Example #1
        def stack_graphs(graph_list, vert=False, pad=None):
            graph_list_ = [g.copy() for g in graph_list]
            for g in graph_list_:
            bbox_list = [ut.get_graph_bounding_box(g) for g in graph_list_]
            if vert:
                dim1 = 3
                dim2 = 2
                dim1 = 2
                dim2 = 3
            dim1_list = np.array([bbox[dim1] for bbox in bbox_list])
            dim2_list = np.array([bbox[dim2] for bbox in bbox_list])
            if pad is None:
                pad = np.mean(dim1_list) / 2
            offset1_list = ut.cumsum([0] + [d + pad for d in dim1_list[:-1]])
            max_dim2 = max(dim2_list)
            offset2_list = [(max_dim2 - d2) / 2 for d2 in dim2_list]
            if vert:
                t_xy_list = [(d2, d1) for d1, d2 in zip(offset1_list, offset2_list)]
                t_xy_list = [(d1, d2) for d1, d2 in zip(offset1_list, offset2_list)]

            for g, t_xy in zip(graph_list_, t_xy_list):
                ut.translate_graph(g, t_xy)
                nx.set_node_attributes(g, name='pin', values='true')

            new_graph = nx.compose_all(graph_list_)
            #pt.show_nx(new_graph, layout='custom', node_labels=False, as_directed=False)  # NOQA
            return new_graph
Example #2
    def accumulate_input_ids(edge_list):
        python -m dtool.example_depcache2 testdata_depc4 --show
        edge_data = ut.take_column(edge_list, 3)
        # We are accumulating local input ids
        toaccum_list_ = ut.dict_take_column(edge_data, 'local_input_id')
        if BIG_HACK and True:
            v_list = ut.take_column(edge_list, 1)
            # show the local_input_ids at the entire level
            pred_ids = ([[
                for x in list(graph.pred[node].values())[0].values()
            ] if len(graph.pred[node]) else [] for node in v_list])
            toaccum_list = [
                x + ':' + ';'.join(y) for x, y in zip(toaccum_list_, pred_ids)
            toaccum_list = toaccum_list_

        # Default dumb accumulation
        accum_ids_ = ut.cumsum(zip(toaccum_list), tuple())
        accum_ids = ut.lmap(condense_accum_ids, accum_ids_)
        if BIG_HACK:
            accum_ids = ut.lmap(condense_accum_ids_stars, accum_ids)
            accum_ids = [('t', ) + x for x in accum_ids]
        ut.dict_set_column(edge_data, 'accum_id', accum_ids)
        return accum_ids
Example #3
    def update(self, iterable):
        _lists = self._lists
        values = list(iterable)

        _load = self._load
        _lists.extend(values[pos:(pos + _load)]
                      for pos in range(0, len(values), _load))
        self._cumlen = ut.cumsum(map(len, _lists))
        self._len = len(values)
Example #4
def run_asmk_script():
    with ut.embed_on_exception_context:  # NOQA
    >>> from wbia.algo.smk.script_smk import *

  # NOQA

        # ==============================================
        # ==============================================
        config = {
            # 'data_year': 2013,
            'data_year': None,
            'dtype': 'float32',
            # 'root_sift': True,
            'root_sift': False,
            # 'centering': True,
            'centering': False,
            'num_words': 2**16,
            # 'num_words': 1E6
            # 'num_words': 8000,
            'kmeans_impl': 'sklearn.mini',
            'extern_words': False,
            'extern_assign': False,
            'assign_algo': 'kdtree',
            'checks': 1024,
            'int_rvec': True,
            'only_xy': False,
        # Define which params are relevant for which operations
        relevance = {}
        relevance['feats'] = ['dtype', 'root_sift', 'centering', 'data_year']
        relevance['words'] = relevance['feats'] + [
        relevance['assign'] = relevance['words'] + [
        # relevance['ydata'] = relevance['assign'] + ['int_rvec']
        # relevance['xdata'] = relevance['assign'] + ['only_xy', 'int_rvec']

        nAssign = 1

        class SMKCacher(ut.Cacher):
            def __init__(self, fname, ext='.cPkl'):
                relevant_params = relevance[fname]
                relevant_cfg = ut.dict_subset(config, relevant_params)
                cfgstr = ut.get_cfg_lbl(relevant_cfg)
                dbdir = ut.truepath('/raid/work/Oxford/')
                super(SMKCacher, self).__init__(fname,

        # ==============================================
        # ==============================================
        if config['data_year'] == 2007:
            data = load_oxford_2007()
        elif config['data_year'] == 2013:
            data = load_oxford_2013()
        elif config['data_year'] is None:
            data = load_oxford_wbia()

        offset_list = data['offset_list']
        all_kpts = data['all_kpts']
        raw_vecs = data['all_vecs']
        query_uri_order = data['query_uri_order']
        data_uri_order = data['data_uri_order']
        # del data

        # ================
        # PRE-PROCESS
        # ================
        import vtool as vt

        # Alias names to avoid errors in interactive sessions
        proc_vecs = raw_vecs
        del raw_vecs

        feats_cacher = SMKCacher('feats', ext='.npy')
        all_vecs = feats_cacher.tryload()
        if all_vecs is None:
            if config['dtype'] == 'float32':
                logger.info('Converting vecs to float32')
                proc_vecs = proc_vecs.astype(np.float32)
                proc_vecs = proc_vecs
                raise NotImplementedError('other dtype')

            if config['root_sift']:
                with ut.Timer('Apply root sift'):
                    np.sqrt(proc_vecs, out=proc_vecs)
                    vt.normalize(proc_vecs, ord=2, axis=1, out=proc_vecs)

            if config['centering']:
                with ut.Timer('Apply centering'):
                    mean_vec = np.mean(proc_vecs, axis=0)
                    # Center and then re-normalize
                    np.subtract(proc_vecs, mean_vec[None, :], out=proc_vecs)
                    vt.normalize(proc_vecs, ord=2, axis=1, out=proc_vecs)

            if config['dtype'] == 'int8':

            all_vecs = proc_vecs
        del proc_vecs

        # =====================================
        # =====================================
        if config['extern_words']:
            words = data['words']
            assert config['num_words'] is None or len(
                words) == config['num_words']
            word_cacher = SMKCacher('words')
            words = word_cacher.tryload()
            if words is None:
                with ut.embed_on_exception_context:
                    if config['kmeans_impl'] == 'sklearn.mini':
                        import sklearn.cluster

                        rng = np.random.RandomState(13421421)
                        # init_size = int(config['num_words'] * 8)
                        init_size = int(config['num_words'] * 4)
                        # converged after 26043 iterations
                        clusterer = sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(
                        words = clusterer.cluster_centers_
                    elif config['kmeans_impl'] == 'yael':
                        from yael import ynumpy

                        centroids, qerr, dis, assign, nassign = ynumpy.kmeans(
                        words = centroids

        # =====================================
        # =====================================
        if config['extern_assign']:
            assert config[
                'extern_words'], 'need extern cluster to extern assign'
            idx_to_wxs = vt.atleast_nd(data['idx_to_wx'], 2)
            idx_to_maws = np.ones(idx_to_wxs.shape, dtype=np.float32)
            idx_to_wxs = np.ma.array(idx_to_wxs)
            idx_to_maws = np.ma.array(idx_to_maws)
            from wbia.algo.smk import vocab_indexer

            vocab = vocab_indexer.VisualVocab(words)
            dassign_cacher = SMKCacher('assign')
            assign_tup = dassign_cacher.tryload()
            if assign_tup is None:
                vocab.flann_params['algorithm'] = config['assign_algo']
                # Takes 12 minutes to assign jegous vecs to 2**16 vocab
                with ut.Timer('assign vocab neighbors'):
                    _idx_to_wx, _idx_to_wdist = vocab.nn_index(
                        all_vecs, nAssign, checks=config['checks'])
                    if nAssign > 1:
                        idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws = smk_funcs.weight_multi_assigns(
                        idx_to_wxs = np.ma.masked_array(_idx_to_wx,
                        idx_to_maws = np.ma.ones(idx_to_wxs.shape,
                        idx_to_maws.mask = idx_to_wxs.mask
                assign_tup = (idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws)

        idx_to_wxs, idx_to_maws = assign_tup

        # Breakup vectors, keypoints, and word assignments by annotation
        wx_lists = [
            idx_to_wxs[left:right] for left, right in ut.itertwo(offset_list)
        maw_lists = [
            idx_to_maws[left:right] for left, right in ut.itertwo(offset_list)
        vecs_list = [
            all_vecs[left:right] for left, right in ut.itertwo(offset_list)
        kpts_list = [
            all_kpts[left:right] for left, right in ut.itertwo(offset_list)

        # =======================
        # =======================

        ibs, query_annots, data_annots, qx_to_dx = load_ordered_annots(
            data_uri_order, query_uri_order)
        daids = data_annots.aids
        qaids = query_annots.aids

        query_super_kpts = ut.take(kpts_list, qx_to_dx)
        query_super_vecs = ut.take(vecs_list, qx_to_dx)
        query_super_wxs = ut.take(wx_lists, qx_to_dx)
        query_super_maws = ut.take(maw_lists, qx_to_dx)
        # Mark which keypoints are within the bbox of the query
        query_flags_list = []
        only_xy = config['only_xy']
        for kpts_, bbox in zip(query_super_kpts, query_annots.bboxes):
            flags = kpts_inside_bbox(kpts_, bbox, only_xy=only_xy)

        logger.info('Queries are crops of existing database images.')
        logger.info('Looking at average percents')
        percent_list = [
            flags_.sum() / flags_.shape[0] for flags_ in query_flags_list
        percent_stats = ut.get_stats(percent_list)
        logger.info('percent_stats = %s' % (ut.repr4(percent_stats), ))

        import vtool as vt

        query_kpts = vt.zipcompress(query_super_kpts, query_flags_list, axis=0)
        query_vecs = vt.zipcompress(query_super_vecs, query_flags_list, axis=0)
        query_wxs = vt.zipcompress(query_super_wxs, query_flags_list, axis=0)
        query_maws = vt.zipcompress(query_super_maws, query_flags_list, axis=0)

        # =======================
        # =======================

        # int_rvec = not config['dtype'].startswith('float')
        int_rvec = config['int_rvec']

        X_list = []
        _prog = ut.ProgPartial(length=len(qaids),
                               label='new X',
        for aid, fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws in _prog(
                zip(qaids, query_wxs, query_maws)):
            X = new_external_annot(aid, fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws, int_rvec)

        # ydata_cacher = SMKCacher('ydata')
        # Y_list = ydata_cacher.tryload()
        # if Y_list is None:
        Y_list = []
        _prog = ut.ProgPartial(length=len(daids),
                               label='new Y',
        for aid, fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws in _prog(zip(daids, wx_lists,
            Y = new_external_annot(aid, fx_to_wxs, fx_to_maws, int_rvec)
        # ydata_cacher.save(Y_list)

        # ======================
        # Add in some groundtruth

        logger.info('Add in some groundtruth')
        for Y, nid in zip(Y_list, ibs.get_annot_nids(daids)):
            Y.nid = nid

        for X, nid in zip(X_list, ibs.get_annot_nids(qaids)):
            X.nid = nid

        for Y, qual in zip(Y_list, ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(daids)):
            Y.qual = qual

        # ======================
        # Add in other properties
        for Y, vecs, kpts in zip(Y_list, vecs_list, kpts_list):
            Y.vecs = vecs
            Y.kpts = kpts

        imgdir = ut.truepath('/raid/work/Oxford/oxbuild_images')
        for Y, imgid in zip(Y_list, data_uri_order):
            gpath = ut.unixjoin(imgdir, imgid + '.jpg')
            Y.gpath = gpath

        for X, vecs, kpts in zip(X_list, query_vecs, query_kpts):
            X.kpts = kpts
            X.vecs = vecs

        # ======================
        logger.info('Building inverted list')
        daids = [Y.aid for Y in Y_list]
        # wx_list = sorted(ut.list_union(*[Y.wx_list for Y in Y_list]))
        wx_list = sorted(set.union(*[Y.wx_set for Y in Y_list]))
        assert daids == data_annots.aids
        assert len(wx_list) <= config['num_words']

        wx_to_aids = smk_funcs.invert_lists(daids, [Y.wx_list for Y in Y_list],

        # Compute IDF weights
        logger.info('Compute IDF weights')
        ndocs_total = len(daids)
        # Use only the unique number of words
        ndocs_per_word = np.array([len(set(wx_to_aids[wx])) for wx in wx_list])
        logger.info('ndocs_perword stats: ' +
        idf_per_word = smk_funcs.inv_doc_freq(ndocs_total, ndocs_per_word)
        wx_to_weight = dict(zip(wx_list, idf_per_word))
        logger.info('idf stats: ' +

        # Filter junk
        Y_list_ = [Y for Y in Y_list if Y.qual != 'junk']

        # =======================
        # =======================
        params = {
            'asmk': dict(alpha=3.0, thresh=0.0),
            'bow': dict(),
            'bow2': dict(),
        # method = 'bow'
        method = 'bow2'
        method = 'asmk'
        smk = SMK(wx_to_weight, method=method, **params[method])

        # Specific info for the type of query
        if method == 'asmk':
            # Make residual vectors
            if True:
                # The stacked way is 50x faster
                # TODO: extend for multi-assignment and record fxs
                flat_query_vecs = np.vstack(query_vecs)
                flat_query_wxs = np.vstack(query_wxs)
                flat_query_offsets = np.array(
                    [0] + ut.cumsum(ut.lmap(len, query_wxs)))

                flat_wxs_assign = flat_query_wxs
                flat_offsets = flat_query_offsets
                flat_vecs = flat_query_vecs
                tup = smk_funcs.compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(
                    words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets)
                all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list = tup
                if int_rvec:
                    all_agg_vecs = smk_funcs.cast_residual_integer(
                agg_rvecs_list = [
                    for left, right in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)
                agg_flags_list = [
                    for left, right in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)

                for X, agg_rvecs, agg_flags in zip(X_list, agg_rvecs_list,
                    X.agg_rvecs = agg_rvecs
                    X.agg_flags = agg_flags[:, None]

                flat_wxs_assign = idx_to_wxs
                flat_offsets = offset_list
                flat_vecs = all_vecs
                tup = smk_funcs.compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(
                    words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets)
                all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list = tup
                if int_rvec:
                    all_agg_vecs = smk_funcs.cast_residual_integer(

                agg_rvecs_list = [
                    for left, right in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)
                agg_flags_list = [
                    for left, right in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)

                for Y, agg_rvecs, agg_flags in zip(Y_list, agg_rvecs_list,
                    Y.agg_rvecs = agg_rvecs
                    Y.agg_flags = agg_flags[:, None]
                # This non-stacked way is about 500x slower
                _prog = ut.ProgPartial(label='agg Y rvecs',
                for Y in _prog(Y_list_):
                    make_agg_vecs(Y, words, Y.vecs)

                _prog = ut.ProgPartial(label='agg X rvecs',
                for X in _prog(X_list):
                    make_agg_vecs(X, words, X.vecs)
        elif method == 'bow2':
            # Hack for orig tf-idf bow vector
            nwords = len(words)
            for X in ut.ProgIter(X_list, label='make bow vector'):
                bow_vector(X, wx_to_weight, nwords)

            for Y in ut.ProgIter(Y_list_, label='make bow vector'):
                bow_vector(Y, wx_to_weight, nwords)

        if method != 'bow2':
            for X in ut.ProgIter(X_list, 'compute X gamma'):
                X.gamma = smk.gamma(X)
            for Y in ut.ProgIter(Y_list_, 'compute Y gamma'):
                Y.gamma = smk.gamma(Y)

        # Execute matches (could go faster by enumerating candidates)
        scores_list = []
        for X in ut.ProgIter(X_list, label='query %s' % (smk, )):
            scores = [smk.kernel(X, Y) for Y in Y_list_]
            scores = np.array(scores)
            scores = np.nan_to_num(scores)

        import sklearn.metrics

        avep_list = []
        _iter = list(zip(scores_list, X_list))
        _iter = ut.ProgIter(_iter, label='evaluate %s' % (smk, ))
        for scores, X in _iter:
            truth = [X.nid == Y.nid for Y in Y_list_]
            avep = sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score(truth, scores)
        avep_list = np.array(avep_list)
        mAP = np.mean(avep_list)
        logger.info('mAP  = %r' % (mAP, ))
Example #5
def load_oxford_2007():
    Loads data from

    >>> from wbia.algo.smk.script_smk import *  # NOQA
    from os.path import join, basename, splitext
    import pandas as pd
    import vtool as vt

    dbdir = ut.truepath('/raid/work/Oxford/')
    data_fpath0 = join(dbdir, 'data_2007.pkl')

    if ut.checkpath(data_fpath0):
        data = ut.load_data(data_fpath0)
        return data
        word_dpath = join(dbdir, 'word_oxc1_hesaff_sift_16M_1M')
        _word_fpath_list = ut.ls(word_dpath)
        imgid_to_word_fpath = {
            splitext(basename(word_fpath))[0]: word_fpath
            for word_fpath in _word_fpath_list
        readme_fpath = join(dbdir, 'README2.txt')
        imgid_order = ut.readfrom(readme_fpath).split('\n')[20:-1]

        imgid_order = imgid_order
        data_uri_order = [x.replace('oxc1_', '') for x in imgid_order]

        imgid_to_df = {}
        for imgid in ut.ProgIter(imgid_order, label='reading kpts'):
            word_fpath = imgid_to_word_fpath[imgid]
            row_gen = (map(float,
                           line.strip('\n').split(' '))
                       for line in ut.read_lines_from(word_fpath)[2:])
            rows = [(int(word_id), x, y, e11, e12, e22)
                    for (word_id, x, y, e11, e12, e22) in row_gen]
            df = pd.DataFrame(
                rows, columns=['word_id', 'x', 'y', 'e11', 'e12', 'e22'])
            imgid_to_df[imgid] = df

        df_list = ut.take(imgid_to_df, imgid_order)

        nfeat_list = [len(df_) for df_ in df_list]
        offset_list = [0] + ut.cumsum(nfeat_list)
        shape = (offset_list[-1], 128)
        # shape = (16334970, 128)
        sift_fpath = join(dbdir, 'OxfordSIFTDescriptors',
            file_ = open(sift_fpath, 'rb')
            with ut.Timer('Reading SIFT binary file'):
                nbytes = np.prod(shape)
                all_vecs = np.fromstring(file_.read(nbytes), dtype=np.uint8)
            all_vecs = all_vecs.reshape(shape)

        kpts_list = [
            df_.loc[:, ('x', 'y', 'e11', 'e12', 'e22')].values
            for df_ in df_list
        wordid_list = [df_.loc[:, 'word_id'].values for df_ in df_list]
        kpts_Z = np.vstack(kpts_list)
        idx_to_wx = np.hstack(wordid_list)

        # assert len(np.unique(idx_to_wx)) == 1E6

        # Reqd standard query order
        query_files = sorted(
            ut.glob(dbdir + '/oxford_groundtruth', '*_query.txt'))
        query_uri_order = []
        for qpath in query_files:
            text = ut.readfrom(qpath, verbose=0)
            query_uri = text.split(' ')[0].replace('oxc1_', '')

        logger.info('converting to invV')
        all_kpts = vt.convert_kptsZ_to_kpts(kpts_Z)

        data = {
            'offset_list': offset_list,
            'all_kpts': all_kpts,
            'all_vecs': all_vecs,
            'idx_to_wx': idx_to_wx,
            'data_uri_order': data_uri_order,
            'query_uri_order': query_uri_order,
        ut.save_data(data_fpath0, data)
    return data
Example #6
def compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets):
    More efficient version of agg on a stacked structure

        words (ndarray): entire vocabulary of words
        flat_wxs_assign (ndarray): maps a stacked index to word index
        flat_vecs (ndarray): stacked SIFT descriptors
        flat_offsets (ndarray): offset positions per annotation

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> data = testdata_rvecs(dim=2, nvecs=1000, nannots=10)
        >>> words = data['words']
        >>> flat_offsets = data['offset_list']
        >>> flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs = ut.take(data, ['idx_to_wx', 'vecs'])
        >>> tup = compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets)
        >>> all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list = tup
        >>> agg_rvecs_list = [all_agg_vecs[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)]
        >>> agg_flags_list = [all_error_flags[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)]
        >>> assert len(agg_flags_list) == len(flat_offsets) - 1

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from wbia.algo.smk.smk_funcs import *  # NOQA
        >>> data = testdata_rvecs(dim=2, nvecs=100, nannots=5)
        >>> words = data['words']
        >>> flat_offsets = data['offset_list']
        >>> flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs = ut.take(data, ['idx_to_wx', 'vecs'])
        >>> tup = compute_stacked_agg_rvecs(words, flat_wxs_assign, flat_vecs, flat_offsets)
        >>> all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list = tup
        >>> agg_rvecs_list = [all_agg_vecs[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)]
        >>> agg_flags_list = [all_error_flags[l:r] for l, r in ut.itertwo(agg_offset_list)]
        >>> assert len(agg_flags_list) == len(flat_offsets) - 1
    grouped_wxs = [
        flat_wxs_assign[left:right] for left, right in ut.itertwo(flat_offsets)

    # Assume single assignment, aggregate everything
    # across the entire database
    flat_offsets = np.array(flat_offsets)

    idx_to_dx = (np.searchsorted(
        flat_offsets, np.arange(len(flat_wxs_assign)), side='right') -

    if isinstance(flat_wxs_assign, np.ma.masked_array):
        wx_list = flat_wxs_assign.T[0].compressed()
        wx_list = flat_wxs_assign.T[0].ravel()
    unique_wx, groupxs = vt.group_indices(wx_list)

    dim = flat_vecs.shape[1]
    if isinstance(flat_wxs_assign, np.ma.masked_array):
        dx_to_wxs = [np.unique(wxs.compressed()) for wxs in grouped_wxs]
        dx_to_wxs = [np.unique(wxs.ravel()) for wxs in grouped_wxs]
    dx_to_nagg = [len(wxs) for wxs in dx_to_wxs]
    num_agg_vecs = sum(dx_to_nagg)
    # all_agg_wxs = np.hstack(dx_to_wxs)
    agg_offset_list = np.array([0] + ut.cumsum(dx_to_nagg))
    # Preallocate agg residuals for all dxs
    all_agg_vecs = np.empty((num_agg_vecs, dim), dtype=np.float32)
    all_agg_vecs[:, :] = np.nan

    # precompute agg residual stack
    i_to_dxs = vt.apply_grouping(idx_to_dx, groupxs)
    subgroup = [vt.group_indices(dxs) for dxs in ut.ProgIter(i_to_dxs)]
    i_to_unique_dxs = ut.take_column(subgroup, 0)
    i_to_dx_groupxs = ut.take_column(subgroup, 1)
    num_words = len(unique_wx)

    # Overall this takes 5 minutes and 21 seconds
    # I think the other method takes about 12 minutes
    for i in ut.ProgIter(range(num_words), 'agg'):
        wx = unique_wx[i]
        xs = groupxs[i]
        dxs = i_to_unique_dxs[i]
        dx_groupxs = i_to_dx_groupxs[i]
        word = words[wx:wx + 1]

        offsets1 = agg_offset_list.take(dxs)
        offsets2 = [np.where(dx_to_wxs[dx] == wx)[0][0] for dx in dxs]
        offsets = np.add(offsets1, offsets2, out=offsets1)

        # if __debug__:
        #     assert np.bincount(dxs).max() < 2
        #     offset = agg_offset_list[dxs[0]]
        #     assert np.all(dx_to_wxs[dxs[0]] == all_agg_wxs[offset:offset +
        #                                                    dx_to_nagg[dxs[0]]])

        # Compute residuals
        rvecs = flat_vecs[xs] - word
        vt.normalize(rvecs, axis=1, out=rvecs)
        rvecs[np.all(np.isnan(rvecs), axis=1)] = 0
        # Aggregate across same images
        grouped_rvecs = vt.apply_grouping(rvecs, dx_groupxs, axis=0)
        agg_rvecs_ = [rvec_group.sum(axis=0) for rvec_group in grouped_rvecs]
        # agg_rvecs = np.vstack(agg_rvecs_)
        all_agg_vecs[offsets, :] = agg_rvecs_

    assert not np.any(np.isnan(all_agg_vecs))
    logger.info('Apply normalization')
    vt.normalize(all_agg_vecs, axis=1, out=all_agg_vecs)
    all_error_flags = np.all(np.isnan(all_agg_vecs), axis=1)
    all_agg_vecs[all_error_flags, :] = 0

    # ndocs_per_word1 = np.array(ut.lmap(len, wx_to_unique_dxs))
    # ndocs_total1 = len(flat_offsets) - 1
    # idf1 = smk_funcs.inv_doc_freq(ndocs_total1, ndocs_per_word1)

    tup = all_agg_vecs, all_error_flags, agg_offset_list
    return tup
Example #7
def make_score_tabular(
        row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title=None, out_of=None, bold_best=False,
        flip=False, bigger_is_better=True, multicol_lbls=None, FORCE_INT=False,
        precision=None, SHORTEN_ROW_LBLS=False, col_align='l', col_sep='|',
        multicol_sep='|', centerline=True, astable=False, table_position='',
        AUTOFIX_LATEX=True, **kwargs):
    makes a LaTeX tabular for displaying scores or errors

        row_lbls (list of str):
        col_lbls (list of str):
        values (ndarray):
        title (str):  (default = None)
        out_of (None): (default = None)
        bold_best (bool): (default = True)
        flip (bool): (default = False)
        table_position (str) : eg '[h]'

        str: tabular_str

        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:0 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:1 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:2 --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2], [3.2, 4]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2', 'foobar']
        >>> multicol_lbls = [('spam', 1), ('eggs', 2)]
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2, -3], [3.2, 4, -2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip, multicol_lbls=multicol_lbls)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)
    import utool as ut
    if flip:
        bigger_is_better = not bigger_is_better
        flip_repltups = [
            ('<=', '>'),
            ('>', '<='),
            ('\\leq', '\\gt'),
            ('\\geq', '\\lt'),
            ('score', 'error')
        col_lbls = [replace_all(lbl, flip_repltups) for lbl in col_lbls]
        if title is not None:
            title = replace_all(title, flip_repltups)
        if out_of is not None:
            values = out_of - values

    # Abbreviate based on common substrings
    common_rowlbl = None
        if isinstance(row_lbls, list):
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls.flatten().tolist()
        # Split the rob labels into the alg components
        #algcomp_list = [lbl.split(')_') for lbl in row_lbl_list]
        longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_strs = []
        while len(longest) > 10:
            common_strs += [longest]
            row_lbl_list = [row.replace(longest, '...') for row in row_lbl_list]
            longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_rowlbl = ('...'.join(common_strs)).replace(')_', ')_\n')
        row_lbls = row_lbl_list
        if len(row_lbl_list) == 1:
            common_rowlbl = row_lbl_list[0]
            row_lbls = ['0']

    # Stack values into a tabular body
    # TODO: need ability to specify datatypes
    def ensurelist(row_values):
            return row_values.tolist()
        except AttributeError:
            return row_values

    if False:
        # Numpy formatting
        def padvec(shape=(1, 1)):
            pad = np.array([[' ' for c in range(shape[1])] for r in range(shape[0])])
            return pad
        col_lbls = ensure_rowvec(col_lbls)
        row_lbls = ensure_colvec(row_lbls)
        _0 = np.vstack([padvec(), row_lbls])
        _1 = np.vstack([col_lbls, values])
        body = np.hstack([_0, _1])
        body = [[str_ for str_ in row] for row in body]
        assert len(row_lbls) == len(values)
        body = [[' '] + col_lbls]
        body += [[row_lbl] + ensurelist(row_values) for row_lbl, row_values in zip(row_lbls, values)]
    #import utool as ut
    # Fix things in each body cell
    DO_PERCENT = True
        for r in range(len(body)):
            for c in range(len(body[0])):
                # In data land
                if r > 0 and c > 0:
                    if precision is not None:
                        # Hack
                        if ut.is_float(body[r][c]):
                            fmtstr = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'
                            body[r][c] = fmtstr % (float(body[r][c]),)
                    # Force integer
                    if FORCE_INT:
                        body[r][c] = str(int(float(body[r][c])))
                body[r][c] = str(body[r][c])
                # Remove bad formatting;
                if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
                    body[r][c] = escape_latex(body[r][c])
    except Exception as ex:
        import utool as ut
        print('len(row_lbls) = %r' % (len(row_lbls),))
        print('len(col_lbls) = %r' % (len(col_lbls),))
        print('len(values) = %r' % (values,))
        print('ut.depth_profile(values) = %r' % (ut.depth_profile(values),))
        util_dbg.printex(ex, keys=['r', 'c'])

    # Bold the best values
    if bold_best:
        best_col_scores = values.max(0) if bigger_is_better else values.min(0)
        rows_to_bold = [np.where(values[:, colx] == best_col_scores[colx])[0]
                        for colx in range(len(values.T))]
        for colx, rowx_list in enumerate(rows_to_bold):
            for rowx in rowx_list:
                body[rowx + 1][colx + 1] = '\\txtbf{' + body[rowx + 1][colx + 1] + '}'

    # More fixing after the bold is in place
    for r in range(len(body)):
        for c in range(len(body[0])):
            # In data land
            if r > 0 and c > 0:
                if out_of is not None:
                    body[r][c] = body[r][c] + '/' + str(out_of)
                    if DO_PERCENT:
                        percent = ' = %.1f%%' % float(100 * values[r - 1, c - 1] / out_of)
                        body[r][c] += escape_latex(percent)

    # Align columns for pretty printing
    body = np.array(body)
    ALIGN_BODY = True
    if ALIGN_BODY:
        new_body_cols = []
        for col in body.T:
            colstrs = list(map(str, ensurelist(col)))
            collens = list(map(len, colstrs))
            maxlen = max(collens)
            newcols = [str_ + (' ' * (maxlen - len(str_))) for str_ in colstrs]
            new_body_cols += [newcols]
        body = np.array(new_body_cols).T

    # Build Body (and row layout)
    HLINE_SEP = True
    rowvalsep = ''
    colvalsep = ' & '
    endl = '\\\\\n'
    hline = r'\hline'
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = [1]  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    extra_rowsep_pos_list = []  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    if HLINE_SEP:
        rowvalsep = hline + '\n'
    # rowstr list holds blocks of rows
    rowstr_list = [colvalsep.join(row) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [row[0] + rowlbl_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [(
    #    ('' if len(row) == 0 else row[0])
    #    if len(row) <= 1 else
    #    row[0] + rowlblcol_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl)
    #    for row in body]
    rowsep_list = [rowvalsep for row in rowstr_list[0:-1]]  # should be len 1 less than rowstr_list
    # Insert multicolumn names
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        # TODO: label of the row labels
        multicols = [latex_multicolumn(multicol, size, 'c' + multicol_sep) for multicol, size in multicol_lbls]
        multicol_str = latex_multirow('', 2) + colvalsep + colvalsep.join(multicols) + endl
        ncols = sum([tup[1] for tup in multicol_lbls])
        mcol_sep = '\\cline{2-%d}\n' % (ncols + 1,)
        rowstr_list = [multicol_str] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [mcol_sep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [1]

    # Insert title
    if title is not None and not astable:
        tex_title = latex_multicolumn(title, len(body[0])) + endl
        rowstr_list = [tex_title] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [rowvalsep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [2]

    # Apply an extra hline (for label)
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in sorted(extra_rowsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        rowstr_list.insert(pos, '')
        rowsep_list.insert(pos, rowvalsep)
    #tabular_body = rowvalsep.join(rowstr_list)
    from six.moves import zip_longest
    tabular_body = ''.join([row if sep is None else row + sep for row, sep in zip_longest(rowstr_list, rowsep_list)])

    # Build Column Layout
    col_align_list = [col_align] * len(body[0])
    #extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = [1]
    extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in  sorted(extra_collayoutsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        col_align_list.insert(pos, '')
    #col_layaout_sep_list = rowlblcol_sep  # TODO

    rowlblcol_sep = '|'
    # Build build internal seprations between column alignments
    # Defaults to just the normal col_sep
    col_align_sep_list = [col_sep] * (len(col_align_list) - 1)
    # Adjust for the separations between row labels and the actual row data
    if len(col_align_sep_list) > 0:
        col_align_sep_list[0] = rowlblcol_sep
    # Continue multicolumn sepratation
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        multicol_offsets = ut.cumsum(ut.get_list_column(multicol_lbls, 1))
        for offset in multicol_offsets:
            if offset < len(col_align_sep_list):
                col_align_sep_list[offset] = multicol_sep

    from six.moves import zip_longest
    _tmp = [ut.filter_Nones(tup) for tup in zip_longest(col_align_list, col_align_sep_list)]
    col_layout = ''.join(ut.flatten(_tmp))

    #if len(col_align_list) > 1:
    #    col_layout = col_align_list[0] + rowlblcol_sep + col_sep.join(col_align_list[1:])
    #    col_layout = col_sep.join(col_align_list)

    tabular_head = (r'\begin{tabular}{|%s|}' % col_layout) + '\n'
    tabular_tail = r'\end{tabular}'

    if centerline:
        tabular_head = r'\centerline{' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '}'

    if astable:
        #tabular_head = r'\begin{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\centering' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\begin{table}' + table_position + '\n' + tabular_head

        lblstr = latex_sanitize_command_name(kwargs.get('label', title))
        caption = title
        if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
            caption = escape_latex(caption)
        caption = '\n% ---\n' + caption + '\n% ---\n'
        #tabular_head = r'\end{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '\n\caption[%s]{%s}\n\label{tbl:%s}\n\end{table}' % (lblstr, caption, lblstr)

    tabular_str = rowvalsep.join([tabular_head, tabular_body, tabular_tail])
    topsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\toprule\n'
    botsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\bottomrule\n'
    tabular_str = tabular_head + topsep + tabular_body + botsep + tabular_tail

    if common_rowlbl is not None:
        #tabular_str += escape_latex('\n\nThe following parameters were held fixed:\n' + common_rowlbl)
    return tabular_str
Example #8
def make_score_tabular(row_lbls,
    makes a LaTeX tabular for displaying scores or errors

        row_lbls (list of str):
        col_lbls (list of str):
        values (ndarray):
        title (str):  (default = None)
        out_of (None): (default = None)
        bold_best (bool): (default = True)
        flip (bool): (default = False)
        table_position (str) : eg '[h]'

        str: tabular_str

        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:0 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:1 --show
        python -m utool.util_latex --test-make_score_tabular:2 --show

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2], [3.2, 4]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2']
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from utool.util_latex import *  # NOQA
        >>> import utool as ut
        >>> row_lbls = ['config1', 'config2']
        >>> col_lbls = ['score \leq 1', 'metric2', 'foobar']
        >>> multicol_lbls = [('spam', 1), ('eggs', 2)]
        >>> values = np.array([[1.2, 2, -3], [3.2, 4, -2]])
        >>> title = 'title'
        >>> out_of = 10
        >>> bold_best = True
        >>> flip = False
        >>> tabular_str = make_score_tabular(row_lbls, col_lbls, values, title, out_of, bold_best, flip, multicol_lbls=multicol_lbls)
        >>> result = tabular_str
        >>> print(result)
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> render_latex_text(tabular_str)
    import utool as ut
    if flip:
        bigger_is_better = not bigger_is_better
        flip_repltups = [('<=', '>'), ('>', '<='), ('\\leq', '\\gt'),
                         ('\\geq', '\\lt'), ('score', 'error')]
        col_lbls = [replace_all(lbl, flip_repltups) for lbl in col_lbls]
        if title is not None:
            title = replace_all(title, flip_repltups)
        if out_of is not None:
            values = out_of - values

    # Abbreviate based on common substrings
    common_rowlbl = None
        if isinstance(row_lbls, list):
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls
            row_lbl_list = row_lbls.flatten().tolist()
        # Split the rob labels into the alg components
        #algcomp_list = [lbl.split(')_') for lbl in row_lbl_list]
        longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_strs = []
        while len(longest) > 10:
            common_strs += [longest]
            row_lbl_list = [
                row.replace(longest, '...') for row in row_lbl_list
            longest = long_substr(row_lbl_list)
        common_rowlbl = ('...'.join(common_strs)).replace(')_', ')_\n')
        row_lbls = row_lbl_list
        if len(row_lbl_list) == 1:
            common_rowlbl = row_lbl_list[0]
            row_lbls = ['0']

    # Stack values into a tabular body
    # TODO: need ability to specify datatypes
    def ensurelist(row_values):
            return row_values.tolist()
        except AttributeError:
            return row_values

    if False:
        # Numpy formatting
        def padvec(shape=(1, 1)):
            pad = np.array([[' ' for c in range(shape[1])]
                            for r in range(shape[0])])
            return pad

        col_lbls = ensure_rowvec(col_lbls)
        row_lbls = ensure_colvec(row_lbls)
        _0 = np.vstack([padvec(), row_lbls])
        _1 = np.vstack([col_lbls, values])
        body = np.hstack([_0, _1])
        body = [[str_ for str_ in row] for row in body]
        assert len(row_lbls) == len(values)
        body = [[' '] + col_lbls]
        body += [[row_lbl] + ensurelist(row_values)
                 for row_lbl, row_values in zip(row_lbls, values)]
    #import utool as ut
    # Fix things in each body cell
    DO_PERCENT = True
        for r in range(len(body)):
            for c in range(len(body[0])):
                # In data land
                if r > 0 and c > 0:
                    if precision is not None:
                        # Hack
                        if ut.is_float(body[r][c]):
                            fmtstr = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'
                            body[r][c] = fmtstr % (float(body[r][c]), )
                    # Force integer
                    if FORCE_INT:
                        body[r][c] = str(int(float(body[r][c])))
                body[r][c] = str(body[r][c])
                # Remove bad formatting;
                if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
                    body[r][c] = escape_latex(body[r][c])
    except Exception as ex:
        import utool as ut
        print('len(row_lbls) = %r' % (len(row_lbls), ))
        print('len(col_lbls) = %r' % (len(col_lbls), ))
        print('len(values) = %r' % (values, ))
        print('ut.depth_profile(values) = %r' % (ut.depth_profile(values), ))
        util_dbg.printex(ex, keys=['r', 'c'])

    # Bold the best values
    if bold_best:
        best_col_scores = values.max(0) if bigger_is_better else values.min(0)
        rows_to_bold = [
            np.where(values[:, colx] == best_col_scores[colx])[0]
            for colx in range(len(values.T))
        for colx, rowx_list in enumerate(rows_to_bold):
            for rowx in rowx_list:
                body[rowx + 1][colx +
                               1] = '\\txtbf{' + body[rowx + 1][colx + 1] + '}'

    # More fixing after the bold is in place
    for r in range(len(body)):
        for c in range(len(body[0])):
            # In data land
            if r > 0 and c > 0:
                if out_of is not None:
                    body[r][c] = body[r][c] + '/' + str(out_of)
                    if DO_PERCENT:
                        percent = ' = %.1f%%' % float(
                            100 * values[r - 1, c - 1] / out_of)
                        body[r][c] += escape_latex(percent)

    # Align columns for pretty printing
    body = np.array(body)
    ALIGN_BODY = True
    if ALIGN_BODY:
        new_body_cols = []
        for col in body.T:
            colstrs = list(map(str, ensurelist(col)))
            collens = list(map(len, colstrs))
            maxlen = max(collens)
            newcols = [str_ + (' ' * (maxlen - len(str_))) for str_ in colstrs]
            new_body_cols += [newcols]
        body = np.array(new_body_cols).T

    # Build Body (and row layout)
    HLINE_SEP = True
    rowvalsep = ''
    colvalsep = ' & '
    endl = '\\\\\n'
    hline = r'\hline'
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = [1]  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    extra_rowsep_pos_list = []  # rows to insert an extra hline after
    if HLINE_SEP:
        rowvalsep = hline + '\n'
    # rowstr list holds blocks of rows
    rowstr_list = [colvalsep.join(row) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [row[0] + rowlbl_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl for row in body]
    #rowstr_list = [(
    #    ('' if len(row) == 0 else row[0])
    #    if len(row) <= 1 else
    #    row[0] + rowlblcol_sep + colvalsep.join(row[1:]) + endl)
    #    for row in body]
    rowsep_list = [rowvalsep for row in rowstr_list[0:-1]
                   ]  # should be len 1 less than rowstr_list
    # Insert multicolumn names
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        # TODO: label of the row labels
        multicols = [
            latex_multicolumn(multicol, size, 'c' + multicol_sep)
            for multicol, size in multicol_lbls
        multicol_str = latex_multirow(
            '', 2) + colvalsep + colvalsep.join(multicols) + endl
        ncols = sum([tup[1] for tup in multicol_lbls])
        mcol_sep = '\\cline{2-%d}\n' % (ncols + 1, )
        rowstr_list = [multicol_str] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [mcol_sep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [1]

    # Insert title
    if title is not None and not astable:
        tex_title = latex_multicolumn(title, len(body[0])) + endl
        rowstr_list = [tex_title] + rowstr_list
        rowsep_list = [rowvalsep] + rowsep_list
        #extra_rowsep_pos_list += [2]

    # Apply an extra hline (for label)
    #extra_rowsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in sorted(extra_rowsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        rowstr_list.insert(pos, '')
        rowsep_list.insert(pos, rowvalsep)
    #tabular_body = rowvalsep.join(rowstr_list)
    from six.moves import zip_longest
    tabular_body = ''.join([
        row if sep is None else row + sep
        for row, sep in zip_longest(rowstr_list, rowsep_list)

    # Build Column Layout
    col_align_list = [col_align] * len(body[0])
    #extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = [1]
    extra_collayoutsep_pos_list = []
    for pos in sorted(extra_collayoutsep_pos_list)[::-1]:
        col_align_list.insert(pos, '')
    #col_layaout_sep_list = rowlblcol_sep  # TODO

    rowlblcol_sep = '|'
    # Build build internal seprations between column alignments
    # Defaults to just the normal col_sep
    col_align_sep_list = [col_sep] * (len(col_align_list) - 1)
    # Adjust for the separations between row labels and the actual row data
    if len(col_align_sep_list) > 0:
        col_align_sep_list[0] = rowlblcol_sep
    # Continue multicolumn sepratation
    if multicol_lbls is not None:
        multicol_offsets = ut.cumsum(ut.get_list_column(multicol_lbls, 1))
        for offset in multicol_offsets:
            if offset < len(col_align_sep_list):
                col_align_sep_list[offset] = multicol_sep

    from six.moves import zip_longest
    _tmp = [
        for tup in zip_longest(col_align_list, col_align_sep_list)
    col_layout = ''.join(ut.flatten(_tmp))

    #if len(col_align_list) > 1:
    #    col_layout = col_align_list[0] + rowlblcol_sep + col_sep.join(col_align_list[1:])
    #    col_layout = col_sep.join(col_align_list)

    tabular_head = (r'\begin{tabular}{|%s|}' % col_layout) + '\n'
    tabular_tail = r'\end{tabular}'

    if centerline:
        tabular_head = r'\centerline{' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '}'

    if astable:
        #tabular_head = r'\begin{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\centering' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_head = r'\begin{table}' + table_position + '\n' + tabular_head

        lblstr = latex_sanitize_command_name(kwargs.get('label', title))
        caption = title
        if AUTOFIX_LATEX:
            caption = escape_latex(caption)
        caption = '\n% ---\n' + caption + '\n% ---\n'
        #tabular_head = r'\end{centering}' + '\n' + tabular_head
        tabular_tail = tabular_tail + '\n\caption[%s]{%s}\n\label{tbl:%s}\n\end{table}' % (
            lblstr, caption, lblstr)

    tabular_str = rowvalsep.join([tabular_head, tabular_body, tabular_tail])
    topsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\toprule\n'
    botsep = '\\hline\n' if True else '\\bottomrule\n'
    tabular_str = tabular_head + topsep + tabular_body + botsep + tabular_tail

    if common_rowlbl is not None:
        #tabular_str += escape_latex('\n\nThe following parameters were held fixed:\n' + common_rowlbl)
    return tabular_str