Example #1
def iiif_info_url(msid, filename):
    kwargs = {
        'padded-msid': utils.pad_msid(msid),
        'fname': filename
    raw_link = (conf.IIIF % kwargs)
    return utils.pad_filename(msid, raw_link)
Example #2
def pdf_uri(triple):
    """predict an article's pdf url.
    some article types don't have a PDF (like corrections) and some
    older articles that should have a pdf, don't. this function doesn't
    concern itself with those latter exceptions."""
    content_type, msid, version = triple
    if content_type and any(lmap(lambda type: type in ['Correction', 'Retraction'], content_type)):
        return EXCLUDE_ME
    filename = "elife-%s-v%s.pdf" % (utils.pad_msid(msid), version) # ll: elife-09560-v1.pdf
    return cdnlink(msid, filename)
Example #3
def figures_pdf_uri(triple):
    graphics, msid, version = triple
    filename_match = '-figsupp'

    if any(lmap(lambda graphic: graphic.get('xlink_href')
                and filename_match in graphic.get('xlink_href'), graphics)):
        filename = "elife-%s-figures-v%s.pdf" % (utils.pad_msid(msid), version) # ll: elife-09560-figures-v1.pdf
        figures_pdf_cdnlink = cdnlink(msid, filename)
        return cdn.url_exists(figures_pdf_cdnlink, msid)
        return None
Example #4
def pdf_uri(triple):
    """predict an article's pdf url.
    some article types don't have a PDF (like corrections) and some
    older articles that should have a pdf, don't. this function doesn't
    concern itself with those latter exceptions."""
    content_type, msid, version = triple
    if content_type and any(
            lmap(lambda type: type in ['Correction'], content_type)):
        return EXCLUDE_ME
    filename = "elife-%s-v%s.pdf" % (utils.pad_msid(msid), version
                                     )  # ll: elife-09560-v1.pdf
    return cdnlink(msid, filename)
Example #5
def figures_pdf_uri(triple):
    graphics, msid, version = triple
    filename_match = '-figsupp'
    if (True in map(
            lambda graphic: graphic.get('xlink_href') and filename_match in
            graphic.get('xlink_href'), graphics)):
        filename = "elife-%s-figures-v%s.pdf" % (
            utils.pad_msid(msid), version)  # ll: elife-09560-figures-v1.pdf
        figures_pdf_cdnlink = cdnlink(msid, filename)
        return cdn.url_exists(figures_pdf_cdnlink, msid)
        return None
Example #6
def iiiflink(msid, filename):
    kwargs = {'padded-msid': utils.pad_msid(msid), 'fname': filename}
    raw_link = (conf.CDN_IIIF % kwargs)
    return utils.pad_filename(msid, raw_link)
Example #7
def cdnlink(msid, filename):
    kwargs = {'padded-msid': utils.pad_msid(msid), 'fname': filename}
    return conf.CDN % kwargs
Example #8
def glencoe_url(msid):
    doi = "10.7554/eLife." + utils.pad_msid(msid)
    url = "https://movie-usa.glencoesoftware.com/metadata/" + doi
    return url
Example #9
def xml_uri(params):
    """predict an article's xml url."""
    msid, version = params
    filename = "elife-%s-v%s.xml" % (utils.pad_msid(msid), version
                                     )  # ll: elife-09560-v1.xml
    return cdnlink(msid, filename)
Example #10
def xml_uri(params):
    """predict an article's xml url."""
    msid, version = params
    filename = "elife-%s-v%s.xml" % (utils.pad_msid(msid), version) # ll: elife-09560-v1.xml
    return cdnlink(msid, filename)
Example #11
def cdnlink(msid, filename):
    kwargs = {
        'padded-msid': utils.pad_msid(msid),
        'fname': filename
    return conf.CDN % kwargs
Example #12
def glencoe_url(msid):
    doi = "10.7554/eLife." + utils.pad_msid(msid)
    url = "https://movie-usa.glencoesoftware.com/metadata/" + doi
    return url