Exemple #1
def configure( gaudi = None  ) :
    """ Configuration of the job """

    if not gaudi :
        from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
        gaudi = AppMgr()

    gaudi.JobOptionsType       = 'NONE'
    gaudi.EvtSel               = 'NONE'
    gaudi.HistogramPersistency = 'ROOT'

    gaudi.ExtSvc += ["NTupleSvc" ]

    ntSvc = gaudi.service('NTupleSvc')
    ntSvc.Output = [ "MYLUN DATAFILE='TupleEx.root' OPT='NEW' TYP='ROOT'" ]


    gaudi.DLLs = [ 'GaudiAlg', 'RootHistCnv', ]

    alg = TupleEx(
        ## configure the property
        NTupleLUN = 'MYLUN'
    gaudi.setAlgorithms( [alg] )

    return SUCCESS
Exemple #2
def configure( gaudi = None  ) :
    """ Configuration of the job """
    if not gaudi :
        from GaudiPython.Bindings import AppMgr
        gaudi = AppMgr()

    gaudi.JobOptionsType       = 'NONE'
    gaudi.EvtSel               = 'NONE'
    gaudi.HistogramPersistency = 'ROOT'


    gaudi.DLLs = [ 'GaudiAlg', 'RootHistCnv', ]

    alg = HistoEx('HistoEx')
    gaudi.setAlgorithms( [alg] )
    alg.HistoPrint = True

    hsvc = gaudi.service('HistogramPersistencySvc')
    hsvc.OutputFile = "histo1.root"

    # This does not harm and tests bug #50389
    getMyalgBack = gaudi.algorithm ( 'HistoEx' )

    return SUCCESS