Example #1
def register_org(item):
    """register the organization info, for lookup later."""
    global MAX_ORGID

    # SponsoringOrganization/Name -- fortunately, no conflicts
    # but there's no data except the name
    orgname = xmlh.get_tag_val(item, "Name")
    if orgname in ORGIDS:
        return ORGIDS[orgname]
    orgstr = '<Organization>'
    orgstr += '<organizationID>%d</organizationID>' % (MAX_ORGID)
    orgstr += '<nationalEIN />'
    orgstr += '<name>%s</name>' % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(orgname))
    orgstr += '<missionStatement />'
    orgstr += '<description />'
    orgstr += '<location>'
    orgstr += xmlh.output_node("city", item, "City")
    orgstr += xmlh.output_node("region", item, "StateOrProvince")
    orgstr += xmlh.output_node("postalCode", item, "ZipOrPostalCode")
    orgstr += '</location>'
    orgstr += '<organizationURL />'
    orgstr += '<donateURL />'
    orgstr += '<logoURL />'
    orgstr += '<detailURL />'
    orgstr += '</Organization>'
    ORGS[MAX_ORGID] = orgstr
    ORGIDS[orgname] = MAX_ORGID
    return MAX_ORGID
def register_org(item):
  """register the organization info, for lookup later."""
  global MAX_ORGID

  # SponsoringOrganization/Name -- fortunately, no conflicts
  # but there's no data except the name
  orgname = xmlh.get_tag_val(item, "Name")
  if orgname in ORGIDS:
    return ORGIDS[orgname]
  orgstr = '<Organization>'
  orgstr += '<organizationID>%d</organizationID>' % (MAX_ORGID)
  orgstr += '<nationalEIN />'
  orgstr += '<name>%s</name>' % (xml.sax.saxutils.escape(orgname))
  orgstr += '<missionStatement />'
  orgstr += '<description />'
  orgstr += '<location>'
  orgstr += xmlh.output_node("city", item, "City")
  orgstr += xmlh.output_node("region", item, "StateOrProvince")
  orgstr += xmlh.output_node("postalCode", item, "ZipOrPostalCode")
  orgstr += '</location>'
  orgstr += '<organizationURL />'
  orgstr += '<donateURL />'
  orgstr += '<logoURL />'
  orgstr += '<detailURL />'
  orgstr += '</Organization>'
  ORGS[MAX_ORGID] = orgstr
  ORGIDS[orgname] = MAX_ORGID
  return MAX_ORGID
Example #3
    def parse(instr, maxrecs, progress):
        numorgs = numopps = 0
        instr = re.sub(r'<(/?db):', r'<\1_', instr)
        opps = re.findall(r'<VolunteerOpportunity>.+?</VolunteerOpportunity>',
                          instr, re.DOTALL)
        volopps = ""
        for i, oppstr in enumerate(opps):
            #if progress and i > 0 and i % 250 == 0:
            #  print str(datetime.now())+": ", i, " opportunities processed."
            if (maxrecs > 0 and i > maxrecs):
            xmlh.print_rps_progress("opps", progress, i, maxrecs)

            item = xmlh.simple_parser(oppstr, known_elnames, progress=False)

            orgid = register_org(item)

            # logoURL -- sigh, this is for the opportunity not the org
            volopps += '<VolunteerOpportunity>'
            volopps += xmlh.output_val('volunteerOpportunityID', str(i))
            volopps += xmlh.output_val('sponsoringOrganizationID', str(orgid))
            volopps += xmlh.output_node('volunteerHubOrganizationID', item,
            volopps += xmlh.output_node('title', item, "Title")
            volopps += xmlh.output_node('abstract', item, "Description")
            volopps += xmlh.output_node('description', item, "Description")
            volopps += xmlh.output_node('detailURL', item, "DetailURL")
            volopps += xmlh.output_val('volunteersNeeded', "-8888")

                oppdates = item.getElementsByTagName("OpportunityDate")
                oppdates = []

            if len(oppdates) > 1:
                print datetime.now(), \
                    "parse_servenet.py: only 1 OpportunityDate supported."
                #return None
                oppdate = oppdates[0]
            elif len(oppdates) == 0:
                oppdate = None
                oppdate = oppdates[0]
            volopps += '<dateTimeDurations><dateTimeDuration>'

            if oppdate:
                volopps += xmlh.output_val('openEnded', 'No')
                volopps += xmlh.output_val(
                    'P%s%s' % (xmlh.get_tag_val(oppdate, "DurationQuantity"),
                               xmlh.get_tag_val(oppdate, "DurationUnit")))
                volopps += xmlh.output_val('commitmentHoursPerWeek', '0')
                volopps += xmlh.output_node('startDate', oppdate, "StartDate")
                volopps += xmlh.output_node('endDate', oppdate, "EndDate")
                volopps += xmlh.output_val('openEnded', 'Yes')
                volopps += xmlh.output_val('commitmentHoursPerWeek', '0')
            volopps += '</dateTimeDuration></dateTimeDurations>'

            volopps += '<locations>'
                opplocs = item.getElementsByTagName("Location")
                opplocs = []
            for opploc in opplocs:
                volopps += '<location>'
                virtual_tag = opploc.getElementsByTagName("Virtual")
                if virtual_tag and xmlh.get_tag_val(
                        opploc, "Virtual").lower() == "yes":
                    volopps += xmlh.output_val('virtual', 'Yes')
                    volopps += xmlh.output_node('region', opploc,
                    volopps += xmlh.output_node('country', opploc, "Country")
                    volopps += xmlh.output_node('postalCode', opploc,
                volopps += '</location>'
            volopps += '</locations>'
            volopps += '<categoryTags/>'
            volopps += '</VolunteerOpportunity>'
            numopps += 1

        # convert to footprint format
        outstr = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'
        outstr += '<FootprintFeed schemaVersion="0.1">'
        outstr += '<FeedInfo>'
        outstr += xmlh.output_val('providerID', providerID)
        outstr += xmlh.output_val('providerName', providerName)
        outstr += xmlh.output_val('feedID', feedID)
        outstr += xmlh.output_val('createdDateTime', xmlh.current_ts())
        outstr += xmlh.output_val('providerURL', providerURL)
        outstr += xmlh.output_val('description', feedDescription)
        # TODO: capture ts -- use now?!
        outstr += '</FeedInfo>'

        # hardcoded: Organization
        outstr += '<Organizations>'
        for key in ORGS:
            outstr += ORGS[key]
            numorgs += 1
        outstr += '</Organizations>'
        outstr += '<VolunteerOpportunities>'
        outstr += volopps
        outstr += '</VolunteerOpportunities>'
        outstr += '</FootprintFeed>'

        #outstr = re.sub(r'><([^/])', r'>\n<\1', outstr)
        return outstr, numorgs, numopps
 def parse(instr, maxrecs, progress):
   numorgs = numopps = 0
   instr = re.sub(r'<(/?db):', r'<\1_', instr)
   opps = re.findall(r'<VolunteerOpportunity>.+?</VolunteerOpportunity>',
                     instr, re.DOTALL)
   volopps = ""
   for i, oppstr in enumerate(opps):
     #if progress and i > 0 and i % 250 == 0:
     #  print str(datetime.now())+": ", i, " opportunities processed."
     if (maxrecs > 0 and i > maxrecs):
     xmlh.print_rps_progress("opps", progress, i, maxrecs)
     item = xmlh.simple_parser(oppstr, known_elnames, progress=False)
     orgid = register_org(item)
     # logoURL -- sigh, this is for the opportunity not the org
     volopps += '<VolunteerOpportunity>'
     volopps += xmlh.output_val('volunteerOpportunityID', str(i))
     volopps += xmlh.output_val('sponsoringOrganizationID', str(orgid))
     volopps += xmlh.output_node('volunteerHubOrganizationID', item, "LocalID")
     volopps += xmlh.output_node('title', item, "Title")
     volopps += xmlh.output_node('abstract', item, "Description")
     volopps += xmlh.output_node('description', item, "Description")
     volopps += xmlh.output_node('detailURL', item, "DetailURL")
     volopps += xmlh.output_val('volunteersNeeded', "-8888")
       oppdates = item.getElementsByTagName("OpportunityDate")
       oppdates = []
     if len(oppdates) > 1:
       print datetime.now(), \
           "parse_servenet.py: only 1 OpportunityDate supported."
       #return None
       oppdate = oppdates[0]
     elif len(oppdates) == 0:
       oppdate = None
       oppdate = oppdates[0]
     volopps += '<dateTimeDurations><dateTimeDuration>'
     if oppdate:
       volopps += xmlh.output_val('openEnded', 'No')
       volopps += xmlh.output_val('duration', 'P%s%s' % 
                                 (xmlh.get_tag_val(oppdate, "DurationQuantity"),
                                  xmlh.get_tag_val(oppdate, "DurationUnit")))
       volopps += xmlh.output_val('commitmentHoursPerWeek', '0')
       volopps += xmlh.output_node('startDate', oppdate, "StartDate")
       volopps += xmlh.output_node('endDate', oppdate, "EndDate")
       volopps += xmlh.output_val('openEnded', 'Yes')
       volopps += xmlh.output_val('commitmentHoursPerWeek', '0')
     volopps += '</dateTimeDuration></dateTimeDurations>'
     volopps += '<locations>'
       opplocs = item.getElementsByTagName("Location")
       opplocs = []
     for opploc in opplocs:
       volopps += '<location>'
       virtual_tag = opploc.getElementsByTagName("Virtual")
       if virtual_tag and xmlh.get_tag_val(opploc, "Virtual").lower() == "yes":
         volopps += xmlh.output_val('virtual', 'Yes')
         volopps += xmlh.output_node('region', opploc, "StateOrProvince")
         volopps += xmlh.output_node('country', opploc, "Country")
         volopps += xmlh.output_node('postalCode', opploc, "ZipOrPostalCode")
       volopps += '</location>'
     volopps += '</locations>'
     volopps += '<categoryTags/>'
     volopps += '</VolunteerOpportunity>'
     numopps += 1
   # convert to footprint format
   outstr = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>'
   outstr += '<FootprintFeed schemaVersion="0.1">'
   outstr += '<FeedInfo>'
   outstr += xmlh.output_val('providerID', providerID)
   outstr += xmlh.output_val('providerName', providerName)
   outstr += xmlh.output_val('feedID', feedID)
   outstr += xmlh.output_val('createdDateTime', xmlh.current_ts())
   outstr += xmlh.output_val('providerURL', providerURL)
   outstr += xmlh.output_val('description', feedDescription)
   # TODO: capture ts -- use now?!
   outstr += '</FeedInfo>'
   # hardcoded: Organization
   outstr += '<Organizations>'
   for key in ORGS:
     outstr += ORGS[key]
     numorgs += 1
   outstr += '</Organizations>'
   outstr += '<VolunteerOpportunities>'
   outstr += volopps
   outstr += '</VolunteerOpportunities>'
   outstr += '</FootprintFeed>'
   #outstr = re.sub(r'><([^/])', r'>\n<\1', outstr)
   return outstr, numorgs, numopps