Example #1
    def process_position(self, odom):
        ros callback for the position that publishes new sensor data for that

        vs = VizScan()
        vs.header = odom.header
        vs.observes = []

        o_x = odom.pose.pose.position.x
        o_y = odom.pose.pose.position.y
        o_h = quaternion_to_heading(odom.pose.pose.orientation)

        # rospy.loginfo('odom: %f %f %f' % (o_x, o_y, o_h,))

        # odom.header.frame_id = '/map'
        for feature in self.feature_list:
            # rospy.loginfo('feat: %f %f' % (feature.x, feature.y,))
            compass = math.atan2(feature.y-o_y, feature.x-o_x)
            bearing = compass - o_h
            # rospy.loginfo('compass: %f heading: %f bearing: %f' % (compass, o_h, bearing))
            bob = Blob()
            bob.bearing = bearing
            bob.color.r = feature.red
            bob.color.g = feature.green
            bob.color.b = feature.blue

        rospy.loginfo('viz_core publish sensor data')
    def test_cross_readings(self):
        particle = FilterParticle()
        old_reading = (
        new_odom = Odometry()
        new_odom.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(math.pi / 2)
        new_reading = (

        result = particle.cross_readings(old_reading, new_reading)
        self.assertEqual(result[0], 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(result[1], 0.0)

        new_odom = Odometry()
        new_odom.pose.pose.orientation = heading_to_quaternion(0.0)
        new_odom.pose.pose.position.y = -1.0
        new_reading = (

        result = particle.cross_readings(old_reading, new_reading)
Example #3
def blob_to_msg(img, blob):
    from viz_feature_sim.msg import Blob
    b = Blob()
    b.size = blob.size
    b.bearing = pix_x_to_bearing(img, blob.pt[0])
    pixel = img[int(blob.pt[1])][int(blob.pt[0])]
    b.color.b = pixel[0]
    b.color.g = pixel[1]
    b.color.r = pixel[2]
    return b
Example #4
def core_to_rosmsg(reading_list):
    temp = []
    for reading in reading_list:
        blob = Blob()
        blob.bearing = reading.bearing
        blob.size = reading.size
        blob.color.r = reading.r
        blob.color.g = reading.g
        blob.color.b = reading.b
    return temp
Example #5
def easy_observation(odom, feature):
    helper method to create Blobs to use in navigation calculations
    blob = Blob()
    heading = math.atan2(feature.y-odom.pose.pose.position.y,
    blob.bearing = heading - quaternion_to_heading(odom.pose.pose.orientation)
    rospy.loginfo('h | b || %f | %f' % (heading, quaternion_to_heading(odom.pose.pose.orientation),))
    blob.size = feature.red
    blob.color.r = feature.red
    blob.color.g = feature.green
    blob.color.b = feature.blue
    return blob
    def test_probability_of_match_bearing(self):
        particle = FilterParticle()
        state = Odometry()
        # two 0 cases: colors far apart, _bearing_ far off
        blob_bearing = Blob()
        blob_bearing.bearing = math.pi
        feature = Feature(mean=np.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0]))

        self.assertIsInstance(feature.mean, np.ndarray)

        result_bearing = particle.probability_of_match(state, blob_bearing,

        self.assertEqual(result_bearing, 0.0)
    def test_prob_color_match(self):
        # Note to self: check and see if the 0 is a problem for high covariance
        particle = FilterParticle()
        f_mean = np.array([0, 0, 255, 0, 0])
        f_covar = list([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 5, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 5]])
        f_covar = np.array(f_covar)
        blob = Blob()
        blob.color.r = 255
        blob.color.g = 0
        blob.color.b = 0

        result1 = particle.prob_color_match(f_mean, f_covar, blob)
        self.assertTrue(result1 > 0.005)

        blob.color.r = 250

        result2 = particle.prob_color_match(f_mean, f_covar, blob)
        self.assertTrue(result2 < result1)

        blob.color.b = 5

        result3 = particle.prob_color_match(f_mean, f_covar, blob)
        self.assertTrue(result3 < result2)

        blob.color.r = 200

        result4 = particle.prob_color_match(f_mean, f_covar, blob)
        self.assertTrue(result4 < result2)
    def generate_measurement(self, featureid):
        Generate an expected measurement for the given featureid
        state = self.state
        s_x = state.pose.pose.position.x
        s_y = state.pose.pose.position.y
        feature = self.get_feature_by_id(featureid)
        f_x = feature.mean[0]
        f_y = feature.mean[1]

        bobby = Blob()
        bobby.bearing = math.atan2(f_y-s_y, f_x-s_x)
        # bobby.size = 1/math.sqrt(math.pow(f_x-s_x, 2)+math.pow(f_y-s_y, 2))
        bobby.color.r = feature.mean[2]
        bobby.color.g = feature.mean[3]
        bobby.color.b = feature.mean[4]

        return bobby
Example #9
    def generate_measurement(self, featureid):
        Generate an expected measurement for the given featureid
        state = self.state
        s_x = state.pose.pose.position.x
        s_y = state.pose.pose.position.y
        feature = self.get_feature_by_id(featureid)
        f_x = feature.mean[0]
        f_y = feature.mean[1]

        bobby = Blob()
        bobby.bearing = math.atan2(f_y - s_y, f_x - s_x)
        # bobby.size = 1/math.sqrt(math.pow(f_x-s_x, 2)+math.pow(f_y-s_y, 2))
        bobby.color.r = feature.mean[2]
        bobby.color.g = feature.mean[3]
        bobby.color.b = feature.mean[4]

        return bobby
    def test_add_orphaned_reading(self):
        particle = FilterParticle()

        original_size = len(particle.hypothesis_set)

        particle.add_orphaned_reading(Odometry(), Blob())

        new_size = len(particle.hypothesis_set)

        self.assertTrue(original_size < new_size)
    def test_reading_distance_function(self):
        particle = FilterParticle()
        state1 = Odometry()
        blob1 = Blob()

        # lines are parallel, should have no intersection
        state2 = Odometry()
        state2.pose.pose.position.y = 1
        blob2 = Blob()
        result2 = particle.reading_distance_function(state1, blob1, state2,
        self.assertEqual(result2, float('inf'))

        # lines don't intersect should have no intersection
        state3 = Odometry()
        state3.pose.pose.position.y = 1
        blob3 = Blob()
        blob3.bearing = 1.0
        result3 = particle.reading_distance_function(state1, blob1, state3,
        self.assertEqual(result3, float('inf'))

        # lines intersect, color is the same, distance is 0
        state4 = Odometry()
        state4.pose.pose.position.y = 1
        blob4 = Blob()
        blob4.bearing = -1.0
        result4 = particle.reading_distance_function(state1, blob1, state4,
        self.assertEqual(result4, 0.0)

        # lines intersect, color is close, distance is small
        state5 = Odometry()
        state5.pose.pose.position.y = 1
        blob5 = Blob()
        blob5.bearing = -1.0
        blob5.color.r = 5
        result5 = particle.reading_distance_function(state1, blob1, state5,
        self.assertTrue(result5 > 0.0)
    def test_find_nearest_reading(self):
        particle = FilterParticle()
        state1 = Odometry()  # 0,0
        blob1 = Blob()
        blob1.bearing = .1

        state2 = Odometry()  # 0,1
        state2.pose.pose.position.y = 1
        blob2 = Blob()
        blob2.bearing = -.1

        particle.potential_features[-1] = (state1, blob1)

        min_dist_id = particle.find_nearest_reading(state2, blob2)
        self.assertEqual(min_dist_id, -1)

        # parallel to state2 option, should not match
        state3 = Odometry()
        state3.pose.pose.position.y = 1
        blob3 = Blob()
        blob3.bearing = -.1
        particle.potential_features[-3] = (state3, blob3)

        min_dist_id = particle.find_nearest_reading(state2, blob2)
        self.assertEqual(min_dist_id, -1)

        # wrong color option, should not match
        state4 = Odometry()  # 0,0
        blob4 = Blob()
        blob4.bearing = .1
        blob4.color.r = 255
        blob4.color.g = 255
        blob4.color.b = 255
        particle.potential_features[-4] = (state4, blob4)

        min_dist_id = particle.find_nearest_reading(state2, blob2)
        self.assertEqual(min_dist_id, -1)

        # doesn't intersect state 2, should not match
        state5 = Odometry()  # 0,0
        state5.pose.pose.position.y = 100
        blob5 = Blob()
        blob5.bearing = -.1
        particle.potential_features[-5] = (state4, blob4)

        min_dist_id = particle.find_nearest_reading(state2, blob2)
        self.assertEqual(min_dist_id, -1)