Exemple #1
def s2a_fm():

    This is the "main" function of the program.
    It will instantiate PyMata for communication with an Arduino micro-controller
    and the command handlers class.
    It will the start the HTTP server to communicate with Scratch 2.0
    @return : This is the main loop and should never return
    # total number of pins on arduino board
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    # number of pins that are analog
    number_of_analog_pins_discovered = 0

    # make sure we have a log directory and if not, create it.
    if not os.path.exists('log'):

    # turn on logging
    logging.basicConfig(filename='./log/s2a_fm_debugging.log', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)
    logging.info('s2a_fm version 1.5    Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved ')
    print 's2a_fm version 1.5   Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved '

    # get the com_port from the command line or default if none given
    # if user specified the com port on the command line, use that when invoking PyMata,
    # else use '/dev/ttyACM0'
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        com_port = str(sys.argv[1])
        com_port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
    logging.info('com port = %s' % com_port)

        # instantiate PyMata
        firmata = PyMata(com_port)  # pragma: no cover
    except Exception:
        print 'Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?'
        logging.exception('Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?')
        logging.debug("Exiting s2a_fm")

    # determine the total number of pins and the number of analog pins for the Arduino
    # get the arduino analog pin map
    # it will contain an entry for all the pins with non-analog set to firmata.IGNORE

    capability_map = firmata.get_analog_mapping_request_results()

    print "Please wait for Total Arduino Pin Discovery to complete. This can take up to 30 additional seconds."

    # count the pins
    for pin in capability_map:
            total_pins_discovered += 1
            # non analog pins will be marked as IGNORE
            if pin != firmata.IGNORE:
                number_of_analog_pins_discovered += 1

    # log the number of pins found
    logging.info('%d Total Pins and %d Analog Pins Found' % (total_pins_discovered, number_of_analog_pins_discovered))

    # instantiate the command handler
    scratch_command_handler = ScratchCommandHandlers(firmata, com_port, total_pins_discovered,

    # wait for a maximum of 30 seconds to retrieve the Arduino capability query
    start_time = time.time()

    pin_capability = firmata.get_capability_query_results()
    while not pin_capability:
        if time.time() - start_time > 30:
            print ''
            print "Could not determine pin capability - exiting."
            # keep sending out a capability query until there is a response
        pin_capability = firmata.get_capability_query_results()

    # we've got the capability, now build a dictionary with pin as the key and a list of all the capabilities
    # for the pin as the key's value
    pin_list = []
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    for entry in pin_capability:
        # bump up pin counter each time IGNORE is found
        if entry == firmata.IGNORE:
            scratch_command_handler.pin_map[total_pins_discovered] = pin_list
            total_pins_discovered += 1
            pin_list = []

    print "Arduino Total Pin Discovery completed in %d seconds" % (int(time.time() - start_time))

        # start the server passing it the handle to PyMata and the command handler.
        scratch_http_server.start_server(firmata, scratch_command_handler)

    except Exception:
        logging.debug('Exception in s2a_fm.py %s' % str(Exception))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # give control back to the shell that started us
        logging.info('s2a_fm.py: keyboard interrupt exception')
Exemple #2
def s2a_fm():
    This is the "main" function of the program.
    It will instantiate PyMata for communication with an Arduino micro-controller
    and the command handlers class.
    It will the start the HTTP server to communicate with Scratch 2.0
    @return : This is the main loop and should never return
    # total number of pins on arduino board
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    # number of pins that are analog
    number_of_analog_pins_discovered = 0

    # make sure we have a log directory and if not, create it.
    if not os.path.exists('log'):

    # turn on logging
        's2a_fm version 1.5    Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved '
    print 's2a est la version entierement en francais de s2a_fm, une sorte de s2a_fr v1.7'
    print 's2a_fm version 1.5   Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    Tous droits reserves '

    # print 'Traductions francaises : Sebastien Canet'

    # get the com_port from the command line or default if none given
    # if user specified the com port on the command line, use that when invoking PyMata,
    # else use '/dev/ttyACM0'
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        com_port = str(sys.argv[1])
        com_port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
    logging.info('com port = %s' % com_port)

        # instantiate PyMata
        firmata = PyMata(com_port)  # pragma: no cover
    except Exception:
        print 'Impossible de communiquer avec PyMata - votre carte Arduino est bien connectee ??'
            'Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?')
        logging.debug("Exiting s2a_fm")

    # determine the total number of pins and the number of analog pins for the Arduino
    # get the arduino analog pin map
    # it will contain an entry for all the pins with non-analog set to firmata.IGNORE

    capability_map = firmata.get_analog_mapping_request_results()

    print "Merci de patienter pendant la detection du nombre de pins de votre Arduino. Cela peut prendre pres de 30s de plus."

    # count the pins
    for pin in capability_map:
        total_pins_discovered += 1
        # non analog pins will be marked as IGNORE
        if pin != firmata.IGNORE:
            number_of_analog_pins_discovered += 1

    # log the number of pins found
    logging.info('%d Total Pins and %d Analog Pins Found' %
                 (total_pins_discovered, number_of_analog_pins_discovered))

    # instantiate the command handler
    scratch_command_handler = ScratchCommandHandlers(
        firmata, com_port, total_pins_discovered,

    # wait for a maximum of 30 seconds to retrieve the Arduino capability query
    start_time = time.time()

    pin_capability = firmata.get_capability_query_results()
    while not pin_capability:
        if time.time() - start_time > 30:
            print ''
            print "Impossible de determiner le nombre de pins - sortie du script."
            # keep sending out a capability query until there is a response
        pin_capability = firmata.get_capability_query_results()

    # we've got the capability, now build a dictionary with pin as the key and a list of all the capabilities
    # for the pin as the key's value
    pin_list = []
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    for entry in pin_capability:
        # bump up pin counter each time IGNORE is found
        if entry == firmata.IGNORE:
            scratch_command_handler.pin_map[total_pins_discovered] = pin_list
            total_pins_discovered += 1
            pin_list = []

    print "Detection des pins de la carte Arduino faite en %d secondes" % (
        int(time.time() - start_time))

        # lance un script pour automatiser l'ouverture de Scratch pendant que le serveur se met en route
        # il est separe pour permettre aux utilisateurs de le modifier en direct, dans le batch, ca simplifie
        # os.startfile('Scratch2.bat')
        # start the server passing it the handle to PyMata and the command handler.
        scratch_http_server.start_server(firmata, scratch_command_handler)

    except Exception:
        logging.debug('Erreur dans s2a_fm.py %s' % str(Exception))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # give control back to the shell that started us
        logging.info('s2a_fm.py: keyboard interrupt exception')
Exemple #3
class s2a_fm:

    This is the "main" function of the program.
    It will instantiate PyMata for communication with an Arduino micro-controller
    and the command handlers class.
    It will the start the HTTP server to communicate with Scratch 2.0
    @return : This is the main loop and should never return
    def __init__(self):
        # total number of pins on arduino board
        self.total_pins_discovered = 0
        # number of pins that are analog
        self.number_of_analog_pins_discovered = 0
        # COM-Port
        self.com_port = "COM1"
        #self.firmata ="-

        # make sure we have a log directory and if not, create it.
        if not os.path.exists('log'):

        # turn on logging
        logging.basicConfig(filename='./log/s2a_fm_debugging.log', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)
        logging.info('s2a_fm version 1.5    Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved ')
        print 's2a_fm version 1.5   Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved '

        # get the com_port from the command line or default if none given
        # if user specified the com port on the command line, use that when invoking PyMata,
        # else use '/dev/ttyACM0'

    def search_port(self):
        #returns all serial COM-Ports
        possible_ports = serial_ports() 
        for com_port in possible_ports:
            logging.info('com port = %s' % com_port)
                # instantiate PyMata
                self.firmata = PyMata(com_port)  # pragma: no cover
                self.com_port = com_port
                return 1
            except Exception:
                print('Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?')
                logging.exception('Could not instantiate PyMata on Port %s' % com_port)
        return 0
        #TODO: Ask if User Wants to flash Arduino on this Port
    def discover_arduino(self):
        # determine the total number of pins and the number of analog pins for the Arduino
        # get the arduino analog pin map
        # it will contain an entry for all the pins with non-analog set to self.firmata.IGNORE

        self.capability_map = self.firmata.get_analog_mapping_request_results()

        print("Please wait for Total Arduino Pin Discovery to complete. This can take up to 30 additional seconds.")

        # count the pins
        for pin in self.capability_map:
                self.total_pins_discovered += 1
                # non analog pins will be marked as IGNORE
                if pin != self.firmata.IGNORE:
                    self.number_of_analog_pins_discovered += 1

        # log the number of pins found
        logging.info('%d Total Pins and %d Analog Pins Found' % (self.total_pins_discovered, self.number_of_analog_pins_discovered))

        # instantiate the command handler
        self.scratch_command_handler = ScratchCommandHandlers(self.firmata, self.com_port, self.total_pins_discovered,

        # wait for a maximum of 30 seconds to retrieve the Arduino capability query
        start_time = time.time()

        pin_capability = self.firmata.get_capability_query_results()
        while not pin_capability:
            if time.time() - start_time > 30:
                print "Could not determine pin capability - exiting."
                # keep sending out a capability query until there is a response
            pin_capability = self.firmata.get_capability_query_results()

        # we've got the capability, now build a dictionary with pin as the key and a list of all the capabilities
        # for the pin as the key's value
        pin_list = []
        total_pins_discovered = 0
        for entry in pin_capability:
            # bump up pin counter each time IGNORE is found
            if entry == self.firmata.IGNORE:
                self.scratch_command_handler.pin_map[total_pins_discovered] = pin_list
                total_pins_discovered += 1
                pin_list = []

        print "Arduino Total Pin Discovery completed in %d seconds" % (int(time.time() - start_time))
    def guess_path(self):
        os_name = sys.plattform
        if os_name == "linux2":
            return  "scratch2"
        elif os_name == "win32" or os_name == "cygwin":
            #try some
            if os.path.exists("C:\Program Files (x86)\Scratch 2\Scratch 2.exe"):
                return "C:\Program Files (x86)\Scratch 2\Scratch 2.exe"
        elif os_name == "darwin":
            return "scratch2"
        return -1

    def start_server(self):
            # start the server passing it the handle to PyMata and the command handler.
            scratch_http_server.start_server(self.firmata, self.scratch_command_handler)

        except Exception:
            logging.debug('Exception in s2a_fm.py %s' % str(Exception))

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # give control back to the shell that started us
            logging.info('s2a_fm.py: keyboard interrupt exception')
Exemple #4
def s2a_fm():
    This is the "main" function of the program.
    It will instantiate PyMata for communication with an Arduino micro-controller
    and the command handlers class.
    It will the start the HTTP server to communicate with Scratch 2.0
    @return : This is the main loop and should never return
    # total number of pins on arduino board
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    # number of pins that are analog
    number_of_analog_pins_discovered = 0

    # make sure we have a log directory and if not, create it.
    if not os.path.exists('log'):

    # turn on logging
        's2a_fm version 1.5    Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved '
    print 's2a_fm version 1.5   Copyright(C) 2013-14 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved '

    # get the com_port from the command line or default if none given
    # if user specified the com port on the command line, use that when invoking PyMata,
    # else use '/dev/ttyACM0'
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        com_port = str(sys.argv[1])
        com_port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
    logging.info('com port = %s' % com_port)

        # instantiate PyMata
        firmata = PyMata(com_port)  # pragma: no cover
    except Exception:
        print 'Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?'
            'Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?')
        logging.debug("Exiting s2a_fm")

    # determine the total number of pins and the number of analog pins for the Arduino
    # get the arduino analog pin map
    # it will contain an entry for all the pins with non-analog set to firmata.IGNORE

    capability_map = firmata.get_analog_mapping_request_results()

    print "Please wait for Total Arduino Pin Discovery to complete. This can take up to 30 additional seconds."

    # count the pins
    for pin in capability_map:
        total_pins_discovered += 1
        # non analog pins will be marked as IGNORE
        if pin != firmata.IGNORE:
            number_of_analog_pins_discovered += 1

    # log the number of pins found
    logging.info('%d Total Pins and %d Analog Pins Found' %
                 (total_pins_discovered, number_of_analog_pins_discovered))

    # instantiate the command handler
    scratch_command_handler = ScratchCommandHandlers(
        firmata, com_port, total_pins_discovered,

    # wait for a maximum of 30 seconds to retrieve the Arduino capability query
    start_time = time.time()

    pin_capability = firmata.get_capability_query_results()
    while not pin_capability:
        if time.time() - start_time > 30:
            print ''
            print "Could not determine pin capability - exiting."
            # keep sending out a capability query until there is a response
        pin_capability = firmata.get_capability_query_results()

    # we've got the capability, now build a dictionary with pin as the key and a list of all the capabilities
    # for the pin as the key's value
    pin_list = []
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    for entry in pin_capability:
        # bump up pin counter each time IGNORE is found
        if entry == firmata.IGNORE:
            scratch_command_handler.pin_map[total_pins_discovered] = pin_list
            total_pins_discovered += 1
            pin_list = []

    print "Arduino Total Pin Discovery completed in %d seconds" % (
        int(time.time() - start_time))

        # start the server passing it the handle to PyMata and the command handler.
        scratch_http_server.start_server(firmata, scratch_command_handler)

    except Exception:
        logging.debug('Exception in s2a_fm.py %s' % str(Exception))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # give control back to the shell that started us
        logging.info('s2a_fm.py: keyboard interrupt exception')
Exemple #5
def s2a_fm():

    This is the "main" function of the program.
    It will instantiate PyMata for communication with an Arduino micro-controller
    and the command handlers class.
    It will the start the HTTP server to communicate with Scratch 2.0
    @return : This is the main loop and should never return
    # total number of pins on arduino board
    total_pins_discovered = 0
    # number of pins that are analog
    number_of_analog_pins_discovered = 0

    # make sure we have a log directory and if not, create it.
    if not os.path.exists('log'):

    # turn on logging
    logging.basicConfig(filename='./log/s2a_fm_debugging.log', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)
    logging.info('s2a_fm version 1.0    Copyright(C) 2013 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved ')
    print 's2a_fm version 1.0    Copyright(C) 2013 Alan Yorinks    All Rights Reserved '

    # get the com_port from the command line or default if none given
    # if user specified the com port on the command line, use that when invoking PyMata,
    # else use '/dev/ttyACM0'
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        com_port= str(sys.argv[1])
        com_port = '/dev/ttyACM0'
    logging.info('com port = %s' % com_port)

        # instantiate PyMata
        firmata = PyMata(com_port)  # pragma: no cover
        print 'Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?'
        logging.exception('Could not instantiate PyMata - is your Arduino plugged in?')
        logging.debug("Exiting s2a_fm")

    # determine the total number of pins and the number of analog pins for the Arduino
    # get the arduino analog pin map
    # it will contain an entry for all the pins with non-analog set to firmata.IGNORE

    capability_map = firmata.get_analog_mapping_request_results()

    # count the pins
    for pin in capability_map:
            total_pins_discovered += 1
            # non analog pins will be marked as IGNORE
            if pin != firmata.IGNORE:
                number_of_analog_pins_discovered += 1

    # log the number of pins found
    logging.info('%d Total Pins and %d Analog Pins Found' % (total_pins_discovered,
    # instantiate the command handler
    scratch_command_handler = ScratchCommandHandlers(firmata, com_port, total_pins_discovered,

        # start the server passing it the handle to PyMata and the command handler.
        scratch_http_server.start_server(firmata, scratch_command_handler)

    except Exception:
        logging.debug('Exception in s2a_fm.py %s' % str(Exception))

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # give control back to the shell that started us
        logging.info('s2a_fm.py: keyboard interrupt exception')