Example #1
def parseLine(line):
    """Parse line of form:
    project some text @keyword1 @keyword2=12 some other text
    @return: a tuple of ("project", "some text some other text", keywordDict"""

    # First extract project name
    line = simplifySpaces(line)
    if line.count(" "):
        project, line = line.split(" ", 1)
        project = line
        line = ""

    line, keywordFilters = extractKeywords(line)

    return project, line, keywordFiltersToDict(keywordFilters)
Example #2
def parseLine(line):
    """Parse line of form:
    project some text @keyword1 @keyword2=12 some other text
    @return: a tuple of ("project", "some text some other text", keywordDict"""

    # First extract project name
    line = simplifySpaces(line)
    if line.count(" "):
        project, line = line.split(" ", 1)
        project = line
        line = ""

    line, keywordFilters = extractKeywords(line)

    return project, line, keywordFiltersToDict(keywordFilters)
Example #3
def parseHumaneDateTime(line, hint=None, today=None):
    """Parse human date and time and return structured datetime object
    Datetime  can be absolute (23/10/2008 10:38) or relative (+5M, +3H, +1D, +6W)
    @param line: human date / time
    @param hint: optional hint to tell whether time should be set to the
    beginning or the end of the day when not specified.
    @param today: optional parameter to define a fake today date. Useful for
    unit testing.
    @type line: str
    @return: datetime object"""
    def guessDate(text):
        out, fmt = testFormats(text, DATE_FORMATS)
        if not out:
            return None
        if not "%y" in fmt and not "%Y" in fmt:
            out = out.replace(year=today.year)
        return out.date()

    def applyTimeHint(date, hint):
        if not hint:
            return date
        if hint == TIME_HINT_BEGIN:
            return date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
        elif hint == TIME_HINT_END:
            return date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
            raise Exception("Unknown hint %s" % hint)

    line = basicparseutils.simplifySpaces(line).lower()
    if not line:
        raise YokadiException("Date is empty")

    if today is None:
        today = datetime.today().replace(microsecond=0)

    if line == "now":
        return today

    if line == "today":
        return applyTimeHint(today, hint)

    # Check for "+<delta>" format
    if line.startswith("+"):
        return today + parseDateTimeDelta(line[1:])
    if line.startswith("-"):
        return today - parseDateTimeDelta(line[1:])

    # Check for "<weekday> [<time>]" format
    firstWord = line.split()[0]

    weekdayDict = {
        "today": today.weekday(),
        "tomorrow": (today.weekday() + 1) % 7,
    weekday = weekdayDict.get(firstWord)
    if weekday is not None:
        date = today + timedelta(days=(weekday - today.weekday()) % 7)
        if " " in line:
            timeText = line.split(' ', 1)[1]
            tTime = guessTime(timeText)
            if tTime is None:
                raise YokadiException("Unable to understand time '%s'" % timeText)
            date = datetime.combine(date, tTime)
            date = applyTimeHint(date, hint)
        return date

    if " " in line:
        # Absolute date and time?
        dateText, timeText = line.split(' ', 1)
        tDate = guessDate(dateText)
        if tDate is not None:
            tTime = guessTime(timeText)
            if tTime is not None:
                return datetime.combine(tDate, tTime)

    # Only date?
    tDate = guessDate(line)
    if tDate is not None:
        dt = datetime.combine(tDate, today.time())
        return applyTimeHint(dt, hint)

    # Only time?
    tTime = guessTime(line)
    if tTime is not None:
        tDate = datetime.combine(today.date(), tTime)
        if tTime > today.time():
            return tDate
            return tDate + timedelta(days=1)

    raise YokadiException("Unable to understand date '%s'" % line)
Example #4
def parseHumaneDateTime(line, hint=None, today=None):
    """Parse human date and time and return structured datetime object
    Datetime  can be absolute (23/10/2008 10:38) or relative (+5M, +3H, +1D, +6W)
    @param line: human date / time
    @param hint: optional hint to tell whether time should be set to the
    beginning or the end of the day when not specified.
    @param today: optional parameter to define a fake today date. Useful for
    unit testing.
    @type line: str
    @return: datetime object"""
    def guessDate(text):
        out, fmt = testFormats(text, DATE_FORMATS)
        if not out:
            return None
        if "%y" not in fmt and "%Y" not in fmt:
            out = out.replace(year=today.year)
        return out.date()

    def applyTimeHint(date, hint):
        if not hint:
            return date
        if hint == TIME_HINT_BEGIN:
            return date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
        elif hint == TIME_HINT_END:
            return date.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59)
            raise Exception("Unknown hint %s" % hint)

    line = basicparseutils.simplifySpaces(line).lower()
    if not line:
        raise YokadiException("Date is empty")

    if today is None:
        today = datetime.today().replace(microsecond=0)

    if line == "now":
        return today

    if line == "today":
        return applyTimeHint(today, hint)

    # Check for "+<delta>" format
    if line.startswith("+"):
        return today + parseDateTimeDelta(line[1:])
    if line.startswith("-"):
        return today - parseDateTimeDelta(line[1:])

    # Check for "<weekday> [<time>]" format
    firstWord = line.split()[0]

    weekdayDict = {
        "today": today.weekday(),
        "tomorrow": (today.weekday() + 1) % 7,
    weekday = weekdayDict.get(firstWord)
    if weekday is not None:
        date = today + timedelta(days=(weekday - today.weekday()) % 7)
        if " " in line:
            timeText = line.split(' ', 1)[1]
            tTime = guessTime(timeText)
            if tTime is None:
                raise YokadiException("Unable to understand time '%s'" %
            date = datetime.combine(date, tTime)
            date = applyTimeHint(date, hint)
        return date

    if " " in line:
        # Absolute date and time?
        dateText, timeText = line.split(' ', 1)
        tDate = guessDate(dateText)
        if tDate is not None:
            tTime = guessTime(timeText)
            if tTime is not None:
                return datetime.combine(tDate, tTime)

    # Only date?
    tDate = guessDate(line)
    if tDate is not None:
        dt = datetime.combine(tDate, today.time())
        return applyTimeHint(dt, hint)

    # Only time?
    tTime = guessTime(line)
    if tTime is not None:
        tDate = datetime.combine(today.date(), tTime)
        if tTime > today.time():
            return tDate
            return tDate + timedelta(days=1)

    raise YokadiException("Unable to understand date '%s'" % line)
Example #5
def computeCompleteParameterPosition(text, line, begidx, endidx):
    before = simplifySpaces(line[:begidx].strip())
    return before.count(" ") + 1