Example #1
def check_permission(session, flag, message = ""):
    Throws an ASMPermissionError if the flag is not in the map
    if "superuser" not in session or "securitymap" not in session: raise utils.ASMPermissionError("Invalid session")
    l = session.locale
    if session.superuser == 1: return
    if not has_security_flag(session.securitymap, flag):
        if message == "":
            message = i18n._("Forbidden", l)
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError(message)
Example #2
File: users.py Project: tgage/asm3
def check_permission_map(l, superuser, securitymap, flag):
    Throws an ASMPermissionError if the flag is not in the map
    if superuser == 1: return
    if not has_security_flag(securitymap, flag):
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError(i18n._("Forbidden", l))
Example #3
def check_view_permission(dbo, username, session, acid):
    Checks that the currently logged in user has permission to
    view the incident with acid.
    If they can't, an ASMPermissionError is thrown.
    # Superusers can do anything
    if session.superuser == 1: return True
    viewroles = []
    for rr in dbo.query(
            "SELECT RoleID FROM animalcontrolrole WHERE AnimalControlID = ? AND CanView = 1",
    # No view roles means anyone can view
    if len(viewroles) == 0:
        return True
    # Does the user have any of the view roles?
    userroles = []
    for ur in dbo.query(
            "SELECT RoleID FROM userrole INNER JOIN users ON userrole.UserID = users.ID WHERE users.UserName LIKE ?",
    hasperm = False
    for ur in userroles:
        if ur in viewroles:
            hasperm = True
    if hasperm:
        return True
    raise utils.ASMPermissionError(
        "User does not have required role to view this incident")
Example #4
def hotlink_protect(method, referer):
    """ Protect a method from having any referer other than the one we set """
    domains = IMAGE_HOTLINKING_ONLY_FROM_DOMAIN.split(",")
    fromhldomain = False
    for d in domains:
        if d != "" and referer.find(d) != -1: fromhldomain = True
    if referer != "" and IMAGE_HOTLINKING_ONLY_FROM_DOMAIN != "" and not fromhldomain:
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError("Hotlinking to %s from %s is forbidden" % (method, referer))
Example #5
def get_animal_view(dbo, animalid):
    """ Constructs the animal view page to the template. """
    a = dbo.first_row(
    # If the animal is not adoptable, bail out
    if a is None:
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError("animal is not adoptable (None)")
    if not is_animal_adoptable(dbo, a):
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError("animal is not adoptable (False)")
    # If the option is on, use animal comments as the notes
    if configuration.publisher_use_comments(dbo):
    head, body, foot = get_animal_view_template(dbo)
    if head == "":
        head = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>$$SHELTERCODE$$ - $$ANIMALNAME$$</title></head>\n<body>"
        body = "<h2>$$SHELTERCODE$$ - $$ANIMALNAME$$</h2><p><img src='$$WEBMEDIAFILENAME$$'/></p><p>$$WEBMEDIANOTES$$</p>"
        foot = "</body>\n</html>"
    if smcom.active():
        a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME = "%s?account=%s&method=animal_image&animalid=%d" % (
            SERVICE_URL, dbo.database, animalid)
        a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME = "%s?method=animal_image&animalid=%d" % (
            SERVICE_URL, animalid)
    s = head + body + foot
    tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags_publisher(dbo, a)
    tags = wordprocessor.append_tags(tags,
                                     wordprocessor.org_tags(dbo, "system"))
    # Add extra tags for websitemedianame2-10 if they exist
    for x in range(2, 11):
        if a.WEBSITEIMAGECOUNT > x - 1:
            tags["WEBMEDIAFILENAME%d" %
                 x] = "%s&seq=%d" % (a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME, x)
    # Add extra publishing text, preserving the line endings
    notes = utils.nulltostr(a.WEBSITEMEDIANOTES)
    notes += configuration.third_party_publisher_sig(dbo)
    notes = notes.replace("\n", "**le**")
    tags["WEBMEDIANOTES"] = notes
    tags["WEBSITEMEDIANOTES"] = notes
    s = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(s, tags, True, "$$", "$$")
    s = s.replace("**le**", "<br />")
    return s
Example #6
def handler(data, remoteip, referer):
    Handles the various service method types.
    data: The GET/POST parameters 
    return value is a tuple containing MIME type, max-age, content
    # Database info
    dbo = db.DatabaseInfo()

    # Get service parameters
    account = utils.df_ks(data, "account")
    username = utils.df_ks(data, "username")
    password = utils.df_ks(data, "password")
    method = utils.df_ks(data, "method")
    animalid = utils.df_ki(data, "animalid")
    formid = utils.df_ki(data, "formid")
    title = utils.df_ks(data, "title")
    cache_key = "a" + account + "u" + username + "p" + password + "m" + method + "a" + str(
        animalid) + "f" + str(formid) + "t" + title

    # cache keys aren't allowed spaces
    cache_key = cache_key.replace(" ", "")

    # Do we have a cached response for these parameters?
    cached_response = get_cached_response(cache_key)
    if cached_response is not None:
            "cache hit for %s/%s/%s/%s" % (account, method, animalid, title),
        return cached_response

    # Are we dealing with multiple databases, but no account was specified?
    if account == "" and MULTIPLE_DATABASES:
        return ("text/plan", 0, "ERROR: No database/alias specified")

    # Are we dealing with multiple databases and an account was specified?
    if account != "":
            if MULTIPLE_DATABASES_TYPE == "smcom":
                # Is this sheltermanager.com? If so, we need to get the
                # database connection info (dbo) before we can login.
                dbo = smcom.get_database_info(account)
                # Look up the database info from our map
                dbo = db.get_multiple_database_info(account)
            if dbo.database == "FAIL" or dbo.database == "DISABLED":
                    "auth failed - invalid smaccount %s from %s" %
                    (account, remoteip), "service.handler", dbo)
                return ("text/plain", 0, "ERROR: Invalid database")

    # Does the method require us to authenticate? If so, do it.
    user = None
    if method in AUTH_METHODS:
        user = users.authenticate(dbo, username, password)
        if user is None:
                "auth failed - %s/%s is not a valid username/password from %s"
                % (username, password, remoteip), "service.handler", dbo)
            return ("text/plain", 0, "ERROR: Invalid username and password")

    # Get the preferred locale for the site
    dbo.locale = configuration.locale(dbo)
    al.info("call %s->%s [%s %s]" % (username, method, str(animalid), title),
            "service.handler", dbo)

    if method == "animal_image":
        # If we have a hotlinking restriction, enforce it
        if referer != "" and IMAGE_HOTLINKING_ONLY_FROM_DOMAIN != "" and referer.find(
            raise utils.ASMPermissionError("Image hotlinking is forbidden.")
        if animalid == "" or utils.cint(animalid) == 0:
                "animal_image failed, %s is not an animalid" % str(animalid),
                "service.handler", dbo)
            return ("text/plain", 0, "ERROR: Invalid animalid")
        # If the option is on, forbid hotlinking
            seq = utils.df_ki(data, "seq")
            if seq == 0: seq = 1
            mm = media.get_media_by_seq(dbo, media.ANIMAL,
                                        utils.cint(animalid), seq)
            if len(mm) == 0:
                return ("image/jpeg", 86400,
                        dbfs.get_string(dbo, "nopic.jpg", "/reports"))
                return ("image/jpeg", 86400,
                        dbfs.get_string(dbo, mm[0]["MEDIANAME"]))

    elif method == "extra_image":
        return ("image/jpeg", 86400, dbfs.get_string(dbo, title, "/reports"))

    elif method == "json_adoptable_animals":
        pc = publish.PublishCriteria(configuration.publisher_presets(dbo))
        rs = publish.get_animal_data(dbo, pc, True)
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "application/json", 3600,

    elif method == "xml_adoptable_animals":
        pc = publish.PublishCriteria(configuration.publisher_presets(dbo))
        rs = publish.get_animal_data(dbo, pc, True)
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "application/xml", 3600,

    elif method == "json_recent_adoptions":
        rs = movement.get_recent_adoptions(dbo)
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "application/json", 3600,

    elif method == "xml_recent_adoptions":
        rs = movement.get_recent_adoptions(dbo)
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "application/xml", 3600,

    elif method == "html_report":
        crid = reports.get_id(dbo, title)
        p = reports.get_criteria_params(dbo, crid, data)
        rhtml = reports.execute(dbo, crid, username, p)
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "text/html", 3600, rhtml)

    elif method == "jsonp_shelter_animals":
        sa = animal.get_animal_find_simple(dbo, "", "shelter")
        return set_cached_response(
            cache_key, "application/javascript", 3600,
            str(utils.df_ks(data, "callback")) + "(" + html.json(sa) + ")")

    elif method == "json_shelter_animals":
        sa = animal.get_animal_find_simple(dbo, "", "shelter")
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "application/json", 3600,

    elif method == "xml_shelter_animals":
        sa = animal.get_animal_find_simple(dbo, "", "shelter")
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "application/xml", 3600,

    elif method == "upload_animal_image":
        media.attach_file_from_form(dbo, username, media.ANIMAL, int(animalid),
        return ("text/plain", 0, "OK")

    elif method == "online_form_html":
        if formid == 0:
            raise utils.ASMError(
                "method online_form_html requires a valid formid")
        return set_cached_response(cache_key, "text/html", 120,
                                   onlineform.get_onlineform_html(dbo, formid))

    elif method == "online_form_post":
        onlineform.insert_onlineformincoming_from_form(dbo, data, remoteip)
        redirect = utils.df_ks(data, "redirect")
        if redirect == "":
            redirect = BASE_URL + "/static/pages/form_submitted.html"
        return ("redirect", 0, redirect)

        al.error("invalid method '%s'" % method, "service.handler", dbo)
        raise utils.ASMError("Invalid method '%s'" % method)