Common layout Common menu and, Common footer """ import sys import dominate from dominate.tags import * sys.path.append("../../") from PyPages import templates from . import util _html = templates.html_head("CST8238 - Assignment 1") with _html: with head(): util.links() with body(): with nav(cls="blue darken-2 white-text center"): h1("Image Gallery") with util.main(): br() with div(cls="img-gallery"): with div(cls="row center"): with div(cls="col"): img(src="images/a.png", alt="Image 1") blockquote("Found in the Andromeda Galaxy, and eventually sold for 20 Billion Ningi.")
import sys import dominate from dominate.tags import * sys.path.append("../../") from PyPages import templates song1 = "'t%20for%20this%20Bass%20(Ibiza%20A.M.%20Bounce%20Mix).mp3" song2 = "" song3 = "" _html = templates.html_head("CST8238 - Lab 4") with _html: with body(): link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="StyleSheet.css") br() with div(id="header"): h1("Lab 4 | Web Programming | CST8238") with div(id="menu"): with ul(id="menu"): li(a("Index", href="index.html")) li(a("Multimedia", href="Multimedia.html")) br() with div(id="content"):
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import dominate from dominate.tags import * sys.path.append("../") from PyPages import templates _html = templates.html_head("CST8238 - Home Directory") with _html: with body(): with a(href=""): h1("Github Repo") br() br() h1(u("Labs")) with ul(): li(a("Lab 1", href="Lab1/index.html")) li(a("Lab 2", href="Lab2/index.html")) li(a("Lab 3", href="Lab3/index.html")) li(a("Lab 4", href="Lab4/index.html")) br() h1(u("Assignments")) with ul(): li(a("Assignment 1", href="Assignment1/index.html"))