Example #1
def _to_quarter(
    pr: Optional[xarray.DataArray] = None,
    tas: Optional[xarray.DataArray] = None,
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    """Convert daily, weekly or monthly time series to quarterly time series according to ANUCLIM specifications."""
    if tas is not None and pr is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Supply only one variable, 'tas' (exclusive) or 'pr'.")

    freq = xarray.infer_freq((tas if tas is not None else pr).time)
    if freq is None:
        raise ValueError("Can't infer sampling frequency of the input data.")

    if freq.upper().startswith("D"):
        if tas is not None:
            tas = tg_mean(tas, freq="7D")

        if pr is not None:
            # Accumulate on a week
            # Ensure units are back to a "rate" for rate2amount below
            pr = convert_units_to(precip_accumulation(pr, freq="7D"), "mm")
            pr.attrs["units"] = "mm/week"

        freq = "W"

    if freq.upper().startswith("W"):
        window = 13

    elif freq.upper().startswith("M"):
        window = 3

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'Unknown input time frequency "{freq}": must be one of "D", "W" or "M".'

    if tas is not None:
        tas = ensure_chunk_size(tas, time=np.ceil(window / 2))
        out = tas.rolling(time=window, center=False).mean(skipna=False)
        out.attrs = tas.attrs
    elif pr is not None:
        pr = ensure_chunk_size(pr, time=np.ceil(window / 2))
        pram = rate2amount(pr)
        out = pram.rolling(time=window, center=False).sum()
        out.attrs = pr.attrs
        out.attrs["units"] = pram.units
        raise ValueError("No variables supplied.")

    out = ensure_chunk_size(out, time=-1)
    return out
Example #2
def test_ensure_chunk_size():
    da = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((20, 21, 20)), dims=("x", "y", "z"))

    out = ensure_chunk_size(da, x=10, y=-1)

    assert da is out

    dac = da.chunk({"x": (1, ) * 20, "y": (10, 10, 1), "z": (10, 10)})

    out = ensure_chunk_size(dac, x=3, y=5, z=-1)

    assert out.chunks[0] == (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5)
    assert out.chunks[1] == (10, 11)
    assert out.chunks[2] == (20, )
Example #3
def add_endpoints(
    da: xr.DataArray,
    left: List[Union[int, float, xr.DataArray, List[int], List[float]]],
    right: List[Union[int, float, xr.DataArray, List[int], List[float]]],
    dim: str = "quantiles",
    """Add left and right endpoints to a DataArray.

    da : DataArray
      Source array.
    left : [x, y]
      Values to prepend
    right : [x, y]
      Values to append.
    dim : str
      Dimension along which to add endpoints.
    elems = []
    for (x, y) in (left, right):
        if isinstance(y, xr.DataArray):
            if "quantiles" not in y.dims:
                y = y.expand_dims("quantiles")
            y = y.assign_coords(quantiles=x)
            y = xr.DataArray(y, coords={dim: x}, dims=(dim, ))
    l, r = elems  # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
    out = xr.concat((l, da, r), dim=dim)
    return ensure_chunk_size(out, **{dim: -1})
Example #4
def add_cyclic_bounds(da: xr.DataArray, att: str, cyclic_coords: bool = True):
    """Reindex an array to include the last slice at the beginning and the first at the end.

    This is done to allow interpolation near the end-points.

    da : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]
        An array
    att : str
        The name of the coordinate to make cyclic
    cyclic_coords : bool
        If True, the coordinates are made cyclic as well,
        if False, the new values are guessed using the same step as their neighbour.

    Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]
        da but with the last element along att prepended and the last one appended.
    qmf = da.pad({att: (1, 1)}, mode="wrap")

    if not cyclic_coords:
        vals = qmf.coords[att].values
        diff = da.coords[att].diff(att)
        vals[0] = vals[1] - diff[0]
        vals[-1] = vals[-2] + diff[-1]
        qmf = qmf.assign_coords({att: vals})
    return ensure_chunk_size(qmf, **{att: -1})
Example #5
def _to_quarter(
    freq: str,
    pr: Optional[xarray.DataArray] = None,
    tas: Optional[xarray.DataArray] = None,
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    """Convert daily, weekly or monthly time series to quarterly time series according to ANUCLIM specifications."""
    if freq.upper().startswith("D"):
        if tas is not None:
            tas = tg_mean(tas, freq="7D")

        if pr is not None:
            pr = precip_accumulation(pr, freq="7D")
            pr.attrs["units"] = "mm/week"

        freq = "W"

    if freq.upper().startswith("W"):
        window = 13
        u = units.week

    elif freq.upper().startswith("M"):
        window = 3
        u = units.month

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'Unknown input time frequency "{freq}": must be one of "D", "W" or "M".'

    if tas is not None:
        tas = ensure_chunk_size(tas, time=np.ceil(window / 2))
    if pr is not None:
        pr = ensure_chunk_size(pr, time=np.ceil(window / 2))

    with xarray.set_options(keep_attrs=True):
        if pr is not None:
            pr = pint_multiply(pr, 1 * u, "mm")
            out = pr.rolling(time=window, center=False).sum()
            out.attrs = pr.attrs
            out.attrs["units"] = "mm"

        if tas is not None:
            out = tas.rolling(time=window, center=False).mean(skipna=False)
            out.attrs = tas.attrs

    out = ensure_chunk_size(out, time=-1)
    return out
Example #6
def _to_quarter(
    freq: str,
    pr: Optional[xarray.DataArray] = None,
    tas: Optional[xarray.DataArray] = None,
) -> xarray.DataArray:
    """Convert daily, weekly or monthly time series to quarterly time series according to ANUCLIM specifications."""
    if freq.upper().startswith("D"):
        if tas is not None:
            tas = tg_mean(tas, freq="7D")

        if pr is not None:
            # Accumulate on a week
            # Ensure units are back to a "rate" for rate2amount below
            pr = convert_units_to(precip_accumulation(pr, freq="7D"), "mm")
            pr.attrs["units"] = "mm/week"

        freq = "W"

    if freq.upper().startswith("W"):
        window = 13

    elif freq.upper().startswith("M"):
        window = 3

        raise NotImplementedError(
            f'Unknown input time frequency "{freq}": must be one of "D", "W" or "M".'

    if tas is not None:
        tas = ensure_chunk_size(tas, time=np.ceil(window / 2))
    if pr is not None:
        pr = ensure_chunk_size(pr, time=np.ceil(window / 2))

    if pr is not None:
        pram = rate2amount(pr)
        out = pram.rolling(time=window, center=False).sum()
        out.attrs = pr.attrs
        out.attrs["units"] = pram.units

    if tas is not None:
        out = tas.rolling(time=window, center=False).mean(skipna=False)
        out.attrs = tas.attrs

    out = ensure_chunk_size(out, time=-1)
    return out