Exemple #1
def test_format_attribute():
    trapi_kg_response = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub",
                        "attribute_type_id": "CURIE:x"
    expected_trapi = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "attribute_type_id": "CURIE:x",
                        "value_type_id": "biolink:Attribute",
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub"
    q = Question(question_json={})
    # test if attribute_id if provided from neo4j response is preserved
    # test if value_type is added to default 'biolink:Attribute'
    assert q.transform_attributes(trapi_kg_response) == expected_trapi
    expected_trapi = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "attribute_type_id": "EDAM:data_0006",
                        "value": "x",
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub",
                        "value_type_id": "oo"
    trapi_kg_response = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub",
                        "value": "x",
                        "value_type_id": "oo"
    # test default attribute to be EDAM:data_0006
    # test if value_type is preserved if in response from neo4j
    assert q.transform_attributes(trapi_kg_response) == expected_trapi
Exemple #2
 async def annotate_node(self, message):
     node_ids = list(message['knowledge_graph'].get('nodes').keys())
     node_ids = cypher_expression.dumps(node_ids)
     # skip name , id , categories from being returned in attributes array
     core_properties = cypher_expression.dumps(RESERVED_NODE_PROPS +
     # mapping for attributes
     attribute_types = cypher_expression.dumps(ATTRIBUTE_TYPES)
     response = self.graph_interface.convert_to_dict(
         await self.graph_interface.get_nodes(node_ids, core_properties,
     response = Question({}).format_attribute_trapi(response,
     # overides based on original attribute names
     for n_id in message['knowledge_graph']['nodes']:
         current_node = message['knowledge_graph']['nodes'][n_id]
         # get node from db
         from_db = response.get(n_id, {})
         # skip if node is empty
         if not from_db:
         result = self.merge_attributes(
             attributes_msg=current_node.get('attributes') or [],
             attributes_neo=from_db.get('attributes') or [])
         # override categories and name if they exist from db else preserve original
         current_node['categories'] = from_db.get(
             'categories') or current_node.get('categories')
         current_node['name'] = from_db.get('name') or current_node.get(
         # set attributes of new node to merged attributes
         current_node['attributes'] = result
         message['knowledge_graph']['nodes'][n_id] = current_node
     return message
Exemple #3
def test_answer():
    def compile_cypher_mock():
        return "SOME CYPHER"

    question = Question({"query_graph": {}})
    question.compile_cypher = compile_cypher_mock
    graph_interface = MOCK_GRAPH_ADAPTER()
    result = asyncio.run(question.answer(graph_interface=graph_interface))
    expected_result = graph_interface.convert_to_dict('')[0]
    expected_result.update({"query_graph": {}})
    assert result == expected_result
Exemple #4
async def reasoner_api(
        request: ReasonerRequest = Body(
        graph_interface: GraphInterface = Depends(get_graph_interface),
    """Handle TRAPI request."""
    request_json = request.dict(by_alias=True)
    # default workflow
    workflow = request_json.get('workflow') or [{"id": "lookup"}]
    workflows = {wkfl['id']: wkfl for wkfl in workflow}
    if 'lookup' in workflows:
        question = Question(request_json["message"])
        response = await question.answer(graph_interface)
        request_json.update({'message': response, 'workflow': workflow})
    elif 'overlay_connect_knodes' in workflows:
        overlay = Overlay(graph_interface=graph_interface)
        response = await overlay.connect_k_nodes(request_json['message'])
        request_json.update({'message': response, 'workflow': workflow})
    elif 'annotate_nodes' in workflows:
        overlay = Overlay(graph_interface=graph_interface)
        response = await overlay.annotate_node(request_json['message'])
        request_json.update({'message': response, 'workflow': workflow})
    return request_json
Exemple #5
    def structure_for_easy_lookup(self, result_set):
        Converts apoc result into a mini graph
        :param result_set:
        result = {}
        for r in result_set:
            edge = r['edge']
            core_attributes = ['subject', 'object', 'predicate', 'id']
            attributes = []
            new_edge = {attr: r['edge'][attr] for attr in core_attributes}
            for attribute in edge:
                if attribute not in core_attributes:
                        'original_attribute_name': attribute,
                        'value': edge[attribute]
            new_edge['attributes'] = attributes

            edge = Question({}).format_attribute_trapi({'edge':
            source_id = edge['subject']
            target_id = edge['object']
            m = result.get(source_id, {})
            n = m.get(target_id, list())
            m[target_id] = n
            result[source_id] = m
        return result
Exemple #6
async def reasoner_api(
        request: ReasonerRequest = Body(
            example={"message": get_example("reasoner-trapi-1.1")},
        graph_interface: GraphInterface = Depends(get_graph_interface),
    """Handle TRAPI request."""
    request_json = request.dict(by_alias=True)
    question = Question(request_json["message"])
    response = await question.answer(graph_interface)
    request_json.update({'message': response})
    return request_json
Exemple #7
def test_init():
    reasoner_dict = {
        "query_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "n0": {},
                "n1": {}
            "edges": {
                "e0": {
                    "subject": "n0",
                    "object": "n1"
    question = Question(reasoner_dict)
    assert question._question_json == reasoner_dict
    assert question._question_json == reasoner_dict
def test_format_attribute():
    # note that this test does not run through the reasoner code that does the attribute mapping.
    # so the values in the expected results must account for that

    trapi_kg_response = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub",
                        "attribute_type_id": "CURIE:x"
                    }, {
                        "value": "infores:kg_source"

    expected_trapi = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub",
                        "attribute_type_id": "CURIE:x",
                        "value_type_id": "EDAM:data_0006"
                    }, {
                    }, {

    q = Question(question_json={})
    graph_interface = MOCK_GRAPH_ADAPTER()
    transformed = q.transform_attributes(trapi_kg_response,

    # test attribute_id if provided from neo4j response is preserved
    # test if value_type is added to default 'biolink:Attribute'
    assert transformed == expected_trapi

    t2_trapi_kg_response = {
        "knowledge_graph": {
            "nodes": {
                "CURIE:1": {
                    "attributes": [{
                        "original_attribute_name": "pub",
                        "value": "x",
                        "value_type_id": "oo",
                        "attribute_type_id": "preserved_attrib"
                    }, {
                        "original_attribute_name": "publications",
                        "value": "x"
                    }, {
                        "original_attribute_name": "endogenous",
                        "value": "false"
                    }, {
                        "original_attribute_name": "p-value",
                        "value": "1.234"
                    }, {
                        "original_attribute_name": "chi-squared-statistic",
                        "value": "2.345"
                    }, {
                        "original_attribute_name": "equivalent_identifiers",
                        "attribute_type_id": "biolink:same_as",
                        "value": ["some_identifier"]
                    }, {
                        "value": "infores:kg_source"

    t2_expected_trapi = {
        'knowledge_graph': {
            'nodes': {
                'CURIE:1': {
                    'attributes': [{
                        'original_attribute_name': 'pub',
                        'value': 'x',
                        'value_type_id': 'EDAM:data_0006',
                        'attribute_type_id': 'preserved_attrib'
                    }, {
                        'original_attribute_name': 'publications',
                        'value': 'x',
                        'value_type_id': 'EDAM:data_0006',
                        'attribute_type_id': 'biolink:publications'
                    }, {
                        'original_attribute_name': 'endogenous',
                        'value': 'false',
                        'value_type_id': 'xsd:boolean',
                        'attribute_type_id': 'aragorn:endogenous'
                    }, {
                        'original_attribute_name': 'p-value',
                        'value': '1.234',
                        'value_type_id': 'EDAM:data_0006',
                        'attribute_type_id': 'biolink:Attribute'
                    }, {
                        'original_attribute_name': 'chi-squared-statistic',
                        'value': '2.345',
                        'value_type_id': 'EDAM:data_0006',
                        'attribute_type_id': 'biolink:Attribute'
                    }, {
                        "original_attribute_name": "equivalent_identifiers",
                        "attribute_type_id": "biolink:same_as",
                        "value": ["some_identifier"],
                        'value_type_id': 'metatype:uriorcurie'
                    }, {
                    }, {

    q = Question(question_json={})

    transformed = q.transform_attributes(t2_trapi_kg_response,

    # test default attribute to be EDAM:data_0006
    # test if value_type is preserved if in response from neo4j
    assert transformed == t2_expected_trapi