Example #1
 def __call__(self, canvas, doc):
     w, h = canvas._pagesize
     font_size = random_integer_from_list(self.config['text']['font_size'])
     line_y = random_integer_from_list(self.config['text']['bottom_margin'])
     canvas.drawCentredString(w/2, line_y, str(canvas.getPageNumber()))
Example #2
 def _gen_line_coords(self):
     cfg_line = self.config['line']
     left = random_integer_from_list(cfg_line['left_margin'])
     top = random_integer_from_list(cfg_line['top_margin'])
     linewidth = random_integer_from_list(cfg_line['linewidth'])
     if cfg_line['center']:
         right = left
         right = random_integer_from_list(cfg_line['right_margin'])
     return left, right, top, linewidth
Example #3
    def _add_imgs(self, kind, x, y, w, h, exist_coords):
        x, y: coords of the table lower left corner, origins from lower left of the page
        Avoid stamp overlap 
        cfg_object = self.config[kind]
        x_shift = random_integer_from_list(cfg_object['corner_dx'])
        y_shift = random_integer_from_list(cfg_object['corner_dy'])
        image_path = cfg_object['img_path']
        image_width = random_integer_from_list(cfg_object['width'])
        image_file = np.random.choice(os.listdir(image_path))

        # get original image size of image 
        image_img = Image.open(os.path.join(image_path, image_file))
        w_image, h_image = image_img.size

        # rescale to setted width (keepAspect = True in draw)
        h_image = image_width / w_image  * h_image 
        w_image = image_width
        max_iter = 50
        n_iter = 0
        while n_iter < max_iter:
            # choose one of the 4 corners and add shift
            if np.random.random() < 0.5: # image along top/bottom of table
                # Fix y in narrow range while having x range 
                y_image = int(np.random.choice([int(y), int(y + h + 1)]) - image_width // 2 + y_shift)
                x_image = np.random.randint(int(x), int(x + w)) - image_width //2  + x_shift
            else: #image along left / right of table 
                x_image = np.random.choice([int(x), int(x + w)]) - image_width // 2 + x_shift
                y_image = np.random.randint(int(y), int(y + h + 1)) - image_width //2  + y_shift
            image_coord = ((x_image, y_image),
                            (x_image + w_image, y_image + h_image))
            if self._is_overlap(image_coord, exist_coords):
                n_iter += 1
        img_width, img_height = self.canv.drawImage(os.path.join(image_path, image_file),
                                                    x_image, y_image, mask = 'auto',
                                                    anchor = 'sw', # anchored at center 
                                                    width = image_width,
                                                    preserveAspectRatio = True) 
        return {'kind': kind,
                'is_flowable': False, # page number added by the caller func
                'x': x_image,
                'y': y_image,
                'w': image_width,
                'h': int(img_height * image_width / img_width)}
Example #4
 def _gen_random_decimal(self, n_integers = [4], n_digits = [2]):
     n_int = random_integer_from_list(n_integers)
     n_dig = random_integer_from_list(n_digits)
     part_int = ''.join(np.random.choice(list('0123456789'), size = n_int, replace = True))
     part_dig = ''.join(np.random.choice(list('0123456789'), size = n_dig, replace = True))
     if len(part_dig) == 0:
         return part_int
     elif len(part_int) == 0:
         part_int = '0'
         return '.'.join([part_int, part_dig])
         return '.'.join([part_int, part_dig])
Example #5
 def bullet_list(self):
     lb_sentence, ub_sentence = self.config['sentence_length']
     n_bullet = random_integer_from_list(self.config['n_bullet'])
     seperator = [',', '.', '!']
     items = []
     for i in range(n_bullet):
         n_sentenses = random_integer_from_list(self.config['n_sentences'])
         all_words = [self._gen_random_sentence([lb_sentence, ub_sentence]) for _ in range(n_sentenses)]+ ['']
         item = '&bull' + np.random.choice(seperator).join(all_words)
     text = '<br />\n'.join(items)
     title_style = ParagraphStyleGenerator(self.config).style()
     return Paragraph(text, title_style)    
Example #6
    def __call__(self, canvas, doc):
        w, h = canvas._pagesize
        # Gen hline coords 
        left_margin, right_margin, top_margin, linewidth = self._gen_line_coords()
        line_start_x = left_margin
        line_start_y = h - top_margin
        line_end_x = w - right_margin
        line_end_y = h - top_margin  

        # Set text fonts 
        font_name = ParagraphStyleGenerator._gen_font()
        font_size = random_integer_from_list(self.config['text']['font_size'])
        canvas.setFont(font_name, font_size)

        # draw text 
        text_locations = self.config['text']['locations']
        random_locations = np.random.choice(text_locations, size = np.random.randint(0, len(text_locations) + 1), replace = False)
        for loc in random_locations:
            if loc == 'left':
                canvas.drawString(line_start_x, line_start_y + font_size // 3, self._gen_text())
            elif loc == 'right':
                words = self._gen_text()
                canvas.drawString(line_end_x - font_size * len(words), line_start_y + font_size // 3, words)
            elif loc == 'center':
                canvas.drawCentredString(w/2, line_start_y + font_size // 3, self._gen_text())
                raise ValueError("Text location %s not identified !"%loc)
        # draw hline 
        canvas.line(line_start_x, line_start_y, line_end_x, line_end_y)

        # add footer
        line_y = random_integer_from_list([20, 40])
        canvas.drawCentredString(w/2, line_y, str(np.random.randint(100)))
Example #7
    def paragraph(self):
        seperator = [',', ',', ':', ':', '.', '。', '!', '!', '?', '?', ' ']
        #seperator = [',', '.', '!']
        cfg_para_long = self.config['long']
        cfg_para_short = self.config['short']
        prob_long = cfg_para_long['prob']
        prob_short = cfg_para_short['prob']
        prob_short = prob_short / (prob_short + prob_long)

        # select by prob to have long/short paragraph 
        cfg_select = cfg_para_short if np.random.random() < prob_short else cfg_para_long 
        lb_sentence, ub_sentence = cfg_select['sentence_length']
        n_sentences = random_integer_from_list(cfg_select['n_sentences'])
        all_words = [self._gen_random_sentence([lb_sentence, ub_sentence]) for _ in range(n_sentences)]
        text = ''
        for w in all_words:
            text += w
            text += np.random.choice(seperator)
        paragraph_style = ParagraphStyleGenerator(self.config).style()
        return Paragraph(text, paragraph_style)
Example #8
 def _gen_table_space(self):
     space_before = random_integer_from_list(self.config['layout']['space_before'])
     space_after = random_integer_from_list(self.config['layout']['space_after'])
     return space_before, space_after
Example #9
 def _gen_random_en_word(self, length = [2, 6]):
     word_len = random_integer_from_list(length)
     word = ''.join(np.random.choice(self.enChar, size = word_len, replace = True).tolist())
     return word
Example #10
 def _gen_random_cn_sentence(self, length = [2, 6]):
     word_len = random_integer_from_list(length)
     #print('****************', word_len)
     #print('****************', self.cn_char)
     sentence = ''.join(np.random.choice(self.cnChar, size = word_len, replace = True).tolist())
     return sentence
Example #11
 def _gen_text(self):
     cfg_text = self.config['text']
     word_length = cfg_text['word_length']
     word_len = random_integer_from_list(word_length)                
     word = ''.join(np.random.choice(self.cnChar, size = word_len, replace = True).tolist())
     return word 
Example #12
    def table(self):
        cfg_blocks = self.config['content']['blocks']
        cfg_number = self.config['content']['numbers']
        cfg_cn = self.config['content']['cn_chars']
        cfg_en = self.config['content']['en_chars']
        cfg_special = self.config['content']['special']
        table_style = TableStyleGenerator(self.config).style()
        # First generate row/col headers  [list of n_col or n_row elements
        row_header = self._gen_cell_content(cfg_blocks['row_header'],  self.nrows)
        col_header = self._gen_cell_content(cfg_blocks['col_header'],  self.ncols)

        # Then generate table contents [ list of (col-1)*(row-1) elements
        content = self._gen_cell_content(cfg_blocks['content'],  (self.ncols - 1) * (self.nrows - 1))

        # Then add special docorations
        prob_parentheses = cfg_special['prob_parentheses']
        prob_empty = cfg_special['prob_empty']
        prob_dash = cfg_special['prob_dash']
        prob_underline = cfg_special['prob_underline']
        content = self._decorate_parentheses(content, prob_parentheses)
        content = self._decorate_underline(content, prob_underline, table_style)
        content = self._decorate_empty(content, prob_empty)
        content = self._decorate_dash(content, prob_dash)

        # Then merge content with headers to a [n_rows x n_cols] list
        content_ptr = 0
        table_data = [] 
        for i in range(self.nrows):
            if i == 0:
                # make the 1st cell empty 
                prob_empty_first_cell = cfg_blocks['prob_empty_first_cell']
                if np.random.random() < prob_empty_first_cell:
                    table_data.append([''] + col_header[1:self._ncols])
                table_data.append([row_header.pop()] + content[content_ptr: content_ptr + self._ncols -1])
                content_ptr += self._ncols  - 1

        # Then add single random empty col 
        if np.random.random() < self.config['space']['prob_empty_col'] and 3<= self._ncols <=5:
            # set 50% missing cols to be the 2nd col 
            empty_col = 1 if np.random.random() < 0.5 else np.random.randint(1, self._ncols-1)
            empty_size = random_integer_from_list(self.config['space']['size_empty_col'])
            for i in range(len(table_data)):
                table_data[i][empty_col] = ' ' * empty_size

        # Then add single random empty row 
        if np.random.random() < self.config['space']['prob_empty_row'] and 4<= self._nrows:
            empty_row = np.random.randint(1, self._nrows -1) 
            table_data[empty_row] =  [] *self._ncols

        # Then set second row (count start from 1) to be empty: simulate space / gap
        if np.random.random() < self.config['space']['prob_empty_second_row'] and self._nrows>3 and self._ncols > 2:
            table_data[1] = [] * self._ncols

        # Then set last second row (count start from 1) to be empty: simulate space / gap
        if np.random.random() < self.config['space']['prob_empty_last_second_row'] and self._nrows > 3 and self._ncols > 2: 
            table_data[-2] = [] * self._ncols

        # Finally build the table instance
        space_before, space_after = self._gen_table_space()
        table = Table(table_data,
                      style = table_style,
                      spaceBefore = space_before,
                      spaceAfter = space_after)

        return table
Example #13
 def nrows(self, rows):
     self._nrows = random_integer_from_list(rows)
Example #14
 def ncols(self, cols):
     self._ncols = random_integer_from_list(cols)
Example #15
 def add_spacer(self):
     W, H = A4
     height = self.config['spacer']['height']
     h = random_integer_from_list(height)
     spacer = Spacer(W, h)
Example #16
    def afterFlowable(self, flowable):
        x_lowerLeft, y_lowerLeft = self.frame._x, self.frame._y
        x_upperRight, y_upperRight = self.frame._x2, self.frame._y2
        page_number = self.canv._pageNumber  # start from 1
        # parse flowable coords
        if isinstance(flowable, Paragraph):
            kind = 'paragraph'
            width, height = flowable.width, flowable.height # note the difference from table 
        elif isinstance(flowable, Table):
            kind = 'table'
            width, height = flowable._width, flowable._height
        # elif isinstance(flowable, Spacer):
        #     kind = 'spacer'
        #     width, height = flowable.width, flowable.height
            return -1
        # fix shifts
        x_lowerLeft = x_lowerLeft - self.frame._leftPadding
        x_lowerLeft = (x_upperRight + x_lowerLeft) / 2 - width / 2
        y_lowerLeft = y_lowerLeft + self.frame._prevASpace 

        # add flowable result to coords 
        result =  {'kind':  kind,
                   'page': page_number, 
                   'is_flowable': True, 
                   'x': x_lowerLeft,
                   'y': y_lowerLeft, 
                   'w': width,
                   'h': height}

        # Parse special none flowables
        ## stamp at bordered table corners
        ## only table has attribute '_linecmds' == [.....]
        ## Bordered table is a none empty list, while borderless table is [] 
        if hasattr(flowable, '_linecmds') and flowable._linecmds:
            cache_coords = []
            if np.random.random() < self.config['stamp']['prob']:            
                n_stamps = random_integer_from_list(self.config['stamp']['n'])
                # Add  n_stamps 
                for _ in range(n_stamps):
                    info = self._add_imgs('stamp', x_lowerLeft, y_lowerLeft,
                                          width, height, cache_coords)
                    info['page'] = page_number

            if np.random.random() < self.config['signature']['prob']:            
                n_signatures = random_integer_from_list(self.config['signature']['n'])
                # Add  n_signatures 
                for _ in range(n_signatures):
                    info = self._add_imgs('signature', x_lowerLeft, y_lowerLeft,
                                          width, height, cache_coords)
                    info['page'] = page_number