Example #1
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=15.0, mass=100.0, mode='wander'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass
        self.radius = 200
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 100.0
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'RED'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-3.0,  1.8),
            Point2D( 3.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-3.0, -1.8)
        self.turnRate = 3
                # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False

                ### wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1,0)
        self.wander_dist =1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius =1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter =10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius =scale
Example #2
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='none'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(0)
        self.pos = self.initial_pos()
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 3),
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(1.0, 3)

        # Force and speed limiting code
        # limits
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = True

        self.target_pos = self.pos
Example #3
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=10.0):
        self.world = world
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.accel = Vector2D()
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        self.color = 'RED'

        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force ??
        self.max_force = 500.0
Example #4
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='seek'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass

        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 0.0

        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 15 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 0.5 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10 * scale
        self.bRadius = 2 * scale

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 500.0 * (randrange(50, 100) / 100)
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='seek'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        self.tagged = False
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 1000.0
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        ### wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale
        self.BestHidingSpot = None

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
Example #6
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='flee'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        self.detect_width = 1.0
        self.min_detect_length = 50.0
        self.hide_locations = []
Example #7
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='seek'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass
        self.neighbours = []
        self.hiding_spot = None

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        # Force and speed limiting code
        # limits
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #8
 def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='seek'):
     # keep a reference to the world object
     self.world = world
     self.mode = mode
     # where am i and where am i going? random
     dir = radians(random()*360)
     self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
     self.vel = Vector2D()
     self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
     self.side = self.heading.perp()
     self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
     self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
     self.mass = mass
     # limits?
     self.max_speed = 1000.0
     # data for drawing this agent
     self.color = 'BLUE'
     self.vehicle_shape = [
         Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
         Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
         Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
     self.path = Path()
     self.waypoint_threshold = 150.0
     self.turnRate = 3
Example #9
    def __init__(self, world=None, gun_type = None, scale=30.0, mass=0.5):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.tagged = False
        self.target_pos = None
        self.gun_type = gun_type
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(self.world.agents[0].pos.x,self.world.agents[0].pos.y)
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass
        self.radius = 35.00
        # limits?
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'WHITE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-0.2,  0.1),
            Point2D( 0.2,  0.0),
            Point2D(-.2, -0.1)

        self.moving_speed = 'slow'

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 100.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        self.turnRate = 3
Example #10
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='shoot'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.points = 1
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(100.00, randrange(0.00, 600.00))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass
        # limits?
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'BLUE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        ## max_force ??

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #11
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, weapon='RIFLE'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.weapon = weapon
        self.mode = "FOLLOW_PATH"

        self.pos = self.initial_pos()
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(0), cos(0))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force

        self.max_speed = 100
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        ### path to follow?
        self.path = Path()
        self.randomise_path()  # <-- Doesn’t exist yet but you’ll create it
        self.waypoint_threshold = 0.0  # <-- Work out a value for this as you test
Example #12
    def render(self, color=None):
        ''' Draw the triangle agent with color'''
        # draw the ship
        pts = self.world.transform_points(self.vehicle_shape, self.pos,
                                          self.heading, self.side, self.scale)
        # draw it!

        #draw hiding spots
        egi.circle(self.obstacles[0], 25)
        egi.circle(self.obstacles[1], 50)
        egi.circle(self.obstacles[2], 75)

        #draw detection box
        length = 1.0 * (self.speed() / self.max_speed) * 3.0  #db length
        dbox = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(length, 0.6),  #new
            Point2D(length, 0.0),  #new
            Point2D(length, -0.6),  #new
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        pts = self.world.transform_points(dbox, self.pos, self.heading,
                                          self.side, self.scale)
        egi.closed_shape(pts, False)
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='wander', visible=False):
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        self.visible = visible
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()
        self.mass = mass

        # wander info
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # limits
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # data for drawing hunter
        self.color = 'BLUE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
Example #14
    def __init__(self,
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # Force and speed limiting code
        self.max_speed = 2.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 5.0 * scale

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = color
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        # wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # group based weight values
        self.wander_wt = 1.0
        self.align_wt = 1.0
        self.cohesion_wt = 1.0
        self.separate_wt = 1.0

        self.neighbours = []
        self.neighbour_radius = 150

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False

        # data for drawing walls
        self.walls = [
            Vector2D(10.0, 490.0),
            Vector2D(490.0, 490.0),
            Vector2D(490.0, 10.0),
            Vector2D(10.0, 10.0)
Example #15
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='seek', hunter=False, id=0):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        ### path to follow?
        # self.path = ??
        self.path = Path()
        self.randomise_path()  # <-- Doesn’t exist yet but you’ll create it
        self.waypoint_threshold = 50.0  # <-- Work out a value for this as you test!

        ### wander details
        # self.wander_?? ...
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale
        # Force and speed limiting code
        self.max_speed = 40.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force ??

        # neighbourhood
        self.tagged = False

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False

        self.hunter = hunter

        if self.hunter == True:
            self.max_speed = 20 * scale
        self.visible = True
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=0.5, mode='seek'):
        # keep a reference to the world object.
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos.
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)
        # easy scaling of agent size.
        self.force = Vector2D()
        # current steering force.
        self.accel = Vector2D()
        # current acceleration due to force.
        self.mass = mass
        # data for drawing this agent.
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        ### Spike 7 definitions ###
        self.neighbour_radius = 2.0 * scale
        ## Spike 7 definitions end ###

        ### follow path mode edit 1 ###
        self.path = Path()
        # <-- Doesn’t exist yet but you’ll create it.
        self.waypoint_threshold = 50.0
        # <-- Work out a value for this as you test!
        ### end follow path mode edit 1 ###

        ### added wonder info part 2 ###
        ### wander details.
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale
        # Force and speed limiting code
        # max speed is here.
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        ### end add wander infor part 2 ###

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #17
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=10.0, mass=1.0, mode='wander'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        self.tagged = False
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D() # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
            Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        ### path to follow?
        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 20

        ### wander details
        # self.wander_?? ...
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1,0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        #Neighbourhood radius
        self.tag_radius = 5.0 * scale
        self.cohesion_toggle = False
        self.alignment_toggle = False
        self.seperation_toggle = False

        #Obstacle Avoidance params
        self.min_box_length = 5.0 * scale

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force ??
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #18
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=5.0, mass=1.0, mode='wander'):

        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode

        self.AlignmentFactor = self.world.botAlignmentFactor
        self.CohesionFactor = self.world.botCohesionFactor
        self.SeparationFactor = self.world.botSeparationFactor

        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 9.0

        ### wander details

        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        self.tagged = False
        self.botList = self.world.agents
        self.overlapping = False
        self.neighbour_radius = 6 * scale

        # Force and speed limiting code
        self.max_speed = self.world.botMaxSpeed
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #19
    def __init__(self,
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.hunter = hunter
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass

        # Wander info
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 10.0

        # flocking
        self.cohesion_amount = 0.0
        self.alignment_amount = 0.0
        self.separation_amount = 0.0

        # cohesion, separation and alignment field setups
        self.tagged = list()
        self.neighbourhood_radius = 10.0
Example #20
    def __init__(self,
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        ang = random() * 360
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = pos
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass
        self.health = 100
        self.ammo = 10
        self.idx = 0

        #bullet info
        self.bullet_pos = Vector2D()
        self.step_count = 0
        self.avg = Vector2D()
        self.enemy = Vector2D()

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = color
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        # wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # speed
        self.max_speed = speed * scale
Example #21
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='combined'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D() # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass
        self.neighbours = []

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
            Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        ### path to follow?
        self.path = Path()
        self.randomise_path()  # <-- Doesn’t exist yet but you’ll create it
        self.waypoint_threshold = 0.0  # <-- Work out a value for this as you test

        ### wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 3.9 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 0.2 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 4.3 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # Force and speed limiting code
        # limits
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        ## max_force
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False

        #group variables
        self.wander_var = 1
        self.alignment_var = 1
        self.cohesion_var = 1
Example #22
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='patrol'):
        # keep a reference to the world object.py
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D()  # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
        ### path to follow?
        # self.path = ??
        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 10.0
        ### wander details
        # self.wander_?? ...
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 100.0
        self.max_force = 200.0
        self.bulletspeed = 500.0

        self.bullets = 6
        self.reload_time = 1
        self.current_reload_time = 0.0
        self.gun_state = 'loaded'

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #23
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode=None, color=None, speed=0.0):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going
        self.angle = 0
        dir = radians(self.angle)
        self.pos = Vector2D(250,250)
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D() # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # Force and speed limiting code
        self.max_speed = speed
        self.max_force = 500.0

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = color
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.6),
            Point2D( 1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        self.margin = Vector2D(self.world.cx - 10, self.world.cy - 10)

        # data for drawing target
        self.x0 = 10    #x left pt
        self.x1 = 120   #x right pt
        self.y0 = 490   #y top pt
        self.y1 = 450   #y bottom pt
        self.target_dir = 'right'
        self.target_mid = Vector2D((self.x1-self.x0) / 2, (self.y0-self.y1) / 2)
        self.target_pos = None      #provided at each new render

        # data for drawing bullet
        self.steps = None       #frequency of shots hitting target
        self.step_count = 0
        self.bullet_pos = Vector2D(250,250)
        self.avg = Vector2D()
        self.size = None
Example #24
    def aim(self):
        ''' move towards target position '''
        target = self.world.target

        if target:
            desired_vel = (target.pos - self.pos).normalise()
            return (desired_vel - self.vel)

        return Point2D()
Example #25
    def __init__(self,
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass
        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale / 2
        self.max_force = 500.0
        # Random Path to follow in PathFollow mode
        self.path = Path()
        self.path_looped = looped
        self.waypoint_threshold = 20
        # Wander Info
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
        self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter = 1.0 * scale
        self.bRadius = scale

        # If Tagged is true, We are part of a neighbourhood
        self.tagged = False

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
Example #26
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, weapon='RIFLE'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.weapon = weapon

        self.pos = self.initial_pos()
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(0), cos(0))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
Example #27
 def __init__(self, world=None):
     # keep a reference to the world object
     self.world = world
     if len(self.world.agents) > 0:
         self.mode = 'prey'
         self.mode = 'hunt'
     # where am i and where am i going? random
     dir = radians(random() * 360)
     self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
     self.vel = Vector2D()
     self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
     self.side = self.heading.perp()
     if self.mode == 'hunt':
         scale = 30.0
         self.max_speed = 5.0 * scale
         self.max_force = 250.0
         self.mass = 2.0
         scale = 20.0
         self.max_speed = 15.0 * scale
         self.max_force = 500.0
         self.mass = 0.75
     self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
     self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
     self.acceeration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
     # data for drawing this agent
     self.color = 'ORANGE'
     self.vehicle_shape = [
         Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
         Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
         Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)
     self.show_info = False
     self.wander_target = Vector2D(1, 0)
     self.wander_dist = 1.0 * scale
     self.wander_radius = 1.0 * scale
     self.wander_jitter = 10.0 * scale
     self.bRadius = scale
     self.hiding_spots = []
     self.best_spot = None
Example #28
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=10.0, mass=1.5, mode='neighbourhood'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(random()*360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.force = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.accel = Vector2D() # current acceleration due to force
        self.mass = mass

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-0.5,  0.25),
            Point2D( 0.5,  -0.3),
            Point2D(-0.5, -0.25)
        ### wander details
        self.wander_target = Vector2D(1,0)
        self.wander_dist =5.0 * scale
        self.wander_radius =3.0 * scale
        self.wander_jitter =1.0 * scale
        self.bRadius =scale

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        ## max_force ??
        self.tagged = False

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #29
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='shoot'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.points = 1
        self.mode = mode
        self.looped = False
        self.move = False
        # where am i and where am i going? random
        dir = radians(random() * 360)
        self.pos = Vector2D(randrange(world.cx), randrange(world.cy))
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size
        self.acceleration = Vector2D()  # current steering force
        self.mass = mass
        self.hit = False
        self.hit_color = 'RED'
        # limits?
        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'GREEN'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0, 0.6),
            Point2D(1.0, 0.0),
            Point2D(-1.0, -0.6)

        self.path = Path()
        self.waypoint_threshold = 300.0

        self.moving_speed = 'slow'

        # limits?
        self.max_speed = 20.0 * scale
        self.max_force = 500.0
        ## max_force ??

        # debug draw info?
        self.show_info = False
Example #30
    def __init__(self, world=None, scale=30.0, mass=1.0, mode='none'):
        # keep a reference to the world object
        self.world = world
        self.mode = mode
        # where am i and where am i going? random start pos
        dir = radians(0)
        self.pos = self.initial_pos()
        self.vel = Vector2D()
        self.heading = Vector2D(sin(dir), cos(dir))
        self.side = self.heading.perp()
        self.scale = Vector2D(scale, scale)  # easy scaling of agent size

        # data for drawing this agent
        self.color = 'ORANGE'
        self.vehicle_shape = [
            Point2D(-1.0,  3),
            Point2D(-1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(1.0,  0.0),
            Point2D(1.0,   3)

        self.health = 50