Example #1
    def test_search_range_two_constraints_on_one_group(self):
        constraints1 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {
                    'max_delta': 100,
                    'min_delta': 10
                'clues_groups': [[2, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {
                    'max_delta': 100,
                'clues_groups': [[2, 3], [0, 2]],
                'name': 'identical',
                'params': {}
        ] # yapf: disable
        rule = Rule([self.cause2, self.cause2], self.effect, constraints1,
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.one_hundred_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        } # yapf: disable

        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges

        rule = Rule([self.cause2, self.cause2], self.effect, constraints1,
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.earliest_date,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        } # yapf: disable

        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #2
 def test_not_one_constraint_something_matched_but_constraint_approves(
     rule = Rule(
         [self.cause_a], self.effect, [
                 'clues_groups': [[0, 1], [1, 1]],
                 'name': 'identical',
                 'params': {}
         ], Rule.LINKAGE_NOT
     )  # yapf: disable
     effect_clues_dict = {
         'effect': Clue((42, ), '42 dinners', 1420, self.line_source)
     clues = {
         'cause_a': [
             Clue((42,), '42 carrots', 420, self.line_source),
         'dummy': [
             Clue((98,), '98 foo bar', 980, self.line_source),
             Clue((99,), '99 foo bar', 990, self.line_source)
     }  # yapf: disable
     results = rule.constraints_check(clues, effect_clues_dict)
     assert not results
Example #3
 def test_not_one_constraint_something_matched_but_constraint_rejected_it(
     rule = Rule(
         [self.cause_a], self.effect, [
                 'clues_groups': [[0, 1], [1, 1]],
                 'name': 'identical',
                 'params': {}
         ], Rule.LINKAGE_NOT
     )  # yapf: disable
     effect_clues_dict = {
         'effect': Clue((42, ), '42 dinners', 1420, self.line_source)
     clues = {
         'cause_a': [
             Clue((13,), '13 carrots', 130, self.line_source),
         'dummy': [
             Clue((98,), '98 foo bar', 980, self.line_source),
             Clue((99,), '99 foo bar', 990, self.line_source)
     }  # yapf: disable
     results = rule.constraints_check(clues, effect_clues_dict)
     assert results
     assert len(results) == 1
     assert results[0].lines == []
     assert results[0].constraints_linkage == InvestigationResult.NOT
Example #4
 def test_one_matched_line_when_two_occurrences_requested(self):
     rule = Rule(
         [self.cause_a, self.cause_a], self.effect, [
                 'clues_groups': [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]],
                 'name': 'identical',
                 'params': {}
         ], Rule.LINKAGE_AND
     )  # yapf: disable
     effect_clues_dict = {
         'effect': Clue((42, ), '42 dinners', 1420, self.line_source)
     clues = {  # it's dictionary of the same type as clues dict collected in SearchManager
         'cause_a': [
             Clue((42,), '42 carrots', 420, self.line_source),
         'dummy': [
             Clue((98,), '98 foo bar', 980, self.line_source),
             Clue((99,), '99 foo bar', 990, self.line_source)
     }  # yapf: disable
     results = rule.constraints_check(clues, effect_clues_dict)
     assert effect_clues_dict['effect'].regex_parameters[0] == \
     assert not results
Example #5
    def test_constraints_check_same_cause_parser_as_effect(self):
        rule = Rule(
            [self.cause_a], self.cause_a, [
                    'clues_groups': [[0, 1], [1, 1]],
                    'name': 'identical',
                    'params': {}
            ], Rule.LINKAGE_AND
        )  # yapf: disable
        effect_clues_dict = {
            'cause_a': Clue((42, ), '42 carrots', 1420, self.line_source)
        clues = {  # it's dictionary of the same type as clues dict collected in SearchManager
            'cause_a': [
                Clue((40,), '40 carrots', 400, self.line_source),
                Clue((42,), '42 carrots', 420, self.line_source),
                Clue((44,), '44 carrots', 440, self.line_source)
            'dummy': [
                Clue((98,), '98 foo bar', 980, self.line_source),
                Clue((99,), '99 foo bar', 990, self.line_source)
        }  # yapf: disable
        results = rule.constraints_check(clues, effect_clues_dict)

        assert len(results) == 1

        assert results[0].lines == [
                Clue((42,), '42 carrots', 420, self.line_source))
        ]  # yapf: disable
Example #6
    def test_search_range_reasoning_on_not_only_effect(self):
        constraints1 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {
                    'max_delta': 75,
                    'min_delta': 10
                'clues_groups': [[2, 1], [1, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {'max_delta': 25}
        ]  # yapf: disable
        rule = Rule([self.cause2, self.cause2], self.effect, constraints1,
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.one_hundred_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier
        }  # yapf: disable
        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #7
    def test_search_range_two_log_types(self):
        constraints1 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': 'time',
                'params': {
                    'max_delta': 100,
                    'min_delta': 10
            }, {
                'clues_groups': [[2, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': 'time',
                'params': {'max_delta': 10}
        ] # yapf: disable
        rule = Rule([self.cause1, self.cause2], self.effect, constraints1, Rule.LINKAGE_AND)
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'database': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.one_hundred_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        } # yapf: disable

        raise SkipTest('Not implemented yet')
        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
def mocked_investigation_plan():
    super_parser = RegexSuperParser('^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d).*', [1], {1: 'date'})
    matcher = WildCardFilenameMatcher('localhost', 'node_1.log', 'default', super_parser)
    default_log_type = LogType('default', [matcher])
    cause = RegexParser(
        'cause', '2015-12-03 12:08:08 root cause',
        '^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) root cause$', [1], 'default', {1: 'date'}
    effect = RegexParser(
        'effect', '2015-12-03 12:08:09 visible effect',
        '^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) visible effect$', [1], 'default', {1: 'date'}
    concatenated = ConcatenatedRegexParser([cause])
    effect_time = datetime(2015, 12, 3, 12, 8, 9)
    search_range = {
        'default': {
            'date': {
                'left_bound': datetime(2015, 12, 3, 12, 8, 8),
                'right_bound': effect_time
    default_investigation_step = InvestigationStep(concatenated, search_range)
    rule = Rule(
        [cause], effect, [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': 'time',
                'params': {'max_delta': 1}
        ], Rule.LINKAGE_AND
    )  # yapf: disable
    line_source = LineSource('localhost', 'node_1.log')
    effect_clues = {'effect': Clue((effect_time,), 'visible effect', 40, line_source)}
    return InvestigationPlan([rule], [(default_investigation_step, default_log_type)], effect_clues)
Example #9
    def test_search_range_multiple_rules(self):
        constraints1 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {'max_delta': 10}
        ] # yapf: disable
        rule1 = Rule([self.cause2], self.effect, constraints1,
        constraints2 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {
                    'max_delta': 100,
                    'min_delta': 10
            }, {
                'clues_groups': [[2, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {'max_delta': 100}
        ] # yapf: disable
        rule2 = Rule([self.cause1, self.cause2], self.effect, constraints2,
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule1, rule2])

        expected_ranges = {
            'database': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.one_hundred_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.one_hundred_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        } # yapf: disable

        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #10
    def test_search_range_single_log_types(self):
        constraints = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {'max_delta': 10}
        ]  # yapf: disable
        rule = Rule([self.cause2], self.effect, constraints, Rule.LINKAGE_AND)
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        }  # yapf: disable

        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #11
    def test_search_range_no_constraints_on_primary_values(self):
        rule = Rule([self.cause1, self.cause2], self.effect, [],
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'apache': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.earliest_date,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
            'database': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.earliest_date,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        } # yapf: disable

        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #12
    def test_search_range_lack_of_right_bound(self):
        constraints1 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': ConstraintType.TIME_DELTA,
                'params': {'max_delta': 10}
        ]  # yapf: disable
        rule = Rule([self.cause1], self.effect, constraints1, Rule.LINKAGE_AND)
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'database': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.effect_time
        }  # yapf: disable

        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #13
    def test_constraints_check_basic(self):
        rule = Rule(
            [self.cause_a, self.cause_b], self.effect, [
                    'clues_groups': [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]],
                    'name': 'identical',
                    'params': {}
            ], Rule.LINKAGE_AND
        )  # yapf: disable
        effect_clues_dict = {
            'effect': Clue((42, ), '42 dinners', 1420, self.line_source)
        clues = {  # it's dictionary of the same type as clues dict collected in SearchManager
            'cause_a': [
                Clue((40,), '40 carrots', 400, self.line_source),
                Clue((42,), '42 carrots', 420, self.line_source),
                Clue((44,), '44 carrots', 440, self.line_source)
            'cause_b': [
                Clue((32,), '32 broccoli', 100, self.line_source),
                Clue((42,), '42 broccoli', 120, self.line_source),
                Clue((52,), '52 broccoli', 140, self.line_source)
            'dummy': [
                Clue((42,), '42 foo bar', 980, self.line_source),
                Clue((84,), '84 foo bar', 990, self.line_source)
        }  # yapf: disable
        results = rule.constraints_check(clues, effect_clues_dict)

        assert len(results) == 1

        assert results[0].lines == [
                Clue((42,), '42 carrots', 420, self.line_source)),
                Clue((42,), '42 broccoli', 120, self.line_source))
        ]  # yapf: disable
Example #14
 def test_empty_clues_going_to_verify(self):
     rule = Rule(
         [self.cause_a, self.cause_a], self.effect, [
                 'clues_groups': [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]],
                 'name': 'identical',
                 'params': {}
         ], Rule.LINKAGE_AND
     )  # yapf: disable
     effect_clues_dict = {
         'effect': Clue((42, ), '42 dinners', 1420, self.line_source)
     clues = {  # it's dictionary of the same type as clues dict collected in SearchManager
         'cause_a': [],
         'dummy': [
             Clue((98,), '98 foo bar', 980, self.line_source),
             Clue((99,), '99 foo bar', 990, self.line_source)
     }  # yapf: disable
     results = rule.constraints_check(clues, effect_clues_dict)
     assert not results
Example #15
    def test_search_range_lack_of_left_bound(self):
        constraints1 = [
                'clues_groups': [[1, 1], [0, 1]],
                'name': 'time',
                'params': {'min_delta': 10}
        ] # yapf: disable
        rule = Rule([self.cause1], self.effect, constraints1, Rule.LINKAGE_AND)
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        expected_ranges = {
            'database': {
                'date': {
                    InvestigationStep.LEFT_BOUND: self.earliest_date,
                    InvestigationStep.RIGHT_BOUND: self.ten_second_earlier
        } # yapf: disable

        raise SkipTest('Not implemented yet')
        assert calculated_ranges == expected_ranges
Example #16
    def test_search_range_no_constraints_on_primary_values(self):
        rule = Rule([self.cause1, self.cause2], self.effect, [], Rule.LINKAGE_AND)
        calculated_ranges = self.calculate_range([rule])

        raise SkipTest('Not implemented yet')
        assert calculated_ranges == {}