Example #1
def prep_input(im, acc=4):
    """Undersample the batch, then reformat them into what the network accepts.
    gauss_ivar: float - controls the undersampling rate.
                        higher the value, more undersampling
    mask = cs.shear_grid_mask(im.shape[1:],
    mask = np.repeat(mask[np.newaxis], im.shape[0], axis=0)

    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(im, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')
    im_gnd_l = torch.from_numpy(to_tensor_format(im))
    im_und_l = torch.from_numpy(to_tensor_format(im_und))
    k_und_l = torch.from_numpy(to_tensor_format(k_und))
    mask_l = torch.from_numpy(to_tensor_format(mask, mask=True))

    im = im.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)
    xf_gnd = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(im, axes=-1), norm='ortho'), axes=-1)
    xf_gnd = xf_gnd.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    xf_gnd_l = torch.from_numpy(to_tensor_format(xf_gnd))

    return im_und_l, k_und_l, mask_l, im_gnd_l, xf_gnd_l
Example #2
def hand_f(f, im, mask):
    im = from_lasagne_format(im)
    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(im, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')

    im_und_l = to_lasagne_format(im_und)
    k_und_l = to_lasagne_format(k_und)
    mask_l = to_lasagne_format(mask, mask=True)

    pred = f(im_und_l, mask_l, k_und_l)
    return pred
Example #3
def hand_dQ(df, im, r, mask, pred, la):

    imr = from_lasagne_format(im + r)
    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(imr, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')

    im_und_l = to_lasagne_format(im_und)
    k_und_l = to_lasagne_format(k_und)
    mask_l = to_lasagne_format(mask, mask=True)

    dr = df(im_und_l, mask_l, k_und_l, pred)
    dr = dr - la * r

    return dr
def prep_input(im, acc=4):
    """Undersample the batch, then reformat them into what the network accepts.

    gauss_ivar: float - controls the undersampling rate.
                        higher the value, more undersampling
    mask = cs.cartesian_mask(im.shape, acc, sample_n=8)
    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(im, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')
    im_gnd_l = to_lasagne_format(im)
    im_und_l = to_lasagne_format(im_und)
    k_und_l = to_lasagne_format(k_und)
    mask_l = to_lasagne_format(mask, mask=True)

    return im_und_l, k_und_l, mask_l, im_gnd_l
def prep_input(im, acc=4):
    """Undersample the batch, then reformat them into what the network accepts.

    gauss_ivar: float - controls the undersampling rate.
                        higher the value, more undersampling
    mask = cs.cartesian_mask(im.shape, acc, sample_n=8)
    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(im, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')
    im_gnd_l = to_lasagne_format(im)
    im_und_l = to_lasagne_format(im_und)
    k_und_l = to_lasagne_format(k_und)
    mask_l = to_lasagne_format(mask, mask=True)

    return im_und_l, k_und_l, mask_l, im_gnd_l
Example #6
def prep_input(im, acc=6):
    """Undersample the batch, then reformat them into what the network accepts.

    gauss_ivar: float - controls the undersampling rate.
                        higher the value, more undersampling
    #mask = cs.cartesian_mask(im.shape, acc, sample_n=8)##########笛卡儿采样
    mask = loadmat(join('./data/mask/mask_radial_015_HFinCenter.mat')
    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(im, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')
    # print(type(k_und),k_und.shape)
    # np.save('k_und.mat',k_und)
    # assert False
    im_gnd_l = to_lasagne_format(im)
    im_und_l = to_lasagne_format(im_und)
    k_und_l = to_lasagne_format(k_und)
    mask_l = to_lasagne_format(mask, mask=True)

    return im_und_l, k_und_l, mask_l, im_gnd_l
Example #7
    largest_nth_psnr_value = 100
    array_of_worst_psnr = largest_nth_psnr_value * np.ones(nbr_of_saved_worst)
    array_of_worst_pred = np.zeros([nbr_of_saved_worst, N, N],
    array_of_worst_noisy_images = np.zeros([nbr_of_saved_worst, N, N],
    array_of_worst_raw_noise = np.zeros([nbr_of_saved_worst, batch_size, N, N],
    array_of_psnr_values = np.zeros(nbr_itr)

    for itr in range(nbr_itr):
        print('%3d/%3d' % (itr, nbr_itr))
        noise_raw = np.random.normal(0, 10, size=input_shape)
        noise_raw_complex = from_lasagne_format(noise_raw)
        noise_und, k_und = cs.undersample(noise_raw_complex,

        #noise_raw = np.random.uniform(size=r_list[0].shape).astype('float32')
        #noise_raw_complex = from_lasagne_format(noise_raw)
        #k_und = mask*noise_raw_complex
        noise_und = np.fft.ifft2(k_und, norm='ortho')

        norm_noise_und = l2_norm_of_tensor(noise_und)
        scaled_noise2 = (factor * norm_r1 * noise_und) / norm_noise_und

        data = from_lasagne_format(x0)
        im2_noisy = data + scaled_noise2

        im_und2, k_und2 = cs.undersample(im2_noisy,
    net_config, net = load_network(input_shape, src_network_weights)

    f = compile_f(net, net_config)
    # f(input_var, mask, k_space)

    us_rate = range(14, 1, -1)
    n = len(us_rate)
    subsamp = np.zeros(n)
    psnr_arr = np.zeros([n, batch_size])

    # Do first iteration outside loop;
    undersampling_rate = us_rate[0]
    mask, idx = inc_cartesian_mask((batch_size, Nx, Ny),
    im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(im, mask, centred=False, norm='ortho')

    im_und_l = to_lasagne_format(im_und)
    k_und_l = to_lasagne_format(k_und)
    mask_l = to_lasagne_format(mask, mask=True)

    pred = f(im_und_l, mask_l, k_und_l)
    pred = from_lasagne_format(pred)

    psnr_values = np.zeros(batch_size)
    for i in range(batch_size):
        psnr_arr[0, i] = compute_psnr(pred[i], im[i])

    print('psnr_arr: ', psnr_arr[0])

    subsamp[0] = 1. / undersampling_rate
Example #9
arr2 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img2)
arr3 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img3)
arr4 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img4)
arr5 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img5)
arr6 = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img6)
#combining array
arr = np.concatenate((arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4, arr5, arr6), axis=0)
np.save('image_array', arr)

#fft to numpy array
fft_arr = np.fft.fft2(arr)
fshift_out = np.fft.fftshift(fft_arr)

#cartesian mask
mask_1 = cs.cartesian_mask(arr.shape, 4, sample_n=10, centred=False)
im_und, k_und = cs.undersample(arr, mask_1, centred=False, norm='ortho')

#normalising the input and output data
features_IMG = tf.keras.utils.normalize(im_und, axis=1)
x_train = np.expand_dims(features_IMG, 3)
features_KS = tf.keras.utils.normalize(k_und, axis=1)
x_ks_train = np.expand_dims(features_KS, 3)
Target = tf.keras.utils.normalize(arr, axis=1)
y_train = np.expand_dims(Target, 3)

mask_data = np.expand_dims(mask_1[1], 3)
mask_ksp = mask_data.astype(int)
inv_mask = np.bitwise_not(mask_ksp)
#storing data