Exemple #1
def loadTrafficNodes(fileName):
    reader = csv.reader(open(fileName))

    trafficNodes = []

    for row in reader:
        if (row[0] == "ongeval" or row[0]
                == 'blokkade') and row[14] == "TRUE" and row[40] != '':
            # Important indexes:
            #   situationRecordType         1
            #   situationId                 6
            #   validityOverallStartTime    11
            #   validityOverallEndTime      13
            #   lat lon                     40
            #   alertCLocationName          41

            #   Insert above values into TrafficNode Object

            #   Split the latitude and longitude into two separate variables
            if '|' in row[40]:
                loc = row[40].split('|')[0].split(' ')
                loc = row[40].split(' ')

            #   Split date and time into two separate variables
            start = row[11].split(' ')
            end = row[13].split(' ')

            #   Add a TrafficNode to the list of trafficNodes
                TrafficNode(row[6], row[1],
                            Interval(start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1]),
                            Location(loc[1], loc[0]), row[41]))

    return trafficNodes
Exemple #2
 def setIndepdomain(self, indepdomain):
     if isinstance(indepdomain, str):
         self.indepvarname = indepdomain
         if self.indepdomain is not None:
             # If indepdomain already set and indepvarname is none then
             # name won't get put in place unless we force it here
             self.indepvarname = indepdomain
             self.indepdomain.name = indepdomain
             self.indepdomain = Interval(self.indepvarname, 'float',
                                         [-Inf, Inf])
         self.indepvartype = Float
         if isinstance(indepdomain, Interval):
             if self.trajirange:
                 if indepdomain.contains(self.trajirange) is notcontained:
                     raise ValueError, (
                         "Cannot set independent variable"
                         " domain inside current trajectory's"
                         " range")
             self.indepdomain = indepdomain
             self.indepvarname = indepdomain.name
             self.indepvartype = _pynametype[indepdomain.typestr]
         elif isinstance(indepdomain, dict):
             assert len(
                 indepdomain) == 1, "Dictionary must have only 1 entry"
             d = indepdomain.values()[0]
             assert all(isfinite(d)), "Values must be finite"
             assert isincreasing(d), "Values must be increasing"
             if self.trajirange:
                 assert self.trajirange.get(0) in d
                 assert self.trajirange.get(1) in d
             self.indepvarname = indepdomain.keys()[0]
             if isinstance(d, list):
                 self.indepdomain = array(d)
             elif isinstance(d, Array) or isinstance(d, NArray):
                 self.indepdomain = d
                 raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for independent "
                                   "variable domain")
             self.indepvartype = self.indepdomain.type()
             print "Independent variable argument domain was:", indepdomain
             raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for independent variable "
Exemple #3
def test_diminished_increasing(note, second, dimished_second, dimished_number,
                               _a, _b):
    inter = Interval.Interval(note, second)
    if note == second:

    dimished = inter.get_diminished_interval()
    assert dimished.secondNote == dimished_second
    assert dimished.get_interval_number() == dimished_number
Exemple #4
def test_augmented_increasing(note, second, _a, _b, augmented_second,
    inter = Interval.Interval(note, second)
    if inter.secondNote == 'B':

    augmented = inter.get_augmented_interval()
    assert augmented.secondNote == augmented_second
    assert augmented.get_interval_number() == augmented_number
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, fn, datapoints=None, numtypes=(Float, Float)):
     assert isinstance(fn, types.FunctionType) or \
            isinstance(fn, types.BuiltinFunctionType), \
            ("fn argument must be a regular Python function")
     self.fn = fn
     # datapoints can be exhaustive list of known values for fn or
     # a Interval range for continuous-valued functions
     if datapoints is None:
         datapoints = (Interval('indepvardom', _pynametype[numtypes[0]],
                                [-Inf, Inf]),
                       Interval('depvardom', _pynametype[numtypes[1]],
                                [-Inf, Inf]))
         self.datapoints = (datapoints[0], datapoints[1])
     except TypeError:
         raise TypeError, ("datapoints argument must be a 2-tuple or list "
                           "of 2-tuples or lists")
         self.types = (numtypes[0], numtypes[1])
     except TypeError:
         raise TypeError, ("numtypes argument must be a 2-tuple or list "
                           "of 2-tuples or lists")
Exemple #6
def create_intervals(components: List[str], separated=True) -> List[Interval]:
    """Given valid components list, create Intervals from pairwise components.

    :param components: comma-separated user-input list of Interval objects
    :param separated: boolean denoting whether our components are split
                      or self-contained. Allows for re-use of method when
                      testing numerous intervals
    :return intervals: list of Interval objects made from components

    if separated:

        # Zip the even and odd elements of our components list, ensuring
        # each item is a potential Interval object.
        zipped_components = zip(components[::2], components[1::2])

        # Join each pair by a comma. :joined should now contain eligible intervals.
        components = [', '.join(pair) for pair in zipped_components]

    # Initialize container for valid intervals.
    intervals = []

    for candidate in components:
            # Attempt to create an Interval object using our string representation.
            # If we succeed, append that interval to our container.
            interval = Interval(candidate)

        # If we do not succeed: locate the exception, print this information to
        # the user, and continue.
        except ParsingException as p:
            print(str(p), file=sys.stderr)

        except RangeMismatchException as rm:
            print(str(rm), file=sys.stderr)

        except RangeException as r:
            print(str(r), file=sys.stderr)

        except EOFError:
            print("End-of-file error. Exiting...")

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

    # Return elements from components that were successfully made into
    # Interval objects.
    return intervals
Exemple #7
    def __common_answer(self):
        self.current += 1

            self.correct = next(self.scale_generator)
        except StopIteration:
            self.window['LeftAnswer'].update("_", disabled=True)
            self.window['RightAnswer'].update("_", disabled=True)

        close_notes = [
        incorrect = random.choice(close_notes)

        options = [self.correct, incorrect]

        self.correct_button = 'LeftAnswer' if options[
            0] == self.correct else 'RightAnswer'
Exemple #8
def main():

    files = natsorted(populateFiles())

    font = pygame.font.SysFont("genevattf", 100)
    # display = pygame.display.set_mode(
    #     (500, 500))
    text = font.render("Ear Trainer", 1, (0, 0, 0))
    II = b.button((0, 162, 199), 200, 200, 150, 40, "Interval Identifier")
    MM = b.button((0, 162, 199), 200, 300, 150, 40, "Melody Matcher")

    # main loop
    running = True
    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False

            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

                if II.isOver(pos):

                    Interval.run(files, display)

                if MM.isOver(pos):
                    Melody.run(files, display)

        display.fill((255, 255, 255))
        text = font.render("Ear Trainer", 1, (0, 0, 0))
        display.blit(text, (80, 30))
Exemple #9
def interactive_input(intervals: List[Interval]):
    """Read-eval-response loop for interactive insertion into :intervals.

    :param intervals: list of Interval objects to be inserted into
    :return: never-ending; if user enters a common 'quit' symbol they will exit

    # While our user has not asked to exit, keep receiving input.
    response = input('Interval: ').lower()

    while response not in ['q', 'quit', 'exit']:

            # Attempt to coerce this new input as an Interval object.
            # If we succeed, insert into the current list of Intervals
            # and print the new, sorted, merged list of Intervals including
            # the original input. Print the new intervals list, as well.
            interval = Interval(response)
            intervals = insert_into(intervals, interval)
            print(', '.join([str(interval) for interval in intervals]))

        # If we cannot create an Interval object or insert the response
        # into :interval, locate the exception, tell the user what happened,
        # and continue.
        except ParsingException as p:
            print(str(p), file=sys.stderr)

        except RangeMismatchException as rm:
            print(str(rm), file=sys.stderr)

        except RangeException as r:
            print(str(r), file=sys.stderr)

        except EOFError:
            print("End-of-file error. Exiting...")

        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

        # Once we've reasonably handled exceptions, prompt the user
        # for their next requested interval of insertion.
        response = input('Interval: ')
 def setIndepdomain(self, indepdomain):
     if isinstance(indepdomain, str):
         self.indepvarname = indepdomain
         if self.indepdomain is not None:
             # If indepdomain already set and indepvarname is none then
             # name won't get put in place unless we force it here
             self.indepvarname = indepdomain
             self.indepdomain.name = indepdomain
             self.indepdomain = Interval(self.indepvarname, 'float',
                                        [-Inf, Inf])
         self.indepvartype = Float
         if isinstance(indepdomain, Interval):
             if self.trajirange:
                 if indepdomain.contains(self.trajirange) is notcontained:
                        raise ValueError, ("Cannot set independent variable"
                                       " domain inside current trajectory's"
                                       " range")
             self.indepdomain = indepdomain
             self.indepvarname = indepdomain.name
             self.indepvartype = _pynametype[indepdomain.typestr]
         elif isinstance(indepdomain, dict):
             assert len(indepdomain) == 1, "Dictionary must have only 1 entry"
             d = indepdomain.values()[0]
             assert all(isfinite(d)), "Values must be finite"
             assert isincreasing(d), "Values must be increasing"
             if self.trajirange:
                 assert self.trajirange.get(0) in d
                 assert self.trajirange.get(1) in d
             self.indepvarname = indepdomain.keys()[0]
             if isinstance(d, list):
                 self.indepdomain = array(d)
             elif isinstance(d, Array) or isinstance(d, NArray):
                 self.indepdomain = d
                 raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for independent "
                                   "variable domain")
             self.indepvartype = self.indepdomain.type()
             print "Independent variable argument domain was:", indepdomain
             raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for independent variable "
    def intervalIntersection2(self, A, B):
        :type A: list[Interval]
        :type B: list[Interval]
        :rtype: list[Interval]
        res, j = [], 0
        for a in A:
            # skip those ahead of interval a
            while j < len(B) and B[j].end < a.start:
                j += 1

            # get intersections
            k = j
            while k < len(B) and B[k].start <= a.end:
                    Interval(max(a.start, B[k].start), min(a.end, B[k].end)))
                k += 1

        return res
    def intervalIntersection(self, A, B):
        ans = []
        i = j = 0

        while i < len(A) and j < len(B):
            # Let's check if A[i] intersects B[j].
            # lo - the startpoint of the intersection
            # hi - the endpoint of the intersection
            lo = max(A[i].start, B[j].start)
            hi = min(A[i].end, B[j].end)
            if lo <= hi:
                ans.append(Interval(lo, hi))

            # Remove the interval with the smallest endpoint
            if A[i].end < B[j].end:
                i += 1
                j += 1

        return ans
    def getTlengthIntervals(self,content):
        numbers=content.split(" ")#[:-1]

        #print len(numbers)
        #print "getTlengthIntervals: ", self.markFlowLength,self.intervalLength
        for i in range(0, self.markFlowLength*multiple):


        while i< len(numbers):
            if upperBound==self.intervalLength+self.markFlowLength*multiple*self.intervalLength:
            if numbers[i]=='' or numbers[i]=='\n':# this means we are in the end of our file
            if float(numbers[i])<upperBound:

        for i in range(0,len(intervalList)):
             #print intervalList[i].getlen(),"k"
        #print al,"gallllllllllllllllllllllllllll"
        return intervalList
Exemple #14
class Modelo_Estructurado():
    def __init__(self, fichero):
        self.__interval = Interval(fichero)

    def Get_res_number(self):
        return self.__interval.Get_res_number()

    def All_data_stored(self):
        return self.__interval.All_data_stored()

    def Bit_padding(self):

    def run(self, elem):
        Level_id = 0
        while (not self.__interval.Is_in_Level(Level_id, elem)):
            self.__interval.Emit(ESC, Level_id)
            Level_id += 1
        self.__interval.Emit(elem, Level_id)
    def setOutput(self, outputdata, funcspec=None,
                  globalt0=0, var_namemap=None, ics=None, refvars=None):
        """Dynamically create 'output' method of Variable"""

        self.globalt0 = globalt0
        if type(outputdata) in [types.FunctionType,
            # Variable generated from function, given in closed form
            self.output = outputdata
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option for this type of output"
            if outputdata != noneFn:
                self.defined = True
        elif isinstance(outputdata, tuple):
            # For ExplicitFnGen or ImplicitFnGen types, whose functional forms
            # may need to access these at call time.
            assert len(outputdata) == 2, "Incorrect size of outputdata tuple"
            if funcspec is not None:
                self._var_namemap = var_namemap
                self._funcreg['funcspec'] = (None, funcspec)
                raise ValueError, 'funcspec missing in setOutput'
            # Add the specific mapping functions for Ex/ImplicitFnGen objects
                exec outputdata[1] in globals()
                print 'Internal Error in _mapspecfn code'
            has_op = hasattr(self, 'output')
            # have to define this function in here because use of lambda
            # won't allow me to pickle the Variable object
            if not has_op or (has_op and self.output is noneFn):
                def wrap_output(arg):
                    return eval(outputdata[0])(self, arg)
                setattr(self, 'output', wrap_output)
            self._funcreg['outputdata'] = (None, outputdata)
            t0 = self.indepdomain.get(0)
            if ics is None and not isinstance(funcspec, ImpFuncSpec):
                    self.initialconditions = {self.coordname: self.output(t0)}
                except ValueError:
                    self.initialconditions = {self.coordname: NaN}
                except TypeError:
                    print "Debugging info: self.output = ", self.output
                self.initialconditions = ics
            self._vectorizable = False
            self._refvars = refvars
            self.defined = True
        elif type(outputdata) in [types.InstanceType, types.TypeType, \
                                 OutputFn] or isinstance(outputdata, interpclass):
            # Variable generated by callable object that generates values over
            # mesh points that it holds, e.g. by interpolation
            # (InstanceType and TypeType are for backwards compatibility, e.g.
            # for old SciPy interpolate code that uses Classic Classes)
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option for this type of output"
            assert '__call__' in dir(outputdata), "Must provide callable object"
            self.output = outputdata
            if hasattr(outputdata, 'datapoints'):
                if hasattr(outputdata, 'types'):
                    deptypestr = _pytypename[outputdata.types[0]]
                    indeptypestr = _pytypename[outputdata.types[1]]
                    # default
                    deptypestr = indeptypestr = 'float'
                if isinstance(outputdata.datapoints[0], Interval):
                    assert outputdata.types[0] == \
                           outputdata.datapoints[0].type, \
                           "Inconsistent type with Interval bounds"
                    self.trajirange = outputdata.datapoints[0]
                    self.trajirange = Interval('traj_indep_bd', indeptypestr,
                if isinstance(outputdata.datapoints[1], Interval):
                    assert outputdata.types[1] == \
                           outputdata.datapoints[1].type, \
                           "Inconsistent type with Interval bounds"
                    self.trajdrange = outputdata.datapoints[1]
                    self.trajdrange = Interval('traj_dep_bd', deptypestr,
            self.defined = True
        elif isinstance(outputdata, Pointset):
            # Variable generated from a pointset (without interpolation)
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option for this type of output"
            assert isparameterized(outputdata), ("Must only pass parameterized"
                                                 " pointsets")
            if outputdata.dimension == 1:
                self.coordname = copy.copy(outputdata.coordnames[0])
                self.indepvarname = outputdata.indepvarname
                self.output = Varcaller(outputdata)
                self.coordtype = outputdata.coordtype
                self.indepvartype = outputdata.indepvartype
                if self.indepdomain is not None:
                    for v in outputdata[self.indepvarname]:
                        if not v in self.indepdomain:
                            raise ValueError, ("New Pointset data violates "
                               "independent variable domain already specified")
                if self.depdomain is not None:
                    for v in outputdata[self.coordname]:
                        if not v in self.depdomain:
                            raise ValueError, ("New Pointset data violates "
                               "dependent variable domain already specified")
                self.trajirange = Interval('traj_indep_bd',
                self.trajdrange = Interval('traj_dep_bd',
                self.defined = True
                raise ValueError, \
                      "Pointset data must be 1D to create a Variable"
        elif outputdata is None:
            # placeholder for an unknown output type
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option when outputdata argument is None"
            self.output = noneFn
            self.defined = False
            raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for data argument: " \
Exemple #16
def test_augmented_out_of_actave_should_raise_error():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interval = Interval.Interval('C', 'B')
Exemple #17
def test_diminished_unison_should_raise_error():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        unison = Interval.Interval('C', 'C')
Exemple #18
def test_distance_increasing(second, distance):
    root = 'B'
    unison = Interval.Interval(root, second)
    assert unison.get_interval_number() == distance
Exemple #19
def test_sharp(note, bemol):
    assert Interval.get_sharp(bemol) == note
Exemple #20
 def __init__(self, fichero):
     self.__interval = Interval(fichero)
    def setDepdomain(self, depdomain):
        if isinstance(depdomain, str):
            self.coordname = depdomain
            if self.depdomain is None:
                if self.coordtype is None:
                    self.depdomain = Interval(self.coordname, 'float',
                                                 [-Inf, Inf])
                    self.coordtype = Float
                    self.depdomain = Interval(self.coordname,
                # If interp functions supplied then don't have a name for
                # Interval yet, so update it.
                if isinstance(self.output, interpclass) and \
                   isinstance(self.depdomain, Interval):
                    self.depdomain.name = depdomain
                    assert isinstance(self.output, Pointset)
                    print "Warning: Dependent variable already named. " + \
                          "Ignoring user-supplied name."
            if isinstance(depdomain, Interval):
                if self.trajdrange:
                    if depdomain.contains(self.trajdrange) is notcontained:
                        raise ValueError, ("Cannot set dependent variable "
                                          "domain inside current trajectory's "
                self.depdomain = depdomain
                self.coordname = depdomain.name
                if self.coordtype is None:
                    self.coordtype = depdomain.type
                elif self.coordtype == depdomain.type:
                    raise TypeError, ("Mismatch between type of depdomain "
                                      "argument and Pointset coord data")
            elif isinstance(depdomain, dict):
                assert len(depdomain) == 1, "Dictionary must have only 1 entry"
                d = depdomain.values()[0]
                if self.trajdrange:
                    assert self.trajdrange.get(0) in d
                    assert self.trajdrange.get(1) in d
##                if not isincreasing(d):
##                    d.sort()
                assert all(isfinite(d)), "Values must be finite"
                self.coordname = depdomain.keys()[0]
                if isinstance(d, list):
                    if self.coordtype is not None:
                        self.depdomain = array(d, self.coordtype)
                        self.depdomain = array(d)
                elif isinstance(d, Array) or isinstance(d, NArray):
                    da = array(d)
                    if self.coordtype is not None and \
                       self.coordtype != da.type():
                        raise TypeError, ("Mismatch between type of depdomain "
                                          "argument and Pointset coord data")
                        self.depdomain = da
                    raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for dependent variable "
                self.coordtype = self.depdomain.type()
                print "Dependent variable domain argument was:", depdomain
                raise TypeError, "Invalid type for dependent variable domain"
            if isinstance(self.output, Pointset):
                assert self.coordname == self.output.coordnames[0], \
                       "Mismatch between Pointset coord name and declared name"
                assert self.indepvarname == self.output.indepvarname, \
                       ("Mismatch between Pointset independent variable name "
                        "and declared name")
class Variable(object):
    """One-dimensional discrete and continuous real variable class.

    def __init__(self, outputdata=None, indepdomain=None, depdomain=None,
        # funcreg stores function data for dynamically created methods
        # to allow a Variable to be copied using pickling
        self._funcreg = {}
        if isinstance(name, str):
            self.name = name
            raise TypeError, "name argument must be a string"
        # defaults for empty 'placeholder' Variables
        if outputdata is None or isinstance(outputdata, Pointset):
            if indepdomain is None:
                indepdomain = 't'
            if depdomain is None:
                depdomain = 'x'
        # set some initial values so that can test if what changed
        # after calling setOutput()
        self._vectorizable = True
        self.defined = False
        self.indepdomain = None
        self.indepvartype = None
        self.indepvarname = None
        self.depdomain = None
        self.coordtype = None
        self.coordname = None
        self._refvars = None   # for use with ExplicitFnGen
        # Ranges covered by the current trajectory held (if known)
        self.trajirange = None
        self.trajdrange = None
        # independent variable domain
        # output function
        # dependent variable domain
        assert self.coordname != self.indepvarname, ("Independent variable "
                                "name and coordinate name must be different")
        self.warnings = []

    # Auxiliary functions for user-defined code to call
    def _auxfn_globalindepvar(self, parsinps, t):
        return self.globalt0 + t

    def _auxfn_initcond(self, parsinps, varname):
        return self.initialconditions[varname]

    def _auxfn_heav(self, parsinps, x):
        if x>0:
            return 1
            return 0

    def _auxfn_if(self, parsinps, c, e1, e2):
        if c:
            return e1
            return e2

    def _auxfn_getindex(self, parsinps, varname):
        return self._var_namemap[varname]

    def addMethods(self, funcspec):
        """Add dynamically-created methods to Veriable object"""

        # Add the auxiliary function specs to this Variable's namespace
        for auxfnname in funcspec.auxfns:
            fninfo = funcspec.auxfns[auxfnname]
            if not hasattr(Variable, fninfo[1]):
                # user-defined auxiliary functions
                # (built-ins are provided explicitly)
                    exec fninfo[0] in globals()
                    print 'Error in supplied auxiliary function code'
                self._funcreg[fninfo[1]] = ('Variable', fninfo[0])
                setattr(Variable, fninfo[1], eval(fninfo[1]))
        # Add the spec function to this Variable's namespace
        fninfo_spec = funcspec.spec
        if not hasattr(Variable, fninfo_spec[1]):
                exec fninfo_spec[0] in globals()
                print 'Error in supplied functional specification code'
            self._funcreg[fninfo_spec[1]] = ('Variable', fninfo_spec[0])
            setattr(Variable, fninfo_spec[1], eval(fninfo_spec[1]))
        # Add the auxiliary spec function (if present) to this Var's namespace
        if funcspec.auxspec:
            fninfo_auxspec = funcspec.auxspec
            if not hasattr(Variable, fninfo_auxspec[1]):
                    exec fninfo_auxspec[0] in globals()
                    print 'Error in supplied auxiliary variable code'
                self._funcreg[fninfo_auxspec[1]] = ('Variable', fninfo_auxspec[0])
                setattr(Variable, fninfo_auxspec[1], eval(fninfo_auxspec[1]))
        # For implicit functions
        if isinstance(funcspec, ImpFuncSpec):
            impfn_name = funcspec.algparams['impfn_name']
            if funcspec.algparams['jac']:
                jac_str = "fprime=funcspec.algparams['jac'],"
                jac_str = ""
            # Wrap spec fn like this as it has been set up as a
            # method, but want to call as regular function
            # *** ALSO *** spec fn has signature (ds, t, x, p)
            # but implicit function solvers expect
            # (x, t, p), so have to switch 1st and 2nd args here
            # after 'ds' filled with None
            if len(funcspec.vars) == 1:
                # dimension == 1, so have to make list output from spec
                # into a scalar
                # Also, scalar a1 needs to be put into list form for
                # acceptance as x in spec fn
                specfn_str = "lambda a1, a2, a3: " \
                  + fninfo_spec[1] \
                  + "(None, a2, [a1], a3)[0]"
                # for dimension > 1 a1 will already be an array / list
                specfn_str = "lambda a1, a2, a3: " \
                  + fninfo_spec[1] \
                  + "(None, a2, a1, a3)"
            this_scope = globals()   # WE CHANGE GLOBALS()
            this_scope.update({'funcspec': locals()['funcspec'],
                               'fninfo_spec': locals()['fninfo_spec']})
            impfn_str = impfn_name + \
                " = makeImplicitFunc(" + specfn_str + "," \
                + jac_str + """x0=funcspec.algparams['x0'],
                exec impfn_str in this_scope
                print 'Error in supplied implicit function code'
            # record special reference to the implicit fn,
            # as its a method of Variable (for delete method).
            self._funcreg['_impfn'] = (impfn_name, impfn_str)
            # In previous versions setattr was to self, not the Variable class
            setattr(Variable, impfn_name, eval(impfn_name))
            # clean up globals() afterwards
            del this_scope['funcspec']
            del this_scope['fninfo_spec']

    def setOutput(self, outputdata, funcspec=None,
                  globalt0=0, var_namemap=None, ics=None, refvars=None):
        """Dynamically create 'output' method of Variable"""

        self.globalt0 = globalt0
        if type(outputdata) in [types.FunctionType,
            # Variable generated from function, given in closed form
            self.output = outputdata
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option for this type of output"
            if outputdata != noneFn:
                self.defined = True
        elif isinstance(outputdata, tuple):
            # For ExplicitFnGen or ImplicitFnGen types, whose functional forms
            # may need to access these at call time.
            assert len(outputdata) == 2, "Incorrect size of outputdata tuple"
            if funcspec is not None:
                self._var_namemap = var_namemap
                self._funcreg['funcspec'] = (None, funcspec)
                raise ValueError, 'funcspec missing in setOutput'
            # Add the specific mapping functions for Ex/ImplicitFnGen objects
                exec outputdata[1] in globals()
                print 'Internal Error in _mapspecfn code'
            has_op = hasattr(self, 'output')
            # have to define this function in here because use of lambda
            # won't allow me to pickle the Variable object
            if not has_op or (has_op and self.output is noneFn):
                def wrap_output(arg):
                    return eval(outputdata[0])(self, arg)
                setattr(self, 'output', wrap_output)
            self._funcreg['outputdata'] = (None, outputdata)
            t0 = self.indepdomain.get(0)
            if ics is None and not isinstance(funcspec, ImpFuncSpec):
                    self.initialconditions = {self.coordname: self.output(t0)}
                except ValueError:
                    self.initialconditions = {self.coordname: NaN}
                except TypeError:
                    print "Debugging info: self.output = ", self.output
                self.initialconditions = ics
            self._vectorizable = False
            self._refvars = refvars
            self.defined = True
        elif type(outputdata) in [types.InstanceType, types.TypeType, \
                                 OutputFn] or isinstance(outputdata, interpclass):
            # Variable generated by callable object that generates values over
            # mesh points that it holds, e.g. by interpolation
            # (InstanceType and TypeType are for backwards compatibility, e.g.
            # for old SciPy interpolate code that uses Classic Classes)
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option for this type of output"
            assert '__call__' in dir(outputdata), "Must provide callable object"
            self.output = outputdata
            if hasattr(outputdata, 'datapoints'):
                if hasattr(outputdata, 'types'):
                    deptypestr = _pytypename[outputdata.types[0]]
                    indeptypestr = _pytypename[outputdata.types[1]]
                    # default
                    deptypestr = indeptypestr = 'float'
                if isinstance(outputdata.datapoints[0], Interval):
                    assert outputdata.types[0] == \
                           outputdata.datapoints[0].type, \
                           "Inconsistent type with Interval bounds"
                    self.trajirange = outputdata.datapoints[0]
                    self.trajirange = Interval('traj_indep_bd', indeptypestr,
                if isinstance(outputdata.datapoints[1], Interval):
                    assert outputdata.types[1] == \
                           outputdata.datapoints[1].type, \
                           "Inconsistent type with Interval bounds"
                    self.trajdrange = outputdata.datapoints[1]
                    self.trajdrange = Interval('traj_dep_bd', deptypestr,
            self.defined = True
        elif isinstance(outputdata, Pointset):
            # Variable generated from a pointset (without interpolation)
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option for this type of output"
            assert isparameterized(outputdata), ("Must only pass parameterized"
                                                 " pointsets")
            if outputdata.dimension == 1:
                self.coordname = copy.copy(outputdata.coordnames[0])
                self.indepvarname = outputdata.indepvarname
                self.output = Varcaller(outputdata)
                self.coordtype = outputdata.coordtype
                self.indepvartype = outputdata.indepvartype
                if self.indepdomain is not None:
                    for v in outputdata[self.indepvarname]:
                        if not v in self.indepdomain:
                            raise ValueError, ("New Pointset data violates "
                               "independent variable domain already specified")
                if self.depdomain is not None:
                    for v in outputdata[self.coordname]:
                        if not v in self.depdomain:
                            raise ValueError, ("New Pointset data violates "
                               "dependent variable domain already specified")
                self.trajirange = Interval('traj_indep_bd',
                self.trajdrange = Interval('traj_dep_bd',
                self.defined = True
                raise ValueError, \
                      "Pointset data must be 1D to create a Variable"
        elif outputdata is None:
            # placeholder for an unknown output type
            assert ics is None, "Invalid option when outputdata argument is None"
            self.output = noneFn
            self.defined = False
            raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for data argument: " \

    def setIndepdomain(self, indepdomain):
        if isinstance(indepdomain, str):
            self.indepvarname = indepdomain
            if self.indepdomain is not None:
                # If indepdomain already set and indepvarname is none then
                # name won't get put in place unless we force it here
                self.indepvarname = indepdomain
                self.indepdomain.name = indepdomain
                self.indepdomain = Interval(self.indepvarname, 'float',
                                           [-Inf, Inf])
            self.indepvartype = Float
            if isinstance(indepdomain, Interval):
                if self.trajirange:
                    if indepdomain.contains(self.trajirange) is notcontained:
                           raise ValueError, ("Cannot set independent variable"
                                          " domain inside current trajectory's"
                                          " range")
                self.indepdomain = indepdomain
                self.indepvarname = indepdomain.name
                self.indepvartype = _pynametype[indepdomain.typestr]
            elif isinstance(indepdomain, dict):
                assert len(indepdomain) == 1, "Dictionary must have only 1 entry"
                d = indepdomain.values()[0]
                assert all(isfinite(d)), "Values must be finite"
                assert isincreasing(d), "Values must be increasing"
                if self.trajirange:
                    assert self.trajirange.get(0) in d
                    assert self.trajirange.get(1) in d
                self.indepvarname = indepdomain.keys()[0]
                if isinstance(d, list):
                    self.indepdomain = array(d)
                elif isinstance(d, Array) or isinstance(d, NArray):
                    self.indepdomain = d
                    raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for independent "
                                      "variable domain")
                self.indepvartype = self.indepdomain.type()
                print "Independent variable argument domain was:", indepdomain
                raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for independent variable "

    def setDepdomain(self, depdomain):
        if isinstance(depdomain, str):
            self.coordname = depdomain
            if self.depdomain is None:
                if self.coordtype is None:
                    self.depdomain = Interval(self.coordname, 'float',
                                                 [-Inf, Inf])
                    self.coordtype = Float
                    self.depdomain = Interval(self.coordname,
                # If interp functions supplied then don't have a name for
                # Interval yet, so update it.
                if isinstance(self.output, interpclass) and \
                   isinstance(self.depdomain, Interval):
                    self.depdomain.name = depdomain
                    assert isinstance(self.output, Pointset)
                    print "Warning: Dependent variable already named. " + \
                          "Ignoring user-supplied name."
            if isinstance(depdomain, Interval):
                if self.trajdrange:
                    if depdomain.contains(self.trajdrange) is notcontained:
                        raise ValueError, ("Cannot set dependent variable "
                                          "domain inside current trajectory's "
                self.depdomain = depdomain
                self.coordname = depdomain.name
                if self.coordtype is None:
                    self.coordtype = depdomain.type
                elif self.coordtype == depdomain.type:
                    raise TypeError, ("Mismatch between type of depdomain "
                                      "argument and Pointset coord data")
            elif isinstance(depdomain, dict):
                assert len(depdomain) == 1, "Dictionary must have only 1 entry"
                d = depdomain.values()[0]
                if self.trajdrange:
                    assert self.trajdrange.get(0) in d
                    assert self.trajdrange.get(1) in d
##                if not isincreasing(d):
##                    d.sort()
                assert all(isfinite(d)), "Values must be finite"
                self.coordname = depdomain.keys()[0]
                if isinstance(d, list):
                    if self.coordtype is not None:
                        self.depdomain = array(d, self.coordtype)
                        self.depdomain = array(d)
                elif isinstance(d, Array) or isinstance(d, NArray):
                    da = array(d)
                    if self.coordtype is not None and \
                       self.coordtype != da.type():
                        raise TypeError, ("Mismatch between type of depdomain "
                                          "argument and Pointset coord data")
                        self.depdomain = da
                    raise TypeError, ("Invalid type for dependent variable "
                self.coordtype = self.depdomain.type()
                print "Dependent variable domain argument was:", depdomain
                raise TypeError, "Invalid type for dependent variable domain"
            if isinstance(self.output, Pointset):
                assert self.coordname == self.output.coordnames[0], \
                       "Mismatch between Pointset coord name and declared name"
                assert self.indepvarname == self.output.indepvarname, \
                       ("Mismatch between Pointset independent variable name "
                        "and declared name")

    def __call__(self, indepvar, checklevel=0):
        if checklevel == 0:
            # level 0 -- no depvar bounds checking at all
            # (no need to check for indepvar as list case, which output
            # should know how to handle)
                if not self._vectorizable and type(indepvar) in \
                   [list, Array, NArray]:
                    return [self.output(ival) for ival in indepvar]
                    return self.output(indepvar)
            except OverflowError:
                print "Overflow error at independent variable =", indepvar
        elif checklevel in [1,2]:
            if self.trajirange is None:
                idep = self.indepdomain
                # use known bounds on indep variable imposed by self.output
                idep = self.trajirange
            indepvar_ok = True
            # level 1 -- ignore uncertain cases (treat as contained)
            # level 2 -- warn on uncertain (treat as contained)
            if type(indepvar) in [list, Array, NArray]:
                vectorizable = self._vectorizable
                for d in indepvar:
                    # use 'in' so that this is compatible with
                    # interval, array and index indeps
                        contresult = d in idep
                    except PyDSTool_UncertainValueError:
                        contresult = True
                        # adjust for rounding error so that interpolator
                        # does not barf on out-of-range values
                        if d < idep.get(0):
                                # list
                                dix = indepvar.index(d)
                            except AttributeError:
                                # array
                                dix = indepvar.tolist().index()
                            indepvar[dix] = idep.get(0)
                        elif d > idep.get(1):
                                # list
                                dix = indepvar.index(d)
                            except AttributeError:
                                # array
                                dix = indepvar.tolist().index()
                            indepvar[dix] = idep.get(1)
                        if checklevel == 2:
                            self.warnings.append((d, None))
                    if not contresult:
                        indepvar_ok = False
                vectorizable = True
                    indepvar_ok = indepvar in idep
                except PyDSTool_UncertainValueError, errinfo:
                    # adjust for rounding error so that interpolator
                    # does not barf on out-of-range values
                    if indepvar < idep.get(0):
                        indepvar = idep.get(0)
                    elif indepvar > idep.get(1):
                        indepvar = idep.get(1)
                    if checklevel == 2:
                        self.warnings.append((indepvar, None))
            # continue to get dependent variable value, unless indep
            # value was not OK
            if not indepvar_ok:
##                print "*** Debug info for variable: ", self.name
##                print "Interval rounding tolerance was", idep._abseps
                if vectorizable:
                    raise ValueError, ('Independent variable value(s) '
                                       'out of range in Variable call')
                    raise ValueError, ('Independent variable value '+\
                                   str(indepvar) + ' out of '
                                   'range in Variable call')
                if vectorizable:
                    depvar = self.output(indepvar)
                    depvar = [self.output(ival) for ival in indepvar]
                depvar_ok = True
            except PyDSTool_BoundsError, errinfo:
                depvar_ok = False
            # Now check that all computed values were in depdomain
            if depvar_ok:
                # no need to use self.trajdrange instead of
                # self.depdomain because we trust that self.output
                # generated the output within its own bounds!
                if type(depvar) in [list, Array, NArray, Pointset]:
                    if isinstance(depvar, Pointset):
                        dv = depvar.toarray()
                        dv = depvar
                    for d in dv:
                        # use 'in' so that this is compatible with
                        # interval, array and index indeps
                            contresult = d in self.depdomain
                        except PyDSTool_UncertainValueError, errinfo:
                            contresult = True
                            if checklevel == 2:
                                # find which indepvar was the cause of
                                # the uncertain value
                                    # list
                                    depix = dv.index(d)
                                except AttributeError:
                                    # array
                                    depix = dv.tolist().index(d)
                                self.warnings.append((indepvar[depix], errinfo.val))
                        if not isfinite(d):
                            print "Warning: Return value for independent " + \
                                   "variable %f was not finite"%indepvar + \
                                   "for Variable '%s'"%self.name
                        if not contresult:
                            depvar_ok = False
                elif depvar is None:
                    print "*** Debug info for variable: ", self.name
                    print "Independent variable domain: ", self.indepdomain._infostr(1)
                    print "Dependent variable domain: ", self.depdomain._infostr(1)
                    raise ValueError, ("Cannot compute a return value for "
                                          "this independent variable value: "
                                          + str(indepvar))
                    if isinstance(depvar, Point):
                        dv = depvar[0]
                        dv = depvar
                        depvar_ok = dv in self.depdomain
                    except PyDSTool_UncertainValueError, errinfo:
                        if checklevel == 2:
                            self.warnings.append((indepvar, errinfo.varval))
                    if not isfinite(dv):
                        print "Warning: Return value for independent variable", indepvar
                        print "was not finite for Variable '%s'"%self.name
#         self.start = s
#         self.end = e

class Solution:
    def eraseOverlapIntervals(self, intervals: 'List[Interval]') -> 'int':
        if len(intervals) <= 1:
            return 0
        intervals.sort(key=lambda x: [x.end, -x.start])
        cur = intervals[0]
        ret = 0
        for i in range(1, len(intervals)):
            if intervals[i].start >= cur.end:
                cur = intervals[i]
            ret += 1
        return ret

# test
if __name__ == "__main__":
    tmp = NonoverlappingIntervals()
    intervals = [
        Interval(1, 2),
        Interval(2, 3),
        Interval(3, 4),
        Interval(1, 3)
    result = tmp.eraseOverlapIntervals(intervals)
Exemple #24
def test_decreasing_augmented_should_raise():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interval = Interval.Interval('B', 'A#')
        return intervals

    # 9/2/2020
    # use bisect_left to find the insert position, then insert the interval
    # Then start from i-1 element, we must check and merge these intervals
    def insert(self, intervals: List[List[int]],
               newInterval: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        i = bisect_left(intervals, newInterval)
        intervals.insert(i, newInterval)
        while i < len(intervals):
            if i > 0 and intervals[i - 1][1] >= intervals[i][0]:
                intervals[i - 1][1] = max(intervals[i - 1][1], intervals[i][1])
                i += 1

        return intervals

obj = Solution()
case, new = [[1, 2], [3, 5], [6, 7], [8, 10], [12, 16]], Interval(4, 8)
case, new = [[3, 5], [6, 7], [8, 10], [12, 16]], Interval(1, 6)
case, new = [], Interval(1, 3)
case, new = [[0, 5], [9, 12]], Interval(7, 16)  # expect [[0, 5], [7, 16]]
intervals = []
for element in case:

print(obj.insert2(intervals, new))
Exemple #26
def get_random_interval_from_root(root):
    second_note = random.choice(Interval.notes)
    interval = Interval.Interval(root, second_note)

    logger.debug(f"Get random interval from root returned {interval}")
    return interval
Exemple #27
def test_bemol(note, bemol):
    assert Interval.get_bemol(note) == bemol
        while i < len(A) and j < len(B):
            if A[i][0] > B[j][1]:  # B[j] on left of A[i]
                j += 1
            elif A[i][1] < B[j][0]:  # B[j] on right of A[i]
                i += 1
            else:  # A[i] and B[j] has intersection
                s, e = max(A[i][0], B[j][0]), min(A[i][1], B[j][1])
                res.append([s, e])
                if A[i][1] > B[j][
                        1]:  # advance pointer for interval with smaller end
                    j += 1
                    i += 1
        return res

#A, B = [], []   # expect []
#A, B = [], [Interval(1, 1)] # expect []
#A, B = [Interval(1, 1)], [] # expect []
#A, B = [Interval(1, 2), Interval(3, 5)], [Interval(0, 4)]   # expect [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
A, B = [Interval(0, 2),
        Interval(5, 10),
        Interval(13, 23),
        Interval(24, 25)], [
            Interval(1, 5),
            Interval(8, 12),
            Interval(15, 24),
            Interval(25, 26)
print(Solution().intervalIntersection(A, B))