Example #1
def check_rbl_blacklist(addr):
        Check DNS BL for a given ip.
    if not utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(addr):
        return {"error": "Expecting a non-shortened IPv4."}, 400

    result = blacklist_service.get_blacklist_report(addr)
    if not result:
        return {"error": "RBL queries failed."}, 500

    return result, 200
def check_rbl_blacklist(addr):
        Check DNS BL for a given ip.
    if not utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(addr):
        return {"error": "Expecting a non-shortened IPv4."}, 400

    result = blacklist_service.get_blacklist_report(addr)
    if not result:
        return {"error": "RBL queries failed."}, 500

    return result, 200
Example #3
def parse_html(content):
        Parse Spamhaus HTML webpage to extract opened tickets.

        :param str content: Raw html sources
        :raises UnrecognizedFormatException: If sources cannot be parsed
        :rtype: array
        :return: Array of dictionnaries containing all opened SBL.
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
    search = soup.find_all(*TAG_TO_FIND)

    if not search:
        raise UnrecognizedFormatException("Cannot parse file.")

    result = []
    # Iterate through the found rows
    for row in search:
        # sbl_number and CIDR are surrounded by a bold tag.
        sbl_number = cidr = None
        infos = [elem.text for elem in row.find_all('b')]
        for info in infos:
            if info.startswith(SBL_STRING):
                sbl_number = int(info.replace(SBL_STRING, ''))
            elif '/' in info:
                addr = info.split('/')[0]
                if utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(addr):
                    cidr = info

        first_seen = row.find_all('td')[4].find_all('span')[0].text
        first_seen = datetime.strptime(first_seen, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M GMT')

        cause = row.find_all('td')[5].find_all('span')[0].text.strip()

        if all((sbl_number, first_seen, cidr)):
                'sbl_number': sbl_number,
                'first_seen': first_seen,
                'cidr': cidr,
                'cause': cause

    return result
def parse_html(content):
        Parse Spamhaus HTML webpage to extract opened tickets.

        :param str content: Raw html sources
        :raises Exception: If sources cannot be parsed
        :rtype: array
        :return: Array of dictionnaries containing all opened SBL.
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content)
    search = soup.find_all(*TAG_TO_FIND)

    if not search:
        raise Exception("Cannot parse file.")

    result = []
    # Iterate through the found rows
    for row in search:
        # sbl_number and CIDR are surrounded by a bold tag.
        sbl_number = cidr = None
        infos = [elem.text for elem in row.find_all('b')]
        for info in infos:
            if info.startswith(SBL_STRING):
                sbl_number = int(info.replace(SBL_STRING, ''))
            elif '/' in info:
                addr = info.split('/')[0]
                if utils.is_valid_ipv4_address(addr):
                    cidr = info

        first_seen = row.find_all('td')[4].find_all('span')[0].text
        first_seen = datetime.strptime(first_seen, '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M GMT')

        if all((sbl_number, first_seen, cidr)):
                'sbl_number': sbl_number,
                'first_seen': first_seen,
                'cidr': cidr

    return result
Example #5
 def test_is_valid_ipv4(self):
 def test_is_valid_ipv4(self):