Exemple #1
  def process(self, set, lock=None):

    # Print channel being processed
    self.message('Processing channel %s.' % set['channel'])
    # Placeholder for winner
    winner = None
    # Variable Normalization
    aves = {}; stds = {}
    # Loop over the training sets
    for counter in xrange(1,Common.NeatNumberTries+1):

      # Setting the indir directory
      indir = '%s/scratch/%s/Trainings/%s/Training%05d' % (
        Common.NeatDirectory, self.getParameter('input'), set['channel'], counter

      # Creating output directory
      outdir = '%s/scratch/%s/Trainings/%s' % (
        Common.NeatDirectory, self.getParameter('input'), set['channel']

      # Look for missing files  
      files = ['neat.config', 'winner.dat']
      missing = False      
      for file in files:
        if not os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (indir, file)):
          self.message('%s does not exist in %s.' % (file, indir))
          missing = True
      if missing: continue
      # Compute the normalization if needed
      if len (aves) == 0 and self.getParameter('normalization','true') == 'true':
        variables = open('%s/inputvars.txt' % indir).readlines()
        variables = [variable.rstrip() for variable in variables]

        # Reading training sample for computing normalization
        training = TopovarReader(variables)

        # Adding training files
        for sample in Common.TrainingBackgrounds + Common.TrainingSignals:
          training.add('%s/%s/%s.root' % (
              Common.SampleLocation, Common.TrainingSample, filename(set, sample)

        normalizer = VariableNormalizer(variables)

        for variable in variables:
          ave, std = normalizer(variable)
          aves[variable] = ave
          stds[variable] = std

      ## Write winner files
      # Read the winner
      net = pickle.load(open('%s/winner.dat' % indir))
      # Winner information
      candidate = {
      	'training' : 'Training%05d' % counter,
      	'fitness' : net.fitness,
      	'variables' : variables,
      	'aves' : aves,
      	'stds' : stds

      if not winner or candidate['fitness'] > winner['fitness']:
        self.message('Winner candidate for channel %s found in training %s with fitness %.4g' % (
            set['channel'], candidate['training'], candidate['fitness']
        winner = candidate
    file = open('%s/winner.info' % outdir,'w')
    pickle.dump(winner, file)
Exemple #2
    # Get channel winner network
    winner = pickle.load(open('%s/winner.info' % indir))
    # Collect the list of variables
    variables[key] = winner['variables']
    # Collect the net
    net = pickle.load(open('%s/%s/winner.dat' % (indir, winner['training'])))

    # Create phenotype from genome
    nets[key] = nn.create_ffphenotype(net)

    # Creating a variable normalizers
    normalizers[key] = VariableNormalizer(winner['variables'], winner['aves'], winner['stds'])

  # Create a topowriter for adding neat outputs
  topovars = None
  if len(variables) > 1:
    topovars = TopovarWriter(options.output, [], options.input)
    topovars = TopovarWriter(options.output, variables.itervalues().next(), options.input)

  # Add neat outputs
  for key in nets:
    topovars.addVariable(key, 'double')

  # Loop over the tree adding the neat output        
  for entry in xrange(topovars.getInTreeEntries()):
    if entry % 1000 == 0 and entry != 0:
Exemple #3
def Evaluate(set):
  global signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample

  # Reading variable list
  variables = open('%s/inputvars.txt' % set['directory']).readlines()
  variables = [variable.rstrip() for variable in variables]

  # Setting the number of input and output in the neat config file
  file = open ('%s/neat.config' % set['directory'])
  template = string.Template(file.read())
  file = open ('%s/neat.config' % set['directory'], 'w')
  file.write(template.safe_substitute(input_nodes = len(variables), output_nodes = 1))

  # Read neat configuration file
  config.load('%s/neat.config' % set['directory'])
  print('Training: Reading signal files')

  # Signal topovars
  signals = TopovarReader(variables)

  # Adding signal files
  for sample in Common.TrainingSignals:
    signals.add('%s/%s/%s.root' % (
        Common.SampleLocation, Common.TrainingSample, Common.filename(set, sample)

  # Creating a variable normalizer
  normalizer = VariableNormalizer(variables)

  # Saving the population in buffer
  signalSample = signals.sample(compress = True)
  # Adding the sample to the normalizer
  # Compute the total weight
  signalYield = normalizer.getTotalWeight()

  print ('Training: Reading background files')

  # Background topovars
  backgrounds = TopovarReader(variables)

  # Adding background files
  for sample in Common.TrainingBackgrounds:
    backgrounds.add('%s/%s/%s.root' % (
        Common.SampleLocation, Common.TrainingSample, Common.filename(set, sample)

  # Saving the population in buffer
  backgroundSample = backgrounds.sample(compress = True)

  # Adding the sample to the normalizer

  # Compute the total weight
  backgroundYield = normalizer.getTotalWeight() - signalYield

  # Reporting the normalization

  # Normalization of the variables

  # NEAT training
  chromosome.node_gene_type = genome.NodeGene  
  population.Population.evaluate = FitnessFunctionWrapper
  pop = population.Population()
  pop.epoch(int(set['number_generations']), report=True, save_best=False, checkpoint_interval = None)
  winner = pop.stats[0][-1]
  print 'Training: Number of evaluations: %d' % winner.id
  print 'Training: Best NN fitness: %0.2f' % winner.fitness

  # Save the best network
  file = open('%s/winner.dat' % set['directory'], 'w')
  pickle.dump(winner, file)
  # Save the best network
  file = open('%s/winner-fitness.txt' % set['directory'], 'w')
  file.write('%f' % winner.fitness)
Exemple #4
def Evaluate(set):
    global signalYield, signalSample, backgroundYield, backgroundSample

    # Reading variable list
    variables = open('%s/inputvars.txt' % set['directory']).readlines()
    variables = [variable.rstrip() for variable in variables]

    # Setting the number of input and output in the neat config file
    file = open('%s/neat.config' % set['directory'])
    template = string.Template(file.read())
    file = open('%s/neat.config' % set['directory'], 'w')
        template.safe_substitute(input_nodes=len(variables), output_nodes=1))

    # Read neat configuration file
    config.load('%s/neat.config' % set['directory'])

    print('Training: Reading signal files')

    # Signal topovars
    signals = TopovarReader(variables)

    # Adding signal files
    for sample in Common.TrainingSignals:
        signals.add('%s/%s/%s.root' %
                    (Common.SampleLocation, Common.TrainingSample,
                     Common.filename(set, sample)))

    # Creating a variable normalizer
    normalizer = VariableNormalizer(variables)

    # Saving the population in buffer
    signalSample = signals.sample(compress=True)

    # Adding the sample to the normalizer

    # Compute the total weight
    signalYield = normalizer.getTotalWeight()

    print('Training: Reading background files')

    # Background topovars
    backgrounds = TopovarReader(variables)

    # Adding background files
    for sample in Common.TrainingBackgrounds:
        backgrounds.add('%s/%s/%s.root' %
                        (Common.SampleLocation, Common.TrainingSample,
                         Common.filename(set, sample)))

    # Saving the population in buffer
    backgroundSample = backgrounds.sample(compress=True)

    # Adding the sample to the normalizer

    # Compute the total weight
    backgroundYield = normalizer.getTotalWeight() - signalYield

    # Reporting the normalization

    # Normalization of the variables

    # NEAT training
    chromosome.node_gene_type = genome.NodeGene
    population.Population.evaluate = FitnessFunctionWrapper
    pop = population.Population()
    winner = pop.stats[0][-1]
    print 'Training: Number of evaluations: %d' % winner.id
    print 'Training: Best NN fitness: %0.2f' % winner.fitness

    # Save the best network
    file = open('%s/winner.dat' % set['directory'], 'w')
    pickle.dump(winner, file)
    # Save the best network
    file = open('%s/winner-fitness.txt' % set['directory'], 'w')
    file.write('%f' % winner.fitness)