def fetch_feed_torrents(self, config, rssfeed_key, subscription_key=None):
        """Called to fetch torrents for a feed
        If rssfeed_key is not None, all subscriptions linked to that RSS Feed
        will be run.
        If rssfeed_key is None, only the subscription with key == subscription_key
        will be run
        fetch_data = {}
        fetch_data["matching_torrents"] = []
        fetch_data["rssfeed_items"] = None

        if rssfeed_key is None:
            if subscription_key is None:
                self.log.warning("rssfeed_key and subscription_key cannot both be None")
                return fetch_data
            rssfeed_key = config["subscriptions"][subscription_key]["rssfeed_key"]
            # RSS Feed is not enabled
            if config["rssfeeds"][rssfeed_key]["active"] is False:
                return fetch_data

        rssfeed_data = config["rssfeeds"][rssfeed_key]
        fetch_data["site_cookies_dict"] = http.get_matching_cookies_dict(config["cookies"], rssfeed_data["site"])
        fetch_data["user_agent"] = get_user_agent(rssfeed_data=rssfeed_data)"Update handler executed on RSS Feed '%s (%s)' (Update interval %d min)" %
                      (rssfeed_data["name"], rssfeed_data["site"], rssfeed_data["update_interval"]))

        for key in config["subscriptions"].keys():
            # subscription_key is given, only that subscription will be run
            if subscription_key is not None and subscription_key != key:
            subscription_data = config["subscriptions"][key]
            if subscription_data["rssfeed_key"] == rssfeed_key and subscription_data["active"] is True:
                self.fetch_feed(subscription_data, rssfeed_data, fetch_data)

        if subscription_key is None:
            # Update last_update value of the rssfeed only when rssfeed is run by the timer,
            # not when a subscription is run manually by the user.
            # Don't need microseconds. Remove because it requires changes to the GUI to not display them
            dt = common.get_current_date().replace(microsecond=0)
            rssfeed_data["last_update"] = dt.isoformat()
        return fetch_data
    def fetch_feed_torrents(self, config, rssfeed_key, subscription_key=None):
        """Called to fetch torrents for a feed
        If rssfeed_key is not None, all subscriptions linked to that RSS Feed
        will be run.
        If rssfeed_key is None, only the subscription with key == subscription_key
        will be run
        fetch_data = {}
        fetch_data["matching_torrents"] = []
        fetch_data["rssfeed_items"] = None

        if rssfeed_key is None:
            if subscription_key is None:
                self.log.warn("rssfeed_key and subscription_key cannot both be None")
                return fetch_data
            rssfeed_key = config["subscriptions"][subscription_key]["rssfeed_key"]
            # RSS Feed is not enabled
            if config["rssfeeds"][rssfeed_key]["active"] is False:
                return fetch_data

        rssfeed_data = config["rssfeeds"][rssfeed_key]
        fetch_data["site_cookies_dict"] = http.get_matching_cookies_dict(config["cookies"], rssfeed_data["site"])"Update handler executed on RSS Feed '%s (%s)' (Update interval %d min)" %
                      (rssfeed_data["name"], rssfeed_data["site"], rssfeed_data["update_interval"]))

        for key in config["subscriptions"].keys():
            # subscription_key is given, only that subscription will be run
            if subscription_key is not None and subscription_key != key:
            subscription_data = config["subscriptions"][key]
            if subscription_data["rssfeed_key"] == rssfeed_key and subscription_data["active"] == True:
                self.fetch_feed(subscription_data, rssfeed_data, fetch_data)

        if subscription_key is None:
            # Update last_update value of the rssfeed only when rssfeed is run by the timer,
            # not when a subscription is run manually by the user.
            # Don't need microseconds. Remove because it requires changes to the GUI to not display them
            dt = common.get_current_date().replace(microsecond=0)
            rssfeed_data["last_update"] = dt.isoformat()
        return fetch_data
 def on_button_last_matched_now_clicked(self, button):"txt_last_matched").set_text(get_current_date().isoformat())