Example #1
    def test_allow_swap_state_bits_left_to_bounded_block_begin(self):
        # Allowed change no. 7
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(a, b):\n" "  state['bits_left'] = a + b\n")
        n2 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b):\n"
                       "  serdes.bounded_block_begin(a + b)\n")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True

        # Different operation
        n3 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b):\n"
                       "  serdes.bounded_block_begin(a - b)\n")

        # Different arguments
        n4 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b):\n"
                       "  serdes.bounded_block_begin(a + b, bar=123)\n")

        # Different function
        n5 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b):\n"
                       "  bounded_block_begin(a + b)\n")

        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True
        assert c.compare(n1, n3) is not True
        assert c.compare(n1, n4) is not True
        assert c.compare(n1, n5) is not True
Example #2
    def test_allow_serdes_argument_call(self):
        # Allowed change no. 4
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("func(123, 321)")
        n2 = ast.parse("func(serdes, 123, 321)")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True
Example #3
    def test_allow_serdes_argument_def(self):
        # Allowed change no. 4
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(a, b): return a + b")
        n2 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b): return a + b")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True
Example #4
    def test_allow_differing_docstrings(self):
        # Allowed change no. 1
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(a, b): return a + b")
        n2 = ast.parse("def func(a, b):\n  '''doc'''\n  return a + b")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is True
Example #5
    def test_allow_differing_generators(self):
        # Allowed change no. 2, 3
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(a, b): return a + b")
        n2 = ast.parse("@context_type(Sequence)\n"
                       "def func(a, b): return a + b")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True
Example #6
    def test_allow_ignoring_some_calls(self):
        # Allowed change no. 6
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(a, b):\n" "  return a + b\n")
        n2 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b):\n"
                       "  serdes.subcontext_enter('foo')\n"
                       "  serdes.subcontext_leave()\n"
                       "  serdes.set_context_type(Sequence)\n"
                       "  serdes.declare_list('bar')\n"
                       "  serdes.computed_value('baz', a + b)\n"
                       "  return a + b\n")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True
Example #7
def test_equivalence_of_vc2_bitstream_pseudocode(name, pseudocode_derived_function):
    ref_func = getattr(reference_pseudocode, name)
    imp_func = pseudocode_derived_function.function
    # Same function
    assert compare_functions(ref_func, imp_func, SerdesChangesOnly()) is True

    # Same reference to the spec
    expected_ref = "({})".format(pseudocode_derived_function.section)
    assert ref_func.__doc__.lstrip().startswith(expected_ref)
Example #8
    def test_allow_swap_in_serdes_functions(self):
        # Allowed change no. 8
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(state, a, b):\n"
                       "  byte_align(state)\n"
                       "  b = read_bool(state)\n"
                       "  n = read_nbits(state, a + b)\n"
                       "  l = read_uint_lit(state, a - b)\n"
                       "  L = read_uint_lit(state, a - b)\n"
                       "  u = read_uint(state)\n"
                       "  s = read_sint(state)\n"
                       "  U = read_uintb(state)\n"
                       "  S = read_sintb(state)\n"
                       "  flush_inputb(state)\n")
        n2 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, state, a, b):\n"
                       "  serdes.byte_align('a')\n"
                       "  b = serdes.bool('b')\n"
                       "  n = serdes.nbits('n', a + b)\n"
                       "  l = serdes.uint_lit('l', a - b)\n"
                       "  L = serdes.bytes('L', a - b)\n"
                       "  u = serdes.uint('u')\n"
                       "  s = serdes.sint('s')\n"
                       "  U = serdes.uint('U')\n"
                       "  S = serdes.sint('S')\n"
                       "  serdes.bounded_block_end('e')\n")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True

        # Argument differs
        n3 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, state, a, b):\n"
                       "  serdes.byte_align('a')\n"
                       "  b = serdes.bool('b')\n"
                       "  n = serdes.nbits('n', a - b)\n"
                       "  l = serdes.uint_lit('l', a - b)\n"
                       "  L = serdes.bytes('L', a - b)\n"
                       "  u = serdes.uint('u')\n"
                       "  s = serdes.sint('s')\n"
                       "  U = serdes.uint('U')\n"
                       "  S = serdes.sint('S')\n"
                       "  serdes.bounded_block_end('e')\n")

        assert c.compare(n1, n3) is not True
Example #9
    def test_allow_with_blocks(self):
        # Allowed change no. 5
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("def func(a, b):\n"
                       "  while False:\n"
                       "    a += 1\n"
                       "  else:\n"
                       "    b += 1\n"
                       "  c = a + b\n"
                       "  return c\n")
        n2 = ast.parse("def func(serdes, a, b):\n"
                       "  while False:\n"
                       "    a += 1\n"
                       "  else:\n"
                       "    with serdes.subcontext('foobar'):\n"
                       "      b += 1\n"
                       "  with serdes.subcontext('baz') as qux:\n"
                       "    c = a + b\n"
                       "  return c\n")

        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True
Example #10
    def test_allow_swap_in_fixed_dicts(self):
        # Allowed change no. 9
        c = SerdesChangesOnly()

        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = State()")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True

        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = VideoParameters()")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is True
        assert c.compare(n2, n1) is not True

        # Not one of the approved functions
        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = Foobar()")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is not True

        # Non-empty dict
        n1 = ast.parse("a = {1: 2}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = State()")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is not True

        # Non-empty arguments
        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = State(1)")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is not True
        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = State(a=1)")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is not True
        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = State(*a)")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is not True
        n1 = ast.parse("a = {}")
        n2 = ast.parse("a = State(**k)")
        assert c.compare(n1, n2) is not True