Exemple #1
  def __init__(self, M = np.eye(4), params = None):
    self.children = []
    self.M = M
    if params is not None:
        rot_angles = np.array(params.get('rotation', [0., 0., 0.]))
        translate_amount = np.array(params.get('translation', [0., 0., 0.]))
        scale_amount = np.array(params.get('scale', [1., 1., 1.]))
        # compute the transformation matrix that gets applied to all children of this node
        Tform = GT.translate(translate_amount) *  GT.rotateX(rot_angles[0]) * \
            GT.rotateY(rot_angles[1]) * GT.rotateZ(rot_angles[2]) * \
        self.M = Tform.getA()

    self.Minv = np.linalg.inv(self.M)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, M=np.eye(4), params=None):
        self.children = []
        self.M = M
        if params is not None:
            rot_angles = np.array(params.get('rotation', [0., 0., 0.]))
            translate_amount = np.array(params.get('translation',
                                                   [0., 0., 0.]))
            scale_amount = np.array(params.get('scale', [1., 1., 1.]))
            # compute the transformation matrix that
            # gets applied to all children of this node
            Tform = GT.translate(translate_amount) * GT.rotateX(rot_angles[0]) * \
                GT.rotateY(rot_angles[1]) * GT.rotateZ(rot_angles[2]) * \
            self.M = Tform.getA()

        self.Minv = np.linalg.inv(self.M)