Exemple #1
    def readInputData(self, optsfiles, extraopts=False):
        '''Returns a LHCbDataSet object from a list of options files. The
        optional argument extraopts will decide if the extraopts string inside
        the application is considered or not. 

        Usage examples:
        # Create an LHCbDataset object with the data found in the optionsfile
        l=DaVinci(version='v22r0p2').readInputData([\"~/cmtuser/\" \
        # Get the data from an options file and assign it to the jobs inputdata
        j.inputdata = j.application.readInputData([\"~/cmtuser/\" \

        # Assuming you have data in your extraopts, you can use the extraopts.
        # In this case your extraopts need to be fully parseable by gaudirun.py
        # So you must make sure that you have the proper import statements.
        # e.g.
        from Gaudi.Configuration import * 
        # If you mix optionsfiles and extraopts, as usual extraopts may
        # overwright your options
        # Use this to create a new job with data from extraopts of an old job
        def dummyfile():
            temp_fd, temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, suffix='.py')
            os.write(temp_fd, "Dummy file to keep the Optionsparser happy")
            return temp_filename

        if type(optsfiles) != type([]):
            optsfiles = [optsfiles]

        # use a dummy file to keep the parser happy
        if len(optsfiles) == 0:

        if extraopts:
            extraopts = self.extraopts
            extraopts = ""

        # parser = check_inputs(optsfiles, extraopts, self.env)
            parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles, extraopts,
        except Exception as err:
            msg = 'Unable to parse the job options. Please check options ' \
                  'files and extraopts.'
            logger.error("PythonOptionsParserError:\n%s" % str(err))
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(msg)

        return GPIProxyObjectFactory(parser.get_input_data())
Exemple #2
    def readInputData(self, optsfiles, extraopts=False):
        '''Returns a LHCbDataSet object from a list of options files. The
        optional argument extraopts will decide if the extraopts string inside
        the application is considered or not. 

        Usage examples:
        # Create an LHCbDataset object with the data found in the optionsfile
        l=DaVinci(version='v22r0p2').readInputData([\"~/cmtuser/\" \
        # Get the data from an options file and assign it to the jobs inputdata
        j.inputdata = j.application.readInputData([\"~/cmtuser/\" \

        # Assuming you have data in your extraopts, you can use the extraopts.
        # In this case your extraopts need to be fully parseable by gaudirun.py
        # So you must make sure that you have the proper import statements.
        # e.g.
        from Gaudi.Configuration import * 
        # If you mix optionsfiles and extraopts, as usual extraopts may
        # overwright your options
        # Use this to create a new job with data from extraopts of an old job
        def dummyfile():
            temp_fd, temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True, suffix='.py')
            os.write(temp_fd, "Dummy file to keep the Optionsparser happy")
            return temp_filename

        if type(optsfiles) != type([]):
            optsfiles = [optsfiles]

        # use a dummy file to keep the parser happy
        if len(optsfiles) == 0:

        if extraopts:
            extraopts = self.extraopts
            extraopts = ""

        # parser = check_inputs(optsfiles, extraopts, self.env)
            parser = PythonOptionsParser(
                optsfiles, extraopts, self.getenv(False))
        except Exception as err:
            msg = 'Unable to parse the job options. Please check options ' \
                  'files and extraopts.'
            logger.error("PythonOptionsParserError:\n%s" % str(err))
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        return GPIProxyObjectFactory(parser.get_input_data())
class TestPythonOptionsParser(GangaGPITestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        job = Job(application=Gauss())
        job.application.platform = 'x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt'
        gauss = job.application._impl
        optsfiles = ['./TestGaudi/Gauss-Job.py']
        self.extraopts = 'EventSelector(Input=[\"DATAFILE=\'LFN:dummy.dst\' TYP=\'POOL_ROOTTREE\' OPT=\'READ\'\"])'
        self.parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles, self.extraopts, gauss.env)
        self.job = job

    def test_PythonOptionsParser__get_opts_dict_and_pkl_string(self):
        options, opts_pkl_string = self.parser._get_opts_dict_and_pkl_string()
        assert options, 'failed to get options'
        assert opts_pkl_string, 'failed to get pkl string'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser__join_opts_files(self):
        joined_str = self.parser._join_opts_files()
        ok = joined_str.rfind(self.extraopts)
        assert ok, 'extraopts not added to options'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser_get_input_data(self):
        input = self.parser.get_input_data()
        assert len(input) == 1, 'problem collecting input data files'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser_get_output_files(self):
        config = Ganga.Utility.Config.getConfig('LHCb')
        # start w/ default
            ['NTupleSvc', 'HistogramPersistencySvc', 'MicroDSTStream'])
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output_files()
        ok = sandbox.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            data.count('Gauss.sim') == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (default)'
        # move the .sim file
        config.setUserValue('outputsandbox_types', [
            'NTupleSvc', 'HistogramPersistencySvc', 'MicroDSTStream',
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output_files()
        ok = sandbox.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and \
            data.count('Gauss.sim') == 0
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.sim->sandbox)'
        # move the .root files to data
        config.setUserValue('outputsandbox_types', ['GaussTape'])
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output_files()
        ok = data.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and \
            len(data) == 1 and len(sandbox) == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.root->data)'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser_get_output(self):
        config = Ganga.Utility.Config.getConfig('LHCb')
        # previous method tests the configure stuff...let's just make sure we
        # can properly override it in a job
            ['NTupleSvc', 'HistogramPersistencySvc', 'MicroDSTStream'])
        j = self.job
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = sandbox.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            data.count('Gauss.sim') == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (default)'
        j.outputfiles = []
        j.outputfiles = ['Gauss.sim']
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and len(data) == 0
        print type(sandbox)
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.sim->sandbox) %s -> %s' % (
            str(sandbox.count('Gauss.sim')), str(len(data)))
        j.outputfiles = []
        j.outputfiles = [DiracFile('*.root')]
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = len(sandbox) == 0 and data.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.root->data)'
        # make sure if matches both goes to data
        j.outputfiles = ['*.sim']
        j.outputfiles = [DiracFile('*.sim')]
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = data.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 0
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (matches both)'
class TestPythonOptionsParser(GangaGPITestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        job = Job(application=Gauss())
        job.application.platform = 'x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt'
        gauss = job.application._impl
        optsfiles = ['./TestGaudi/Gauss-Job.py']
        self.extraopts = 'EventSelector(Input=[\"DATAFILE=\'LFN:dummy.dst\' TYP=\'POOL_ROOTTREE\' OPT=\'READ\'\"])'
        self.parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles, self.extraopts, gauss.env)
        self.job = job

    def test_PythonOptionsParser__get_opts_dict_and_pkl_string(self):
        options, opts_pkl_string = self.parser._get_opts_dict_and_pkl_string()
        assert options, 'failed to get options'
        assert opts_pkl_string, 'failed to get pkl string'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser__join_opts_files(self):
        joined_str = self.parser._join_opts_files()
        ok = joined_str.rfind(self.extraopts)
        assert ok, 'extraopts not added to options'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser_get_input_data(self):
        input = self.parser.get_input_data()
        assert len(input) == 1, 'problem collecting input data files'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser_get_output_files(self):
        config = Ganga.Utility.Config.getConfig('LHCb')
        # start w/ default
                            ['NTupleSvc', 'HistogramPersistencySvc',
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output_files()
        ok = sandbox.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            data.count('Gauss.sim') == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (default)'
        # move the .sim file
                            ['NTupleSvc', 'HistogramPersistencySvc',
                             'MicroDSTStream', 'GaussTape'])
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output_files()
        ok = sandbox.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and \
            data.count('Gauss.sim') == 0
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.sim->sandbox)'
        # move the .root files to data
        config.setUserValue('outputsandbox_types', ['GaussTape'])
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output_files()
        ok = data.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and \
            len(data) == 1 and len(sandbox) == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.root->data)'

    def test_PythonOptionsParser_get_output(self):
        config = Ganga.Utility.Config.getConfig('LHCb')
        # previous method tests the configure stuff...let's just make sure we
        # can properly override it in a job
                            ['NTupleSvc', 'HistogramPersistencySvc',
        j = self.job
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = sandbox.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1  and \
            data.count('Gauss.sim') == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (default)'
        j.outputfiles = []
        j.outputfiles = ['Gauss.sim']
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and len(data) == 0
        print type(sandbox)
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.sim->sandbox) %s -> %s' % (
            str(sandbox.count('Gauss.sim')), str(len(data)))
        j.outputfiles = []
        j.outputfiles = [DiracFile('*.root')]
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = len(sandbox) == 0 and data.count('GaussHistos.root') == 1
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (.root->data)'
        # make sure if matches both goes to data
        j.outputfiles = ['*.sim']
        j.outputfiles = [DiracFile('*.sim')]
        sandbox, data = self.parser.get_output(j)
        ok = data.count('Gauss.sim') == 1 and sandbox.count('Gauss.sim') == 0
        assert ok, 'collecting/sorting of output files failed (matches both)'