Example #1
    def __init__(self, device):
        super(WCDMAWrapper, self).__init__(device)
        # unfortunately some methods require me to save some state
        # between runs. This dict contains 'em.
        self.state_dict = {}
        # message assembly layer (initted on do_enable_device)
        self.mal = MessageAssemblyLayer(self)

        self.signal_matchs = []
        self.cached_registration = (0, (0, '', ''))
Example #2
class WCDMAWrapper(WCDMAProtocol):
    I am a wrapper around :class:`~wader.common.protocol.WCDMAProtocol`

    Its main objective is to provide some error control on some operations
    and a cleaner API to deal with its results.

    def __init__(self, device):
        super(WCDMAWrapper, self).__init__(device)
        # unfortunately some methods require me to save some state
        # between runs. This dict contains 'em.
        self.state_dict = {}
        # message assembly layer (initted on do_enable_device)
        self.mal = MessageAssemblyLayer(self)

        self.signal_matchs = []
        self.cached_registration = (0, (0, '', ''))

    def connect_to_signals(self):
        bus = dbus.SystemBus()
        device = bus.get_object(WADER_SERVICE, self.device.sconn.device.opath)
        sm = device.connect_to_signal(SIG_CREG, self.on_creg_cb)

    def clean_signals(self):
        while self.signal_matchs:
            sm = self.signal_matchs.pop()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.device.__remote_name__

    def acknowledge_mms(self, index, extra_info):
        Acknowledges the Mms identified by ``index`` using ``extra_info``
        return self.mal.acknowledge_mms(index, extra_info)

    def do_acknowledge_mms(self, index, extra_info):
        if 'wap2' not in extra_info:
            raise ValueError("Only WAP2.0 is supported at the moment")

        if 'mmsc' not in extra_info:
            raise ValueError("No mmsc key in %s" % extra_info)

            notification = self.mal.wap_map[index].get_last_notification()
        except IndexError:
            raise E.ExpiredNotification("Could not find "
                                        "notification %d" % index)

        d = send_m_notifyresp_ind(extra_info,
        return d

    def add_contact(self, contact):
        Adds ``contact`` to the SIM and returns the index where was stored
        ucs2 = 'UCS2' in self.device.sim.charset
        name = pack_ucs2_bytes(contact.name) if ucs2 else from_u(contact.name)

        # common arguments for both operations (name and number)
        args = [name, from_u(contact.number)]

        if contact.index:
            # contact.index is set, user probably wants to overwrite an
            # existing contact
            d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).add_contact(*args)
            d.addCallback(lambda _: contact.index)
            return d

        def get_next_id_cb(index):
            d2 = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).add_contact(*args)
            # now we just fake add_contact's response and we return the index
            d2.addCallback(lambda _: index)
            return d2

        # contact.index is not set, this means that we need to obtain the
        # first free slot on the phonebook and then add the contact
        d = self._get_next_contact_id()
        return d

    def cancel_ussd(self):
        """Cancels an ongoing USSD session"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).cancel_ussd()

        def set_idle(result):
            self.device.set_property(USD_INTFACE, 'State', 'idle')
            return result[0].group('resp')

        return d

    def change_pin(self, oldpin, newpin):
        """Changes PIN from ``oldpin`` to ``newpin``"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).change_pin(oldpin, newpin)
        d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def check_pin(self):
        Returns the SIM's auth state

        :raise SimPinRequired: Raised if SIM PIN is required
        :raise SimPukRequired: Raised if SIM PUK is required
        :raise SimPuk2Required: Raised if SIM PUK2 is required
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).check_pin()

        def process_result(resp):
            result = resp[0].group('resp')
            if result == 'READY':
                return result
            elif result == 'SIM PIN':
                raise E.SimPinRequired()
            elif result == 'SIM PUK':
                raise E.SimPukRequired()
            elif result == 'SIM PUK2':
                raise E.SimPuk2Required()
                log.err("unknown authentication state %s" % result)

        return d

    def delete_contact(self, index):
        """Deletes contact at ``index``"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).delete_contact(index)
        d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def delete_sms(self, index):
        return self.mal.delete_sms(index)

    def do_delete_sms(self, index):
        """Deletes SMS at ``index``"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).delete_sms(index)
        d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def download_mms(self, index, extra_info):
        """Downloads the Mms identified by ``index``"""
        return self.mal.download_mms(index, extra_info)

    def do_download_mms(self, notification, extra_info):
        uri = notification.headers['Content-Location']
        return get_payload(uri, extra_info)

    def disable_echo(self):
        """Disables echo"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).disable_echo()
        d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def enable_pin(self, pin, enable):
        Enables or disables PIN auth with ``pin`` according to ``enable``

        def cache_and_return_response(response):
            self.device.set_property(CRD_INTFACE, 'PinEnabled', enable)
            return response[0].group('resp')

        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).enable_pin(pin, enable)
        return d

    def enable_echo(self):
        Enables echo

        Use this with caution as it might leave Wader on an unusable state
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).enable_echo()
        d.addCallback(lambda result: result[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def find_contacts(self, pattern):
        Returns all the `Contact` objects whose name matches ``pattern``

        :rtype: list
        if 'UCS2' in self.device.sim.charset:
            pattern = pack_ucs2_bytes(pattern)

        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).find_contacts(pattern)
        d.addCallback(lambda matches: map(self._regexp_to_contact, matches))
        return d

    def get_apns(self):
        Returns all the APNs in the SIM

        :rtype: list
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_apns()
        d.addCallback(lambda resp:
                [(int(r.group('index')), r.group('apn')) for r in resp])
        return d

    def get_band(self):
        """Returns the current band used"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_bands(self):
        Returns the available bands

        :rtype: list
        bands = self.custom.band_dict.keys()
        if MM_NETWORK_BAND_ANY in bands:

        # cast it to UInt32
        return defer.succeed(dbus.UInt32(sum(bands)))

    def get_card_model(self):
        """Returns the card model"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_card_model()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('model'))
        return d

    def get_card_version(self):
        """Returns the firmware version"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_card_version()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('version'))
        return d

    def get_charset(self):
        """Returns the current charset"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_charset()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('lang'))
        return d

    def get_charsets(self):
        Returns the available charsets

        :rtype: list
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_charsets()
        d.addCallback(lambda resp: [match.group('lang') for match in resp])
        return d

    def get_contact(self, index):
        """Returns the contact at ``index``"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_contact(index)
        d.addCallback(lambda match: self._regexp_to_contact(match[0]))
        return d

    def get_hardware_info(self):
        """Returns the manufacturer name, card model and firmware version"""
        dlist = [self.get_manufacturer_name(),

        return defer.gatherResults(dlist)

    def sim_access_restricted(self, command, fileid=None, p1=None,
                              p2=None, p3=None, data=None, pathid=None):

        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).sim_access_restricted(
                                    command, fileid, p1, p2, p3, data, pathid)

        def cb(response):
                sw1 = int(response[0].group('sw1'))
            except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
                sw1 = None

                sw2 = int(response[0].group('sw2'))
            except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
                sw2 = None

            if (sw1 not in SW_OK) or (sw1 == 0x90 and sw2 != 0):
                # Status error.
                raise E.General('Bad Status response for AT+CRSM')

            data = response[0].group('response')

            return (sw1, sw2, data)

        return d

    def get_iccid(self):
        """Returns ICC identification number"""

        d = self.sim_access_restricted(COM_READ_BINARY, EF_ICCID, 0, 0, 10)

        def get_iccid_cb(response):
            sw1, sw2, data = response

            if data is None:
                raise E.General('ICCID not available')

            if len(data) != 20:
                raise E.General('ICCID length not correct')

            # Parse BCD F padded string.
            result = ''
            i = 0
            while (i + 1 < len(data)):
                msd = data[i]
                lsd = data[i + 1]
                i += 2
                if lsd in ['f', 'F']:
                result += lsd
                if msd in ['f', 'F']:
                result += msd

            return result

        return d

    def get_imei(self):
        """Returns the IMEI"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_imei()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('imei'))
        return d

    def get_imsi(self):
        """Returns the IMSI"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_imsi()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('imsi'))
        return d

    def get_ip4_config(self):
        """Returns the IP4Config info related to IpMethod"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_manufacturer_name(self):
        """Returns the manufacturer name"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_manufacturer_name()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('name'))
        return d

    def _get_netreg_info(self, status):
        # Ugly but it works. The naive approach with DeferredList won't work
        # as the call order is not guaranteed
        resp = [status]

        def get_netinfo_cb(info):
            new = info[1]
            cur = self.device.get_property(NET_INTFACE, 'AccessTechnology')

            # Don't stamp on the value provided by a richer method
            if (new == MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_GPRS and
                    cur == MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_EDGE) or \
               (new == MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_UMTS and
                    cur in [MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_HSDPA,
                self.device.set_property(NET_INTFACE, 'AccessTechnology', cur)
                self.device.set_property(NET_INTFACE, 'AccessTechnology', new)

            return resp.append(info[0])

        def get_netinfo_eb(failure):

        d = self.get_network_info('numeric')

        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_network_info('name'))

        d.addCallback(lambda _: tuple(resp))
        return d

    def _get_netreg_info_update_and_emit(self, _reginfo):
        """Update the cache, emit RegistrationInfo signal"""

        reginfo = (dbus.UInt32(_reginfo[0]), _reginfo[1], _reginfo[2])

        self.cached_registration = (time() + CACHETIME, reginfo)

        if self.device.status in [MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED,
            if _reginfo[0] in [1, 5]:
        return reginfo

    def get_netreg_info(self):
        """Get the registration status and the current operator"""

        if self.cached_registration[0] >= time():  # cache hasn't expired
            log.msg("middleware::get_netreg_info served from cache")
            d = defer.succeed(self.cached_registration[1])
            d = self.get_netreg_status()
            d.addCallback(lambda info: info[1])
        return d

    def on_creg_cb(self, status):
        """Callback for +CREG notifications"""
        d = defer.succeed(status)
        return d

    def get_netreg_status(self):
        """Returns a tuple with the network registration status"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_netreg_status()

        def convert_cb(resp):
            # convert them to int
            return int(resp[0].group('mode')), int(resp[0].group('status'))

        return d

    def get_network_info(self, _type=None):
        Returns the network info  (a.k.a AT+COPS?)

        The response will be a tuple as (OperatorName, ConnectionType) if
        it returns a (None, None) that means that some error occurred while
        obtaining the info. The class that requested the info should take
        care of insisting before this problem. This method will convert
        numeric network IDs to alphanumeric.
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_network_info(_type)

        def get_net_info_cb(netinfo):
            Returns a (Networkname, ConnType) tuple

            It returns None if there's no info
            if not netinfo:
                return None

            netinfo = netinfo[0]

            if netinfo.group('error'):
                # this means that we've received a response like
                # +COPS: 0 which means that we don't have network temporaly
                # we should raise an exception here
                raise E.NoNetwork()

            # TS 27007 got updated as of 10.4
            _map = {
                '0': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_GPRS,  # strictly GSM
                '1': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_GSM_COMPAT,
                '2': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_UMTS,  # strictly UTRAN
                '3': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_EDGE,
                '4': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_HSDPA,
                '5': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_HSUPA,
                '6': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_HSPA,
                '7': MM_GSM_ACCESS_TECH_LTE,
            conn_type = _map.get(netinfo.group('status'))

            netname = netinfo.group('netname')
            if netname in ['Limited Service',
                    pack_ucs2_bytes('Limited Service')]:
                raise ex.LimitedServiceNetworkError

            # netname can be in UCS2, as a string, or as a network id (int)
            if check_if_ucs2(netname):
                return unpack_ucs2_bytes(netname), conn_type
                # now can be either a string or a network id (int)
                    netname = int(netname)
                except ValueError:
                    # we got a string ID
                    return netname, conn_type

                # if we have arrived here, that means that the network id
                # is a five, six or seven digit integer
                return str(netname), conn_type

        return d

    def get_network_mode(self):
        """Returns the current network mode"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_network_modes(self):
        """Returns the supported network modes"""
        modes = self.custom.conn_dict.keys()
        if MM_NETWORK_MODE_ANY in modes:
        # cast it to UInt32
        return defer.succeed(dbus.UInt32(sum(modes)))

    def get_network_names(self):
        Performs a network search

        :rtype: list of :class:`NetworkOperator`
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_network_names()
        d.addCallback(lambda resp:
                [NetworkOperator(*match.groups()) for match in resp])
        return d

    def _get_free_contact_ids(self):
        """Returns a deque with the not used contact ids"""

        def list_contacts_cb(contacts):
            if not contacts:
                return deque(range(1, self.device.sim.size))

            busy_ids = [contact.index for contact in contacts]
            free = set(range(1, self.device.sim.size)) ^ set(busy_ids)
            return deque(list(free))

        def list_contacts_eb(failure):
            failure.trap(E.NotFound, E.General)
            return deque(range(1, self.device.sim.size))

        d = self.list_contacts()
        d.addCallbacks(list_contacts_cb, list_contacts_eb)
        return d

    def _get_next_contact_id(self):
        Returns the next unused contact id

        Provides some error control and won't fail if sim.size
        is None as the card might be a bit difficult

        def do_get_it():
            d = self._get_free_contact_ids()
            d.addCallback(lambda free: free.popleft())
            return d

        if self.device.sim.size and self.device.sim.size != 0:
            return do_get_it()

        deferred = defer.Deferred()
        self.state_dict['phonebook_retries'] = 0

        def get_it(auxdef=None):

            def get_phonebook_size_cb(size):
                self.device.sim.size = size
                d = do_get_it()

            def get_phonebook_size_eb(failure):
                self.state_dict['phonebook_retries'] += 1
                if self.state_dict['phonebook_retries'] > RETRY_ATTEMPTS:
                    raise RuntimeError("Could not obtain phonebook size")

                reactor.callLater(RETRY_TIMEOUT, get_it, auxdef)

            d = self.get_phonebook_size()

            return auxdef

        return get_it(deferred)

    def get_operator_id(self):
        Returns the ID of the network operator that issued the SIM card,
        formatted as a 5 or 6-digit MCC/MNC code (ex "310410").

        :raise General: When MCC+MNC cannot be retrieved.

        d = defer.Deferred()

        # Another way to handle global variables.
        d.imsi = None
        d.mnc_length = None

        def get_op_id_eb(failure):
            log.msg("get_operator_id FAILURE: %s" % failure.value)


        d_mnc = self.sim_access_restricted(COM_READ_BINARY, EF_AD, 0, 0, 4)

        def get_op_id_mnc_digits_cb(response):
            sw1, sw2, number = response

            if number is None or len(number) < 8:
                raise E.General('Bad MNC length response')
            number = int(number[6:8], 16)

            if number in range(2, 5):
                # We got MNC number of digits right.
                return number
                raise E.General('Incorrect MNC length')

        def get_op_id_mnc_digits_eb(failure):
            log.msg("get_operator_id mnc_digits FAILURE %s" % failure.value)


        def store_mnc_length(mnc_length):
            self.mnc_length = mnc_length

            d_imsi = self.get_imsi()
            return d_imsi


        def get_op_id_imsi_eb(failure):
            log.msg("get_operator_id imsi FAILURE %s" % failure.value)

        def store_imsi(imsi):
            self.imsi = imsi
            return None


        def get_op_id_cb(response):
            number = self.mnc_length  # An integer.
            imsi = self.imsi
            if number is None or imsi is None:
                raise E.General('Bad MNC length or IMSI')
            length = number + 3
            if len(imsi) < length:
                raise E.General('IMSI length too short')
            return imsi[0:length]


        return d

    def get_phonebook_size(self):
        """Returns the phonebook size"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_phonebook_size()
        d.addCallback(lambda resp: int(resp[0].group('size')))
        return d

    def get_pin_status(self):
        """Returns 1 if PIN auth is active and 0 if its not"""

        def pinreq_errback(failure):
            return 1

        def aterror_eb(failure):
            # return the failure or wont work
            return failure

        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_pin_status()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: int(response[0].group('status')))

        return d

    def get_radio_status(self):
        """Returns whether the radio is enabled or disabled"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_radio_status()
        d.addCallback(lambda resp: int(resp[0].group('status')))
        return d

    def get_roaming_ids(self):
        """Returns the network ids stored in the SIM to roam"""
        # a.k.a. AT+CPOL?
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_roaming_ids()
        d.addCallback(lambda raw:
                [BasicNetworkOperator(obj.group('netid')) for obj in raw])
        return d

    def get_signal_quality(self):
        """Returns the signal level quality"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_signal_quality()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: int(response[0].group('rssi')))
        return d

    def get_sms(self, index):
        return self.mal.get_sms(index)

    def do_get_sms(self, index):
        Returns a ``Message`` object representing the SMS at ``index``
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_sms(index)

        def get_sms_cb(rawsms):
                sms = Message.from_pdu(rawsms[0].group('pdu'))
                sms.where = int(rawsms[0].group('where'))
                sms.index = index
            except IndexError:
                # handle bogus CMTI notifications, see #180
                return None

            return sms

        return d

    def get_sms_format(self):
        Returns 1 if SMS format is text and 0 if SMS format is PDU
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_sms_format()
        d.addCallback(lambda response: int(response[0].group('format')))
        return d

    def get_smsc(self):
        """Returns the SMSC number stored in the SIM"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).get_smsc()

        def get_smsc_cb(response):
                smsc = response[0].group('smsc')
                if not smsc.startswith('+'):
                    if check_if_ucs2(smsc):
                        smsc = from_u(unpack_ucs2_bytes(smsc))

                return smsc
            except KeyError:
                raise E.NotFound()

        return d

    def get_spn(self):
        Returns SPN Service Provider Name from SIM.
        #  AT+CRSM=176,28486,0,1,16
        d = self.sim_access_restricted(COM_READ_BINARY, EF_SPN, 0, 1, 16)

        def get_spn_cb(response):
            sw1, sw2, spn = response

            if spn is None:
                raise E.General('SPN not returned.')

            if spn:
                spn = from_8bit_in_gsm_or_ts31101(spn)
            return spn or ''

        return d

    def list_available_mms(self):
        return self.mal.list_available_mms_notifications()

    def list_contacts(self):
        Returns all the contacts in the SIM

        :rtype: list

        def not_found_eb(failure):
            failure.trap(E.NotFound, E.InvalidIndex, E.General)
            return []

        def get_them(ignored=None):
            d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).list_contacts()
            d.addCallback(lambda matches:
                                        map(self._regexp_to_contact, matches))
            return d

        if self.device.sim.size:
            return get_them()
            d = self._get_next_contact_id()
            return d

    def _regexp_to_contact(self, match):
        Returns a :class:`wader.common.contact.Contact` out of ``match``

        :type match: ``re.MatchObject``
        name = match.group('name')
        if self.device.sim.charset == 'UCS2':
            name = from_ucs2(name)

        number = match.group('number')
        index = int(match.group('id'))
        return Contact(name, number, index=index)

    def list_sms(self):
        return self.mal.list_sms()

    def do_list_sms(self):
        Returns all the SMS in the SIM card

        :rtype: list
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).list_sms()

        def get_all_sms_cb(messages):
            sms_list = []
            for rawsms in messages:
                    sms = Message.from_pdu(rawsms.group('pdu'))
                    sms.index = int(rawsms.group('id'))
                    sms.where = int(rawsms.group('where'))
                except ValueError:
                            "Malformed PDU: %s" % rawsms.group('pdu'))
            return sms_list

        return d

    def save_sms(self, sms):
        return self.mal.save_sms(sms)

    def do_save_sms(self, sms):
        Stores ``sms`` and returns a list of indexes

        ``sms`` might span several messages if it is a multipart SMS
        save_sms = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).save_sms
        ret = [save_sms(p.pdu, p.length) for p in sms.to_pdu(store=True)]
        d = defer.gatherResults(ret)
        # the order is important! You need to run gatherResults and add
        # the callback to its result, not the other way around!
        d.addCallback(lambda response:
                         [int(resp[0].group('index')) for resp in response])
        return d

    def send_at(self, atstr, name='send_at', callback=None):
        """Sends an arbitrary AT string ``atstr``"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).send_at(atstr, name=name)
        if callback is None:
            d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))

        return d

    def send_pin(self, pin):
        Sends ``pin`` to authenticate

        Most devices need some time to settle after a successful auth
        it is the caller's responsability to give at least 15 seconds
        to the device to settle, this time varies from device to device
        from wader.common.startup import attach_to_serial_port
        d = attach_to_serial_port(self.device)
        d.addCallback(lambda _: super(WCDMAWrapper, self).send_pin(pin))
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def send_puk(self, puk, pin):
        Send ``puk`` and ``pin`` to authenticate

        Most devices need some time to settle after a successful auth
        it is the caller's responsability to give at least 15 seconds
        to the device to settle, this time varies from device to device
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).send_puk(puk, pin)
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def send_mms(self, mms, extra_info):
        """Send ``mms`` and returns the Message-Id"""
        return self.mal.send_mms(mms, extra_info)

    def do_send_mms(self, mms, extra_info):
        if 'wap2' not in extra_info:
            raise ValueError("Only WAP2.0 is supported at the moment")

        if 'mmsc' not in extra_info:
            raise ValueError("No mmsc key in %s" % extra_info)

        return send_m_send_req(extra_info, mms)

    def send_sms(self, sms):
        Sends ``sms`` and returns the indexes

        ``sms`` might span several messages if it is a multipart SMS
        return self.mal.send_sms(sms)

    def do_send_sms(self, sms):

        def send_sms_cb(response):
            return int(response[0].group('index'))

        ret = []
        for pdu in sms.to_pdu():
            d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).send_sms(pdu.pdu, pdu.length)

        return defer.gatherResults(ret)

    def send_sms_from_storage(self, index):
        """Sends the SMS stored at ``index`` and returns the new index"""
        return self.mal.send_sms_from_storage(index)

    def do_send_sms_from_storage(self, index):
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).send_sms_from_storage(index)
        d.addCallback(lambda response: int(response[0].group('index')))
        return d

    def send_ussd(self, ussd, force_ascii=False, loose_charset_check=False):
        """Sends the ussd command ``ussd``"""

        def convert_response(response):
            index = response[0].group('index')
            if index == '1':
                self.device.set_property(USD_INTFACE, 'State', 'user-response')
                self.device.set_property(USD_INTFACE, 'State', 'idle')

            resp = response[0].group('resp')
            if resp is None:
                return ""   # returning the Empty string is valid

            if not check_if_ucs2(resp, limit=LATIN_EX_B):
                if 'UCS2' in self.device.sim.charset and \
                        not loose_charset_check:
                    raise E.MalformedUssdPduError(resp)
                    return resp
                    return unpack_ucs2_bytes(resp)
                except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
                    raise E.MalformedUssdPduError(resp)

        def reset_state(failure):
            if self.device.get_property(USD_INTFACE, 'State') != 'idle':
                self.device.set_property(USD_INTFACE, 'State', 'idle')
            failure.raiseException()  # re-raise

        if 'UCS2' in self.device.sim.charset and not force_ascii:
            ussd = pack_ucs2_bytes(ussd)

        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).send_ussd(str(ussd))
        return d

    def set_allowed_mode(self, mode):
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement it in the device family wrapper")

    def set_apn(self, apn):
        """Sets the APN to ``apn``"""

        def process_apns(apns, the_apn):
            for _index, _apn in apns:
                if _apn == the_apn:
                    self.state_dict['conn_id'] = _index
                    return defer.succeed('OK')

                conn_id = max([idx for idx, _ in apns]) + 1
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                conn_id = 1

            self.state_dict['conn_id'] = conn_id
            d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).set_apn(conn_id, the_apn)
            d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))
            return d

        d = self.get_apns()
        d.addCallback(process_apns, apn)
        return d

    def set_band(self, band):
        """Sets the device band to ``band``"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def set_charset(self, charset):
        """Sets the SIMs charset to ``charset``"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).set_charset(charset)
        d.addCallback(lambda ignored: self.device.sim.set_charset(charset))
        return d

    def set_network_mode(self, mode):
        """Sets the network mode to ``mode``"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def enable_radio(self, enable):
        Enables the radio according to ``enable``

        It will not enable it if its already enabled and viceversa
        if self.device.status >= MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED and enable:
            # no need to enable an enabled device
            return defer.succeed("OK")

        def check_if_necessary(status):
            if (status and enable) or (not status and not enable):
                return defer.succeed('OK')

            d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).enable_radio(enable)
            d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))
            return d

        d = self.get_radio_status()
        return d

    def set_sms_format(self, _format=0):
        """Sets PDU mode or text mode in the SIM"""
        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).set_sms_format(_format)
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    def set_smsc(self, smsc):
        """Sets the SIMS's SMSC number to ``smsc``"""
        if 'UCS2' in self.device.sim.charset:
            smsc = pack_ucs2_bytes(smsc)

        d = super(WCDMAWrapper, self).set_smsc(smsc)
        d.addCallback(lambda response: response[0].group('resp'))
        return d

    # some high-level methods exported over DBus
    def init_properties(self):
        # XXX: Implement UnlockRetries
        self.device.set_property(MDM_INTFACE, 'UnlockRetries', 999)

        # There's no way to query this, so we have to assume :-(
        self.device.set_property(USD_INTFACE, 'State', 'idle')

        d = self.get_bands()
        d.addCallback(lambda bands:
                self.device.set_property(CRD_INTFACE, 'SupportedBands', bands))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_network_modes())
        d.addCallback(lambda modes:
                self.device.set_property(CRD_INTFACE, 'SupportedModes', modes))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_pin_status())
        d.addCallback(lambda active:
                self.device.set_property(CRD_INTFACE, 'PinEnabled',
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_imei())
        d.addCallback(lambda imei:
                self.device.set_property(MDM_INTFACE, 'EquipmentIdentifier',
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.get_iccid())
        d.addCallback(lambda iccid:
                self.device.set_property(CRD_INTFACE, 'SimIdentifier', iccid))
        return d

    def get_simple_status(self):
        """Returns the status for o.fd.MM.Modem.Simple.GetStatus"""
        if self.device.status < MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED:
            return defer.succeed(dict(state=self.device.status))

        def get_simple_status_cb((rssi, netinfo, band, net_mode)):
            return dict(state=self.device.status,

        deferred_list = []

        d = defer.gatherResults(deferred_list)
        return d

    def connect_simple(self, settings):
        """Connects with the given ``settings``"""
        if self.device.status == MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTED:
            # this cannot happen
            raise E.Connected("we are already connected")

        if self.device.status == MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTING:
            raise E.SimBusy("we are already connecting")

        def connect_eb(failure):
            log.msg("connect_simple errorback")

            if self.device.status >= MM_MODEM_STATE_REGISTERED:
            failure.raiseException()  # re-raise

        simplesm = self.device.custom.simp_klass(self.device, settings)
        d = simplesm.start_simple()
        d.addCallback(lambda _:
        return d

    def connect_to_internet(self, settings):
        # Note: this is called by:
        #    1/ connect_simple via simple state machine
        #    2/ directly by Connect() dbus method

        ip_method = self.device.get_property(MDM_INTFACE, 'IpMethod')
        if ip_method == MM_IP_METHOD_PPP:
            return self.connect_to_internet_ppp(settings)

        return self.connect_to_internet_hso(settings)

    def connect_to_internet_hso(self, settings):
        username = settings.get('username', '')
        password = settings.get('password', '')
        # XXX: One day Simple.Connect will receive auth too
        # defaulting to PAP_AUTH as that's what we had before
        auth = HSO_PAP_AUTH

        d = self.hso_authenticate(username, password, auth)
        d.addCallback(lambda _: self.hso_connect())
        return d

    def connect_to_internet_ppp(self, settings):
        """Opens data port and dials ``settings['number']`` in"""
        if self.device.status == MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTED:
            # this cannot happen
            raise E.Connected("we are already connected")

        if self.device.status == MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTING:
            raise E.SimBusy("we are already connecting")


        # open the data port
        port = self.device.ports.dport
        # this will raise a SerialException if port is busy
        port.obj = serial.Serial(port.path)
        # send ATDT and convert number to string as pyserial does
        # not like to write unicode to serial ports
        number = settings.get('number')
        d = defer.maybeDeferred(port.obj.write,
                                "ATDT%s\r\n" % str(number))

        # we should detect error or success here and set state

        return d

    def disconnect_from_internet(self):
        """Disconnects the modem"""
        ip_method = self.device.get_property(MDM_INTFACE, 'IpMethod')
        if ip_method == MM_IP_METHOD_PPP:
            return self.disconnect_from_internet_ppp()

        return self.disconnect_from_internet_hso()

    def disconnect_from_internet_hso(self):
        return self.hso_disconnect()

    def disconnect_from_internet_ppp(self):
        """Disconnects the modem temporarily lowering the DTR"""
        # NM usually issues disconnect as part of a connect sequence
        if self.device.status < MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTED:
            return defer.succeed(True)

        port = self.device.ports.dport
        if not port.obj.isOpen():
            raise AttributeError("Data serial port is not open")


        # XXX: should check that we did stop the connection and set status

        def restore_speed(speed):
            except serial.SerialException:

            # XXX: perhaps we should check the registration status here
            if self.device.status > MM_MODEM_STATE_REGISTERED:

            return True

        # lower and raise baud speed
        speed = port.obj.getBaudrate()
        except serial.SerialException:
        # restore the speed in .1 seconds
        return task.deferLater(reactor, .1, restore_speed, speed)

    def register_with_netid(self, netid):
        I will try my best to register with ``netid``

        If ``netid`` is an empty string, I will register with my home network
        netr_klass = self.device.custom.netr_klass
        netsm = netr_klass(self.device.sconn, netid)
        return netsm.start_netreg()

    def enable_device(self, enable):
        I enable or disable myself according to ``enable``

        If enable is True, I check the auth state of a device and will try to
        initialize it. Otherwise I will disable myself
        if enable:
            return self._do_enable_device()
            return self._do_disable_device()

    def _do_disable_device(self):

        if self.device.status == MM_MODEM_STATE_CONNECTED:

            def on_disconnect_from_internet(_):
                if self.device.status >= MM_MODEM_STATE_REGISTERED:

            d = self.disconnect_from_internet()
            return d

        if self.device.status >= MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED:
            return self.device.close()

    def _do_enable_device(self):
        if self.device.status >= MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED:
            return defer.succeed(self.device)

        if self.device.status == MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLING:
            raise E.SimBusy()


        def signals(resp):
            # XXX: This netreg notification seems to be unrelated to enable,
            #      perhaps it should be moved?
            if self.device.status < MM_MODEM_STATE_ENABLED:

            return resp

        from wader.common.startup import attach_to_serial_port

        def process_device_and_initialize(device):
            self.device = device
            auth_klass = self.device.custom.auth_klass
            authsm = auth_klass(self.device)

            def set_status(failure):
                failure.raiseException()  # re-raise

            d = authsm.start_auth()
            # if auth is ready, the device will initialize straight away
            # if auth isn't ready the callback chain won't be executed and
            # will just return the given exception
            return d

        d = attach_to_serial_port(self.device)
        return d

    def _check_initted_device(self, result):
        To be executed after successful authentication over DBus

        Network Manager calls this via SendPin() even when not performing an
        Enable or SimpleConnect, it's just done as part of noticing a new
        device has appeared. So after we have unlocked we save a timestamp so
        that any subsequent initialisation can check if the requisite settling
        DELAY has elapsed, but we can't continue blindly to initialisation as
        used to be the case.
        self.device.set_property(MDM_INTFACE, 'UnlockRequired', '')

        return result