]:

				write_text_file( firstblock + secondblock, os.path.join(outdir,"goodX%01d.txt"%ll) )
				ll += 1
		del good,bad,firstblock,secondblock,perr
		0   1   2   3   4   5

		A   A   A   =   =   =
		B   =   =   B   B   =
		=   C   =   C   =   C
		=   =   D   =   D   D


    elif options.phase == 4 and len(args) == 1:
        outdir = args[0]
        bp = 'badparams'
        #outgrouparms= args[1]
        radius = options.ou
        thresherr = options.thresherr
        sym = int(options.sym[1:])
        qsym = 360.0 / sym
        #params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
        ll = 3  # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
        for jj in xrange(4):
            params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
            newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params + "%01d.txt" % jj))
            nn = len(newbad)
            for ii in xrange(ll):
                params[ii] = read_text_row(
                    os.path.join(outdir, bp + "%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))
                assert (nn == len(params[ii]))

            #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
            avgtrans = [None] * nn
            pixer = [0.0] * nn
            for j in xrange(nn):
                nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                if (sym == 1):
                    #pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
                    for i in xrange(ll):
                        n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0], params[i][j][1])
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                    m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0], params[0][j][1])
                    nas[0] = m1
                    nas[1] = m2
                    nas[2] = m3
                    for i in xrange(1, ll):
                        qnom = -1.e10
                        for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                            t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0] + j * qsym,
                            nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                            if (nom > qnom):
                                qnom = nom
                                n1 = t1
                                n2 = t2
                                n3 = t3
                            #if(k == 2):
                            #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                        print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
                    #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

                nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

                if (nom < 1.e-6):
                    nphi = 0.0
                    ntheta = 0.0
                    ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
                    if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                        nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) -
                                180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                        nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

                #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
                twod = average2dtransform(
                    [params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
                avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

            perr = errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius)
            rescued = []
            rejects = []
            for j in xrange(nn):
                #print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
                if (perr[j][0] <= thresherr): rescued.append([newbad[j], j])
                else: rejects.append([newbad[j], j])
            if (len(rescued) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
            #  We also have to write params.
            if (len(rescued) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rescued))
                                     "params-rescued%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))
            if (len(rejects) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                                            'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
                    rejects, os.path.join(outdir, 'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
            if (len(rejects) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rejects))
                                     "params-rejects%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))

            hi = hist_list([perr[j][0] for j in xrange(nn)], 16)
            print("Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ", chr(65 + jj))
            for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
                print("%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f " % (ii, hi[0][ii], hi[1][ii]))

    elif options.phase == 5 and len(args) == 1:
        #  This version is for meridien refinement.  There are simply three full sets of params.
        outdir = args[0]
        bp = 'badparams'
        #outgrouparms= args[1]
        radius = options.ou
        thresherr = options.thresherr
        sym = int(options.sym[1:])
        qsym = 360.0 / sym
        #params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
        ll = 3  # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
        for jj in xrange(1):
            params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
            #newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params+"%01d.txt"%jj) )
            #nn = len(newbad)
            for ii in xrange(ll):
                params[ii] = read_text_row(
                    os.path.join(outdir, "params%01d.txt" % (ii)))
                #assert(nn == len(params[ii]) )
            nn = len(params[0])
            newbad = range(nn)
            #  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
            avgtrans = [None] * nn
            pixer = [0.0] * nn
            for j in xrange(nn):
                nas = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                if (sym == 1):
                    #pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
                    for i in xrange(ll):
                        n1, n2, n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0], params[i][j][1])
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                    m1, m2, m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0], params[0][j][1])
                    nas[0] = m1
                    nas[1] = m2
                    nas[2] = m3
                    for i in xrange(1, ll):
                        qnom = -1.e10
                        for j in xrange(-1, 2, 1):
                            t1, t2, t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0] + j * qsym,
                            nom = t1 * m1 + t2 * m2 + t3 * m3
                            if (nom > qnom):
                                qnom = nom
                                n1 = t1
                                n2 = t2
                                n3 = t3
                            #if(k == 2):
                            #	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
                        nas[0] += n1
                        nas[1] += n2
                        nas[2] += n3
                        print(qnom, n1, n2, n3, nas)
                    #  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

                nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

                if (nom < 1.e-6):
                    nphi = 0.0
                    ntheta = 0.0
                    ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2] / nom)) % 360.0
                    if (sym > 1 and ntheta > 90.0):
                        nphi = (degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) -
                                180.0) % qsym + 180.0
                        nphi = degrees(atan2(nas[1], nas[0])) % qsym

                #print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
                twod = average2dtransform(
                    [params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
                avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

            write_text_row(avgtrans, os.path.join(outdir, "avgtrans.txt"))
            perr = errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius)
            rescued = []
            rejects = []
            for j in xrange(nn):
                #print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
                if (perr[j][0] <= thresherr): rescued.append([newbad[j], j])
                else: rejects.append([newbad[j], j])
            if (len(rescued) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
                               os.path.join(outdir, "rescued%01d.txt" % jj))
            #  We also have to write params.
            if (len(rescued) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rescued))
                                     "params-rescued%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))
            if (len(rejects) == 0):
                write_text_row([-1, -1],
                                            'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
                    rejects, os.path.join(outdir, 'rejects' + "%01d.txt" % jj))
            if (len(rejects) != 0):
                for ii in xrange(ll):
                            for k in xrange(len(rejects))
                                     "params-rejects%01d%01d.txt" % (jj, ii)))

            hi = hist_list([perr[j][0] for j in xrange(nn)], 16)
            print("Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ", chr(65 + jj))
            for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
                print("%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f " % (ii, hi[0][ii], hi[1][ii]))

        print("Usage: ")
		Phase 1:   sxconsistency.py  --phase=1  bdb:data  outdir
			output files are:
			  in directory outdir: lili0.txt to lili5.txt contain indices of images in resampled six groups
			  bdb:dataX0 to bdb:dataX5 are metafiles containing six resampled groups of images derived from bdb:data

		Phase 2    sxconsistency.py  --phase=2  outdir  --ndigits=1  --params=paramsb howmanythesame.txt
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
				howmanythesame.txt - contains one number, a ratio of number of images  that did not change orientations
				                                            to the total number of images

		Phase 3:   sxconsistency.py --phase=3 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
			  outgrouparms*.txt - Root of of six parameters files with average 3D orientation parameters computed from six runs, can be imported into bdb:data
                   The next two files contain the original image numbers refering to the top bdb.
			  outdir/newgood.txt    - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are below specified thresherr (to be kept)
			  outdir/bad.txt        - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are above specified thresherr (to be rejected)

		Phase 4:   sxconsistency.py --phase=4 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=master/main001/newbad

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files badparamsij.txt i= 0,3, j=0,2, which resulted from three alignments of four badchunk images
			  --params= - Root of four files with original indices of bad images, they will be read and a subset corresponding to rescued ones will be outputed
			output files:
			  rescued*.txt - four files with indices of accepted images from badchunk.
			  rejects*.txt - four files with indices of rejected images from badchunk.
			  					There are two columns: [number in original bdb:chunk, number in bdb:newbad] 
        print("Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options")

    global_def.BATCH = False
Example #8
def main():
	arglist = []
	for arg in sys.argv:	arglist.append( arg )

	progname = os.path.basename(arglist[0])
	usage = progname + " stack outdir --phase=1 --ou=outer_radius|sxconsistency.py --phase=3 newlocal/main000 --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms"
	parser = OptionParser(usage,version=SPARXVERSION)
	parser.add_option("--phase",     type= "int",         default= 1,       help="Phase =1 prepares resampled stacks, =2 analyzes consistency of orientation parameters")
	parser.add_option("--ou",        type= "int",         default= -1,      help="outer radius for calculation of pixel error")
	parser.add_option("--sym",       type="string",       default= "c1",    help="symmetry of the refined structure")
	parser.add_option("--thresherr", type="float",        default=1.0,      help="Threshold for accpetable orientation errors (in pixels)")
	parser.add_option("--ndigits",   type="int",          default=1,        help="Accuracy for checking whether parameters are identical")
	parser.add_option("--chunk",     type="string",       default="",       help="Root of of four chunk files with indeces")
	parser.add_option("--params",    type="string",       default="",       help="Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results")
	(options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist[1:])
	global_def.BATCH = True
	if options.phase == 1 and len(args) == 2:
		inputbdb = args[0]
		outdir   = args[1]
		nn = EMUtil.get_image_count(inputbdb)
		t = range(nn)
		chunks = []
		for i in xrange(4):
			#  I use the MPI function here just to easily get the balanced load
			j,k = MPI_start_end(nn, 4, i)

		del t
		write_text_file([ len(chunks[i]) for i in xrange(4) ],os.path.join(outdir,'chunklengths.txt'))

		pt = [[None]]*6
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				pt[ll] = chunks[i]+chunks[j]

		for i in xrange(6):
			listfile = os.path.join(outdir,'lili%01d.txt'%i)
			outbdb = "bdb:"+ os.path.join(outdir,"X%01d"%i)
			cmd = '{} {} {} {}'.format('e2bdb.py', inputbdb, '--makevstack='+outbdb, '--list='+listfile)
			subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
		#  Run 6 programs

	elif options.phase == 2 and len(args) == 2:
		outdir         = args[0]
		howmanythesame = args[1]
		ndigits = options.ndigits  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
		prms = []
		for i in xrange(6):
			prms.append( read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,options.params+"%01d.txt"%i)) )
			for j in xrange(len(prms[-1])):
				for k in xrange(5):
					prms[-1][j][k] = round(prms[-1][j][k], ndigits)

		nn = 2*len(prms[0])
		n4 = nn//4
		qt=[[[-1.0]]*nn for i in xrange(6)]
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):

		thesame = 0

		for ll in xrange(len(qt[0])):
			rw = []
			for j in xrange(6):
				if(len(qt[j][ll]) > 1):  rw.append(qt[j][ll])
			isame = True
			for j in xrange(3):
				if(rw[0][j] != rw[1][j]):
					isame = False
					#print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[1][j]
				if(rw[0][j] != rw[2][j]):
					isame = False
					#print  ll,rw[0][j], rw[2][j]
			if isame: thesame += 1
		qt = float(thesame)/nn
		print "Proportion of the same orientations ",qt
		write_text_file([qt], os.path.join(outdir,howmanythesame) )

	#########     PHASE 3
	elif options.phase == 3 and len(args) == 2:
		outdir      = args[0]
		outgrouparms= args[1]
		radius = options.ou
		thresherr = options.thresherr  #for chc5 1, for ribo 4#4.0
		sym = int(options.sym[1:])
		qsym = 360.0/sym

		blocks = ['A','B','C','D']
		params = {}
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):

		chunks = {}
		chunklengths = {}
		for i in xrange(4):
			chunks[chr(65+i)] = map(int,read_text_file(os.path.join(outdir,options.chunk+"%01d.txt"%i)))
			chunklengths[chr(65+i)] = len(chunks[chr(65+i)])

		for i in xrange(6):
			prms = read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,options.params+"%01d.txt"%i))
			for q in blocks:
				if params.has_key(q+chr(48+i)):
					params[q+chr(48+i)] = prms[:chunklengths[q]]
					del prms[:chunklengths[q]]

		pairs = [["A0","A1"],["B3","B4"],["C1","C5"],["D2","D4"]]
		lefts = ["A2","B0","C3","D5"]

		#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
		avgtrans = {}
		pixer    = {}
		for i,q in enumerate(pairs):
			avgtrans[q[0][0]] = [0.0]*chunklengths[q[0][0]]
			pixer[q[0][0]]    = [0.0]*chunklengths[q[0][0]]
			for j in xrange(chunklengths[q[0][0]]):
				fifi = [ params[q[0]][j], params[q[1]][j] ]

				nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
				if( sym == 1):
					pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
					for i in xrange(2):
						n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0],fifi[i][1])
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
					m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1])
					nas[0] = m1
					nas[1] = m2
					nas[2] = m3
					#if(k == 2):
					#	print  "XXXX"
					#	print fifi[0],nas
					for i in xrange(1,2):
						qnom = -1.e10
						for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
							t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1])
							nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
							if(nom > qnom):
								qnom = nom
							#if(k == 2):
							#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
						print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
					#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!
					pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)

				nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

				if(nom < 1.e-6):
					nphi   = 0.0
					ntheta = 0.0
					ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
					if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
					else:                       nphi   = degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

				#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
				twod = average2dtransform([fifi[0][2:],fifi[1][2:]])
				avgtrans[q[0][0]][j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

		perr = {}
		tgood = 0
		for q in blocks:
			perr[q] = [True]*chunklengths[q]
			for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
				if(pixer[q][k] > thresherr):  perr[q][k] = False
				if  perr[q][k]: tgood += 1
			if(tgood < 4):
				print "  No good images within the pixel error threshold specified"
		print  " tgood ", tgood
		hi = hist_list([pixer[q][k] for q in blocks for k in xrange(chunklengths[q])  ],16)
		for i in xrange(len(hi[0])):
			print  "%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f "%(i,hi[0][i],hi[1][i])
		#  Finished, store average orientation params and table of good images

		#  store lists of good images for each group
		#  blocks is indexed by first letter
		good = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
		bad  = [[] for i in xrange(4)]
		for i,q in enumerate(blocks):
			for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
				#deprt = max_3D_pixel_error(params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k],r=radius)
				if  perr[q][k]:
					#[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k] ])
					#[chunks[q][k],pixer[q][k],deprt, params[pairs[i][0]][k],params[pairs[i][1]][k],params[lefts[i]][k],avgtrans[q][k]])
			write_text_file( good[i], os.path.join(outdir,"newgood%01d.txt"%i) )
			write_text_file( bad[i],  os.path.join(outdir,"newbad%01d.txt"%i) )

			#  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
			#  These parameters refer to the original X files.
			ll = 0
			for m in xrange(6):
				if params.has_key(q+chr(48+m)):
					prmsgood = []
					prmsbad  = []
						j = lefts.index(q+chr(48+m))
						for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
							if  perr[q][k]:
						for k in xrange(chunklengths[q]):
							if  perr[q][k]:
					write_text_row(prmsgood, os.path.join(outdir,"params-newgood%01d%01d.txt"%(i,ll)))
					write_text_row(prmsbad, os.path.join(outdir, "params-newbad%01d%01d.txt"%(i,ll)))
					ll += 1

		#  Generate newlili files from newgood, these contain original numbering of the total single file
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				write_text_file( good[i] + good[j], os.path.join(outdir,"newlili%01d.txt"%ll) )
				ll += 1

		#  write out parameters, for those in pairs write out average, for leftouts leave them as they were
		#  These parameters refer to the original X files.
		for i in xrange(6):
			prms = []
			for q in blocks:
				if params.has_key(q+chr(48+i)):
						j = lefts.index(q+chr(48+i))
						prms += params[q+chr(48+i)]
						prms += avgtrans[q]
			write_text_row(prms, os.path.join(outdir,outgrouparms+"%01d.txt"%i))

		#  Write chunklengths
		chunklengths = [len(good[i]) for i in xrange(4)]
		write_text_file(chunklengths, os.path.join(outdir,"chunklengths.txt") )
		#  We do not use consecutive numbering anymore
		#  Generate newx files from newgood, these contain consecutive (with gaps) numbering that allows to generate truncated X files from the previous X files
		ll = 0
		for i in xrange(3):
			firstblock = []
			l = len(perr[blocks[i]])
			for k in xrange(l):
				if  perr[blocks[i]][k]:
			for j in xrange(i+1,4):
				secondblock = []
				for k in xrange(len(perr[blocks[j]])):
					if  perr[blocks[j]][k]:

				write_text_file( firstblock + secondblock, os.path.join(outdir,"goodX%01d.txt"%ll) )
				ll += 1
		del good,bad,firstblock,secondblock,perr

		0   1   2   3   4   5

		A   A   A   =   =   =
		B   =   =   B   B   =
		=   C   =   C   =   C
		=   =   D   =   D   D


	elif options.phase == 4 and len(args) == 1:
		outdir      = args[0]
		bp = 'badparams'
		#outgrouparms= args[1]
		radius = options.ou
		thresherr = options.thresherr
		sym = int(options.sym[1:])
		qsym = 360.0/sym
		#params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
		ll = 3 # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
		for jj in xrange(4):
			params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
			newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params+"%01d.txt"%jj) )
			nn = len(newbad)
			for ii in xrange(ll):
				params[ii] = read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,bp+"%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))
				assert(nn == len(params[ii]) )

			#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
			avgtrans = [None]*nn
			pixer   = [0.0]*nn
			for j in xrange(nn):
				nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
				if( sym == 1):
					#pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
					for i in xrange(ll):
						n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0],params[i][j][1])
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
					m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0],params[0][j][1])
					nas[0] = m1
					nas[1] = m2
					nas[2] = m3
					for i in xrange(1,ll):
						qnom = -1.e10
						for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
							t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0]+j*qsym,params[i][j][1])
							nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
							if(nom > qnom):
								qnom = nom
							#if(k == 2):
							#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
						print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
					#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

				nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

				if(nom < 1.e-6):
					nphi   = 0.0
					ntheta = 0.0
					ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
					if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
					else:                       nphi   =  degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

				#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
				twod = average2dtransform([params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
				avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

			perr =  errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius )
			rescued = []
			rejects = []
			for j in xrange(nn):
				#print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
				if( perr[j][0] <= thresherr ):  rescued.append([newbad[j],j])
				else:							rejects.append([newbad[j],j])
			if( len(rescued) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rescued,  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			#  We also have to write params.
			if( len(rescued) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rescued[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rescued))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rescued%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))
			if( len(rejects) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rejects,  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			if( len(rejects) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rejects[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rejects))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rejects%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))

			hi = hist_list([perr[j][0]  for j in xrange(nn)  ], 16)
			print  "Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ",chr(65+jj)
			for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
				print  "%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f "%(ii,hi[0][ii],hi[1][ii])

	elif options.phase == 5 and len(args) == 1:
		#  This version is for meridien refinement.  There are simply three full sets of params.
		outdir      = args[0]
		bp = 'badparams'
		#outgrouparms= args[1]
		radius = options.ou
		thresherr = options.thresherr
		sym = int(options.sym[1:])
		qsym = 360.0/sym
		#params = [[None for i in xrange(3)] for j in xrange(4)]
		ll = 3 # this is hardwired as we have three groups.  however, I would like to keep the code general.
		for jj in xrange(1):
			params = [None for ii in xrange(ll)]
			#newbad = map(int, read_text_file(options.params+"%01d.txt"%jj) )
			#nn = len(newbad)
			for ii in xrange(ll):
				params[ii] = read_text_row(os.path.join(outdir,"params%01d.txt"%(ii)))
				#assert(nn == len(params[ii]) )
			nn = len(params[0])
			newbad = range(nn)
			#  Compute average projection params and pixel errors
			avgtrans = [None]*nn
			pixer   = [0.0]*nn
			for j in xrange(nn):
				nas = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
				if( sym == 1):
					#pixer[q[0][0]][j] = max_3D_pixel_error(fifi[0], fifi[1], r=radius)
					for i in xrange(ll):
						n1,n2,n3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0],params[i][j][1])
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
					m1,m2,m3 = getfvec(params[0][j][0],params[0][j][1])
					nas[0] = m1
					nas[1] = m2
					nas[2] = m3
					for i in xrange(1,ll):
						qnom = -1.e10
						for j in xrange(-1,2,1):
							t1,t2,t3 = getfvec(params[i][j][0]+j*qsym,params[i][j][1])
							nom = t1*m1 + t2*m2 + t3*m3
							if(nom > qnom):
								qnom = nom
							#if(k == 2):
							#	print '  t1,t2,t3 ',fifi[i][0]+j*qsym,fifi[i][1],t1,t2,t3,nom,qnom
						nas[0] += n1
						nas[1] += n2
						nas[2] += n3
						print qnom, n1,n2,n3,nas
					#  To get the correct pixer phi angle has to be taken from the above!!

				nom = sqrt(nas[0]**2 + nas[1]**2 + nas[2]**2)

				if(nom < 1.e-6):
					nphi   = 0.0
					ntheta = 0.0
					ntheta = degrees(acos(nas[2]/nom))%360.0
					if(sym>1 and ntheta>90.0):  nphi   = (degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))-180.0)%qsym + 180.0
					else:                       nphi   =  degrees(atan2( nas[1], nas[0] ))%qsym

				#print   "FIFI     %4d     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f    %7.2f"%(k,fifi[0][0],fifi[0][1],fifi[1][0],fifi[1][1],fifi[2][0],fifi[2][1],nphi,ntheta)
				twod = average2dtransform([params[ii][j][2:] for ii in xrange(ll)])
				avgtrans[j] = [nphi, ntheta, twod[0], twod[1], twod[2]]

			write_text_row(avgtrans,  os.path.join(outdir,"avgtrans.txt"))
			perr =  errors_per_image(params, avgtrans, thresherr, radius )
			rescued = []
			rejects = []
			for j in xrange(nn):
				#print  chr(65+jj),j,perr[j][0],[[params[m][j][i] for i in xrange(2)] for m in xrange(ll)]
				if( perr[j][0] <= thresherr ):  rescued.append([newbad[j],j])
				else:							rejects.append([newbad[j],j])
			if( len(rescued) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rescued,  os.path.join(outdir,"rescued%01d.txt"%jj))
			#  We also have to write params.
			if( len(rescued) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rescued[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rescued))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rescued%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))
			if( len(rejects) == 0 ):    write_text_row([-1,-1],  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			else:                  		write_text_row(rejects,  os.path.join(outdir,'rejects'+"%01d.txt"%jj))
			if( len(rejects) != 0 ):
				for ii in xrange(ll):  write_text_row([params[ii][rejects[k][1]] for k in xrange(len(rejects))]  ,  os.path.join(outdir,"params-rejects%01d%01d.txt"%(jj,ii)))

			hi = hist_list([perr[j][0]  for j in xrange(nn)  ], 16)
			print  "Pixel errors for BAD GROUP  ",chr(65+jj)
			for ii in xrange(len(hi[0])):
				print  "%4d   %12.3f    %12.0f "%(ii,hi[0][ii],hi[1][ii])

		print "Usage: "
		print """
		Phase 1:   sxconsistency.py  --phase=1  bdb:data  outdir
			output files are:
			  in directory outdir: lili0.txt to lili5.txt contain indices of images in resampled six groups
			  bdb:dataX0 to bdb:dataX5 are metafiles containing six resampled groups of images derived from bdb:data

		Phase 2    sxconsistency.py  --phase=2  outdir  --ndigits=1  --params=paramsb howmanythesame.txt
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
				howmanythesame.txt - contains one number, a ratio of number of images  that did not change orientations
				                                            to the total number of images

		Phase 3:   sxconsistency.py --phase=3 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=paramsa outgrouparms

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files lili0.txt to lili5.txt produced in phase 1
			  --params=master/main/params - Root of of six parameter file names with refinement results, the actual names should be
											  master/main/params0.txt  to master/main/params5.txt
			output files:
			  outgrouparms*.txt - Root of of six parameters files with average 3D orientation parameters computed from six runs, can be imported into bdb:data
                   The next two files contain the original image numbers refering to the top bdb.
			  outdir/newgood.txt    - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are below specified thresherr (to be kept)
			  outdir/bad.txt        - Text file with indices of images whose orientation parameters arrors are above specified thresherr (to be rejected)

		Phase 4:   sxconsistency.py --phase=4 outdir --ou=133 --thresherr=3.0 --params=master/main001/newbad

			input files:
			  outdir - directory containing files badparamsij.txt i= 0,3, j=0,2, which resulted from three alignments of four badchunk images
			  --params= - Root of four files with original indices of bad images, they will be read and a subset corresponding to rescued ones will be outputed
			output files:
			  rescued*.txt - four files with indices of accepted images from badchunk.
			  rejects*.txt - four files with indices of rejected images from badchunk.
			  					There are two columns: [number in original bdb:chunk, number in bdb:newbad] 
		print "Please run '" + progname + " -h' for detailed options"

	global_def.BATCH = False