Exemple #1
def Var_StringToHexString(uVarName):
    Converts a var value to a hex string.
    The changed variable value will be returned and stored in the destination var (Triggers raised if set)

    :rtype: string
    :param string uVarName: The variable name for the action, from where the value is pulled
    :return: The changed variable value

    uValue = GetVar(uVarName=uVarName)
    uValue = uValue.encode("hex")
    SetVar(uVarName=uVarName, oVarValue=uValue)
    return uValue
Exemple #2
def Var_StringToHexString(uVarName: str) -> str:
    Converts a var value to a hex string.
    The changed variable value will be returned and stored in the destination var (Triggers raised if set)
    eg: "paul" to "7061756c"

    :param str uVarName: The variable name for the action, from where the value is pulled
    :return: The changed variable value
    uValue = GetVar(uVarName=uVarName)
        uValue = ToUnicode(uValue.encode("utf-8").hex())
        SetVar(uVarName=uVarName, oVarValue=uValue)
        return uValue
    except Exception as e:
        LogError(uMsg=u'Var_StringToHexString: Invalid Argument [' + uVarName +
                 u'=' + uValue + u']:',
        return u'Error'