Exemple #1
def packet(data, seq, ack_field):  ## chunk, seq, '00'
    flag = "7E"
    seq_string = str(seq)
    print("Frame num: ", seq_string)
    print("Data: ", data)
    crc = CRC.calc_checksum(data)
        "Checksum (frame) ", seq_string, ": ", crc
    )  # when the server does a checksum on this chunk, should yield same result - send ack
    data = str(data)

    header = flag + "-" + seq_string + "-" + ack_field
    trailer = crc + "-" + flag
    packet = header + "-" + data + "-" + trailer
    return str(packet)
Exemple #2
    if ("101010101010" in data) == False:
        # not corrupted
        isValid = True                                      # valid for the moment - not corrupted

        print"Expected sequence number is ", correct_seq, ", got sequence number ", int(ack_seq)
        # -- start error-checking the data -- #
        if correct_seq != int(ack_seq):                              # error has occurred - send a nack to request retransmission
            isValid = False
            print"Incorrect sequence number - the original packet was dropped"
            dropped = True
            nack_packet = packet.packet(bytes(payload), correct_seq, "01")
            connectionSocket.send(bytes(nack_packet))                         # NACK
        else:                                                   # we have the correct sequence num - continue error-checking
           print"Correct sequence number"
        #    print"CRC received: ", crc_recvd
           chk = CRC.calc_checksum(bytes(payload))
           if chk != crc_recvd:
                isValid = False                                 # request a resend
                print"CRC fields do not match"
                isValid = True
                print"CRC correct"
        # packet corrupt
        print"Corrupt packet!"
        isValid = False

    if isValid == True:                                     # no errors - ACK frame
        ack_packet = packet.packet(bytes(payload), correct_seq, '10')
        print"Sent the ack frame (",ack_packet ," ) for seq ", correct_seq, " back to the client"