def getCEStatus(self): """ Method to return information on running and pending jobs. """ result = S_OK() result['SubmittedJobs'] = self.submittedJobs ssh = SSH(parameters=self.ceParameters) cmd = ["qstat", "-Q", self.execQueue] ret = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd) if not ret['OK']: self.log.error('Timeout', ret['Message']) return ret status = ret['Value'][0] stdout = ret['Value'][1] stderr = ret['Value'][2] self.log.debug("status:", status) self.log.debug("stdout:", stdout) self.log.debug("stderr:", stderr) if status: self.log.error('Failed qstat execution:', stderr) return S_ERROR(stderr) matched = self.queue + "\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\W+(\w+)\W+(\w+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\W+(\w+)", stdout) if matched.groups < 6: return S_ERROR("Error retrieving information from qstat:" + stdout + stderr) try: waitingJobs = int( runningJobs = int( except: return S_ERROR("Error retrieving information from qstat:" + stdout + stderr) result['WaitingJobs'] = waitingJobs result['RunningJobs'] = runningJobs self.log.verbose('Waiting Jobs: ', waitingJobs) self.log.verbose('Running Jobs: ', runningJobs) return result
def getJobStatus( self, jobIDList ): """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs """ resultDict = {} ssh = SSH( parameters = self.ceParameters ) for jobList in breakListIntoChunks( jobIDList, 100 ): jobDict = {} for job in jobList: result = pfnparse( job ) if result['OK']: stamp = result['Value']['FileName'].split('.')[0] else: self.log.error( 'Invalid job id', job ) continue jobDict[stamp] = job stampList = jobDict.keys() cmd = [ 'qstat', ' '.join( stampList ) ] result = ssh.sshCall( 10, cmd ) if not result['OK']: return result status = result['Value'][0] if status == -1: return S_ERROR( 'Timeout while SSH call' ) elif status != 0: return S_ERROR( 'Error while SSH call' ) output = result['Value'][1].replace( '\r', '' ) lines = output.split( '\n' ) for job in jobDict: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' for line in lines: if line.find( job ) != -1: if line.find( 'Unknown' ) != -1: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' else: torqueStatus = line.split()[4] if torqueStatus in ['E', 'C']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Done' elif torqueStatus in ['R']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Running' elif torqueStatus in ['S', 'W', 'Q', 'H', 'T']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Waiting' return S_OK( resultDict )
def getJobStatus(self, jobIDList): """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs """ resultDict = {} ssh = SSH(parameters=self.ceParameters) for jobList in breakListIntoChunks(jobIDList, 100): jobDict = {} for job in jobList: result = pfnparse(job) if result['OK']: stamp = result['Value']['FileName'].split('.')[0] else: self.log.error('Invalid job id', job) continue jobDict[stamp] = job stampList = jobDict.keys() cmd = ['qstat', ' '.join(stampList)] result = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd) if not result['OK']: return result status = result['Value'][0] if status == -1: return S_ERROR('Timeout while SSH call') elif status != 0: return S_ERROR('Error while SSH call') output = result['Value'][1].replace('\r', '') lines = output.split('\n') for job in jobDict: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' for line in lines: if line.find(job) != -1: if line.find('Unknown') != -1: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' else: torqueStatus = line.split()[4] if torqueStatus in ['E', 'C']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Done' elif torqueStatus in ['R']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Running' elif torqueStatus in ['S', 'W', 'Q', 'H', 'T']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Waiting' return S_OK(resultDict)
def getCEStatus( self ): """ Method to return information on running and pending jobs. """ result = S_OK() result['SubmittedJobs'] = self.submittedJobs ssh = SSH( parameters = self.ceParameters ) cmd = ["qstat", "-Q" , self.execQueue ] ret = ssh.sshCall( 10, cmd ) if not ret['OK']: self.log.error( 'Timeout', ret['Message'] ) return ret status = ret['Value'][0] stdout = ret['Value'][1] stderr = ret['Value'][2] self.log.debug( "status:", status ) self.log.debug( "stdout:", stdout ) self.log.debug( "stderr:", stderr ) if status: self.log.error( 'Failed qstat execution:', stderr ) return S_ERROR( stderr ) matched = self.queue + "\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\W+(\w+)\W+(\w+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)\W+(\w+)", stdout ) if matched.groups < 6: return S_ERROR( "Error retrieving information from qstat:" + stdout + stderr ) try: waitingJobs = int( 5 ) ) runningJobs = int( 6 ) ) except: return S_ERROR( "Error retrieving information from qstat:" + stdout + stderr ) result['WaitingJobs'] = waitingJobs result['RunningJobs'] = runningJobs self.log.verbose( 'Waiting Jobs: ', waitingJobs ) self.log.verbose( 'Running Jobs: ', runningJobs ) return result
def getCEStatus(self): """ Method to return information on running and pending jobs. """ result = S_OK() result['SubmittedJobs'] = self.submittedJobs ssh = SSH(parameters=self.ceParameters) cmd = ["bjobs", "-q", self.execQueue, "-a"] ret = ssh.sshCall(100, cmd) if not ret['OK']: self.log.error('Timeout', ret['Message']) return ret status = ret['Value'][0] stdout = ret['Value'][1] stderr = ret['Value'][2] self.log.debug("status:", status) self.log.debug("stdout:", stdout) self.log.debug("stderr:", stderr) if status: self.log.error('Failed bjobs execution:', stderr) return S_ERROR(stderr) waitingJobs = 0 runningJobs = 0 lines = stdout.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.count("PEND") or line.count('PSUSP'): waitingJobs += 1 if line.count("RUN") or line.count('USUSP'): runningJobs += 1 result['WaitingJobs'] = waitingJobs result['RunningJobs'] = runningJobs self.log.verbose('Waiting Jobs: ', waitingJobs) self.log.verbose('Running Jobs: ', runningJobs) return result
def getCEStatus( self ): """ Method to return information on running and pending jobs. """ result = S_OK() result['SubmittedJobs'] = self.submittedJobs ssh = SSH( parameters = self.ceParameters ) cmd = ["bjobs", "-q" , self.execQueue , "-a" ] ret = ssh.sshCall( 100, cmd ) if not ret['OK']: self.log.error( 'Timeout', ret['Message'] ) return ret status = ret['Value'][0] stdout = ret['Value'][1] stderr = ret['Value'][2] self.log.debug( "status:", status ) self.log.debug( "stdout:", stdout ) self.log.debug( "stderr:", stderr ) if status: self.log.error( 'Failed bjobs execution:', stderr ) return S_ERROR( stderr ) waitingJobs = 0 runningJobs = 0 lines = stdout.split( "\n" ) for line in lines: if line.count( "PEND" ) or line.count( 'PSUSP' ): waitingJobs += 1 if line.count( "RUN" ) or line.count( 'USUSP' ): runningJobs += 1 result['WaitingJobs'] = waitingJobs result['RunningJobs'] = runningJobs self.log.verbose( 'Waiting Jobs: ', waitingJobs ) self.log.verbose( 'Running Jobs: ', runningJobs ) return result
def getJobStatus(self, jobIDList): """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs """ resultDict = {} ssh = SSH(parameters=self.ceParameters) for jobList in breakListIntoChunks(jobIDList, 100): jobDict = {} for job in jobList: result = pfnparse(job) jobNumber = result['Value']['FileName'] if jobNumber: jobDict[jobNumber] = job jobStamps = jobDict.keys() cmd = ['bjobs', ' '.join(jobStamps)] result = ssh.sshCall(100, cmd) if not result['OK']: return result output = result['Value'][1].replace('\r', '') lines = output.split('\n') for job in jobDict: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' for line in lines: if line.find(job) != -1: if line.find('UNKWN') != -1: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' else: lsfStatus = line.split()[2] if lsfStatus in ['DONE', 'EXIT']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Done' elif lsfStatus in ['RUN', 'SSUSP']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Running' elif lsfStatus in ['PEND', 'PSUSP']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Waiting' return S_OK(resultDict)
def getJobStatus( self, jobIDList ): """ Get the status information for the given list of jobs """ resultDict = {} ssh = SSH( parameters = self.ceParameters ) for jobList in breakListIntoChunks( jobIDList, 100 ): jobDict = {} for job in jobList: result = pfnparse( job ) jobNumber = result['Value']['FileName'] if jobNumber: jobDict[jobNumber] = job jobStamps = jobDict.keys() cmd = [ 'bjobs', ' '.join( jobStamps ) ] result = ssh.sshCall( 100, cmd ) if not result['OK']: return result output = result['Value'][1].replace( '\r', '' ) lines = output.split( '\n' ) for job in jobDict: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' for line in lines: if line.find( job ) != -1: if line.find( 'UNKWN' ) != -1: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Unknown' else: lsfStatus = line.split()[2] if lsfStatus in ['DONE', 'EXIT']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Done' elif lsfStatus in ['RUN', 'SSUSP']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Running' elif lsfStatus in ['PEND', 'PSUSP']: resultDict[jobDict[job]] = 'Waiting' return S_OK( resultDict )
def submitJob_old(self, executableFile, proxy, numberOfJobs=1): """ Method to submit job """ self.log.verbose("Executable file path: %s" % executableFile) if not os.access(executableFile, 5): os.chmod(executableFile, 0755) # if no proxy is supplied, the executable can be submitted directly # otherwise a wrapper script is needed to get the proxy to the execution node # The wrapper script makes debugging more complicated and thus it is # recommended to transfer a proxy inside the executable if possible. if proxy: self.log.verbose('Setting up proxy for payload') compressedAndEncodedProxy = base64.encodestring( bz2.compress(proxy.dumpAllToString()['Value'])).replace( '\n', '') compressedAndEncodedExecutable = base64.encodestring( bz2.compress(open(executableFile, "rb").read(), 9)).replace('\n', '') wrapperContent = """#!/usr/bin/env python # Wrapper script for executable and proxy import os, tempfile, sys, base64, bz2, shutil try: workingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp( suffix = '_wrapper', prefix= 'TORQUE_' ) os.chdir( workingDirectory ) open( 'proxy', "w" ).write(bz2.decompress( base64.decodestring( "%(compressedAndEncodedProxy)s" ) ) ) open( '%(executable)s', "w" ).write(bz2.decompress( base64.decodestring( "%(compressedAndEncodedExecutable)s" ) ) ) os.chmod('proxy',0600) os.chmod('%(executable)s',0700) os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"]=os.path.join(workingDirectory, 'proxy') except Exception, x: print >> sys.stderr, x sys.exit(-1) cmd = "./%(executable)s" print 'Executing: ', cmd sys.stdout.flush() os.system( cmd ) shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory ) """ % { 'compressedAndEncodedProxy': compressedAndEncodedProxy, \ 'compressedAndEncodedExecutable': compressedAndEncodedExecutable, \ 'executable': os.path.basename( executableFile ) } fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='', prefix='TORQUE_', dir=os.getcwd()) wrapper = os.fdopen(fd, 'w') wrapper.write(wrapperContent) wrapper.close() submitFile = name else: # no proxy submitFile = executableFile ssh = SSH(parameters=self.ceParameters) # Copy the executable os.chmod(submitFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IXUSR) sFile = os.path.basename(submitFile) result = ssh.scpCall( 10, submitFile, '%s/%s' % (self.executableArea, os.path.basename(submitFile))) # submit submitFile to the batch system cmd = "i=0; while [ $i -lt %(numberOfJobs)d ]; do qsub -o %(output)s -e %(error)s -q %(queue)s -N DIRACPilot %(submitOptions)s %(executable)s; let i=i+1; done; rm -f %(executable)s" % \ {'numberOfJobs': numberOfJobs, \ 'output': self.batchOutput, \ 'error': self.batchError, \ 'queue': self.queue, \ 'submitOptions': self.submitOptions, \ 'executable': '%s/%s' % ( self.executableArea, os.path.basename( submitFile ) ) } self.log.verbose('CE submission command: %s' % (cmd)) result = ssh.sshCall(10, cmd) if not result['OK'] or result['Value'][0] != 0: self.log.warn('===========> SSHTorque CE result NOT OK') self.log.debug(result) return S_ERROR(result['Value']) else: self.log.debug('Torque CE result OK') batchIDList = result['Value'][1].strip().replace('\r', '').split('\n') self.submittedJobs += 1 return S_OK(batchIDList)
def submitJob_old( self, executableFile, proxy, numberOfJobs = 1 ): """ Method to submit job """ self.log.verbose( "Executable file path: %s" % executableFile ) if not os.access( executableFile, 5 ): os.chmod( executableFile, 0755 ) # if no proxy is supplied, the executable can be submitted directly # otherwise a wrapper script is needed to get the proxy to the execution node # The wrapper script makes debugging more complicated and thus it is # recommended to transfer a proxy inside the executable if possible. if proxy: self.log.verbose( 'Setting up proxy for payload' ) compressedAndEncodedProxy = base64.encodestring( bz2.compress( proxy.dumpAllToString()['Value'] ) ).replace( '\n', '' ) compressedAndEncodedExecutable = base64.encodestring( bz2.compress( open( executableFile, "rb" ).read(), 9 ) ).replace( '\n', '' ) wrapperContent = """#!/usr/bin/env python # Wrapper script for executable and proxy import os, tempfile, sys, base64, bz2, shutil try: workingDirectory = tempfile.mkdtemp( suffix = '_wrapper', prefix= 'TORQUE_' ) os.chdir( workingDirectory ) open( 'proxy', "w" ).write(bz2.decompress( base64.decodestring( "%(compressedAndEncodedProxy)s" ) ) ) open( '%(executable)s', "w" ).write(bz2.decompress( base64.decodestring( "%(compressedAndEncodedExecutable)s" ) ) ) os.chmod('proxy',0600) os.chmod('%(executable)s',0700) os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"]=os.path.join(workingDirectory, 'proxy') except Exception, x: print >> sys.stderr, x sys.exit(-1) cmd = "./%(executable)s" print 'Executing: ', cmd sys.stdout.flush() os.system( cmd ) shutil.rmtree( workingDirectory ) """ % { 'compressedAndEncodedProxy': compressedAndEncodedProxy, \ 'compressedAndEncodedExecutable': compressedAndEncodedExecutable, \ 'executable': os.path.basename( executableFile ) } fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix = '', prefix = 'TORQUE_', dir = os.getcwd() ) wrapper = os.fdopen( fd, 'w' ) wrapper.write( wrapperContent ) wrapper.close() submitFile = name else: # no proxy submitFile = executableFile ssh = SSH( parameters = self.ceParameters ) # Copy the executable os.chmod( submitFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IXUSR ) sFile = os.path.basename( submitFile ) result = ssh.scpCall( 10, submitFile, '%s/%s' % ( self.executableArea, os.path.basename( submitFile ) ) ) # submit submitFile to the batch system cmd = "i=0; while [ $i -lt %(numberOfJobs)d ]; do qsub -o %(output)s -e %(error)s -q %(queue)s -N DIRACPilot %(submitOptions)s %(executable)s; let i=i+1; done; rm -f %(executable)s" % \ {'numberOfJobs': numberOfJobs, \ 'output': self.batchOutput, \ 'error': self.batchError, \ 'queue': self.queue, \ 'submitOptions': self.submitOptions, \ 'executable': '%s/%s' % ( self.executableArea, os.path.basename( submitFile ) ) } self.log.verbose( 'CE submission command: %s' % ( cmd ) ) result = ssh.sshCall( 10, cmd ) if not result['OK'] or result['Value'][0] != 0: self.log.warn( '===========> SSHTorque CE result NOT OK' ) self.log.debug( result ) return S_ERROR( result['Value'] ) else: self.log.debug( 'Torque CE result OK' ) batchIDList = result['Value'][1].strip().replace( '\r', '' ).split( '\n' ) self.submittedJobs += 1 return S_OK( batchIDList )