Exemple #1
    def setup(self, decisionParams=None):
        """ method that sanitizes the decisionParams and ensures that at least it has
    the keys in `standardParamsDict`. This will be relevant while doing the matching
    with the RSS Policies configuration in the CS.
    There is one key-value pair, `active` which is added on this method. This allows
    policies to be de-activated from the CS, changing their active matchParam to
    something else than `Active`.

      >>> pdp.setup( None )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'element' : None, 'name' : None, ... }
      >>> pdp.setup( { 'element' : 'AnElement' } )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'element' : 'AnElement', 'name' : None, ... }
      >>> pdp.setup( { 'NonStandardKey' : 'Something' } )
      >>> self.decisionParams
          { 'NonStandardKey' : 'Something', 'element' : None,... }

      **decisionParams** - [ None, `dict` ]
        dictionary with the parameters to be matched with the RSS Policies configuration
        in the CS.


        standardParamsDict = {
            "element": None,
            "name": None,
            "elementType": None,
            "statusType": None,
            "status": None,
            "reason": None,
            "tokenOwner": None,
            # Last parameter allows policies to be de-activated
            "active": "Active",

        if decisionParams is not None:
            if standardParamsDict["element"] is not None:
                self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("PDP/%s" % standardParamsDict["element"])
                if standardParamsDict["name"] is not None:
                    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
                        "PDP/%s/%s" % (standardParamsDict["element"], standardParamsDict["name"])
                        "Setup - statusType: %s, status: %s"
                        % (standardParamsDict["statusType"], standardParamsDict["status"])
            self.decisionParams = standardParamsDict
Exemple #2
  def __init__( self, pilotAgentsDB = None, jobDB = None, tqDB = None, jlDB = None, opsHelper = None ):
    """ c'tor
    if pilotAgentsDB:
      self.pilotAgentsDB = pilotAgentsDB
      self.pilotAgentsDB = PilotAgentsDB()
    if jobDB:
      self.jobDB = jobDB
      self.jobDB = JobDB()
    if tqDB:
      self.tqDB = tqDB
      self.tqDB = TaskQueueDB()
    if jlDB:
      self.jlDB = jlDB
      self.jlDB = JobLoggingDB()

    if opsHelper:
      self.opsHelper = opsHelper
      self.opsHelper = Operations()

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "Matcher" )

    self.limiter = Limiter( jobDB = self.jobDB, opsHelper = self.opsHelper )
Exemple #3
 def __init__( self ):
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "Script" )
   #Set defaults for all workflow parameters here
   self.name = ''
   self.executable = ''
   self.logFile = ''
   self.arguments = ''
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self):
   super(PythiaAnalysis, self).__init__()
   self.NumberOfEvents = 1
   self.enable = True
   self.STEP_NUMBER = ''
   self.debug = True
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "PythiaAnalysis" )
Exemple #5
  def __init__(self, dbname, fullname, debug=False):

    self.fullname = fullname
    database_name = dbname
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(database_name)

    result = getDBParameters(fullname)
    if not result['OK']:
      raise RuntimeError('Cannot get database parameters: %s' % result['Message'])

    dbParameters = result['Value']
    self.dbHost = dbParameters['Host']
    self.dbPort = dbParameters['Port']
    self.dbUser = dbParameters['User']
    self.dbPass = dbParameters['Password']
    self.dbName = dbParameters['DBName']

    super(DB, self).__init__(hostName=self.dbHost,

    if not self._connected:
      raise RuntimeError("Can not connect to DB '%s', exiting..." % self.dbName)

    self.log.info("User:           "******"Host:           " + self.dbHost)
    self.log.info("Port:           " + str(self.dbPort))
    #self.log.info("Password:       "******"DBName:         " + self.dbName)
def getNewLDLibs(platform, application, applicationVersion):
  """ Prepare the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable: make sure all lib folder are included

  :param string platform: System config used for the job
  :param string application: name of the application considered
  :param string applicationVersion: version of the application considered
  :return: new LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  log = gLogger.getSubLogger("GetLDLibs")
  log.verbose("Getting all lib folders")
  new_ld_lib_path = ""
  deps = resolveDeps(platform, application, applicationVersion)
  for dep in deps:
    res = getSoftwareFolder(platform, dep["app"], dep['version'])
    if not res['OK']:
    basedepfolder = res['Value']
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedepfolder, "lib")):
      log.verbose("Found lib folder in %s" % (basedepfolder))
      newlibdir = os.path.join(basedepfolder, "lib")
      new_ld_lib_path = newlibdir
      ####Remove the libc
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedepfolder, "LDLibs")):
      log.verbose("Found lib folder in %s" % (basedepfolder))
      newlibdir = os.path.join(basedepfolder, "LDLibs")
      new_ld_lib_path = newlibdir
      ####Remove the libc
  if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in os.environ:
    if new_ld_lib_path:
      new_ld_lib_path = new_ld_lib_path + ":%s" % os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
      new_ld_lib_path = os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]
  return new_ld_lib_path
def getNewPATH(platform, application, applicationVersion):
  """ Same as :func:`getNewLDLibs`,but for the PATH

  :param string platform: System config used for the job
  :param string application: name of the application considered
  :param string applicationVersion: version of the application considered
  :return: new PATH
  log = gLogger.getSubLogger("GetPaths")
  log.verbose("Getting all PATH folders")
  new_path = ""
  deps = resolveDeps(platform, application, applicationVersion)
  for dep in deps:
    res = getSoftwareFolder(platform, dep['app'], dep['version'])
    if not res['OK']:
    depfolder = res['Value']
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(depfolder, "bin")):
      log.verbose("Found bin folder in %s" % (depfolder))
      newpathdir = os.path.join(depfolder, "bin")
      new_path = newpathdir
  if "PATH" in os.environ:
    if new_path:
      new_path = new_path + ":%s" % os.environ["PATH"]
      new_path = os.environ["PATH"]  
  return new_path
Exemple #8
  def __init__( self, userName, password = '', tnsEntry = '', maxQueueSize = 100 ):
    set Oracle connection parameters and try to connect
    global gInstancesCount
    gInstancesCount += 1

    self.__initialized = False
    self._connected = False

    if 'logger' not in dir( self ):
      self.logger = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'Oracle' )

    # let the derived class decide what to do with if is not 1
    self._threadsafe = cx_Oracle.threadsafety
    self.logger.debug( 'thread_safe = %s' % self._threadsafe )

    self.__checkQueueSize( maxQueueSize )

    self.__userName = str( userName )
    self.__passwd = str( password )
    self.__tnsName = str( tnsEntry )
    # Create the connection Queue to reuse connections
    self.__connectionQueue = Queue.Queue( maxQueueSize )
    # Create the connection Semaphore to limit total number of open connection
    self.__connectionSemaphore = threading.Semaphore( maxQueueSize )

    self.__initialized = True
 def __init__(self, argumentsDict):
     """ Standard constructor
     self.arguments = argumentsDict
     self.name = COMPONENT_NAME
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name)
     self.ops = Operations()
Exemple #10
  def __init__(  self, userCredPath, user, secret, endpointConfig, imageConfig):
    Constructor: uses user / secret authentication for the time being. 
    copy the endpointConfig and ImageConfig dictionaries to the OcciClient

      **userCredPath** - `string`
        path to a valid x509 proxy
      **endpointConfig** - `dict`
        dictionary with the endpoint configuration ( WMS.Utilities.Configuration.OcciConfiguration )
      **imageConfig** - `dict`
        dictionary with the image configuration ( WMS.Utilities.Configuration.ImageConfiguration )


    # logger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )

    self.endpointConfig   = endpointConfig
    self.imageConfig      = imageConfig
    self.__userCredPath   = userCredPath
    self.__user           = user
    self.__password       = secret

    if userCredPath is not None:
      self.__authArg = ' --auth x509 --user-cred ' + self.__userCredPath + ' --voms '
      self.__authArg = ' --auth basic --username %s --password %s ' % (self.__user, self.__password)
Exemple #11
 def __init__( self, mqManager, mqURI, producerId ):
   self._connectionManager = mqManager
   self._mqURI = mqURI
   self._destination = getDestinationAddress( self._mqURI )
   self._mqService = getMQService( self._mqURI )
   self._id = producerId
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
Exemple #12
  def __init__( self, transClient = None, logger = None, requestClient = None,
                requestClass = None, requestValidator = None ):
    """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

    if not logger:
      logger = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'RequestTasks' )

    super( RequestTasks, self ).__init__( transClient, logger )

    if not requestClient:
      self.requestClient = ReqClient()
      self.requestClient = requestClient

    if not requestClass:
      self.requestClass = Request
      self.requestClass = requestClass

    if not requestValidator:
      self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
      self.requestValidator = requestValidator
 def __init__( self, monitor = None ):
   self.__idMap = {}
   self.__execTypes = {}
   self.__executorsLock = threading.Lock()
   self.__tasksLock = threading.Lock()
   self.__freezerLock = threading.Lock()
   self.__tasks = {}
   self.__log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "ExecMind" )
   self.__taskFreezer = []
   self.__queues = ExecutorQueues( self.__log )
   self.__states = ExecutorState( self.__log )
   self.__cbHolder = ExecutorDispatcherCallbacks()
   self.__monitor = monitor
   gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask( 60, self.__doPeriodicStuff )
   #If a task is frozen too many times, send error or forget task?
   self.__failedOnTooFrozen = True
   #If a task fails to properly dispatch, freeze or forget task?
   self.__freezeOnFailedDispatch = True
   #If a task needs to go to an executor that has not connected. Freeze or forget the task?
   self.__freezeOnUnknownExecutor = True
   if self.__monitor:
     self.__monitor.registerActivity( "executors", "Executor reactors connected",
                                      "Executors", "executors", self.__monitor.OP_MEAN, 300 )
     self.__monitor.registerActivity( "tasks", "Tasks processed",
                                      "Executors", "tasks", self.__monitor.OP_RATE, 300 )
     self.__monitor.registerActivity( "taskTime", "Task processing time",
                                      "Executors", "seconds", self.__monitor.OP_MEAN, 300 )
Exemple #14
  def __init__( self, loggerIn = None ):
    """ Initialization of module base.

        loggerIn is a logger object that can be passed so that the logging will be more clear.

    if not loggerIn:
      self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'ModuleBase' )
      self.log = loggerIn

    # These 2 are used in many places, so it's good to have them available here.
    self.opsH = Operations()
    self.dm = DataManager()

    # Some job parameters
    self.production_id = 0
    self.prod_job_id = 0
    self.jobID = 0
    self.step_number = 0
    self.step_id = 0
    self.jobType = ''
    self.executable = ''
    self.command = None

    self.workflowStatus = None
    self.stepStatus = None
    self.workflow_commons = None
    self.step_commons = None

    # These are useful objects (see the getFileReporter(), getJobReporter() and getRequestContainer() functions)
    self.fileReport = None
    self.jobReport = None
    self.request = None
def resolveDeps(sysconfig, appli, appversion):
  """ Resolve the dependencies
  :param str sysconfig: system configuration
  :param str appli: application name
  :param str appversion: application version
  :return: list of dictionaries
  log = gLogger.getSubLogger("resolveDeps")
  ops = Operations()
  deps = ops.getSections('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies' % (sysconfig, appli, 
                                                                       appversion), '')
  depsarray = []
  if deps['OK']:
    for dep in deps['Value']:
      vers = ops.getValue('/AvailableTarBalls/%s/%s/%s/Dependencies/%s/version' % (sysconfig, appli, 
                                                                                   appversion, dep), '')
      depvers = ''
      if vers:
        depvers = vers
        log.error("Retrieving dependency version for %s failed, skipping to next !" % (dep))
      log.verbose("Found dependency %s %s" % (dep, depvers))
      depdict = {}
      depdict["app"] = dep
      depdict["version"] = depvers
      ##resolve recursive dependencies
      depsofdeps = resolveDeps(sysconfig, dep, depvers)
    log.verbose("Could not find any dependency for %s %s, ignoring" % (appli, appversion))
  return depsarray
Exemple #16
  def __init__( self, dbname, fullname, debug = False ):

    self.fullname = fullname
    database_name = dbname
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( database_name )

    result = getDBParameters( fullname )
    if not result['OK'] :
      raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot get database parameters: %s' % result['Message'] )

    dbParameters = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.dbHost = dbParameters[ 'Host' ]
    self.dbPort = dbParameters[ 'Port' ]
    self.dbUser = dbParameters[ 'User' ]
    self.dbPass = dbParameters[ 'Password' ]
    self.dbName = dbParameters[ 'DBName' ]

    MySQL.__init__( self, self.dbHost, self.dbUser, self.dbPass,
                   self.dbName, self.dbPort, debug = debug )

    if not self._connected:
      raise RuntimeError( 'Can not connect to DB %s, exiting...' % self.dbName )

    self.log.info( "==================================================" )
    #self.log.info("SystemInstance: "+self.system)
    self.log.info( "User:           "******"Host:           " + self.dbHost )
    self.log.info( "Port:           " + str( self.dbPort ) )
    #self.log.info("Password:       "******"DBName:         " + self.dbName )
    self.log.info( "==================================================" )
Exemple #17
 def __init__( self, imageName, endPoint ):
   Constructor: uses NovaConfiguration to parse the endPoint CS configuration
   and ImageConfiguration to parse the imageName CS configuration. 
     **imageName** - `string`
       imageName as defined on CS:/Resources/VirtualMachines/Images
     **endPoint** - `string`
       endPoint as defined on CS:/Resources/VirtualMachines/CloudEndpoint 
   # logger
   self.log       = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'NovaImage %s: ' % imageName )
   self.imageName = imageName
   self.endPoint  = endPoint 
   # their config() method returns a dictionary with the parsed configuration
   # they also provide a validate() method to make sure it is correct 
   self.__imageConfig = ImageConfiguration( imageName )    
   self.__novaConfig  = NovaConfiguration( endPoint )
   # this object will connect to the server. Better keep it private.                 
   self.__clinova   = None
  def __init__(self, storageName, parameters):
    """ """
    super(GFAL2_SRM2Storage, self).__init__(storageName, parameters)
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("GFAL2_SRM2Storage", True)
    self.log.debug("GFAL2_SRM2Storage.__init__: Initializing object")
    self.pluginName = 'GFAL2_SRM2'

    # This attribute is used to know the file status (OFFLINE,NEARLINE,ONLINE)
    self._defaultExtendedAttributes = ['user.status']

    # ##
    #    Setting the default SRM parameters here. For methods where this
    #    is not the default there is a method defined in this class, setting
    #    the proper values and then calling the base class method.
    # ##

    self.gfal2requestLifetime = gConfig.getValue('/Resources/StorageElements/RequestLifeTime', 100)


    # This lists contains the list of protocols to ask to SRM to get a URL
    # It can be either defined in the plugin of the SE, or as a global option
    if 'ProtocolsList' in parameters:
      self.protocolsList = parameters['ProtocolsList'].split(',')
      self.log.debug("GFAL2_SRM2Storage: No protocols provided, using the default protocols.")
      self.protocolsList = self.defaultLocalProtocols
      self.log.debug('GFAL2_SRM2Storage: protocolsList = %s' % self.protocolsList)
  def __init__( self, storageName, parameters ):
    """ c'tor

    :param self: self reference
    :param str storageName: SE name
    :param str protocol: protocol to use
    :param str rootdir: base path for vo files
    :param str host: SE host
    :param int port: port to use to communicate with :host:
    :param str spaceToken: space token
    :param str wspath: location of SRM on :host:

    # # init base class
    super( GFAL2_XROOTStorage, self ).__init__( storageName, parameters )
    self.srmSpecificParse = False

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "GFAL2_XROOTStorage", True )

    self.pluginName = 'GFAL2_XROOT'

    # why is this here ?!
    self.protocolParameters['WSUrl'] = 0
    self.protocolParameters['SpaceToken'] = 0

    # We don't need extended attributes for metadata
    self._defaultExtendedAttributes = None
Exemple #20
 def __init__( self, baseURL = "" ):
   self.__baseURL = baseURL.strip( "/" )
   self.__routes = []
   self.__handlers = []
   self.__setupGroupRE = r"(?:/s:([\w-]*)/g:([\w.-]*))?"
   self.__shySetupGroupRE = r"(?:/s:(?:[\w-]*)/g:(?:[\w.-]*))?"
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "Routing" )
Exemple #21
  def __init__( self, user, secret, endpointConfig, imageConfig ):
    Multiple constructor depending on the passed parameters
      **user** - `string`
        username that will be used on the authentication
      **secret** - `string`
        password used on the authentication
      If secret is None then user actually is:
      **proxyPath** - `string`
        path to the valid X509 proxy 
      **endpointConfig** - `dict`
        dictionary with the endpoint configuration ( WMS.Utilities.Configuration.NovaConfiguration )
      **imageConfig** - `dict`
        dictionary with the image configuration ( WMS.Utilities.Configuration.ImageConfiguration )
    # logger
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
    self.endpointConfig = endpointConfig
    self.imageConfig    = imageConfig
    # Variables needed to contact the service  
    ex_force_auth_url       = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_auth_url', None )
    ex_force_service_region = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_service_region', None ) 
    ex_force_auth_version   = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_auth_version', None )
    ex_tenant_name          = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_tenant_name', None )
    # we force SSL cacert, if defined
    ex_force_ca_cert        = endpointConfig.get( 'ex_force_ca_cert', None )
    if ex_force_ca_cert is not None:
      security.CA_CERTS_PATH = [ ex_force_ca_cert ]

    # get openstack driver
    openstack_driver = get_driver( Provider.OPENSTACK )
    if secret == None:
      # with VOMS (from Alvaro Lopez trunk https://github.com/alvarolopez/libcloud/blob/trunk):
      username = password = None

      self.__driver = openstack_driver( username, password,
                                     ex_force_auth_url = ex_force_auth_url,
                                     ex_force_service_region = ex_force_service_region,
                                     ex_force_auth_version = ex_force_auth_version,
                                     ex_tenant_name = ex_tenant_name,
                                     ex_voms_proxy = proxyPath
      # with user password
      username = user
      password = secret
      self.__driver = openstack_driver( username, password,
                                     ex_force_auth_url = ex_force_auth_url,
                                     ex_force_service_region = ex_force_service_region,
                                     ex_force_auth_version = ex_force_auth_version,
                                     ex_tenant_name = ex_tenant_name
Exemple #22
 def __init__( self, connectionStorage = None ):
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
   self.__lock = None
   if connectionStorage:
     self.__connectionStorage = connectionStorage
     self.__connectionStorage = {}
Exemple #23
  def __init__(self, name, decisionParams, enforcementResult, singlePolicyResults, clients):

    # enforcementResult supposed to look like:
    # {
    #   'Status'        : <str>,
    #   'Reason'        : <str>,
    #   'PolicyActions' : <list>,
    #   [ 'EndDate' : <str> ]
    # }

    # decisionParams supposed to look like:
    # {
    #   'element'     : None,
    #   'name'        : None,
    #   'elementType' : None,
    #   'statusType'  : None,
    #   'status'      : None,
    #   'reason'      : None,
    #   'tokenOwner'  : None
    # }

    self.actionName = name  # 'BaseAction'
    self.decisionParams = decisionParams
    self.enforcementResult = enforcementResult
    self.singlePolicyResults = singlePolicyResults
    self.clients = clients
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
    self.log.verbose("Running %s action" % self.__class__.__name__)
 def __init__(self):
   super(WhizardAnalysis, self).__init__()
   self.enable = True
   self.STEP_NUMBER = ''
   self.debug = True
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "WhizardAnalysis" )
   self.SteeringFile = ''
   self.OutputFile = ''
   self.NumberOfEvents = 1
   self.Lumi = 0
   self.applicationName = 'whizard'
   self.evttype = ""
   self.RandomSeed = 0
   self.getProcessInFile = False
   self.datMan = DataManager()
   self.processlist = None
   self.parameters = {}
   self.susymodel = 0
   self.Model = ''
   self.genmodel = GeneratorModels()
   self.eventstring = ['! ', 'Fatal error:', 'PYSTOP', 'No matrix element available',
                       'Floating point exception', 'Event generation finished.', " n_events","luminosity", 
                       "  sum            "]
   self.excludeAllButEventString = False
   self.steeringparameters = ''
   self.options = None
   self.optionsdict = {}
   self.OptionsDictStr = ''
   self.GenLevelCutDictStr = ''
   self.genlevelcuts = {}
   self.willCut = False
   self.useGridFiles = False
 def __init__(self):
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("WrapperCall")
     self.ops = Operations("glast.org")
     self.stdError = ''
Exemple #26
  def __init__(self, transClient=None, logger=None, requestClient=None,
               requestClass=None, requestValidator=None,
               ownerDN=None, ownerGroup=None):
    """ c'tor

        the requestClass is by default Request.
        If extensions want to use an extended type, they can pass it as a parameter.
        This is the same behavior as WorfkloTasks and jobClass

    if not logger:
      logger = gLogger.getSubLogger('RequestTasks')

    super(RequestTasks, self).__init__(transClient, logger)
    useCertificates = True if (bool(ownerDN) and bool(ownerGroup)) else False

    if not requestClient:
      self.requestClient = ReqClient(useCertificates=useCertificates,
      self.requestClient = requestClient

    if not requestClass:
      self.requestClass = Request
      self.requestClass = requestClass

    if not requestValidator:
      self.requestValidator = RequestValidator()
      self.requestValidator = requestValidator
Exemple #27
  def __init__(self):
    super(OverlayInput, self).__init__()
    self.enable = True
    self.STEP_NUMBER = ''
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "OverlayInput" )
    self.applicationName = 'OverlayInput'
    self.curdir = os.getcwd()
    self.applicationLog = ''
    self.printoutflag = ''
    self.prodid = 0
    self.detector = '' ##needed for backward compatibility
    self.detectormodel = ""
    self.energytouse = ''
    self.energy = 0
    self.nbofeventsperfile = 100
    self.lfns = []
    self.nbfilestoget = 0
    self.BkgEvtType = 'gghad'
    self.BXOverlay = 0
    self.ggtohadint = 3.2
    self.nbsigeventsperfile = 0
    self.nbinputsigfile = 1
    self.NbSigEvtsPerJob = 0
    self.rm = ReplicaManager()
    self.fc = FileCatalogClient()
    self.site = DIRAC.siteName()

    self.machine = 'clic_cdr'
Exemple #28
  def __init__( self, instanceId, URL, accessKey, secretKey ):

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "CloudStackInstance id:%s" % instanceId )
    self.__errorStatus = ""
    self.__instanceId = instanceId
    self.__csInstance = False
    self.__imageId = "unknown"
    self.__cloudStackURI = URL
    self.__csAccessKey = accessKey
    self.__csSecretKey = secretKey
    self.__cliCloudStack = CloudStackClient( self.__cloudStackURI, self.__csAccessKey, self.__csSecretKey )
    #Try connection
    request = check_connection( self.__cloudStackURI, self.__csAccessKey, self.__csSecretKey )
    if request.returncode != 0:
      self.__errorStatus = "Can't connect to CloudStack server %s\n%s" % ( self.__cloudStackURI, request.stdout )
      self.log.error( self.__errorStatus )

    request = self.__cliCloudStack.get_image_ids_of_instance( self.__instanceId )

    if request.returncode != 0:
      self.__errorStatus = "Cannot find instance %s" % self.__instanceId
      self.log.error( self.__errorStatus )

    self.__csInstance = request.stdout

    self.log.info( "CloudStack VM instance id %s initialized from  image(%s)" % ( self.__instanceId, self.__csInstance ) )
 def __init__(self):
   """Module initialization.
   super(ComputeOutputDataList, self).__init__()
   self.version = __RCSID__
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( "ComputeOutputData" )
   self.listoutput = []
def getDIRACGOCDictionary():
  Create a dictionary containing DIRAC site names and GOCDB site names
  using a configuration provided by CS.

  :return:  A dictionary of DIRAC site names (key) and GOCDB site names (value).
  log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'getDIRACGOCDictionary' )
  log.debug( 'Begin function ...' )

  result = gConfig.getConfigurationTree( '/Resources/Sites', 'Name' )
  if not result['OK']:
    log.error( "getConfigurationTree() failed with message: %s" % result['Message'] )
    return S_ERROR( 'Configuration is corrupted' )
  siteNamesTree = result['Value']

  dictionary = dict()
  PATHELEMENTS = 6  # site names have 6 elements in the path, i.e.:
                      #    /Resource/Sites/<GRID NAME>/<DIRAC SITE NAME>/Name
                      # [0]/[1]     /[2]  /[3]        /[4]              /[5]

  for path, gocdbSiteName in siteNamesTree.iteritems():
    elements = path.split( '/' )
    if len( elements ) <> PATHELEMENTS:

    diracSiteName = elements[PATHELEMENTS - 2]
    dictionary[diracSiteName] = gocdbSiteName
  log.debug( 'End function.' )
  return S_OK( dictionary )
Exemple #31
class CachedJobState(object):

    log = gLogger.getSubLogger("CachedJobState")

    def __init__(self, jid, skipInitState=False):
        self.dOnlyCache = False
        self.__jid = jid
        self.__jobState = JobState(jid)

    def cleanState(self, skipInitState=False):
        self.__cache = {}
        self.__jobLog = []
        self.__insertIntoTQ = False
        self.__dirtyKeys = set()
        self.__manifest = False
        self.__initState = None
        self.__lastValidState = time.time()
        if not skipInitState:
            result = self.getAttributes(
                ["Status", "MinorStatus", "LastUpdateTime"])
            if result['OK']:
                self.__initState = result['Value']
                self.__initState = None

    def recheckValidity(self, graceTime=600):
        now = time.time()
        if graceTime <= 0 or now - self.__lastValidState > graceTime:
            self.__lastValidState = now
            result = self.__jobState.getAttributes(
                ["Status", "MinorStatus", "LastUpdateTime"])
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            currentState = result['Value']
            if not currentState == self.__initState:
                return S_OK(False)
            return S_OK(True)
        return S_OK(self.valid)

    def valid(self):
        return self.__initState != None

    def jid(self):
        return self.__jid

    def getDirtyKeys(self):
        return set(self.__dirtyKeys)

    def commitChanges(self):
        if self.__initState == None:
            return S_ERROR("CachedJobState( %d ) is not valid" % self.__jid)
        changes = {}
        for k in self.__dirtyKeys:
            changes[k] = self.__cache[k]
        result = self.__jobState.commitCache(self.__initState, changes,
        except KeyError:
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        if not result['Value']:
            return S_ERROR("Initial state was different")
        newState = result['Value']
        self.__jobLog = []
        #Save manifest
        if self.__manifest and self.__manifest.isDirty():
            result = self.__jobState.setManifest(self.__manifest)
            if not result['OK']:
                for i in range(5):
                    if self.__jobState.rescheduleJob()['OK']:
                return result
        #Insert into TQ
        if self.__insertIntoTQ:
            result = self.__jobState.insertIntoTQ()
            if not result['OK']:
                for i in range(5):
                    if self.__jobState.rescheduleJob()['OK']:
                return result
            self.__insertIntoTQ = False

        self.__initState = newState
        self.__lastValidState = time.time()
        return S_OK()

    def serialize(self):
        if self.__manifest:
            manifest = (self.__manifest.dumpAsCFG(), self.__manifest.isDirty())
            manifest = None
        return DEncode.encode(
            (self.__jid, self.__cache, self.__jobLog, manifest,
             self.__initState, self.__insertIntoTQ, tuple(self.__dirtyKeys)))

    def deserialize(stub):
        dataTuple, slen = DEncode.decode(stub)
        if len(dataTuple) != 7:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub")
        if type(dataTuple[0]) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType):
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 0")
        if type(dataTuple[1]) != types.DictType:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 1")
        if type(dataTuple[2]) != types.ListType:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 2")
        tdt3 = type(dataTuple[3])
        if tdt3 != types.NoneType and (tdt3 != types.TupleType
                                       and len(dataTuple[3]) != 2):
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 3")
        if type(dataTuple[4]) != types.DictType:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 4")
        #Insert into TQ
        if type(dataTuple[5]) != types.BooleanType:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 5")
        #Dirty Keys
        if type(dataTuple[6]) != types.TupleType:
            return S_ERROR("Invalid stub 6")
        cjs = CachedJobState(dataTuple[0], skipInitState=True)
        cjs.__cache = dataTuple[1]
        cjs.__jobLog = dataTuple[2]
        dt3 = dataTuple[3]
        if dataTuple[3]:
            manifest = JobManifest()
            result = manifest.loadCFG(dt3[0])
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            if dt3[1]:
            cjs.__manifest = manifest
        cjs.__initState = dataTuple[4]
        cjs.__insertIntoTQ = dataTuple[5]
        cjs.__dirtyKeys = set(dataTuple[6])
        return S_OK(cjs)

    def __cacheAdd(self, key, value):
        self.__cache[key] = value

    def __cacheExists(self, keyList):
        if type(keyList) in types.StringTypes:
            keyList = [keyList]
        for key in keyList:
            if key not in self.__cache:
                return False
        return True

    def __cacheResult(self, cKey, functor, fArgs=None):
        keyType = type(cKey)
        #If it's a string
        if keyType in types.StringTypes:
            if cKey not in self.__cache:
                if self.dOnlyCache:
                    return S_ERROR("%s is not cached")
                if not fArgs:
                    fArgs = tuple()
                result = functor(*fArgs)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
                data = result['Value']
                self.__cache[cKey] = data
            return S_OK(self.__cache[cKey])
        elif keyType in (types.ListType, types.TupleType):
            if not self.__cacheExists(cKey):
                if self.dOnlyCache:
                    return S_ERROR("%s is not cached")
                if not fArgs:
                    fArgs = tuple()
                result = functor(*fArgs)
                if not result['OK']:
                    return result
                data = result['Value']
                if len(cKey) != len(data):
                        "CachedJobState.__memorize( %s, %s = %s ) doesn't receive the same amount of values as keys"
                        % (cKey, functor, data))
                    return data
                for i in range(len(cKey)):
                    self.__cache[cKey[i]] = data[i]
            #Prepare result
            return S_OK(tuple([self.__cache[cK] for cK in cKey]))
            raise RuntimeError("Cache key %s does not have a valid type" %

    def __cacheDict(self, prefix, functor, keyList=None):
        if not keyList or not self.__cacheExists(
            ["%s.%s" % (prefix, key) for key in keyList]):
            result = functor(keyList)
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            data = result['Value']
            for key in data:
                cKey = "%s.%s" % (prefix, key)
                #If the key is already in the cache. DO NOT TOUCH. User may have already modified it.
                #We update the coming data with the cached data
                if cKey in self.__cache:
                    data[key] = self.__cache[cKey]
                    self.__cache[cKey] = data[key]
            return S_OK(data)
        return S_OK(
            dict([(key, self.__cache["%s.%s" % (prefix, key)])
                  for key in keyList]))

    def _inspectCache(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self.__cache)

    def _clearCache(self):
        self.__cache = {}

    def _internals(self):
        if self.__manifest:
            manifest = (self.__manifest.dumpAsCFG(), self.__manifest.isDirty())
            manifest = None
        return (self.__jid, self.dOnlyCache, dict(self.__cache),
                list(self.__jobLog), manifest, dict(self.__initState),

# Manifest

    def getManifest(self):
        if not self.__manifest:
            result = self.__jobState.getManifest()
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            self.__manifest = result['Value']
        return S_OK(self.__manifest)

    def setManifest(self, manifest):
        if not isinstance(manifest, JobManifest):
            jobManifest = JobManifest()
            result = jobManifest.load(str(manifest))
            if not result['OK']:
                return result
            manifest = jobManifest
        self.__manifest = manifest
        # self.__manifest.clearDirty()
        return S_OK()

# Attributes

    def __addLogRecord(self,
        record = {}
        if majorStatus:
            record['status'] = majorStatus
        if minorStatus:
            record['minor'] = minorStatus
        if appStatus:
            record['application'] = appStatus
        if not record:
        if not source:
            source = "Unknown"
        self.__jobLog.append((record, Time.dateTime(), source))

    def setStatus(self,
        self.__cacheAdd('att.Status', majorStatus)
        if minorStatus:
            self.__cacheAdd('att.MinorStatus', minorStatus)
        if appStatus:
            self.__cacheAdd('att.ApplicationStatus', appStatus)
        self.__addLogRecord(majorStatus, minorStatus, appStatus, source)
        return S_OK()

    def setMinorStatus(self, minorStatus, source=None):
        self.__cacheAdd('att.MinorStatus', minorStatus)
        self.__addLogRecord(minorStatus=minorStatus, source=source)
        return S_OK()

    def getStatus(self):
        return self.__cacheResult(('att.Status', 'att.MinorStatus'),

    def setAppStatus(self, appStatus, source=None):
        self.__cacheAdd('att.ApplicationStatus', appStatus)
        self.__addLogRecord(appStatus=appStatus, source=source)
        return S_OK()

    def getAppStatus(self):
        return self.__cacheResult('att.ApplicationStatus',
# Attribs

    def setAttribute(self, name, value):
        if type(name) not in types.StringTypes:
            return S_ERROR("Attribute name has to be a string")
        self.__cacheAdd("att.%s" % name, value)
        return S_OK()

    def setAttributes(self, attDict):
        if type(attDict) != types.DictType:
            return S_ERROR("Attributes has to be a dictionary and it's %s" %
        for key in attDict:
            self.__cacheAdd("att.%s" % key, attDict[key])
        return S_OK()

    def getAttribute(self, name):
        return self.__cacheResult('att.%s' % name,
                                  self.__jobState.getAttribute, (name, ))

    def getAttributes(self, nameList=None):
        return self.__cacheDict('att', self.__jobState.getAttributes, nameList)

#Job params

    def setParameter(self, name, value):
        if type(name) not in types.StringTypes:
            return S_ERROR("Job parameter name has to be a string")
        self.__cacheAdd('jobp.%s' % name, value)
        return S_OK()

    def setParameters(self, pDict):
        if type(pDict) != types.DictType:
            return S_ERROR("Job parameters has to be a dictionary")
        for key in pDict:
            self.__cacheAdd('jobp.%s' % key, pDict[key])
        return S_OK()

    def getParameter(self, name):
        return self.__cacheResult("jobp.%s" % name,
                                  self.__jobState.getParameter, (name, ))

    def getParameters(self, nameList=None):
        return self.__cacheDict('jobp', self.__jobState.getParameters,

#Optimizer params

    def setOptParameter(self, name, value):
        if type(name) not in types.StringTypes:
            return S_ERROR("Optimizer parameter name has to be a string")
        self.__cacheAdd('optp.%s' % name, value)
        return S_OK()

    def setOptParameters(self, pDict):
        if type(pDict) != types.DictType:
            return S_ERROR("Optimizer parameters has to be a dictionary")
        for key in pDict:
            self.__cacheAdd('optp.%s' % key, pDict[key])
        return S_OK()

    def getOptParameter(self, name):
        return self.__cacheResult("optp.%s" % name,
                                  self.__jobState.getOptParameter, (name, ))

    def getOptParameters(self, nameList=None):
        return self.__cacheDict('optp', self.__jobState.getOptParameters,


    def resetJob(self, source=""):
        """ Reset the job!
        result = self.__jobState.resetJob(source=source)
        if result['OK']:
        return result

    def getInputData(self):
        return self.__cacheResult("inputData", self.__jobState.getInputData)

    def insertIntoTQ(self):
        if self.valid:
            self.__insertIntoTQ = True
            return S_OK()
        return S_ERROR("Cached state is invalid")
Exemple #32
def run():
    Main method

    subLogger.info('Checking DB...')



if __name__ == "__main__":

    subLogger = gLogger.getSubLogger(__file__)

    # Script initialization

    # Run the script

    # Bye

Exemple #33
 def __init__(self):
     """ Standard constructor
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(__name__)
Exemple #34
 def __init__(self):
   """ Standard constructor
   self.version = platform.uname()
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( 'WatchdogFactory' )
   self.watchDogsLocation = 'DIRAC.WorkloadManagementSystem.JobWrapper'
Exemple #35
 def __init__(self, transferClient=False, **kwargs):
     super(BundleDeliveryClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.transferClient = transferClient
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("BundleDelivery")
Exemple #36
 def __init__(self):
     # constructor code
     self.version = __RCSID__
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('DISETRequest')
     self.portalEnv = False
 def setParameters(self, parameters):
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('%s/%s' % (__name__, parameters['ProviderName']))
   self.parameters = parameters
   self.oauth2 = OAuth2(parameters['ProviderName'])
Exemple #38
import errno

# from DIRAC
from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger

from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RequestHandler import RequestHandler
from DIRAC.Core.DISET.ThreadConfig import ThreadConfig
from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues import returnSingleResult
from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import DMSHelpers
from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
from DIRAC.Resources.Storage.StorageElement import StorageElement


LOG = gLogger.getSubLogger(__name__)

class S3GatewayHandler(RequestHandler):
    .. class:: S3GatewayHandler


    # FC instance to check whether access is permitted or not
    _fc = None

    # Mapping between the S3 methods and the DFC methods
    _s3ToFC_methods = {
        "head_object": "getFileMetadata",
Exemple #39
    def __init__(self, paramdict=None):
        """ Can define the full application by passing a dictionary in the constructor.
    >>> app = Application({"appname":"marlin","version":"v0111Prod",
    ...                    "steeringFile":"My_file.xml","numberOfEvents":1000})
    :param dict paramdict: Dictionary of parameters that can be set. Will throw an exception if one of them does not exist.
        super(Application, self).__init__()
        #application nane (executable)
        self.appname = ""
        #application version
        self.version = ""
        #Steering file (duh!)
        self.steeringFile = ""
        #Input sandbox: steering file automatically added to SB
        self.inputSB = []
        #Input file
        self.inputFile = ""
        #Output file
        self.outputFile = ""
        self.outputPath = ""
        self.outputDstFile = ''
        self.outputDstPath = ''
        self.outputRecFile = ''
        self.outputRecPath = ''
        self.outputSE = ''
        self._listofoutput = []
        #Log file
        self.logFile = ""

        #Detector type (ILD or SID)
        self.detectortype = ""
        #Data type : gen, SIM, REC, DST
        self.datatype = ""

        #Extra command line arguments
        self.extraCLIArguments = ""

        ##Needed for Generation+Stdhepcut
        self.willBeCut = False

        ##Debug mode
        self.debug = False

        #Prod Parameters: things that appear on the prod details
        self.prodparameters = {}
        self.accountInProduction = True
        #Module name and description: Not to be set by the users, internal call only, used to get the Module objects
        self._modulename = ''
        self._moduledescription = ''
        self._importLocation = "ILCDIRAC.Workflow.Modules"

        #System Configuration: comes from Job definition
        self._platform = ''

        #Internal member: hold the list of the job's application set before self: used when using getInputFromApp
        self._job = None
        self._jobapps = []
        self._jobsteps = []
        self._jobtype = ''
        #input application: will link the OutputFile of the guys in there with the InputFile of the self
        self._inputapp = []
        self._linkedidx = None
        #Needed to link the parameters.
        self._inputappstep = None

        #flag set to true in Job.append
        self.addedtojob = False
        ####Following are needed for error report
        self._log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self._errorDict = {}

        #This is used to filter out the members that should not be set when using a dict as input
        self._paramsToExclude = [
            '_paramsToExclude', "_log", "_errorDict", "addedtojob", '_ops',
            "_inputappstep", "_linkedidx", "_inputapp", "_jobtype",
            "_jobsteps", "_jobapps", "_job", "_platform", "_importLocation",
            "_moduledescription", "_modulename", "prodparameters", "datatype",
            "detectortype", "_listofoutput", "inputSB", "appname",
            'accountInProduction', 'outputPath'

        ### Next is to use the setattr method.
Exemple #40
    def __init__(self,

    :param self: self reference
    :param str configSection: path on CS to ReplicationScheduler agent
    :param bandwithds: observed throughput on active channels
    :param channels: active channels
    :param int failedFiles: max number of distinct failed files to allow scheduling
        ## save config section
        self.configSection = configSection + "/" + self.__class__.__name__

        ## sublogger
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("StrategyHandler", child=True)
            gConfig.getValue(self.configSection + "/LogLevel", "DEBUG"))

        self.supportedStrategies = [
            'Simple', 'DynamicThroughput', 'Swarm', 'MinimiseTotalWait'
        self.log.info("Supported strategies = %s" %
                      ", ".join(self.supportedStrategies))

        self.sigma = gConfig.getValue(self.configSection + '/HopSigma', 0.0)
        self.log.info("HopSigma = %s" % self.sigma)
        self.schedulingType = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + '/SchedulingType', 'File')
        self.log.info("SchedulingType = %s" % self.schedulingType)
        self.activeStrategies = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + '/ActiveStrategies', ['MinimiseTotalWait'])
        self.log.info("ActiveStrategies = %s" %
                      ", ".join(self.activeStrategies))
        self.numberOfStrategies = len(self.activeStrategies)
        self.log.info("Number of active strategies = %s" %
        self.acceptableFailureRate = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + '/AcceptableFailureRate', 75)
        self.log.info("AcceptableFailureRate = %s" %
        self.acceptableFailedFiles = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + "/AcceptableFailedFiles", 5)
        self.log.info("AcceptableFailedFiles = %s" %
        self.rwUpdatePeriod = gConfig.getValue(
            self.configSection + "/RssRWUpdatePeriod", 600)
        self.log.info("RSSUpdatePeriod = %s s" % self.rwUpdatePeriod)
        self.rwUpdatePeriod = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.rwUpdatePeriod)
        ## bandwithds
        self.bandwidths = bandwidths if bandwidths else {}
        ## channels
        self.channels = channels if channels else {}
        ## distinct failed files per channel
        self.failedFiles = failedFiles if failedFiles else {}
        ## chosen strategy
        self.chosenStrategy = 0
        ## fts graph
        self.ftsGraph = None
        ## timestamp for last update
        self.lastRssUpdate = datetime.datetime.now()
        # dispatcher
        self.strategyDispatcher = {
            "MinimiseTotalWait": self.minimiseTotalWait,
            "DynamicThroughput": self.dynamicThroughput,
            "Simple": self.simple,
            "Swarm": self.swarm
        ## own RSS client
        self.resourceStatus = ResourceStatus()
        ## create fts graph
        ftsGraph = self.setup(self.channels, self.bandwidths, self.failedFiles)
        if not ftsGraph["OK"]:
            raise SHGraphCreationError(ftsGraph["Message"])
        self.log.info("%s has been constructed" % self.__class__.__name__)
 def initialize(self):
     super(MonitoringHistoryCorrector, self).initialize()
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("MonitoringHistoryCorrector")
     return S_OK()
Exemple #42
 def __init__(self,ceType=''):
   """ Standard constructor
   self.ceType = ceType
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.ceType )
Exemple #43
 def setParameters(self, params):
     """ Set the transformation parameters and extract transID """
     self.params = params
     self.transID = params['TransformationID']
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.plugin + self.transInThread.get(
         self.transID, ' [NoThread] [%d] ' % self.transID))
Exemple #44
 def __init__(self, catalogName):
     """ Standard constructor
     self.fileName = catalogName
     self.name = COMPONENT_NAME
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.name)
Exemple #45
 def __init__(self):
     """ Standard constructor
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('ProcessMonitor')
     self.osType = platform.uname()
Exemple #46
    def moveFilesToDerivedTransformation(self, transDict, resetUnused=True):
        """ move files input to a transformation, to the derived one
        prod = transDict['TransformationID']
        parentProd = int(transDict.get('InheritedFrom', 0))
        movedFiles = {}
        log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
            "[None] [%d] .moveFilesToDerivedTransformation:" % prod)
        if not parentProd:
            log.warn("Transformation was not derived...")
            return S_OK((parentProd, movedFiles))
        # get the lfns in status Unused/MaxReset of the parent production
        res = self.getTransformationFiles(condDict={
            'TransformationID': parentProd,
            'Status': ['Unused', 'MaxReset']
        if not res['OK']:
            log.error(" Error getting Unused files from transformation",
                      "%d: %s" % (parentProd, res['Message']))
            return res
        parentFiles = res['Value']
        lfns = [lfnDict['LFN'] for lfnDict in parentFiles]
        if not lfns:
            log.info(" No files found to be moved from transformation",
                     "%d" % parentProd)
            return S_OK((parentProd, movedFiles))
        # get the lfns of the derived production that were Unused/MaxReset in the parent one
        res = self.getTransformationFiles(condDict={
            'TransformationID': prod,
            'LFN': lfns
        if not res['OK']:
            log.error(" Error getting files from derived transformation:",
            return res
        derivedFiles = res['Value']
        derivedStatusDict = dict((derivedDict['LFN'], derivedDict['Status'])
                                 for derivedDict in derivedFiles)
        newStatusFiles = {}
        parentStatusFiles = {}
        badStatusFiles = {}
        for parentDict in parentFiles:
            lfn = parentDict['LFN']
            derivedStatus = derivedStatusDict.get(lfn)
            if derivedStatus:
                parentStatus = parentDict['Status']
                # By default move to the parent status (which is Unused or MaxReset)
                status = parentStatus
                moveStatus = parentStatus
                # For MaxReset, set Unused if requested
                if parentStatus == 'MaxReset':
                    if resetUnused:
                        status = 'Unused'
                        moveStatus = 'Unused from MaxReset'
                        status = 'MaxReset-inherited'
                if derivedStatus.endswith('-inherited'):
                    # This is the general case
                    newStatusFiles.setdefault((status, parentStatus),
                    movedFiles[moveStatus] = movedFiles.setdefault(
                        moveStatus, 0) + 1
                    badStatusFiles[derivedStatus] = badStatusFiles.setdefault(
                        derivedStatus, 0) + 1
                if parentStatus == 'Unused':
                    # If the file was Unused, set it NotProcessed in parent
                    parentStatusFiles.setdefault('Moved', []).append(lfn)

        for status, count in badStatusFiles.items():  # can be an iterator
                'Files found in an unexpected status in derived transformation',
                ': %d files in status %s' % (count, status))
        # Set the status in the parent transformation first
        for status, lfnList in parentStatusFiles.items():  # can be an iterator
            for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks(lfnList, 5000):
                res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation(
                    parentProd, status, lfnChunk)
                if not res['OK']:
                        " Error setting status in transformation",
                        "%d: status %s for %d files - %s" %
                        (parentProd, status, len(lfnList), res['Message']))

        # Set the status in the new transformation
        for (status, oldStatus
             ), lfnList in newStatusFiles.items():  # can be an iterator
            for lfnChunk in breakListIntoChunks(lfnList, 5000):
                res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation(
                    prod, status, lfnChunk)
                if not res['OK']:
                        " Error setting status in transformation",
                        "%d: status %s for %d files; resetting them %s" %
                        (parentProd, status, len(lfnChunk), oldStatus),
                    res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation(
                        parentProd, oldStatus, lfnChunk)
                    if not res['OK']:
                            " Error setting status in transformation",
                            " %d: status %s for %d files" %
                            (parentProd, oldStatus, len(lfnChunk)),
                        'Successfully moved files',
                        ": %d files from %s to %s" %
                        (len(lfnChunk), oldStatus, status))

        # If files were Assigned or Unused at the time of derivation, try and update them as jobs may have run since then
        res = self.getTransformationFiles(
                'TransformationID': prod,
                'Status': ['Assigned-inherited', 'Unused-inherited']
        if res['OK']:
            assignedFiles = res['Value']
            if assignedFiles:
                lfns = [lfnDict['LFN'] for lfnDict in assignedFiles]
                res = self.getTransformationFiles(condDict={
                    'TransformationID': parentProd,
                    'LFN': lfns
                if res['OK']:
                    parentFiles = res['Value']
                    processedLfns = [
                        lfnDict['LFN'] for lfnDict in parentFiles
                        if lfnDict['Status'] == 'Processed'
                    if processedLfns:
                        res = self.setFileStatusForTransformation(
                            prod, 'Processed-inherited', processedLfns)
                        if res['OK']:
                                'Successfully set files status',
                                ": %d files to status %s" %
                                (len(processedLfns), 'Processed-inherited'))
        if not res['OK']:
            log.error("Error setting status for Assigned derived files",

        return S_OK((parentProd, movedFiles))
Exemple #47
 def __init__(self, parameters=None):
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
   self.parameters = parameters
Exemple #48
    def __init__(self):

    :param self: self reference
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__, True)

        # # final states tuple
        self.finalStates = ('Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold', 'Finished',
        # # failed states tuple
        self.failedStates = ('Canceled', 'Failed', 'Hold', 'FinishedDirty')
        # # successful states tuple
        self.successfulStates = ('Finished', 'Done')
        # # all file states tuple
        self.fileStates = ('Done', 'Active', 'Pending', 'Ready', 'Canceled',
                           'Failed', 'Finishing', 'Finished', 'Submitted',
                           'Hold', 'Waiting')

        self.statusSummary = {}

        # # request status
        self.requestStatus = 'Unknown'

        # # dict for FTS job files
        self.fileDict = {}
        # # dict for replicas information
        self.catalogReplicas = {}
        # # dict for metadata information
        self.catalogMetadata = {}
        # # dict for files that failed to register
        self.failedRegistrations = {}

        # # placehoder for FileCatalog reference
        self.oCatalog = None

        # # submit timestamp
        self.submitTime = ''

        # # placeholder FTS job GUID
        self.ftsGUID = ''
        # # placeholder for FTS server URL
        self.ftsServer = ''

        # # flag marking FTS job completness
        self.isTerminal = False
        # # completness percentage
        self.percentageComplete = 0.0

        # # source SE name
        self.sourceSE = ''
        # # flag marking source SE validity
        self.sourceValid = False
        # # source space token
        self.sourceToken = ''

        # # target SE name
        self.targetSE = ''
        # # flag marking target SE validity
        self.targetValid = False
        # # target space token
        self.targetToken = ''

        # # placeholder for target StorageElement
        self.oTargetSE = None
        # # placeholder for source StorageElement
        self.oSourceSE = None

        # # checksum type, set it to default
        self.__cksmType = self.__defaultCksmType
        # # disable checksum test by default
        self.__cksmTest = False

        # # statuses that prevent submitting to FTS
        self.noSubmitStatus = ('Failed', 'Done', 'Staging')

        # # were sources resolved?
        self.sourceResolved = False

        # # Number of file transfers actually submitted
        self.submittedFiles = 0
        self.transferTime = 0

        self.submitCommand = Operations().getValue(
        self.monitorCommand = Operations().getValue(
        self.ftsVersion = Operations().getValue('DataManagement/FTSVersion',
        self.ftsJob = None
        self.ftsFiles = []
Exemple #49
 def __init__(self, baseURL=""):
     self.__baseURL = baseURL.strip("/")
     self.__routes = []
     self.__handlers = []
     self.__setupGroupRE = r"(?:/s:([\w-]*)/g:([\w-]*))?"
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("Routing")
Exemple #50
    def __init__(self,

        :param self: self reference
        :param str requestJSON: request serialized to JSON
        :param dict opHandlers: operation handlers
        self.request = Request(requestJSON)
        # # csPath
        self.csPath = csPath
        # # agent name
        self.agentName = agentName
        # # standalone flag
        self.standalone = standalone
        # # handlers dict
        self.handlersDict = handlersDict
        # # handlers class def
        self.handlers = {}
        # # own sublogger
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
            "pid_%s/%s" % (os.getpid(), self.request.RequestName))
        # # get shifters info
        self.__managersDict = {}
        shifterProxies = self.__setupManagerProxies()
        if not shifterProxies["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Cannot setup shifter proxies",

        #  This flag which is set and sent from the RequestExecutingAgent and is False by default.
        self.rmsMonitoring = rmsMonitoring

        if self.rmsMonitoring:
            self.rmsMonitoringReporter = MonitoringReporter(
            # # initialize gMonitor

            # # own gMonitor activities
            gMonitor.registerActivity("RequestAtt", "Requests processed",
                                      "RequestExecutingAgent", "Requests/min",
            gMonitor.registerActivity("RequestFail", "Requests failed",
                                      "RequestExecutingAgent", "Requests/min",
            gMonitor.registerActivity("RequestOK", "Requests done",
                                      "RequestExecutingAgent", "Requests/min",

        if requestClient is None:
            self.requestClient = ReqClient()
            self.requestClient = requestClient
 def __init__(self):
     """ Standard constructor
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger('EndpointFactory')
Exemple #52
    def enforce(self, decisionParams):
        """Given a dictionary with decisionParams, it is passed to the PDP, which
        will return ( in case there is a/are positive match/es ) a dictionary containing
        three key-pair values: the original decisionParams ( `decisionParams` ), all
        the policies evaluated ( `singlePolicyResults` ) and the computed final result
        ( `policyCombinedResult` ).

        To know more about decisionParams, please read PDP.setup where the decisionParams
        are sanitized.

           >>> pep.enforce( { 'element' : 'Site', 'name' : 'MySite' } )
           >>> pep.enforce( { 'element' : 'Resource', 'name' : 'myce.domain.ch' } )

          **decisionParams** - `dict`
            dictionary with the parameters that will be used to match policies.

        if not decisionParams:
            self.log.warn("No decision params...?")
            return S_OK()

        standardParamsDict = {
            "element": None,
            "name": None,
            "elementType": None,
            "statusType": None,
            "status": None,
            "reason": None,
            "tokenOwner": None,
            # Last parameter allows policies to be de-activated
            "active": "Active",


        if standardParamsDict["element"] is not None:
            self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
            if standardParamsDict["name"] is not None:
                self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(
                self.log.verbose("Enforce - statusType: %s, status: %s" %
        decisionParams = dict(standardParamsDict)

        # Setup PDP with new parameters dictionary

        # Run policies, get decision, get actions to apply
        resDecisions = self.pdp.takeDecision()
        if not resDecisions["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Something went wrong, not enforcing policies",
                           "%s" % decisionParams)
            return resDecisions
        resDecisions = resDecisions["Value"]

        # We take from PDP the decision parameters used to find the policies
        decisionParams = resDecisions["decisionParams"]
        policyCombinedResult = resDecisions["policyCombinedResult"]
        singlePolicyResults = resDecisions["singlePolicyResults"]

        # We have run the actions and at this point, we are about to execute the actions.
        # One more final check before proceeding
        isNotUpdated = self.__isNotUpdated(decisionParams)
        if not isNotUpdated["OK"]:
            return isNotUpdated

        for policyActionName, policyActionType in policyCombinedResult[

                actionMod = Utils.voimport(
                    "DIRAC.ResourceStatusSystem.PolicySystem.Actions.%s" %
            except ImportError:
                self.log.error("Error importing %s action" % policyActionType)

                action = getattr(actionMod, policyActionType)
            except AttributeError:
                self.log.error("Error importing %s action class" %

            actionObj = action(policyActionName, decisionParams,
                               policyCombinedResult, singlePolicyResults,

            self.log.debug((policyActionName, policyActionType))

            actionResult = actionObj.run()
            if not actionResult["OK"]:

        return S_OK(resDecisions)
Exemple #53
    def __init__(self, name, plugins=None, vo=None, hideExceptions=False):
        """ c'tor

    :param str name: SE name
    :param list plugins: requested storage plugins
    :param: vo

        self.methodName = None

        if vo:
            self.vo = vo
            result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
            if not result['OK']:
            self.vo = result['Value']
        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

        proxiedProtocols = gConfig.getValue(
            '/LocalSite/StorageElements/ProxyProtocols', "").split(',')
        useProxy = (gConfig.getValue(
            "/Resources/StorageElements/%s/AccessProtocol.1/Protocol" % name,
            "UnknownProtocol") in proxiedProtocols)

        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = gConfig.getValue(
                '/LocalSite/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)
        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue(
                '/Services/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)

        self.valid = True
        if plugins == None:
            res = StorageFactory(useProxy=useProxy, vo=self.vo).getStorages(
                name, pluginList=[], hideExceptions=hideExceptions)
            res = StorageFactory(useProxy=useProxy, vo=self.vo).getStorages(
                name, pluginList=plugins, hideExceptions=hideExceptions)

        if not res['OK']:
            self.valid = False
            self.name = name
            self.errorReason = res['Message']
            factoryDict = res['Value']
            self.name = factoryDict['StorageName']
            self.options = factoryDict['StorageOptions']
            self.localPlugins = factoryDict['LocalPlugins']
            self.remotePlugins = factoryDict['RemotePlugins']
            self.storages = factoryDict['StorageObjects']
            self.protocolOptions = factoryDict['ProtocolOptions']
            self.turlProtocols = factoryDict['TurlProtocols']
            for storage in self.storages:

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("SE[%s]" % self.name)
        self.useCatalogURL = gConfig.getValue(
            '/Resources/StorageElements/%s/UseCatalogURL' % self.name, False)

        #                         'getTransportURL',
        self.readMethods = [
            'getFile', 'prestageFile', 'prestageFileStatus', 'getDirectory'

        self.writeMethods = [
            'retransferOnlineFile', 'putFile', 'replicateFile', 'pinFile',
            'releaseFile', 'createDirectory', 'putDirectory'

        self.removeMethods = ['removeFile', 'removeDirectory']

        self.checkMethods = [

        self.okMethods = [
            'getLocalProtocols', 'getProtocols', 'getRemoteProtocols',
            'getStorageElementName', 'getStorageParameters', 'getTransportURL',

        self.__fileCatalog = None
Exemple #54
    def __init__(self, catalogs=None, vo=None):
        """ Default constructor
        self.valid = True
        self.timeout = 180

        self.ro_methods = set()
        self.write_methods = set()
        self.no_lfn_methods = set()

        self.readCatalogs = []
        self.writeCatalogs = []
        self.rootConfigPath = '/Resources/FileCatalogs'
        self.vo = vo if vo else getVOfromProxyGroup().get('Value', None)
        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("FileCatalog")

        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)

        catalogList = []
        if isinstance(catalogs, basestring):
            catalogList = [catalogs]
        elif isinstance(catalogs, (list, tuple)):
            catalogList = list(catalogs)

        if catalogList:
            result = self._getEligibleCatalogs()
            if not result['OK']:
                self.log.error("Failed to get eligible catalog")
            eligibleFileCatalogs = result['Value']
            catalogCheck = True
            for catalog in catalogList:
                if catalog not in eligibleFileCatalogs:
                    self.log.error("Specified catalog is not eligible",
                    catalogCheck = False
            if catalogCheck:
                result = self._getSelectedCatalogs(catalogList)
                result = S_ERROR("Specified catalog is not eligible")
            result = self._getCatalogs()
        if not result['OK']:
            self.log.error("Failed to create catalog objects")
            self.valid = False
        elif (len(self.readCatalogs) == 0) and (len(self.writeCatalogs) == 0):
            self.log.error("No catalog object created")
            self.valid = False

        result = self.getMasterCatalogNames()
        masterCatalogs = result['Value']
        # There can not be more than one master catalog
        haveMaster = False
        if len(masterCatalogs) > 1:
            self.log.error("More than one master catalog created")
            self.valid = False
        elif len(masterCatalogs) == 1:
            haveMaster = True

        # Get the list of write methods
        if haveMaster:
            # All the write methods must be present in the master
            _catalogName, oCatalog, _master = self.writeCatalogs[0]
            _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()
            for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.writeCatalogs:
                _roList, writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()

        # Get the list of read methods
        for _catalogName, oCatalog, _master in self.readCatalogs:
            roList, _writeList, nolfnList = oCatalog.getInterfaceMethods()

        self.condParser = FCConditionParser(vo=self.vo,
Exemple #55
 def setUp( self ):
   gLogger.showHeaders( True )
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
   self.processPool = ProcessPool( 4, 8, 8 ) 
Exemple #56
 def __init__(self, rpcClient=False, transferClient=False):
     self.rpcClient = rpcClient
     self.transferClient = transferClient
     self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("BundleDelivery")
Exemple #57
  def __init__( self, dbname, fullname, maxQueueSize ):

    self.database_name = dbname
    self.fullname = fullname
    self.cs_path = getDatabaseSection( fullname )

    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.database_name )

    self.dbHost = ''
    result = gConfig.getOption( self.cs_path + '/Host' )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Failed to get the configuration parameters: Host' )
    self.dbHost = result['Value']
    # Check if the host is the local one and then set it to 'localhost' to use
    # a socket connection
    if self.dbHost != 'localhost':
      localHostName = socket.getfqdn()
      if localHostName == self.dbHost:
        self.dbHost = 'localhost'
    self.dbUser = ''
    result = gConfig.getOption( self.cs_path + '/User' )
    if not result['OK']:
      # No individual user name found, try at the common place
      result = gConfig.getOption( '/Systems/Databases/User' )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.fatal( 'Failed to get the configuration parameters: User' )
    self.dbUser = result['Value']
    self.dbPass = ''
    result = gConfig.getOption( self.cs_path + '/Password' )
    if not result['OK']:
      # No individual password found, try at the common place
      result = gConfig.getOption( '/Systems/Databases/Password' )
      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.fatal( 'Failed to get the configuration parameters: Password' )
    self.dbPass = result['Value']
    self.dbName = ''
    result = gConfig.getOption( self.cs_path + '/DBName' )
    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.fatal( 'Failed to get the configuration parameters: DBName' )
    self.dbName = result['Value']
    self.maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize
    result = gConfig.getOption( self.cs_path + '/MaxQueueSize' )
    if result['OK']:
      self.maxQueueSize = int( result['Value'] )

    MySQL.__init__( self, self.dbHost, self.dbUser, self.dbPass,
                   self.dbName, maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize )

    if not self._connected:
      err = 'Can not connect to DB, exiting...'
      self.log.fatal( err )
      sys.exit( err )

    self.log.info( "==================================================" )
    #self.log.info("SystemInstance: "+self.system)
    self.log.info( "User:           "******"Host:           " + self.dbHost )
    #self.log.info("Password:       "******"DBName:         " + self.dbName )
    self.log.info( "MaxQueue:       " + str(self.maxQueueSize) )
    self.log.info( "==================================================" )
Exemple #58
 def __init__( self, taskID, timeWait, raiseException=False ):
   self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ + "/%s" % taskID )
   self.taskID = taskID
   self.timeWait = timeWait
   self.raiseException = raiseException
Exemple #59
    def __init__(self, name, protocols=None, vo=None):
        """ c'tor

    :param str name: SE name
    :param list protocols: requested protocols

        if vo:
            self.vo = vo
            result = getVOfromProxyGroup()
            if not result['OK']:
            self.vo = result['Value']
        self.opHelper = Operations(vo=self.vo)
        useProxy = gConfig.getValue(
            '/LocalSite/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)
        if not useProxy:
            useProxy = self.opHelper.getValue(
                '/Services/StorageElements/%s/UseProxy' % name, False)

        self.valid = True
        if protocols == None:
            res = StorageFactory(useProxy).getStorages(name, protocolList=[])
            res = StorageFactory(useProxy).getStorages(name,
        if not res['OK']:
            self.valid = False
            self.name = name
            self.errorReason = res['Message']
            factoryDict = res['Value']
            self.name = factoryDict['StorageName']
            self.options = factoryDict['StorageOptions']
            self.localProtocols = factoryDict['LocalProtocols']
            self.remoteProtocols = factoryDict['RemoteProtocols']
            self.storages = factoryDict['StorageObjects']
            self.protocolOptions = factoryDict['ProtocolOptions']
            self.turlProtocols = factoryDict['TurlProtocols']

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("SE[%s]" % self.name)

        self.readMethods = [
            'getFile', 'getAccessUrl', 'getTransportURL', 'prestageFile',
            'prestageFileStatus', 'getDirectory'

        self.writeMethods = [
            'retransferOnlineFile', 'putFile', 'replicateFile', 'pinFile',
            'releaseFile', 'createDirectory', 'putDirectory'

        self.removeMethods = ['removeFile', 'removeDirectory']

        self.checkMethods = [

        self.okMethods = [
            'getLocalProtocols', 'getPfnForProtocol', 'getPfnForLfn',
            'getPfnPath', 'getProtocols', 'getRemoteProtocols',
            'getStorageElementName', 'getStorageElementOption',
            'getStorageParameters', 'isLocalSE'
Exemple #60
    def __init__(self,
        """ Constructor, takes system flag as argument.
        self.stopSigStartSeconds = int(jobArgs.get('StopSigStartSeconds',
                                                   1800))  # 30 minutes
        self.stopSigFinishSeconds = int(
            jobArgs.get('StopSigFinishSeconds', 1800))  # 30 minutes
        self.stopSigNumber = int(jobArgs.get('StopSigNumber', 2))  # SIGINT
        self.stopSigRegex = jobArgs.get('StopSigRegex', None)
        self.stopSigSent = False

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger("Watchdog")
        self.systemFlag = systemFlag
        self.exeThread = exeThread
        self.wrapperPID = pid
        self.appPID = self.exeThread.getCurrentPID()
        self.spObject = spObject
        self.jobCPUTime = jobCPUTime
        self.memoryLimit = memoryLimit
        self.calibration = 0
        self.initialValues = {}
        self.parameters = {}
        self.peekFailCount = 0
        self.peekRetry = 5
        self.profiler = Profiler(pid)
        self.checkError = ''
        self.currentStats = {}
        self.initialized = False
        self.count = 0

        # defaults
        self.testWallClock = 1
        self.testDiskSpace = 1
        self.testLoadAvg = 1
        self.maxWallClockTime = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60
        self.testCPUConsumed = 1
        self.testCPULimit = 0
        self.testMemoryLimit = 0
        self.testTimeLeft = 1
        self.pollingTime = 10  # 10 seconds
        self.checkingTime = 30 * 60  # 30 minute period
        self.minCheckingTime = 20 * 60  # 20 mins
        self.wallClockCheckSeconds = 5 * 60  # 5 minutes
        self.maxWallClockTime = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60  # e.g. 4 days
        self.jobPeekFlag = 1  # on / off
        self.minDiskSpace = 10  # MB
        self.loadAvgLimit = 1000  # > 1000 and jobs killed
        self.sampleCPUTime = 30 * 60  # e.g. up to 20mins sample
        self.jobCPUMargin = 20  # %age buffer before killing job
        self.minCPUWallClockRatio = 5  # ratio %age
        self.nullCPULimit = 5  # After 5 sample times return null CPU consumption kill job
        self.checkCount = 0
        self.wallClockCheckCount = 0
        self.nullCPUCount = 0

        self.grossTimeLeftLimit = 10 * self.checkingTime
        self.timeLeftUtil = TimeLeft()
        self.timeLeft = 0
        self.littleTimeLeft = False
        self.scaleFactor = 1.0
        self.processors = processors