Exemple #1
 def defaultKeywords(self, kwSet):
     Public method to get the default keywords.
     @param kwSet number of the keyword set (integer)
     @return string giving the keywords (string) or None
     return QsciLexerCSS.keywords(self, kwSet)
Exemple #2
 def defaultKeywords(self, kwSet):
     Public method to get the default keywords.
     @param kwSet number of the keyword set (integer)
     @return string giving the keywords (string) or None
     return QsciLexerCSS.keywords(self, kwSet)
Exemple #3
    def defaultKeywords(self, kwSet):
        Public method to get the default keywords.
        @param kwSet number of the keyword set (integer)
        @return string giving the keywords (string) or None
        if kwSet == 1:
            return (
                "color background-color background-image background-repeat"
                " background-attachment background-position background"
                " font-family font-style font-variant font-weight font-size"
                " font word-spacing letter-spacing text-decoration"
                " vertical-align text-transform text-align text-indent"
                " line-height margin-top margin-right margin-bottom"
                " margin-left margin padding-top padding-right padding-bottom"
                " padding-left padding border-top-width border-right-width"
                " border-bottom-width border-left-width border-width"
                " border-top border-right border-bottom border-left border"
                " border-color border-style width height float clear display"
                " white-space list-style-type list-style-image"
                " list-style-position list-style")

        if kwSet == 2:
            return (
                "link active visited first-child focus hover lang left"
                " right first empty enabled disabled checked not root target"
                " only-child last-child nth-child nth-last-child first-of-type"
                " last-of-type nth-of-type nth-last-of-type only-of-type valid"
                " invalid required optional first-letter first-line before"
                " after")

        if kwSet == 3:
            return (
                "border-top-color border-right-color border-bottom-color"
                " border-left-color border-color border-top-style"
                " border-right-style border-bottom-style border-left-style"
                " border-style top right bottom left position z-index"
                " direction unicode-bidi min-width max-width min-height"
                " max-height overflow clip visibility content quotes"
                " counter-reset counter-increment marker-offset size marks"
                " page-break-before page-break-after page-break-inside page"
                " orphans widows font-stretch font-size-adjust unicode-range"
                " units-per-em src panose-1 stemv stemh slope cap-height"
                " x-height ascent descent widths bbox definition-src baseline"
                " centerline mathline topline text-shadow caption-side"
                " table-layout border-collapse border-spacing empty-cells"
                " speak-header cursor outline outline-width outline-style"
                " outline-color volume speak pause-before pause-after pause"
                " cue-before cue-after cue play-during azimuth elevation"
                " speech-rate voice-family pitch pitch-range stress richness"
                " speak-punctuation speak-numeral")

        if kwSet == 4:
            return (
                "background-size border-radius border-top-right-radius"
                " border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-left-radius"
                " border-top-left-radius box-shadow columns column-width"
                " column-count column-rule column-gap column-rule-color"
                " column-rule-style column-rule-width resize opacity word-wrap"

        if kwSet == 5:
            return ("first-letter first-line before after selection")

        if kwSet == 6:
            return ("^-moz- ^-webkit- ^-o- ^-ms- filter")

        if kwSet == 7:
            return ("indeterminate default ^-moz- ^-webkit- ^-o- ^-ms-")

        if kwSet == 8:
            return ("selection ^-moz- ^-webkit- ^-o- ^-ms-")

        return QsciLexerCSS.keywords(self, kwSet)