Example #1
def load_session(session_file) -> RoxResponse:
    Load session from specified JSON file.
    :param session_file: File name.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if session could be loaded.

    try:  # load session as json file
        session_json = json.loads(session_file)
        url = get_rox_connector_url("load_services_and_pipelines")

        try:  # try to load session on composer
            r = requests.post(url,
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
            error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
            return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

        if r.status_code != 200:
            error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
            return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
            return RoxResponse(True, r.text)
    except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
        return RoxResponse(False,
                           "Could not decode session json - {}".format(e))
Example #2
def post_to_pipeline(pipeline_name: str, message: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Post message to specified pipeline.
    :param pipeline_name: Pipeline name to which a message should be sent.
    :param message: Message as string.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if data could be posted to pipeline.

    url = get_rox_connector_url("post_to_pipeline")
    content = {'name': pipeline_name, 'data': message}

        r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(content), headers=JSON_HEADER)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        result_msg = "Message {} posted: {}.".format(r.json()['message_id'], message)
        res = RoxResponse(True, result_msg)
        res.data = r.json()['message_id']
        return res
Example #3
def create_pipeline(pipe_name: str, service_names: list) -> RoxResponse:
    Create new pipeline with specified services in exactly the given order.
    :param pipe_name: Name of pipeline.
    :param service_names: A list of service names. The services
    are applied in the same order as they appear in this list.
    :returns: RoxResponse instance documenting if pipeline could be created.
    url = get_rox_connector_url("set_pipeline")
    content = {'name': pipe_name, 'services': service_names}

        r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(content), headers=JSON_HEADER)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        running_service_names = list(r.json().keys())
        running_service_names = [x for x in running_service_names if x not in FORBIDDEN_SERVICES]
        res = RoxResponse(True)
        res.data = running_service_names
        return res
Example #4
def get_pipelines() -> RoxResponse:
    Get metadata of each available pipeline, i.e. pipeline name, involved services and current status.
    :returns: oxResponse instance containing a list of tuples
        mapping each pipeline name to its corresponding JSON data.

    url = get_rox_connector_url("pipelines")

        r = requests.get(url)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(True, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        pipelines = {}
        for key, value in r.json().items():
            pipelines[key] = value
        res = RoxResponse(True)
        res.data = pipelines
        return res
Example #5
def read_local_settings() -> RoxResponse:
    Read local settings specified in config.ini file.
    :return: bool - True if local settings could be read and False otherwise.
    # Store local settings.
    new_settings = dict()

    # Read settings from config.ini file.
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # Get service file directory.
    service_dir = config.get("Default", SERVICE_DIR, fallback=None)
    if service_dir is None:
        # Service file directory is not specified.
        err = 'Specify service file directory ("{}") in config.ini file.'.format(SERVICE_DIR)
        return RoxResponse(False, err)
        # Service file directory is specified.
        new_settings[SERVICE_DIR] = service_dir

    # Get session file directory.
    session_dir = config.get("Default", SESSION_DIR, fallback=None)
    if session_dir is None:
        # Session file directory is not specified.
        err = 'Specify session file directory ("{}") in config.ini file.'.format(SESSION_DIR)
        return RoxResponse(False, err)
        # Session file directory is specified.
        new_settings[SESSION_DIR] = session_dir

    # Get ROXconnector IP.
    rox_connector_ip = config.get("Default", ROX_CONNECTOR_IP, fallback=None)
    if rox_connector_ip is None:
        # ROXconnector IP is not specified.
        err = 'Specify ROXconnector IP ("{}") in config.ini file.'.format(ROX_CONNECTOR_IP)
        return RoxResponse(False, err)
        # ROXconnector IP is specified.
        new_settings[ROX_CONNECTOR_IP] = rox_connector_ip

    # Get ROXconnector port.
    rox_connector_port = config.get("Default", ROX_CONNECTOR_PORT, fallback=None)
    if rox_connector_port is None:
        # ROXconnector port is not specified.
        err = 'Specify ROXconnector port ("{}") in config.ini file.'.format(ROX_CONNECTOR_PORT)
        return RoxResponse(False, err)
        # ROXconnector port is specified.
        new_settings[ROX_CONNECTOR_PORT] = rox_connector_port

    for key, value in new_settings.items():
        _write_local_settings_param(key, value)
    return RoxResponse(True, "")
Example #6
def create_new_roxcomposer_session(timeout : int = ROXCOMPOSER_TIMEOUT):
    Attempt to start a new log session on the ROXcomposer
    :param services: list of services that should be watched
    :param timeout: time after which session expires
    :return: response with data = session dictionary ('id', 'timeout', 'services')
    # There is no session yet, so start a new one.
    internal_rox_session = dict()
    internal_rox_session['timeout'] = timeout

    content = {'lines': 100, 'timeout': timeout}
    url = get_rox_connector_url("roxcomposer_log_observer")

        r = requests.put(url, headers=JSON_HEADER, json=content)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        res = RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res.data = None
        return res

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        res = RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res.data = None
        return res

    # request successful, create a session dictionary
    internal_rox_session['id'] = r.json()['sessionid']
    res = RoxResponse(True, r.text)
    res.data = internal_rox_session
    return res
Example #7
def watch_services(service_names: list,
                   rox_session: dict = None,
                   timeout: int = SESSION_TIMEOUT) -> RoxResponse:
    Add specified services to given sessions watchlist.
    :param service_names: List of service names which should be watched.
    :param rox_session: A dictionary with an ID, a timeout and a set of services which are currently watched.
    :param timeout: Timeout (in seconds) after which given services are no longer watched.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if services could be added to watchlist.

    url = get_rox_connector_url("log_observer")

    if rox_session == {}:  # session is empty
        return create_new_sess(service_names, timeout)
        # Session already exists, so update it.
        unwatched_services = list(
            set(service_names) - set(rox_session['services']))

        if unwatched_services:
            # There are services which should be added to watchlist.
            content = {
                'sessionid': rox_session['id'],
                'services': unwatched_services

                r = requests.post(url, headers=JSON_HEADER, json=content)
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
                error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
                res = RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
                res.data = rox_session
                return res

            # session could be expired, create a new session
            if r.status_code != 200:
                error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)

                res = RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
                res2 = create_new_sess(service_names, timeout)
                res2.message = res.message
                return res2

            response = r.json()
            rox_session['services'] = set(rox_session['services'])
            for s in response['ok']:
                )  # add the services that could be watched to the session dictionary
            rox_session['services'] = list(rox_session['services'])

            res = RoxResponse(True, r.text)
            res.data = rox_session
            return res  # return the session dictionary
            # All specified services are already watched.
            return RoxResponse(False, "All services are already watched.")
Example #8
def get_running_services() -> RoxResponse:
    Get Names of all currently running services
    :return: List of service names
    res = get_running_service_jsons()
    service_names = {}
    for service in res.data:
        service_names[service] = service
    r = RoxResponse(res.success, res.message)
    r.data = service_names
    return r
Example #9
def check_rox_connector_url(url: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Check if ROXconnector is
    available using specified URL.
    :param url: str - ROXconnector URL.
    :return: bool - True if ROXconnector is available
        using specified URL and False otherwise.
        return RoxResponse(True, "Pinging successful")
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        return RoxResponse(False, str(e))
Example #10
def unwatch_services(service_names: list, rox_session: dict) -> RoxResponse:
    The specified services are removed from the watchlist and logs concerning these services
    will no longer be sent from the server.
    :param service_names: a list of service names of services that should no longer be watched
    :param rox_session: a dictionary containing the information on the current session with the ROXcomposer
            for instance the session ID, or which services are being watched.
    :return: RoxResponse with the new or updated session dict as data
    if len(service_names) < 1:
        return RoxResponse(False, "No services specified.")

    if rox_session == {}:
        return RoxResponse(False, "No session specified.")

    s = list(filter(lambda service: service in rox_session['services'], service_names))

    if len(s) == 0:
        return RoxResponse(False, "The specified services are not being watched.")

    data = {'sessionid': rox_session['id'], 'services': s}
        r = requests.delete(get_rox_connector_url('log_observer'), headers=JSON_HEADER, json=data)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        rox_session['services'] = list(set(rox_session['services']).difference(set(s)))
        res = RoxResponse(True, "Services no longer watched: {}.".format(s))
        res.data = rox_session
        return res
Example #11
def delete_service(name: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Delete a service from file system.
    :param name: Service name
    :return: RoxResponse with information whether deleting worked
    f_name = os.path.join(LOCAL_SETTINGS[SERVICE_DIR], name + ".json")
        res = RoxResponse(True)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        res = RoxResponse(False, "File not found.")
    except PermissionError:
        res = RoxResponse(False, "No permission to delete file.")

    return res
Example #12
def convert_to_service_json_list(service_name_list: list) -> RoxResponse:
    Convert list of service names to corresponding list of JSON dictionaries.
    :param service_name_list: List of service names.
    :return: RoxResponse instance containing a list of corresponding JSON dictionaries. Service
    names which could not be converted to JSON structure are included as error_data attribute.
    valid_service_jsons = []
    invalid_service_names = []
    for name in service_name_list:
        res = convert_to_service_json(name)
        if res.success:
    res = RoxResponse(True)
    res.data = valid_service_jsons
    res.error_data = invalid_service_names
    return res
Example #13
def shutdown_services(service_name_list: list) -> RoxResponse:
    Stop all services defined by given list of service names.
    :param service_name_list: List of service names.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting which services could not be stopped.
    if len(service_name_list) < 1:
        # Service list is empty and therefore invalid.
        return RoxResponse(False, MSG_MISSING_SERVICES_ERROR)

    # Collect names of all services which could not be stopped.
    not_stopped_name_list = []
    all_services_stopped = True
    for service_name in service_name_list:
        res = shutdown_service(service_name)
        if not res.success:
            all_services_stopped = False
    res = RoxResponse(all_services_stopped)
    res.error_data = not_stopped_name_list
    return res
Example #14
def get_running_service_jsons() -> RoxResponse:
    Get JSON data of all currently running services ignoring those specified in FORBIDDEN_SERVICES.
    :return: RoxResponse instance containing a list of all currently running services.

    url = get_rox_connector_url("services")

        r = requests.get(url)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res = RoxResponse(True)
        res.data = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in r.json().items() if key not in FORBIDDEN_SERVICES)
        return res
Example #15
def get_service_logs(rox_session: dict):
    Retrieve the newest log data from the ROXcomposer.
    :param rox_session: a dictionary containing the information on the current session with the ROXcomposer
            for instance the session ID, or which services are being watched.
    :return: RoxResponse with a list of the newest log lines as data, where each line is an element of the list
    if rox_session is None:
        error_msg = "Trying to get logs, but no session instantiated."
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    url = get_rox_connector_url("log_observer")
    content = {'sessionid': rox_session['id']}

        r = requests.get(url, headers=JSON_HEADER, json=content)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    logs = []
        logs = [json.loads(logline) for logline in r.json()['loglines']]
    except json.JSONDecodeError:

    res = RoxResponse(True, r.text)
    res.data = logs
    return res
Example #16
def get_message_history(message_id: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Get history of specified message ID.
    :param message_id: Message ID.
    :return: RoxResponse instance with corresponding message history (if available).
    if not message_id:
        return RoxResponse(False, "No message ID provided.")

    content = {'message_id': message_id}
    url = get_rox_connector_url("get_msg_history")

        r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(content), headers=JSON_HEADER)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        history = r.json()
        res = RoxResponse(True)
        res.data = history
        return res
Example #17
def remove_pipeline(pipe_name: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Remove the specified pipeline from ROXcomposer
    :param pipe_name: Name of pipeline.
    :returns: RoxResponse instance documenting if pipeline could be deleted.

    url = get_rox_connector_url("delete_pipeline")
    content = {'name': pipe_name}

        r = requests.delete(url, data=json.dumps(content), headers=JSON_HEADER)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res = RoxResponse(True)
        return res
Example #18
def start_service(service_json: dict) -> RoxResponse:
    Start service defined by given JSON dictionary.
    :param service_json: JSON dictionary defining single service.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if service could be started.
    if not service_json:
        # JSON data is empty and therefore invalid.
        return RoxResponse(False, MSG_INVALID_SERVICE_ERROR)

    url = get_rox_connector_url("start_service")

        r = requests.post(url, json=service_json, headers=JSON_HEADER)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        return RoxResponse(True, r.text)
Example #19
def get_local_services() -> RoxResponse:
    Get locally stored services and provide
    them as dictionary mapping service name to
    its JSON instance. Provide list of invalid
    services as RoxResponse's error data parameter.
    :return: RoxResponse instance containing a
        dictionary mapping each service name
        to its corresponding JSON instance Provide
        list of invalid services as error data parameter.
    valid_services = {}
    invalid_services = []
    success = True

    for f in os.scandir(LOCAL_SETTINGS[SERVICE_DIR]):
        if f.is_file() and f.name.endswith(".json"):
            fd = None
            service_name = None
                fd = open(os.path.join(LOCAL_SETTINGS[SERVICE_DIR], f.name),
                service_name = f.name[:-5]
                service_json = json.load(fd)
                valid_services[service_name] = service_json
            except (OSError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
                success = False
                if service_name:
                if fd:

    res = RoxResponse(success)
    res.data = valid_services
    res.error_data = invalid_services
    return res
Example #20
def check() -> JsonResponse:
    Check function that does not require HTTP request. Check if parameters specified
    in config.ini file are valid.
    :return: RoxResponse - Indicate if parameters
        in config.ini file are valid.
    result = dict()
    success = True

    # Check ROXconnector URL.
    url = rox_request.get_rox_connector_url()
    res_url = check_rox_connector_url(url)
    if res_url.success:
        result["running"] = res_url.success
        result["ip_set"] = res_url.success
        result["port_set"] = res_url.success

    domain = url.strip("http://").strip("https://")
    if len(domain.split(":")) > 1:
        port = domain.split(":")[-1]
        ip = domain.split(":")[0]
        port = domain.split("/")[-1]
        ip = domain.split("/")[0]

    result["ip"] = ip
    result["port"] = port

    if not res_url.success:
        res_url.data = result
        return JsonResponse(res_url.convert_to_json())

    response = RoxResponse(success)
    response.data = result
    return JsonResponse(response.convert_to_json())
Example #21
def create_new_sess(services: list,
                    timeout: int = SESSION_TIMEOUT) -> RoxResponse:
    Attempt to start a new log session on the ROXcomposer
    :param services: list of services that should be watched
    :param timeout: time after which session expires
    :return: response with data = session dictionary ('id', 'timeout', 'services')
    # There is no session yet, so start a new one.
    rox_session = dict()
    rox_session['services'] = set()
    rox_session['timeout'] = timeout

    content = {'lines': 100, 'timeout': timeout, 'services': services}
    url = get_rox_connector_url("log_observer")

        r = requests.put(url, headers=JSON_HEADER, json=content)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        res = RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res.data = None
        return res

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        res = RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res.data = None
        return res

    # request successful, create a session dictionary
    rox_session['id'] = r.json()['sessionid']

    for s in r.json()['ok']:

    rox_session['services'] = list(rox_session['services'])  # convert to list

    res = RoxResponse(True, r.text)
    res.data = rox_session
    return res
Example #22
def shutdown_service(service_name: dict) -> RoxResponse:
    Stop service defined by given name.
    :param service_name: Service name.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if service could be stopped.
    if not service_name:
        # Service name is empty and therefore invalid.
        return RoxResponse(False, MSG_INVALID_SERVICE_ERROR)

    url = get_rox_connector_url("shutdown_service")
    content = {'name': service_name}

        r = requests.post(url, json=content, headers=JSON_HEADER)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        return RoxResponse(True, r.text)
Example #23
def start_services(service_json_list: list) -> RoxResponse:
    Start all services defined by given list of JSON dictionaries.
    :param service_json_list: List of JSON dictionaries defining multiple services.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting which services could not be started.
    if len(service_json_list) < 1:
        # Service list is empty and therefore invalid.
        return RoxResponse(False, MSG_MISSING_SERVICES_ERROR)

    # Collect names of all services which could not be started.
    not_started_json_list = []
    all_services_started = True
    err_message = ""
    for service_json in service_json_list:
        res = start_service(service_json)
        if not res.success:
            all_services_started = False
            err_message = res.message

    res = RoxResponse(all_services_started, err_message)
    res.error_data = not_started_json_list
    return res
Example #24
def convert_to_service_json(service_name: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Convert service name to corresponding JSON dictionary.
    :param service_name: Service name.
    :return: RoxResponse instance containing corresponding JSON dictionary.
    fd = None
    name_with_ext = service_name + ".json"
        fd = open(os.path.join(LOCAL_SETTINGS[SERVICE_DIR], name_with_ext))
        json_data = json.load(fd)
    except OSError:
        error_msg = "Could not open JSON file for service {}.".format(
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
        error_msg = "JSON data for service {} is invalid.".format(service_name)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        if fd is not None:
    res = RoxResponse(True)
    res.data = json_data
    return res
Example #25
def save_session(file_name: str) -> RoxResponse:
    Save current session to specified file.
    :param file_name: File name.
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if session could be saved.
    roxsession_path = LOCAL_SETTINGS[SESSION_DIR]

    # clear all old roxsessions
    for the_file in os.listdir(roxsession_path):
        file_path = os.path.join(roxsession_path, the_file)
            if os.path.isfile(file_path):
        except Exception as e:

    file_path = os.path.join(roxsession_path, file_name)
        fd = open(file_path, 'w')
    except OSError as err:
        error_msg = _create_file_error(file_path, str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    url = get_rox_connector_url("dump_services_and_pipelines")

        r = requests.get(url)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    if r.status_code == 200:
        o = r.json()
            json.dump(o, fd)
        except Exception as err:
            error_msg = _create_file_error(file_path, str(err))
            return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        res = RoxResponse(
            True, "Wrote session to file {}.\n{}.".format(file_path, r.text))
        res.data = {"filepath": file_path, "filename": file_name}
        return res
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
Example #26
def get_logsession(rox_session: dict):
    Retrieve the information to a specific logsession
    :param rox_session: contains id of logsession
    :return: RoxResponse with session information. Contains success = False if no logsession
    url = get_rox_connector_url("get_logsession")
    content = {'id': rox_session['id']}

        r = requests.post(url, headers=JSON_HEADER, json=content)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as err:
        error_msg = _create_connection_error(str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
    if r.status_code != 200:
        error_msg = _create_http_status_error(r.status_code, r.text)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
    if r.json() == {}:
        return RoxResponse(False, "No session with that ID")

    res = RoxResponse(True, r.text)
    res.data = r.json()
    return res
Example #27
def create_service(ip: str,
                   port: int,
                   name: str,
                   class_path: str,
                   path: str,
                   optional_param_keys: list,
                   optional_param_values: list) -> RoxResponse:
    Create new service with given parameter and store it as JSON file in service folder.
    :param ip: IP address.
    :param port: Port number.
    :param name: Service name.
    :param class_path: Classpath of service implementation.
    :param path: If no classpath is given this path (absolute path to python file) can be provided and the service is
                 loaded from there.
    :param optional_param_keys: List of optional parameter keys (default: []).
    :param optional_param_values: List of optional parameter values (default: []).
    :return: RoxResponse instance documenting if service could be created.
    # Mandatory parameters.
    # =====================

    # Use service name as JSON file name.
    file_name = name + ".json"
    # Store JSON file in service folder.
    file_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_SETTINGS[SERVICE_DIR], file_name)

    # Create empty result message.
    result_msg = ""

    # Check if given service already exists.
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
        result_msg = "Service {} already exists, overwriting.".format(name)

    # Check if given IP is valid.
    error_msg = "Invalid IP address: {}.".format(ip)
    ip_parts = ip.split('.')
    if len(ip_parts) == 4:
        for part in ip_parts:
                part = int(part)
            except ValueError:
                return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
            if not (0 <= part <= 255):
                return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    # Check if given port is valid.
    error_msg = "Invalid port: {}.".format(port)
        port = int(port)
    except ValueError:
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)
    if not (0 <= port <= 65535):
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    path_key = "classpath"
    path_val = class_path
    if path:
        path_key = "path"
        path_val = path

    # Create JSON with mandatory parameters.
    json_dict = {
        path_key: path_val,
        "params": {
            "ip": ip,
            "port": port,
            "name": name

    # Optional parameters.
    # ====================

    # Add optional parameters ignoring empty ones.
    for i in range(len(optional_param_keys)):
        key = optional_param_keys[i]
        val = optional_param_values[i]
        # Check if provided key already exists.
        if key in json_dict["params"]:
            # Error: provided key already exists.
            return RoxResponse(False, "Duplicate key: {}".format(key))
        # Check if key and value are not empty.
        if key and val:
                # Try to convert current value to float.
                float_value = float(val)
                # Check if value is actually an integer.
                if (float_value % 1.0) == 0.0:
                    # Value is a single integer.
                    value = int(float_value)
                    # Value is a single float.
                    value = float_value
            except ValueError:
                # Value is a single string.
                value = val
                    # Try to convert it to JSON.
                    json_value = json.loads(val)
                    value = json_value
                except json.JSONDecodeError:
            json_dict["params"][key] = value

    # Write specified dictionary to JSON file.
        with open(file_path, 'w') as fd:
            json.dump(json_dict, fd)
    except OSError as err:
        error_msg = _create_file_error(file_path, str(err))
        return RoxResponse(False, error_msg)

    return RoxResponse(True, result_msg)