Exemple #1
def applycolors(data, pal):

    if args.PC:
        for color in pal:
        for color in pal:
    return data
Exemple #2
def get_indexed(data, w, h, colors=256, crop=True):
    palette = data[:colors * 4]
    table = []
    for i in range(colors):
        b = palette[(i * 4) + 0]
        g = palette[(i * 4) + 1]
        r = palette[(i * 4) + 2]
        a = palette[(i * 4) + 3]
        table.append(qRgba(r, g, b, a))

    img_start = colors * 4
    mask_start = img_start + (w * h)
    image = data[img_start:mask_start]
    image = QImage(image, w, h, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
    image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32)

    mask = data[mask_start:]

    for i in range(len(mask)):
        x = i % w
        y = i / w
        pixel = image.pixel(x, y)
        pixel = qRgba(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel), mask[i])
        image.setPixel(x, y, pixel)

    if crop:
        image = image.copy(0, 0, w - 2, h - 2)
    return image, len(mask) > 0
def qimageToRaster(img, fileName, xMin=0, yMax=0, mupp=1, crsWkt=None):
  """ Use GDAL to turn a QImage to GeoTIFF file """

  driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")

  ds = driver.Create(fileName, img.width(), img.height(), 4, gdal.GDT_Byte, ['ALPHA=YES'])

  # setup affine transform
  ds.SetGeoTransform([ xMin, mupp, 0, yMax, 0, -mupp ])

  if crsWkt is not None:

  size = img.height(), img.width()
  raster_r = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)
  raster_g = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)
  raster_b = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)
  raster_a = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)

  for i in xrange(img.width()*img.height()):
    x,y = i % img.width(), i / img.width()
    rgb = img.pixel(x,y)
    raster_r[y,x], raster_g[y,x], raster_b[y,x], raster_a[y,x] = qRed(rgb), qGreen(rgb), qBlue(rgb), qAlpha(rgb)


  ds = None   # Once we're done, close properly the dataset
def qimageToRaster(img, fileName, xMin=0, yMax=0, mupp=1, crsWkt=None):
    """ Use GDAL to turn a QImage to GeoTIFF file """

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")

    ds = driver.Create(fileName, img.width(), img.height(), 4, gdal.GDT_Byte,

    # setup affine transform
    ds.SetGeoTransform([xMin, mupp, 0, yMax, 0, -mupp])

    if crsWkt is not None:

    size = img.height(), img.width()
    raster_r = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    raster_g = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    raster_b = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    raster_a = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.uint8)

    for i in xrange(img.width() * img.height()):
        x, y = i % img.width(), i / img.width()
        rgb = img.pixel(x, y)
        raster_r[y, x], raster_g[y, x], raster_b[y, x], raster_a[y, x] = qRed(
            rgb), qGreen(rgb), qBlue(rgb), qAlpha(rgb)


    ds = None  # Once we're done, close properly the dataset
Exemple #5
def to_SHTXFs(img):

    data = bytearray(SHTXFs_MAGIC)

    width = img.width()
    height = img.height()

    data.append(int(math.ceil(math.log(width, 2))))
    data.append(int(math.ceil(math.log(height, 2))))

    pal = img.colorTable()
    if len(pal) < 256:
        pal.extend([0] * (256 - len(pal)))

    for color in pal:

    data.extend(img.constBits().asstring(width * height))

    return data
 def data(fn):
     img = QImage(fn)
     d = np.zeros((img.width(), img.height(), 3))
     for i in xrange(img.width()):
         for j in xrange(img.height()):
             raw_col = img.pixel(i, j)
             d[i, j][0] = qRed(raw_col)
             d[i, j][1] = qGreen(raw_col)
             d[i, j][2] = qBlue(raw_col)
     return d
def blit(src, dst, x, y, masked):
    w = src.width()
    h = src.height()

    out = dst.copy()
    for i in range(w):
        for j in range(h):
            dst_pixel = dst.pixel(x + i, y + j)
            src_pixel = src.pixel(i, j)

            # If src has transparency data, we use it, otherwise, we borrow from dst.
            # This logic doesn't quite work for bustup/l/si4?
            if masked or dst_pixel == TRANSPARENT_COLOR:
                out_pixel = src_pixel
                out_pixel = qRgba(qRed(src_pixel), qGreen(src_pixel),
                                  qBlue(src_pixel), qAlpha(dst_pixel))

            out.setPixel(x + i, y + j, out_pixel)

    return out
Exemple #8
def colorDiff(c1, c2):
    redDiff = abs(qRed(c1) - qRed(c2))
    greenDiff = abs(qGreen(c1) - qGreen(c2))
    blueDiff = abs(qBlue(c1) - qBlue(c2))
    alphaDiff = abs(qAlpha(c1) - qAlpha(c2))
    return max(redDiff, greenDiff, blueDiff, alphaDiff)
def colorDiff(c1, c2):
    redDiff = abs(qRed(c1) - qRed(c2))
    greenDiff = abs(qGreen(c1) - qGreen(c2))
    blueDiff = abs(qBlue(c1) - qBlue(c2))
    alphaDiff = abs(qAlpha(c1) - qAlpha(c2))
    return max(redDiff, greenDiff, blueDiff, alphaDiff)
Exemple #10
	def toleranceMatch(self, px1, px2, rgbTolerances):
		if (abs(qRed(px1) - qRed(px2))) > rgbTolerances[0] or (abs(qGreen(px1) - qGreen(px2))) > rgbTolerances[1] or (abs(qBlue(px1) - qBlue(px2))) > rgbTolerances[2]:
			return False
		if not self.mw.ui.actionIgnore_Transparent_Pixels.isChecked():
			return abs(qAlpha(px1) == qAlpha(px2))
		return True
Exemple #11
def writeText(fp, colorTable):
    for i in colorTable:
        print(u"{0}, {1}, {2},".format(qRed(i), qGreen(i), qBlue(i)), file=fp)
Exemple #12
    def render(self, image, depth, viewport_scale, stroke_colour):

        # Sort the edges of the polygon by their minimum projected y
        # coordinates, discarding horizontal edges.
        width = image.width()
        height = image.height()
        z_max = 1 << 16

        edges = []
        l = len(self.points)

        for i in range(l):

            pxa, pya = self.projected[i]
            pxa = width / 2 + (pxa * viewport_scale)
            pya = height / 2 - (pya * viewport_scale)
            za = -self.points[i].z

            j = (i + 1) % l
            pxb, pyb = self.projected[j]
            pxb = width / 2 + (pxb * viewport_scale)
            pyb = height / 2 - (pyb * viewport_scale)
            zb = -self.points[j].z

            # Append the starting and finishing y coordinates, the starting
            # x coordinate, the dx/dy gradient of the edge, the starting
            # z coordinate and the dz/dy gradient of the edge.

            if int(pya) < int(pyb):
                edges.append((pya, pyb, pxa, (pxb - pxa) / (pyb - pya), za,
                              (zb - za) / (pyb - pya)))
            elif int(pya) > int(pyb):
                edges.append((pyb, pya, pxb, (pxa - pxb) / (pya - pyb), zb,
                              (za - zb) / (pya - pyb)))

        if not edges:

        end_py = edges[-1][1]

        if end_py < 0:

        py1, end_py1, px1, dx1, z1, dz1 = edges.pop(0)

        if py1 >= height:

        py2, end_py2, px2, dx2, z2, dz2 = edges.pop(0)

        py = int(py1)
        if py < py1 or py < py2:
            py += 1

        while py <= end_py and py < height:

            # Retrieve new edges as required.

            if py >= end_py1:
                if not edges:
                py1, end_py1, px1, dx1, z1, dz1 = edges.pop(0)

            if py >= end_py2:
                if not edges:
                py2, end_py2, px2, dx2, z2, dz2 = edges.pop(0)

            if py < 0:
                py += 1

            # Calculate the starting and finishing x coordinates of the span
            # at the current y coordinate.

            sx1 = px1 + dx1 * (py - py1)
            sx2 = px2 + dx2 * (py - py2)

            # Calculate the starting and finishing z coordinates of the span
            # at the current y coordinate.

            sz1 = z1 + dz1 * (py - py1)
            sz2 = z2 + dz2 * (py - py2)

            # Do not render the span if it lies outside the image or has
            # values that cannot be stored in the depth buffer.
            # Truncate the span if it lies partially within the image.

            if sx1 > sx2:
                sx1, sx2 = sx2, sx1
                sz1, sz2 = sz2, sz1

            # Only calculate a depth gradient for the span if it is more than
            # one pixel wide.
            if sx1 != sx2:
                dz = (sz2 - sz1) / (sx2 - sx1)
                dz = 0.0

            if sz1 <= 0 and sz2 <= 0:
                py += 1
            elif sz1 >= z_max and sz2 >= z_max:
                py += 1

            sx, end_sx = int(sx1), int(sx2)
            if sx < sx1:
                sx += 1

            if sx >= width:
                py += 1
            elif end_sx < 0:
                py += 1

            if sx < 0:
                sx = 0

            if end_sx >= width:
                end_sx = width - 1

            # Draw the span.

            while sx <= end_sx:

                sz = sz1 + dz * (sx - sx1)

                if 0 < sz <= depth[int(sx)][int(py)]:

                    if self.alpha < 1.0:

                        pixel = image.pixel(sx, py)
                        dr = qRed(pixel)
                        dg = qGreen(pixel)
                        db = qBlue(pixel)
                        r = (1 - self.alpha) * dr + self.alpha * self.red
                        g = (1 - self.alpha) * dg + self.alpha * self.green
                        b = (1 - self.alpha) * db + self.alpha * self.blue
                        image.setPixel(sx, py, qRgb(r, g, b))

                        depth[int(sx)][int(py)] = sz
                        image.setPixel(sx, py, self.rgba)

                sx += 1

            if stroke_colour:

                if 0 <= sx1 < width and 0 < sz1 <= depth[int(sx1)][int(py)]:
                    image.setPixel(sx1, py, stroke_colour)

                if 0 <= sx2 < width and 0 < sz2 <= depth[int(sx2)][int(py)]:
                    image.setPixel(sx2, py, stroke_colour)

            py += 1