Example #1
def make_json_character(dbcharacter: Character, scramble_names: bool = False,
                        include_names_from: Optionalcharids = None):
    return {
        'id': dbcharacter.get_eve_id() if not scramble_names or (
            include_names_from is not None and dbcharacter.get_eve_id() in include_names_from) else None,
        'name': dbcharacter.get_eve_name() if not scramble_names or (
            include_names_from is not None and dbcharacter.get_eve_id() in include_names_from) else 'Name Hidden',
        'newbro': dbcharacter.is_new
Example #2
def login_account_by_username_or_character(char: Character, owner_hash: str,
                                           token: SSOToken) -> Response:
    Handle login, when accounts should be loggedin by username matching the character name
    :param char: Character we got the authentication for
    :param owner_hash: current owner_hash of the character
    :param token: sso token for the character
    :return: a Response that should be delivered to the client
    # see if there is an fc account connected
    # noinspection PyPep8
    acc = db.session.query(
        Account).filter((Account.username == char.get_eve_name())
                        & (Account.disabled == False)).first()
    if acc is not None:  # accs are allowed to ignore bans
        logger.debug(f"Account with username %s found. Logging in as %s",
                     char.get_eve_name(), acc)
        return login_account(acc, token)

    logger.debug(f"No Account with username %s found. Logging in as %s",
                 char.get_eve_name(), char)
    return login_character(char, owner_hash, token)
Example #3
def login_character(char: Character, owner_hash: str,
                    token: SSOToken) -> Response:
    Login a character and update the owner_hash/invalidate all existing sessions
    if the owner_hash changed
    This also checks if the character is banned before letting him login
    :param char: the Character to login
    :param owner_hash: the owner_hash to check and update
    :param token: sso token for the character
    :return: a redirect to the next page the client should visite
    # update owner_hash if different

    # if the owner_hash is empty or None, this ist he first timet he character is accessed
    if char.owner_hash is None or char.owner_hash == '':
        char.owner_hash = owner_hash

    # if the hash is there but different the owner changed we need to invalidate sessions and update
    elif char.owner_hash != owner_hash:
        char.owner_hash = owner_hash

    tokens = char.get_sso_tokens_with_scopes(['publicData'])
    for tkn in tokens:
        logger.debug('Revoked %s', tkn)



        f"Logging character eve_name={char.get_eve_name()} id={char.get_eve_id()} in"
    is_banned, reason = is_char_banned(char)
    if is_banned:
            f"Character is banned eve_name={char.get_eve_name()} id={char.get_eve_id()}"
                    'You are banned, because your ' + reason + " is banned!")
    login_user(char, remember=True)
    logger.debug("Member Login by %s successful", char.get_eve_name())
    return redirect(url_for("index"))
Example #4
def login_accounts_by_alts_or_character(char: Character, owner_hash: str,
                                        token: SSOToken) -> Response:
    Handle login, when an account should be loggedin by a connected alt who has no owner_hash or the owner_hash matches
    the current one
    If no matching account is found or more then one account is found, login as user and use flash for a message
    :param char: Character we got the authentication for
    :param owner_hash: current owner_hash of the character
    :param token: sso token for the character
    :return: a Response that should be delivered to the client

    # lets check if there is any accounts connected
    logger.info(f"{len(char.accounts)} accounts connected with this character")

    account_count = len(char.accounts)

    # if there is no account connected, login as character
    if account_count == 0:
        return login_character(char, owner_hash, token)

    if account_count > 0:
        # if we never had a owner hash lets set it
        # it doesn't matter since we need to auth all characters for existing accounts
        if char.owner_hash is None or char.owner_hash == "":
                "Character owner_hash is empty, %s is accessed for the first time."
                " Setting owner_hash to %s", char, owner_hash)
            char.owner_hash = owner_hash

        # character changed owner, so not eligible for account login anymore
        if char.owner_hash != owner_hash:
                "Character owner_hash for %s did not match."
                " Invalidating all sessions and removing character as alt from all accounts.",
                gettext("You character seemed to have changed owner." +
                        " You where removed as eligible character " +
                        "for account login."), 'danger')
            if len(char.accounts) > 0:
                # TODO: send signal here that an alt is removed from this account
                for acc in char.accounts:
                                          None, acc.id, char.id)
                char.accounts = []

            return login_character(char, owner_hash, token)

            logger.debug("Character owner_hash for %s did match", char)

            if len(
            ) > 1:  # this character is connected with more then 1 account
                    "%s connected to multiple accounts, logging in as character.",
                        "Your character %(eve_name)s is connected"
                        " to more than one Waitlist Account,"
                        " please contact an Administrator."
                        " Meanwhile, you are logged in as"
                        " a normal character.",
                        eve_name=char.get_eve_name()), "danger")

                return login_character(char, owner_hash, token)

            else:  # connected exactly one account since > 0 and not > 1
                logger.debug("%s connected to one account", char)
                acc = char.accounts[0]

                if acc.disabled:  # this account is disabled -> login as character
                        "The Account %s is disabled logging in a character",
                    return login_character(char, owner_hash, token)

                # set no character as active char for the account
                # we will set the login char further in the progress
                # or we will send to reauth if there is no proper api token
                acc.current_char = char.id

                return login_account(acc, token)
    else:  # not connected to an account

        return login_character(char, owner_hash, token)