Example #1
def addNewPath(trees, target, value):
    Adds a path and value to existing trees. Creates starting only at missing portion.
    @ In, trees, list(TreeStructure.InputTree), existing information
    @ In, target, list(string), nodal path to desired target as [Block1, Block2, entry]
    @ In, value, object, desired value for entry
    @ Ou, trees, list(TreeStructure.InputTree), modified list of trees
    foundSoFar = None
    for t, targ in enumerate(target):
        found = findInGetpot(trees, target[:t + 1])
        if found is not None:
            foundSoFar = found
    # if starting from scratch ...
    if foundSoFar is None:
        base = TreeStructure.InputNode(target[0])
        tree = TreeStructure.InputTree(base)
        foundSoFar = [base]
        t = 1
    # add missing nodes
    current = foundSoFar[-1]
    for a, addTarg in enumerate(target[t:]):
        new = TreeStructure.InputNode(addTarg)
        if t + a == len(target) - 1:
            new.text = str(value)
        current = new
    return trees
Example #2
  def localInitialize(self):
      Will perform all initialization specific to this Sampler. For instance,
      creating an empty container to hold the identified surface points, error
      checking the optionally provided solution export and other preset values,
      and initializing the limit surface Post-Processor used by this sampler.
      @ In, None
      @ Out, None
    if len(self.hybridStrategyToApply.keys()) > 0: hybridlistoflist = []
    for cnt, preckey  in enumerate(self.hybridStrategyToApply.keys()):
      hybridsampler =  self.hybridStrategyToApply[preckey]
      self.hybridNumberSamplers *= hybridsampler.limit
      while hybridsampler.amIreadyToProvideAnInput():
        hybridsampler.counter +=1
        hybridsampler.inputInfo['prefix'] = hybridsampler.counter
    if self.hybridNumberSamplers > 0:
      self.raiseAMessage('Number of Hybrid Samples are ' + str(self.hybridNumberSamplers) + '!')
      hybridNumber = self.hybridNumberSamplers
      combinations = list(itertools.product(*hybridlistoflist))
    else: hybridNumber = 1
    self.TreeInfo = {}
    for precSample in range(hybridNumber):
      elm = ETS.HierarchicalNode(self.messageHandler,self.name + '_' + str(precSample+1))
      elm.add('name', self.name + '_'+ str(precSample+1))
      elm.add('startTime', str(0.0))
      # Initialize the endTime to be equal to the start one...
      # It will modified at the end of each branch
      elm.add('endTime', str(0.0))
      # if preconditioned DET, add the sampled from hybridsampler samplers
      if self.hybridNumberSamplers > 0:
        elm.add('hybridsamplerCoordinate', combinations[precSample])
        for point in combinations[precSample]:
          for epistVar, val in point['SampledVars'].items(): self.epistemicVariables[epistVar][elm.get('name')] = val
      # The dictionary branchedLevel is stored in the xml tree too. That's because
      # the advancement of the thresholds must follow the tree structure
      elm.add('branchedLevel', self.branchedLevel[0])
      # Here it is stored all the info regarding the DET => we create the info for all the
      # branchings and we store them
      self.TreeInfo[self.name + '_' + str(precSample+1)] = ETS.HierarchicalTree(self.messageHandler,elm)

    for key in self.branchProbabilities.keys():
      #kk = self.toBeSampled.values().index(key)
      #self.branchValues[key] = [self.distDict[self.toBeSampled.keys()[self.toBeSampled.values().index(key)]].ppf(float(self.branchProbabilities[key][index])) for index in range(len(self.branchProbabilities[key]))]
      self.branchValues[key] = [self.distDict[key].ppf(float(self.branchProbabilities[key][index])) for index in range(len(self.branchProbabilities[key]))]
    for key in self.branchValues.keys():
      #kk = self.toBeSampled.values().index(key)
      #self.branchProbabilities[key] = [self.distDict[self.toBeSampled.keys()[self.toBeSampled.values().index(key)]].cdf(float(self.branchValues[key][index])) for index in range(len(self.branchValues[key]))]
      self.branchProbabilities[key] = [self.distDict[key].cdf(float(self.branchValues[key][index])) for index in range(len(self.branchValues[key]))]
    self.limit = sys.maxsize
Example #3
 def ExternalXMLread(self,externalXMLFile,externalXMLNode,xmlFileName=None):
     parses the external xml input file
     @ In, externalXMLFile, string, the filename for the external xml file that will be loaded
     @ In, externalXMLNode, string, decribes which node will be loaded to raven input file
     @ In, xmlFileName, string, optional, the raven input file name
     @ Out, externalElemment, xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, object that will be added to the current tree of raven input
   #TODO make one for getpot too
   if '~' in externalXMLFile:
     externalXMLFile = os.path.expanduser(externalXMLFile)
   if not os.path.isabs(externalXMLFile):
     if xmlFileName == None:
       self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Relative working directory requested but input xmlFileName is None.')
     xmlDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(xmlFileName))
     externalXMLFile = os.path.join(xmlDirectory,externalXMLFile)
   if os.path.exists(externalXMLFile):
     externalTree = TreeStructure.parse(externalXMLFile)
     externalElement = externalTree.getroot()
     if externalElement.tag != externalXMLNode:
       self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The required node is: ' + externalXMLNode + 'is different from the provided external xml type: ' + externalElement.tag)
     self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The external xml input file ' + externalXMLFile + ' does not exist!')
   return externalElement
Example #4
        #both are done
        return same,msg
      bl = next(genB)
    except StopIteration:
      return False,msg + ['file '+str(a)+' has more lines than '+str(b)]
    if al.rstrip('\n\r') != bl.rstrip('\n\r'):
      same = False
      print('al '+repr(al)+" != bl "+repr(bl))
      msg += ['line '+str(i)+' is not the same!']

#first test XML to XML
print('Testing XML to XML ...')
tree = TS.parse(open(os.path.join('parse','example_xml.xml'),'r'))
strTree = TS.tostring(tree)
fname = os.path.join('parse','fromXmltoXML.xml')
same,msg = checkSameFile(open(fname,'r'),open(os.path.join('gold',fname),'r'))
if same:
  print('  ... passed!')
  print('  ... failures in XML to XML:')
  print('     ',msg[0])

getpot = open(os.path.join('parse','example_getpot.i'),'r')
Example #5
 def XMLread(self,xmlNode,runInfoSkip = set(),xmlFilename=None):
     parses the xml input file, instances the classes need to represent all objects in the simulation
     @ In, xmlNode, ElementTree.Element, xml node to read in
     @ In, runInfoSkip, set, optional, nodes to skip
     @ In, xmlFilename, string, optional, xml filename for relative directory
     @ Out, None
   #TODO update syntax to note that we read InputTrees not XmlTrees
   unknownAttribs = utils.checkIfUnknowElementsinList(['printTimeStamps','verbosity','color','profile'],list(xmlNode.attrib.keys()))
   if len(unknownAttribs) > 0:
     errorMsg = 'The following attributes are unknown:'
     for element in unknownAttribs:
       errorMsg += ' ' + element
   self.verbosity = xmlNode.attrib.get('verbosity','all').lower()
   if 'printTimeStamps' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
     self.raiseADebug('Setting "printTimeStamps" to',xmlNode.attrib['printTimeStamps'])
   if 'color' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
     self.raiseADebug('Setting color output mode to',xmlNode.attrib['color'])
   if 'profile' in xmlNode.attrib.keys():
     thingsToProfile = list(p.strip().lower() for p in xmlNode.attrib['profile'].split(','))
     if 'jobs' in thingsToProfile:
   self.messageHandler.verbosity = self.verbosity
   runInfoNode = xmlNode.find('RunInfo')
   if runInfoNode is None:
     self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The RunInfo node is missing!')
   ### expand variable groups before continuing ###
   ## build variable groups ##
   varGroupNode = xmlNode.find('VariableGroups')
   # init, read XML for variable groups
   if varGroupNode is not None:
     varGroups = xmlUtils.readVariableGroups(varGroupNode,self.messageHandler,self)
   # read other nodes
   for child in xmlNode:
     if child.tag=='VariableGroups':
       continue #we did these before the for loop
     if child.tag in list(self.whichDict.keys()):
       self.raiseADebug('-'*2+' Reading the block: {0:15}'.format(str(child.tag))+2*'-')
       Class = child.tag
       if len(child.attrib.keys()) == 0:
         globalAttributes = {}
         globalAttributes = child.attrib
         #if 'verbosity' in globalAttributes.keys(): self.verbosity = globalAttributes['verbosity']
       if Class not in ['RunInfo','OutStreams'] and "returnInputParameter" in self.addWhatDict[Class].__dict__:
         paramInput = self.addWhatDict[Class].returnInputParameter()
         for childChild in paramInput.subparts:
           childName = childChild.getName()
           if "name" not in childChild.parameterValues:
             self.raiseAnError(IOError,'not found name attribute for '+childName +' in '+Class)
           name = childChild.parameterValues["name"]
           if "needsRunInfo" in self.addWhatDict[Class].__dict__:
             self.whichDict[Class][name] = self.addWhatDict[Class].returnInstance(childName,self.runInfoDict,self)
             self.whichDict[Class][name] = self.addWhatDict[Class].returnInstance(childName,self)
           self.whichDict[Class][name].handleInput(childChild, self.messageHandler, varGroups, globalAttributes=globalAttributes)
       elif Class != 'RunInfo':
         for childChild in child:
           subType = childChild.tag
           if 'name' in childChild.attrib.keys():
             name = childChild.attrib['name']
             self.raiseADebug('Reading type '+str(childChild.tag)+' with name '+name)
             #place the instance in the proper dictionary (self.whichDict[Type]) under his name as key,
             #the type is the general class (sampler, data, etc) while childChild.tag is the sub type
             #if name not in self.whichDict[Class].keys():  self.whichDict[Class][name] = self.addWhatDict[Class].returnInstance(childChild.tag,self)
             if Class != 'OutStreams':
               if name not in self.whichDict[Class].keys():
                 if "needsRunInfo" in self.addWhatDict[Class].__dict__:
                   self.whichDict[Class][name] = self.addWhatDict[Class].returnInstance(childChild.tag,self.runInfoDict,self)
                   self.whichDict[Class][name] = self.addWhatDict[Class].returnInstance(childChild.tag,self)
                 self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Redundant naming in the input for class '+Class+' and name '+name)
               if name not in self.whichDict[Class][subType].keys():
                 self.whichDict[Class][subType][name] = self.addWhatDict[Class][subType].returnInstance(childChild.tag,self)
                 self.raiseAnError(IOError,'Redundant  naming in the input for class '+Class+' and sub Type'+subType+' and name '+name)
             #now we can read the info for this object
             #if globalAttributes and 'verbosity' in globalAttributes.keys(): localVerbosity = globalAttributes['verbosity']
             #else                                                      : localVerbosity = self.verbosity
             if Class != 'OutStreams':
               self.whichDict[Class][name].readXML(childChild, self.messageHandler, varGroups, globalAttributes=globalAttributes)
               self.whichDict[Class][subType][name].readXML(childChild, self.messageHandler, globalAttributes=globalAttributes)
             self.raiseAnError(IOError,'not found name attribute for one '+Class)
       #tag not in whichDict, check if it's a documentation tag
       if child.tag not in ['TestInfo']:
         self.raiseAnError(IOError,'<'+child.tag+'> is not among the known simulation components '+repr(child))
   # If requested, duplicate input
   # ###NOTE: All substitutions to the XML input tree should be done BEFORE this point!!
   if self.runInfoDict.get('printInput',False):
     fileName = os.path.join(self.runInfoDict['WorkingDir'],self.runInfoDict['printInput'])
     self.raiseAMessage('Writing duplicate input file:',fileName)
     outFile = open(fileName,'w')
     outFile.writelines(utils.toString(TreeStructure.tostring(xmlNode))+'\n') #\n for no-end-of-line issue
   if not set(self.stepSequenceList).issubset(set(self.stepsDict.keys())):
     self.raiseAnError(IOError,'The step list: '+str(self.stepSequenceList)+' contains steps that have not been declared: '+str(list(self.stepsDict.keys())))
Example #6
        inputFiles = [simulation.getDefaultInputFile()]
        inputFiles = sys.argv[1:]

    for i in range(len(inputFiles)):
        if not os.path.isabs(inputFiles[i]):
            inputFiles[i] = os.path.join(workingDir, inputFiles[i])

    #Parse the input
    #For future developers of this block, assure that useful, informative exceptions
    #  are still thrown while parsing the XML tree.  Otherwise any error made by
    #  the developer or user might be obfuscated.
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
            tree = TS.parse(open(inputFile, 'r'))
        except TS.InputParsingError as e:
            print('\nInput Parsing error!', e, '\n')

        #except?  riseanIOError('not possible to parse (xml based) the input file '+inputFile)
        if verbosity == 'debug':
            print('DRIVER', 'opened file ' + inputFile)

        root = tree.getroot()
        if root.tag != 'Simulation':
            e = IOError('The outermost block of the input file ' + inputFile +
                        ' it is not Simulation')
            print('\nInput XML Error!', e, '\n')
Example #7
    if updateResults:
      results["fail"] += 1
    return False
    if updateResults:
      results["pass"] += 1
    return True

# Node Tests #
# TODO not complete!

#test equivalency (eq, neq, hash)
## test all same are same
a = TS.HierarchicalNode(mh,'rightTag',valuesIn={'attrib1':1,'attrib2':'2'},text='sampleText')
b = TS.HierarchicalNode(mh,'rightTag',valuesIn={'attrib1':1,'attrib2':'2'},text='sampleText')
checkSame('Equivalency of nodes ==:',a==b,True)
checkSame('Equivalency of nodes !=:',a!=b,False)

## test different tag
b = TS.HierarchicalNode(mh,'diffTag',valuesIn={'attrib1':1,'attrib2':'2'},text='sampleText')
checkSame('Inequivalent tag ==:',a==b,False)
checkSame('Inequivalent tag !=:',a!=b,True)

## test different attribute name
b = TS.HierarchicalNode(mh,'rightTag',valuesIn={'attrib3':1,'attrib2':'2'},text='sampleText')
checkSame('Inequivalent value name ==:',a==b,False)
checkSame('Inequivalent value name !=:',a!=b,True)

## test different attribute value
Example #8
 def localGenerateInput(self, model, myInput):
   Function to select the next most informative point for refining the limit
   surface search.
   After this method is called, the self.inputInfo should be ready to be sent
   to the model
   @ In, model, model instance, an instance of a model
   @ In, myInput, list, a list of the original needed inputs for the model (e.g. list of files, etc.)
   @ Out, None
     if self.startAdaptive == True and self.adaptiveReady == True:
         LimitSurfaceSearch.localGenerateInput(self, model, myInput)
         #the adaptive sampler created the next point sampled vars
         #find the closest branch
         if self.hybridDETstrategy is not None:
             closestBranch, cdfValues, treer = self._checkClosestBranch()
             closestBranch, cdfValues = self._checkClosestBranch()
         if closestBranch is None:
                 'An usable branch for next candidate has not been found => create a parallel branch!'
         # add pbthresholds in the grid
         investigatedPoint = {}
         for key, value in cdfValues.items():
                 ind = utils.first(
                         np.asarray(self.branchProbabilities[key]) <= value
             except (IndexError, ValueError):
                 ind = 0
             if value not in self.branchProbabilities[key]:
                 self.branchProbabilities[key].insert(ind, value)
                     ind, self.distDict[key].ppf(value))
             investigatedPoint[key] = value
         # collect investigated point
         if closestBranch:
             info = self._retrieveBranchInfo(closestBranch)
             self._constructEndInfoFromBranch(model, myInput, info,
             # create a new tree, since there are no branches that are close enough to the adaptive request
             elm = ETS.HierarchicalNode(
                 self.name + '_' + str(len(self.TreeInfo.keys()) + 1))
                     self.name + '_' + str(len(self.TreeInfo.keys()) + 1))
             elm.add('startTime', 0.0)
             # Initialize the endTime to be equal to the start one...
             # It will modified at the end of each branch
             elm.add('endTime', 0.0)
             elm.add('runEnded', False)
             elm.add('running', True)
             elm.add('queue', False)
             elm.add('completedHistory', False)
             branchedLevel = {}
             for key, value in cdfValues.items():
                 branchedLevel[key] = utils.first(
                         np.asarray(self.branchProbabilities[key]) ==
             # The dictionary branchedLevel is stored in the xml tree too. That's because
             # the advancement of the thresholds must follow the tree structure
             elm.add('branchedLevel', branchedLevel)
             if self.hybridDETstrategy is not None and not self.foundEpistemicTree:
                 # adaptive hybrid DET and not found a tree in the epistemic space
                 # take the first tree and modify the hybridsamplerCoordinate
                 hybridSampled = copy.deepcopy(
                 for hybridStrategy in hybridSampled:
                     for key in self.epistemicVariables.keys():
                         if key in hybridStrategy['SampledVars'].keys():
                             self.raiseADebug("epistemic var " + str(key) +
                                              " value = " +
                             hybridStrategy['SampledVars'][key] = copy.copy(
                                 key] = self.distDict[key].pdf(
                             hybridStrategy['prefix'] = len(
                                 self.TreeInfo.values()) + 1
                     # TODO: find a strategy to recompute the probability weight here (for now == PointProbability)
                     hybridStrategy['PointProbability'] = reduce(
                         mul, self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].values())
                     hybridStrategy['ProbabilityWeight'] = reduce(
                         mul, self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].values())
                 elm.add('hybridsamplerCoordinate', hybridSampled)
                 'ProbabilityWeight-' + key.strip(): value
                 for key, value in self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].items()
             # Here it is stored all the info regarding the DET => we create the info for all the branchings and we store them
             self.TreeInfo[self.name + '_' +
                           str(len(self.TreeInfo.keys()) +
                               1)] = ETS.HierarchicalTree(
                                   self.messageHandler, elm)
                 self.TreeInfo[self.name + '_' +
                 branchedLevel, model, myInput)
     return DynamicEventTree.localGenerateInput(self, model, myInput)
Example #9
    def _constructEndInfoFromBranch(self, model, myInput, info, cdfValues):
      Method to construct the end information from the 'info' inputted
      @ In, model, Models object, the model that is used to explore the input space (e.g. a code, like RELAP-7)
      @ In, myInput, list, list of inputs for the Models object (passed through the Steps XML block)
      @ In, info, dict, dictionary of information at the end of a branch (information collected by the method _retrieveBranchInfo)
      @ In, cdfValues, dict, dictionary of CDF thresholds reached by the branch that just ended.
      @ Out, None
        endInfo = info['parentNode'].get('endInfo')
        del self.inputInfo
        self.counter += 1
        self.branchCountOnLevel = info['actualBranchOnLevel'] + 1
        # Get Parent node name => the branch name is creating appending to this name  a comma and self.branchCountOnLevel counter
        rname = info['parentNode'].get('name') + '-' + str(
        info['parentNode'].add('completedHistory', False)
        bcnt = self.branchCountOnLevel
        while info['parentNode'].isAnActualBranch(rname):
            bcnt += 1
            rname = info['parentNode'].get('name') + '-' + str(bcnt)
        # create a subgroup that will be appended to the parent element in the xml tree structure
        subGroup = ETS.HierarchicalNode(self.messageHandler, rname)
        subGroup.add('parent', info['parentNode'].get('name'))
        subGroup.add('name', rname)
        self.raiseADebug('cond pb = ' +
        condPbC = float(info['parentNode'].get('conditionalPbr'))

        # Loop over  branchChangedParams (events) and start storing information,
        # such as conditional pb, variable values, into the xml tree object
        branchChangedParamValue = []
        branchChangedParamPb = []
        branchParams = []
        if endInfo:
            for key in endInfo['branchChangedParams'].keys():
            subGroup.add('branchChangedParam', branchParams)
            subGroup.add('branchChangedParamValue', branchChangedParamValue)
            subGroup.add('branchChangedParamPb', branchChangedParamPb)
        # add conditional probability
        subGroup.add('conditionalPbr', condPbC)
        # add initiator distribution info, start time, etc.
        subGroup.add('startTime', info['parentNode'].get('endTime'))
        # initialize the endTime to be equal to the start one... It will modified at the end of this branch
        subGroup.add('endTime', info['parentNode'].get('endTime'))
        # add the branchedLevel dictionary to the subgroup
        # branch calculation info... running, queue, etc are set here
        subGroup.add('runEnded', False)
        subGroup.add('running', False)
        subGroup.add('queue', True)
        subGroup.add('completedHistory', False)
        # Append the new branch (subgroup) info to the parentNode in the tree object
        # Fill the values dictionary that will be passed into the model in order to create an input
        # In this dictionary the info for changing the original input is stored
        self.inputInfo = {
            'prefix': rname,
            'endTimeStep': info['parentNode'].get('actualEndTimeStep'),
            'branchChangedParam': subGroup.get('branchChangedParam'),
            'branchChangedParamValue': subGroup.get('branchChangedParamValue'),
            'conditionalPb': subGroup.get('conditionalPbr'),
            'startTime': info['parentNode'].get('endTime'),
            'RAVEN_parentID': subGroup.get('parent'),
            'RAVEN_isEnding': True
        # add the newer branch name to the map
        self.rootToJob[rname] = self.rootToJob[subGroup.get('parent')]
        # check if it is a preconditioned DET sampling, if so add the relative information
        # it exists only in case an hybridDET strategy is activated
        precSampled = info['parentNode'].get('hybridsamplerCoordinate')
        if precSampled:
            self.inputInfo['hybridsamplerCoordinate'] = copy.deepcopy(
            subGroup.add('hybridsamplerCoordinate', copy.copy(precSampled))
        # The probability Thresholds are stored here in the cdfValues dictionary... We are sure that they are whitin the ones defined in the grid
        # check is not needed
        self.inputInfo['initiatorDistribution'] = [
            self.toBeSampled[key] for key in cdfValues.keys()
        self.inputInfo['PbThreshold'] = list(cdfValues.values())
        self.inputInfo['ValueThreshold'] = [
            self.distDict[key].ppf(value) for key, value in cdfValues.items()
        self.inputInfo['SampledVars'] = {}
        self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'] = {}
        for varname in self.standardDETvariables:
            self.inputInfo['SampledVars'][varname] = self.distDict[
            self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'][varname] = cdfValues[varname]
        # constant variables
        if precSampled:
            for precSample in precSampled:
        self.inputInfo['PointProbability'] = reduce(
            mul, self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].values()) * subGroup.get(
        self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight'] = self.inputInfo[
            'ProbabilityWeight-' + key.strip(): value
            for key, value in self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].items()
        # add additional edits if needed
        # Add the new input path into the RunQueue system
        newInputs = {'args': [str(self.type)], 'kwargs': dict(self.inputInfo)}
        for key, value in self.inputInfo.items():
            subGroup.add(key, copy.copy(value))
        if endInfo:
            subGroup.add('endInfo', copy.deepcopy(endInfo))
Example #10
  def _createRunningQueueBranch(self,model,myInput,forceEvent=False):
      Method to generate the running internal queue right after a branch occurred
      It generates the the information to insatiate the branches' continuation of the Deterministic Dynamic Event Tree
      @ In, model, Models object, the model that is used to explore the input space (e.g. a code, like RELAP-7)
      @ In, myInput, list, list of inputs for the Models object (passed through the Steps XML block)
      @ In, forceEvent, bool, if True the events are forced to happen (basically, the "unchanged event" is not created at all)
      @ Out, None
    # The first DET calculation branch has already been run'
    # Start the manipulation:

    #  Pop out the last endInfo information and the branchedLevel
    branchedLevelParent     = self.branchedLevel.pop(0)
    endInfo                 = self.endInfo.pop(0)
    self.branchCountOnLevel = 0 #?
    # n_branches = number of branches need to be run
    nBranches = endInfo['n_branches']
    # Check if the distribution that just triggered hitted the last probability threshold .
    # In case we create a number of branches = endInfo['n_branches'] - 1 => the branch in
    # which the event did not occur is not going to be tracked
    if branchedLevelParent[endInfo['branchDist']] >= len(self.branchProbabilities[endInfo['branchDist']]):
      self.raiseADebug('Branch ' + endInfo['parentNode'].get('name') + ' hit last Threshold for distribution ' + endInfo['branchDist'])
      self.raiseADebug('Branch ' + endInfo['parentNode'].get('name') + ' is dead end.')
      self.branchCountOnLevel = 1
      nBranches -= 1
      if forceEvent == True:
        self.branchCountOnLevel = 1
        nBranches -= 1
    # Loop over the branches for which the inputs must be created
    for _ in range(nBranches):
      del self.inputInfo
      self.counter += 1
      self.branchCountOnLevel += 1
      branchedLevel = copy.deepcopy(branchedLevelParent)
      # Get Parent node name => the branch name is creating appending to this name  a comma and self.branchCountOnLevel counter
      rname = endInfo['parentNode'].get('name') + '-' + str(self.branchCountOnLevel)

      # create a subgroup that will be appended to the parent element in the xml tree structure
      subGroup = ETS.HierarchicalNode(self.messageHandler,rname.encode())
      subGroup.add('parent', endInfo['parentNode'].get('name'))
      subGroup.add('name', rname)
      subGroup.add('completedHistory', False)
      # condPbUn = conditional probability event not occur
      # condPbC  = conditional probability event/s occur/s
      condPbUn = 0.0
      condPbC  = 0.0
      # Loop over  branchChangedParams (events) and start storing information,
      # such as conditional pb, variable values, into the xml tree object
      branchChangedParamValue = []
      branchChangedParamPb    = []
      branchParams            = []

      for key in endInfo['branchChangedParams'].keys():
        if self.branchCountOnLevel != 1:
          condPbC = condPbC + endInfo['branchChangedParams'][key]['changedConditionalPb'][self.branchCountOnLevel-2]
          condPbUn =  condPbUn + endInfo['branchChangedParams'][key]['unchangedConditionalPb']
      # add conditional probability
      if self.branchCountOnLevel != 1:
      # add initiator distribution info, start time, etc.

      subGroup.add('startTime', endInfo['parentNode'].get('endTime'))
      # initialize the endTime to be equal to the start one... It will modified at the end of this branch
      subGroup.add('endTime', endInfo['parentNode'].get('endTime'))
      # add the branchedLevel dictionary to the subgroup
      if self.branchCountOnLevel != 1: branchedLevel[endInfo['branchDist']] = branchedLevel[endInfo['branchDist']] - 1
      # branch calculation info... running, queue, etc are set here
      #  subGroup.set('restartFileRoot',endInfo['restartRoot'])
      # Append the new branch (subgroup) info to the parentNode in the tree object
      # Fill the values dictionary that will be passed into the model in order to create an input
      # In this dictionary the info for changing the original input is stored
      self.inputInfo = {'prefix':rname.encode(),'endTimeStep':endInfo['endTimeStep'],

      self.inputInfo['happenedEvent'] = subGroup.get('happenedEvent')
      # add additional edits if needed
      # add the newer branch name to the map
      self.rootToJob[rname] = self.rootToJob[subGroup.get('parent')]
      # check if it is a preconditioned DET sampling, if so add the relative information
      precSampled = endInfo['parentNode'].get('hybridsamplerCoordinate')
      if precSampled:
        self.inputInfo['hybridsamplerCoordinate'] = copy.deepcopy(precSampled)
        subGroup.add('hybridsamplerCoordinate', precSampled)
      # Check if the distribution that just triggered hitted the last probability threshold .
      #  In this case there is not a probability threshold that needs to be added in the input
      #  for this particular distribution
      if not (branchedLevel[endInfo['branchDist']] >= len(self.branchProbabilities[endInfo['branchDist']])):
        self.inputInfo['initiatorDistribution'] = [self.toBeSampled[endInfo['branchDist']]]
        self.inputInfo['PbThreshold'           ] = [self.branchProbabilities[endInfo['branchDist']][branchedLevel[endInfo['branchDist']]]]
        self.inputInfo['ValueThreshold'        ] = [self.branchValues[endInfo['branchDist']][branchedLevel[endInfo['branchDist']]]]
      #  For the other distributions, we put the unbranched thresholds
      #  Before adding these thresholds, check if the keyword 'initiatorDistribution' is present...
      #  (In the case the previous if statement is true, this keyword is not present yet
      #  Add it otherwise
      if not ('initiatorDistribution' in self.inputInfo.keys()):
        self.inputInfo['initiatorDistribution' ] = []
        self.inputInfo['PbThreshold'           ] = []
        self.inputInfo['ValueThreshold'        ] = []
      # Add the unbranched thresholds
      for key in self.branchProbabilities.keys():
        if not (key in self.toBeSampled[endInfo['branchDist']]) and (branchedLevel[key] < len(self.branchProbabilities[key])): self.inputInfo['initiatorDistribution'].append(self.toBeSampled[key.encode()])
      for key in self.branchProbabilities.keys():
        if not (key in self.toBeSampled[endInfo['branchDist']]) and (branchedLevel[key] < len(self.branchProbabilities[key])):
          self.inputInfo['PbThreshold'   ].append(self.branchProbabilities[key][branchedLevel[key]])
      self.inputInfo['SampledVars']   = {}
      self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'] = {}
      for varname in self.standardDETvariables:
        self.inputInfo['SampledVars'][varname]   = self.branchValues[varname][branchedLevel[varname]]
        self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'][varname] = self.branchProbabilities[varname][branchedLevel[varname]]
        #self.inputInfo['SampledVars'][varname]   = self.branchValues[self.toBeSampled[varname]][branchedLevel[self.toBeSampled[varname]]]
        #self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'][varname] = self.branchProbabilities[self.toBeSampled[varname]][branchedLevel[self.toBeSampled[varname]]]
      if precSampled:
        for precSample in precSampled:
          self.inputInfo['SampledVars'  ].update(precSample['SampledVars'])
      self.inputInfo['PointProbability' ] = reduce(mul, self.inputInfo['SampledVarsPb'].values())*subGroup.get('conditionalPbr')
      self.inputInfo['ProbabilityWeight'] = self.inputInfo['PointProbability' ]
      # Call the model function  "createNewInput" with the "values" dictionary just filled.
      # Add the new input path into the RunQueue system
      for key,value in self.inputInfo.items(): subGroup.add(key,value)
      popped = endInfo.pop('parentNode')
      endInfo['parentNode'] = popped
      del branchedLevel
Example #11
    inputFiles = [simulation.getDefaultInputFile()]
    inputFiles = sys.argv[1:]

  for i in range(len(inputFiles)):
    if not os.path.isabs(inputFiles[i]):
      inputFiles[i] = os.path.join(workingDir,inputFiles[i])

  #Parse the input
  #For future developers of this block, assure that useful, informative exceptions
  #  are still thrown while parsing the XML tree.  Otherwise any error made by
  #  the developer or user might be obfuscated.
  for inputFile in inputFiles:
      tree = TS.parse(file(inputFile,'r'))
    except TS.InputParsingError as e:
      print('\nInput Parsing error!',e,'\n')

    #except?  riseanIOError('not possible to parse (xml based) the input file '+inputFile)
    if verbosity=='debug':
      print('DRIVER','opened file '+inputFile)

    root = tree.getroot()
    if root.tag != 'Simulation':
      e=IOError('The outermost block of the input file '+inputFile+' it is not Simulation')
      print('\nInput XML Error!',e,'\n')

    # call the function to load the external xml files into the input tree
Example #12
                return same, msg
            bl = next(genB)
        except StopIteration:
            return False, msg + [
                'file ' + str(a) + ' has more lines than ' + str(b)
        if al.rstrip('\n\r') != bl.rstrip('\n\r'):
            same = False
            print('al ' + repr(al) + " != bl " + repr(bl))
            msg += ['line ' + str(i) + ' is not the same!']

#first test XML to XML
print('Testing XML to XML ...')
tree = TS.parse(open(os.path.join('parse', 'example_xml.xml'), 'r'))
strTree = TS.tostring(tree)
fname = os.path.join('parse', 'fromXmltoXML.xml')
open(fname, 'w').write(toString(strTree))
same, msg = checkSameFile(open(fname, 'r'),
                          open(os.path.join('gold', fname), 'r'))
if same:
    results['passed'] += 1
    print('  ... passed!')
    results['failed'] += 1
    print('  ... failures in XML to XML:')
    print('     ', msg[0])

print('Results:', list('%s: %i' % (k, v) for k, v in results.items()))
Example #13
def getpotToInputTree(getpot):
    Converts getpot input to RAVEN InputTree structure
    @ In, getpot, string, string to read in (with newlines, could be open file object)
    @ Out, tree, TreeStructure.NodeTree, tree with information
    getpot = preprocessGetpot(getpot)
    roots = []
    parentNodes = [
    ]  # stack trace of parent nodes, as [First, Second, Third] nested
    currentNode = None  # current node having objects added to it
    # track multiline vectors
    multilineKey = None  # attribute name
    multilineValue = None  # multiline value
    multilineIndicator = None  # indicator to open/close, either ' or "
    for line in getpot:
        if multilineValue is not None:
            if multilineIndicator in line:
                # the multiline is done, so close and record it
                value, leftover = line.split(multilineIndicator, maxsplit=1)
                addSpace = ' ' if value.strip() else ''
                multilineValue += addSpace + value.strip() + multilineIndicator
                # set up to close entry
                attribute = multilineKey
                value = multilineValue
                closeEntry = True
                # reset
                multilineKey = None
                multilineValue = None
                multilineIndicator = None
                # still open and not closed, so keep appending
                addSpace = ' ' if multilineValue[
                    -1] != multilineIndicator else ''
                multilineValue += addSpace + line.strip()
                closeEntry = False
            line = line.strip()
            # starting new node
            if line.startswith(
                ('[./', '[')) and line.endswith(']') and line not in ('[../]',
                #if child node, stash the parent for now
                if currentNode is not None:
                currentNode = TreeStructure.InputNode(tag=line.strip('[]./'))
                closeEntry = False
            # closing node
            elif line.startswith(('[../]', '[]')):
                if parentNodes:
                    #make parent the active node
                    currentNode = parentNodes.pop()
                    #this is a root
                    currentNode = None
                closeEntry = False
            # attributes and values
            elif '=' in line:
                attribute, value = (x.strip()
                                    for x in line.split('=', maxsplit=1))
                # TODO multilline, if "'" or '"' in line
                # ASSUME: both " and ' aren't used in the same line
                if any(x in line for x in multiIndicators):
                    indicator = '\'' if '\'' in line else '\"'
                    if line.count(
                    ) % 2 == 0:  # NOTE this may be more complex than needed, can you really use 4, 6?
                        # closes within line
                        value = value.strip('\'\"')
                        closeEntry = True
                        # multiline
                        multilineKey = attribute
                        multilineValue = value
                        multilineIndicator = indicator
                        closeEntry = False
                        # DO NOT continue, keep going until multiline is closed
                    # single line entry with no vector representation
                    value = value.strip()
                    closeEntry = True
            # we don't know what's going on here
                raise IOError('Unrecognized line syntax: "{}"'.format(line))
        # if the "value" if the "attribute" is closed, record the entry
        if closeEntry:
            if attribute in (
                    c.tag for c in currentNode.children):  #currentNode.attrib:
                raise IOError(
                    'Multiple entries defined with same name "{a}"!'.format(
                new = TreeStructure.InputNode(tag=attribute, text=value)

    if multilineValue:
        raise IOError(
            'There was a parsing error reading MOOSE input! Multiline attribute "{n}" opened by {i} but never closed!'
            .format(i=multilineIndicator, n=multilineKey))

    return [TreeStructure.InputTree(root) for root in roots]