Exemple #1
def _ReadIMAGEiaga(fname):
	Read the mess of a format that is iaga.
	Name format: 'image_yyyymmdd.iaga' (10s data)
	#read the data
	lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)
	s = lines[0]
	#output dict
	out = {}
	#split into records
	rlen = np.int32(s[:4])
	ss = np.array([s[i*rlen:(i+1)*rlen] for i in range(0,len(s)//rlen)])
	nr = len(ss)
	#get ID
	ID = np.array([ss[i][12:15] for i in range(0,nr)])
	IDu = np.unique(ID)
	for I in IDu:
		use = np.where(ID == I)[0]
		out[I] = _iaga_station(ss[use])

	return out
def _ReadStations(Network):
	Read the list of stations for a magnetometer network.
    fname = Globals.StationPath + Network + '.list'

    dtype = [('Code', 'U4'), ('Station', 'object'), ('Network', 'object'),
             ('glat', 'float32'), ('glon', 'float32'), ('mlat', 'float32'),
             ('mlon', 'float32'), ('L', 'float32')]
    data = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)
    n = data.size

    out = np.recarray(n, dtype=dtype)

    for i in range(0, n):
        s = data[i].split()
        #the number of bits which are the name
        ln = len(s) - 6

        out[i].Code = s[0]
        out[i].Station = ' '.join(s[1:ln + 1])
        out[i].glat = np.float32(s[1 + ln])
        out[i].glon = np.float32(s[2 + ln])
        out[i].mlat = np.float32(s[3 + ln])
        out[i].mlon = np.float32(s[4 + ln])
        out[i].L = np.float32(s[5 + ln])

    out.Network[:] = Network

    return out
def _ReadCarisma1Hz(fname):
	This will read the extracted 1 Hz Carisma data files with the file 
	name format 'yyyymmddSSSS.F01'.
	dtype = [	('Date','int32'),
	dtype0 = [	('dt','object'),
		data = pf.ReadASCIIData(fname,Header=True,dtype=dtype0)
		n = data.size
		lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)[1:]
		n = lines.size
		data = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype0)
		data.dt = np.array([l[:14] for l in lines])
		for i in range(0,n):
				data.Bx[i] = np.float64(l[14:24])
				data.By[i] = np.float64(l[24:34])
				data.Bz[i] = np.float64(l[34:44])
				data.Bx[i] = np.nan
				data.By[i] = np.nan
				data.Bz[i] = np.nan
	out = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype)
	out.Bx = data.Bx
	out.By = data.By
	out.Bz = data.Bz
	out.Date = np.array([np.int32(s[:8]) for s in data.dt])
	for i in range(0,n):
		h = np.int32(data.dt[i][8:10])
		m = np.int32(data.dt[i][10:12])
		s = np.int32(data.dt[i][12:14])
		out.ut[i] = h + m/60 + s/3600.0
	badx = out.Bx > 90000.0
	bady = out.By > 90000.0
	badz = out.Bz > 90000.0
	bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0]
	out.Bx[bad] = np.nan
	out.By[bad] = np.nan
	out.Bz[bad] = np.nan
	return out
def _ReadCanopus(fname):
	This will read the extracted 0.2 Hz Canopus data files with the file 
	name format 'yyyymmddSSSS.MAG'.
	dtype = [	('Date','int32'),
	dtype0 = [	('dt','object'),
	lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)
	n = lines.size
	for i in range(0,n):
		if lines[i][0] != '#':
	lines = lines[i+1:]
		data = pf.ReadASCIIData(lines.tolist(),Header=False,dtype=dtype0)
		return np.recarray(0,dtype=dtype)
	n = data.size
	out = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype)
	out.Bx = data.Bx
	out.By = data.By
	out.Bz = data.Bz
	out.Date = np.array([np.int32(s[:8]) for s in data.dt])
	for i in range(0,n):
		h = np.int32(data.dt[i][8:10])
		m = np.int32(data.dt[i][10:12])
		s = np.int32(data.dt[i][12:14])
		out.ut[i] = h + m/60 + s/3600.0

	badx = out.Bx > 90000.0
	bady = out.By > 90000.0
	badz = out.Bz > 90000.0
	bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0]
	out.Bx[bad] = np.nan
	out.By[bad] = np.nan
	out.Bz[bad] = np.nan
	return out
Exemple #5
def _ReadIAGA2002(fname):
	This function will read the IAGA 2002 data format used by 
    dtype = [('Date', 'int32'), ('ut', 'float64'), ('Bx', 'float64'),
             ('By', 'float64'), ('Bz', 'float64')]

    dtype0 = [('Date', 'object'), ('ut', 'object'), ('doy', 'int32'),
              ('Bx', 'float64'), ('By', 'float64'), ('Bz', 'float64'),
              ('Bm', 'float64')]

    lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)
    n = lines.size

    for i in range(0, n):
        if lines[i][0:4] == 'DATE':
    lines = lines[i + 1:]

        data = pf.ReadASCIIData(lines.tolist(), Header=False, dtype=dtype0)
        return np.recarray(0, dtype=dtype)
    n = data.size

    out = np.recarray(n, dtype=dtype)

    out.Bx = data.Bx
    out.By = data.By
    out.Bz = data.Bz

    out.Date = np.array([np.int32(D.replace('-', '')) for D in data.Date])

    for i in range(0, n):
        h = np.int32(data.ut[i][0:2])
        m = np.int32(data.ut[i][3:5])
        s = np.float32(data.ut[i][6:])
        out.ut[i] = h + m / 60 + s / 3600.0

    badx = out.Bx > 90000.0
    bady = out.By > 90000.0
    badz = out.Bz > 90000.0
    bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0]
    out.Bx[bad] = np.nan
    out.By[bad] = np.nan
    out.Bz[bad] = np.nan

    return out
def _GetDateFiles(date):

    #split date
    yr = date // 10000
    mn = (date % 10000) // 100
    dy = date % 100

    #get the url to search
    url = url0.format(yr, mn, dy)

    #download it
    os.system('wget --no-verbose ' + url + ' -O tmp.html')

    #read it in
    files = []
    lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile('tmp.html')

    for l in lines:
        s = l.split("'")
        for ss in s:
            if ".F01.gz" in ss and not '<' in ss:

    files = np.array(files)

    #delete tmp file
    os.system('rm tmp.html')

    #get the fnames
    fnames = []
    for f in files:
        s = f.split('/')
    fnames = np.array(fnames)

    #output files
    ofiles = []
    opath = datapath.format(yr)
    if not os.path.isdir(opath):
        os.system('mkdir -pv ' + opath)
    for f in fnames:
        o = opath + f
    ofiles = np.array(ofiles)
    n = ofiles.size

    #download them
    for i in range(0, n):
        os.system('wget --no-verbose ' + 'http://data.carisma.ca' + files[i] +
                  ' -O ' + ofiles[i])
def _ReadCarisma8Hz(fname):
	This format is different to the others
	dtype = [	('Date','int32'),

	lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)[1:]
	nrec = lines.size//9
	n = 8*nrec
	data = np.recarray(n,dtype=dtype)
	dt = np.arange(8)*0.125/3600.0
	for i in range(0,nrec):
		i0 = i*8
		i1 = (i+1)*8
		l0 = i*9
		s = lines[l0].split()
		data.Date[i0:i1] = np.int32(s[0])
		hh = np.int32(s[1][0:2])
		mm = np.int32(s[1][2:4])
		ss = np.int32(s[1][4:6])
		data.ut[i0:i1] = (hh + mm/60.0 + ss/3600.0) + dt
		for j in range(0,8):
			s = np.float64(lines[l0 + 1 + j].split())
			data.Bx[i0 + j] = s[0]
			data.By[i0 + j] = s[1]
			data.Bz[i0 + j] = s[2]
	badx = data.Bx > 90000.0
	bady = data.By > 90000.0
	badz = data.Bz > 90000.0
	bad = np.where(badx | bady | badz)[0]
	data.Bx[bad] = np.nan
	data.By[bad] = np.nan
	data.Bz[bad] = np.nan
	return data	
Exemple #8
def _ParseFTP():
	This routine will read the FTP index file looking for file names
	and their associated update dates.
    #read the file in
    fname = Globals.DataPath + 'tmp/index.html'
    lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)
    nl = np.size(lines)

    #firstly, search for the lines which contain 'omni_min' or 'omni_5min'
    use = np.zeros(nl, dtype='int')
    for i in range(0, nl):
        if 'omni_min' in lines[i]:
            use[i] = 1
        elif 'omni_5min' in lines[i]:
            use[i] = 5
    keep = np.where(use > 0)[0]
    Res = use[keep]
    lines = lines[keep]
    nl = lines.size

    #now to extract the FTP address, file name and update dates
    UpdateDates = np.zeros(nl, dtype='object')
    Addresses = np.zeros(nl, dtype='object')
    FileNames = np.zeros(nl, dtype='object')

    for i in range(0, nl):
        #deal with date first
        s = lines[i].split()
        UpdateDates[i] = s[1]

        #now let's get the ftp address
        #s = lines[i].split('"')
            i] = 'https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/omni/high_res_omni/' + s[

        #now the file name
        #s = s[1].split('/')
        FileNames[i] = s[0]

    return FileNames, Addresses, UpdateDates, Res
def _ConvertSolarFlux():
	Convert the ascii file from OMNI to a binary file

    #get the ascii file name
    fname0 = Globals.DataPath + 'F107.lst'

    #read the ascii file
    lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname0)

    #remove the header
    for i in range(0, lines.size):
        if lines[i][:4] == 'YEAR':
            lines = lines[i + 1:]
    #remove the crap at the end
    for i in range(0, lines.size):
        if lines[i][0] == '<':
            lines = lines[:i]

    n = lines.size

    #split into separate strings
    s = np.array([l.split() for l in lines], dtype='object')

    #create the output array
    data = np.recarray(n, dtype=Globals.fdtype)
    yr = np.int32(s[:, 0])
    doy = np.int32(s[:, 1])
    data.Date = TT.DayNotoDate(yr, doy)

    data.ut = np.float32(s[:, 2])
    data.utc = TT.ContUT(data.Date, data.ut)

    data.F10_7 = np.float32(s[:, 3])

    #save the new file
    fname1 = Globals.DataPath + 'F107.bin'
    RT.SaveRecarray(data, fname1)
Exemple #10
def _ReadOrbits():
	Reads the Orbits.dat file to return a numpy.ndarray containing the 
	start and end times of the MESSENGER orbits around Mercury.
	dtype = [('Orbit','int32'),('Date','int32',(2,)),('ut','float32',(2,))]
	fname = Globals.ModulePath+'__data/Orbits.dat'

	lines = pf.ReadASCIIFile(fname)
	nl = np.size(lines)
	data = np.recarray(nl,dtype=dtype)
	for i in range(0,nl):
		s = lines[i].split()
		data[i].Orbit = np.int32(s[0])
		data[i].Date = np.array([s[1],s[3]])
		data[i].ut = np.array([s[2],s[4]])
	return data