Exemple #1
    def evalTwoNllFullMu(self, x=None, y=None, values=None):
		h is a dictionary of channel:(muTmuW histograms,mapFunction). 
		For the muTmuW plot, mapFunc is the identity. For the coupling plots,
		mapFunction is the map from couplings to muTmuW.

        if x != None: self.pois[0] = x
        if y != None: self.pois[1] = y

        if values != None:
            for k, v in zip(self.nuisanceParameters.keys(), values):
                self.nuisanceParameters[k] = v

        twoNll = 0.0
        for hist, etas, mapFunc in self.inputs:
            muT, muW = mapFunc(self.pois[0], self.pois[1])
            muR = self.responseFunctionInv({'muT': muT, 'muW': muW}, etas)
            twoNll += interpolate(hist,

        twoNll += self.constraintTerms()
        return twoNll
Exemple #2
    def evalTwoNllFast(self, etasAndPhi, npArray):
        twoNll = 0.0
        for hist, etas, mapFunc in self.inputs:
            mu = numpy.matrix(mapFunc(self.pois[0], self.pois[1])).transpose()
            muR = self.responseFunctionFast(mu, etasAndPhi, npArray)
            twoNll += interpolate(hist, muR[0], muR[1])

        # constraint term fast
        twoNll += sum(v * v for v in npArray)
        return twoNll
Exemple #3
	def evalTwoNllFast( self, etasAndPhi, npArray ):
		twoNll = 0.0
		for hist,etas,mapFunc in self.inputs:
			mu = numpy.matrix( mapFunc(self.pois[0], self.pois[1]) ).transpose()
			muR = self.responseFunctionFast( mu, etasAndPhi, npArray )
			twoNll += interpolate( hist, muR[0], muR[1] )

		# constraint term fast
		twoNll += sum( v*v for v in npArray )
		return twoNll		
Exemple #4
	def evalTwoNllFullMu( self, x=None, y=None, values=None ):
		h is a dictionary of channel:(muTmuW histograms,mapFunction). 
		For the muTmuW plot, mapFunc is the identity. For the coupling plots,
		mapFunction is the map from couplings to muTmuW.

		if x != None: self.pois[0] = x
		if y != None: self.pois[1] = y

		if values!=None:
			for k,v in zip(self.nuisanceParameters.keys(),values): self.nuisanceParameters[k] = v

		twoNll = 0.0
		for hist,etas,mapFunc in self.inputs:
			muT,muW = mapFunc(self.pois[0], self.pois[1])
			muR = self.responseFunctionInv( {'muT':muT, 'muW':muW}, etas )
			twoNll += interpolate( hist, muR['muT'], muR['muW'], outOfRangeValue=1e6 )

		twoNll += self.constraintTerms()
		return twoNll
Exemple #5
    def getConstraintTermsHists(self,
        """ Constructs constraint term values as a function of muT,muW
		but only keeps terms that were not seens in a previous channel. """

        if not priority:
            priority = reversed(["2ph", "4l", "lvlv"])

        f = ROOT.TFile.Open(filename, "READ")

        l = f.GetListOfKeys()
        nuisParams = []
        for i in range(l.GetSize()):
            if "nuisParValue_" == l.At(i).GetName()[:13]:
                nuisName = l.At(i).GetName()[13:]
                nuisName = nuisName[:nuisName.rfind(
                    "_")]  # remove channel label
                if suffix:
                    if suffix not in nuisName: continue
                    nuisName = nuisName.replace(suffix, "")
                    containsSuffix = False
                    for possibleSuffix in [
                            "_eff", "_forCouplingsFromProdModes"
                        if possibleSuffix in nuisName:
                            containsSuffix = True
                    if containsSuffix: continue
                if nuisName in nuisParams: continue
            "======== Nuisance Parameters taken into account for constraint term ========"

        # Average nuisance parameter value.
        # When having three Gaussians with the same width at different positions
        # (or as here, the same Gaussian three times with different pulls), then
        # the maximum of the product of the three Gaussians is at the arithmetic
        # mean of the three Gaussian mean values.
        # Do not use for now because the different histogram boundaries between
        # the channels are a problem.

        # averageNuisParValues = {}
        # for n in nuisParams:

        # 	maxBinsMuT,maxBinsMuW = (0,0)
        # 	maxMuT,maxMuW = (0,0)
        # 	minMuT,minMuW = (10,10)
        # 	for c in ["4l","2ph","lvlv"]: # give priority to 4l because we need the maximum parameter range
        # 		n_h = f.Get( "nuisParValue_"+n+suffix+"_"+c )
        # 		if not n_h: continue

        # 		muT = [ n_h.GetXaxis().GetNbins(), n_h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), n_h.GetXaxis().GetXmax() ]
        # 		muW = [ n_h.GetYaxis().GetNbins(), n_h.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), n_h.GetYaxis().GetXmax() ]
        # 		if muT[0] > maxBinsMuT: maxBinsMuT = muT[0]
        # 		if muW[0] > maxBinsMuW: maxBinsMuW = muW[0]
        # 		if muT[1] < minMuT: minMuT = muT[1]
        # 		if muW[1] < minMuW: minMuW = muW[1]
        # 		if muT[2] > maxMuT: maxMuT = muT[2]
        # 		if muW[2] > maxMuW: maxMuW = muW[2]

        # 		if n in averageNuisParValues.keys():
        # 			averageNuisParValues[n].append( n_h )
        # 		else:
        # 			averageNuisParValues[n] = [ n_h ]

        # 	muT = [ 2*maxBinsMuT, minMuT, maxMuT ]
        # 	muW = [ 2*maxBinsMuW, minMuW, maxMuW ]
        # 	h_average = ROOT.TH2F( "average_"+n, "Average value of "+n+";muT;muW;average value",  muT[0], muT[1], muT[2],  muW[0], muW[1], muW[2] )
        # 	for x in range(muT[0] ):
        # 		muTVal = muT[1] + (x+0.5)*(muT[2]-muT[1]) / muT[0]
        # 		for y in range( muW[0] ):
        # 			muWVal = muW[1] + (y+0.5)*(muW[2]-muW[1]) / muW[0]

        # 			count = 0
        # 			sumVal = 0.0
        # 			for h in averageNuisParValues[n]:
        # 				val = interpolate( h, muTVal, muWVal, outOfRangeValue=2345789 )
        # 				if val != 2345789:
        # 					sumVal += val
        # 					count += 1

        # 			if count > 0:
        # 				bin = h_average.FindBin( muTVal, muWVal )
        # 				h_average.SetBinContent( bin, sumVal/count )

        # 	averageNuisParValues[n] = h_average

        h = {"2ph": None, "4l": None, "lvlv": None}
        seenNuisParams = []
        for c in priority:
            muT, muW = (None, None)
            for n in nuisParams:
                n_h = f.Get("nuisParValue_" + n + suffix + "_" + c)
                if not n_h: continue

                if h[c] is None:
                    muT = [
                    muW = [
                    h[c] = ROOT.TH2F(
                        "constr_" + c, "Constraint term value for " + c +
                        ";muT;muW;-2 ln #Lambda", muT[0], muT[1], muT[2],
                        muW[0], muW[1], muW[2])

                if (not useAverage) and n not in seenNuisParams:
                    for x in range(muT[0]):
                        muTVal = muT[1] + (x + 0.5) * (muT[2] -
                                                       muT[1]) / muT[0]
                        for y in range(muW[0]):
                            muWVal = muW[1] + (y + 0.5) * (muW[2] -
                                                           muW[1]) / muW[0]

                            bin = h[c].FindBin(muTVal, muWVal)
                            if n_h:
                                v = n_h.GetBinContent(bin)
                                ave = 0.0
                                if useAverage:
                                    ave = interpolate(averageNuisParValues[n],
                                    bin, h[c].GetBinContent(bin) + (v - ave) *
                                    (v - ave))

        return (h["2ph"], h["4l"], h["lvlv"])
Exemple #6
	def getConstraintTermsHists( self, filename, suffix=None, useAverage=False, priority=None ):
		""" Constructs constraint term values as a function of muT,muW
		but only keeps terms that were not seens in a previous channel. """

		if not priority:
			priority = reversed(["2ph","4l","lvlv"])

		f = ROOT.TFile.Open( filename, "READ" )

		l = f.GetListOfKeys()
		nuisParams = []
		for i in range( l.GetSize() ):
			if "nuisParValue_" == l.At(i).GetName()[:13]:
				nuisName = l.At(i).GetName()[13:]
				nuisName = nuisName[:nuisName.rfind("_")] # remove channel label
				if suffix:
					if suffix not in nuisName: continue
					nuisName = nuisName.replace(suffix, "")
					containsSuffix = False
					for possibleSuffix in ["_eff","_forCouplingsFromProdModes"]:
						if possibleSuffix in nuisName:
							containsSuffix = True
					if containsSuffix: continue
				if nuisName in nuisParams: continue
				nuisParams.append( nuisName )
		print( "======== Nuisance Parameters taken into account for constraint term ========")
		print( nuisParams )
		print( "" )

		# Average nuisance parameter value.
		# When having three Gaussians with the same width at different positions
		# (or as here, the same Gaussian three times with different pulls), then
		# the maximum of the product of the three Gaussians is at the arithmetic
		# mean of the three Gaussian mean values.
		# Do not use for now because the different histogram boundaries between
		# the channels are a problem.

		# averageNuisParValues = {}
		# for n in nuisParams:

		# 	maxBinsMuT,maxBinsMuW = (0,0)
		# 	maxMuT,maxMuW = (0,0)
		# 	minMuT,minMuW = (10,10)
		# 	for c in ["4l","2ph","lvlv"]: # give priority to 4l because we need the maximum parameter range
		# 		n_h = f.Get( "nuisParValue_"+n+suffix+"_"+c )
		# 		if not n_h: continue

		# 		muT = [ n_h.GetXaxis().GetNbins(), n_h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), n_h.GetXaxis().GetXmax() ] 
		# 		muW = [ n_h.GetYaxis().GetNbins(), n_h.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), n_h.GetYaxis().GetXmax() ]
		# 		if muT[0] > maxBinsMuT: maxBinsMuT = muT[0]
		# 		if muW[0] > maxBinsMuW: maxBinsMuW = muW[0]
		# 		if muT[1] < minMuT: minMuT = muT[1]
		# 		if muW[1] < minMuW: minMuW = muW[1]
		# 		if muT[2] > maxMuT: maxMuT = muT[2]
		# 		if muW[2] > maxMuW: maxMuW = muW[2]

		# 		if n in averageNuisParValues.keys():
		# 			averageNuisParValues[n].append( n_h )
		# 		else:
		# 			averageNuisParValues[n] = [ n_h ]

		# 	muT = [ 2*maxBinsMuT, minMuT, maxMuT ]
		# 	muW = [ 2*maxBinsMuW, minMuW, maxMuW ]
		# 	h_average = ROOT.TH2F( "average_"+n, "Average value of "+n+";muT;muW;average value",  muT[0], muT[1], muT[2],  muW[0], muW[1], muW[2] )
		# 	for x in range(muT[0] ):
		# 		muTVal = muT[1] + (x+0.5)*(muT[2]-muT[1]) / muT[0]
		# 		for y in range( muW[0] ):
		# 			muWVal = muW[1] + (y+0.5)*(muW[2]-muW[1]) / muW[0]

		# 			count = 0
		# 			sumVal = 0.0
		# 			for h in averageNuisParValues[n]:
		# 				val = interpolate( h, muTVal, muWVal, outOfRangeValue=2345789 )
		# 				if val != 2345789:
		# 					sumVal += val
		# 					count += 1

		# 			if count > 0:
		# 				bin = h_average.FindBin( muTVal, muWVal )
		# 				h_average.SetBinContent( bin, sumVal/count )

		# 	averageNuisParValues[n] = h_average

		h = { "2ph":None, "4l":None, "lvlv":None }
		seenNuisParams = []
		for c in priority:
			muT,muW = (None,None)
			for n in nuisParams:
				n_h = f.Get( "nuisParValue_"+n+suffix+"_"+c )
				if not n_h: continue

				if h[c] is None:
					muT = [ n_h.GetXaxis().GetNbins(), n_h.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), n_h.GetXaxis().GetXmax() ] 
					muW = [ n_h.GetYaxis().GetNbins(), n_h.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), n_h.GetYaxis().GetXmax() ] 
					h[c] = ROOT.TH2F( "constr_"+c, "Constraint term value for "+c+";muT;muW;-2 ln #Lambda",  muT[0], muT[1], muT[2],  muW[0], muW[1], muW[2] )

				if (not useAverage) and n not in seenNuisParams: 
					seenNuisParams.append( n )
					for x in range(muT[0] ):
						muTVal = muT[1] + (x+0.5)*(muT[2]-muT[1]) / muT[0]
						for y in range( muW[0] ):
							muWVal = muW[1] + (y+0.5)*(muW[2]-muW[1]) / muW[0]

							bin = h[c].FindBin( muTVal, muWVal )
							if n_h:
								v = n_h.GetBinContent(bin)
								ave = 0.0
								if useAverage:
									ave = interpolate( averageNuisParValues[n], muTVal, muWVal, outOfRangeValue=0.0 )
								h[c].SetBinContent( bin, h[c].GetBinContent(bin) + (v-ave)*(v-ave) )

		container.append( h )
		return (h["2ph"],h["4l"],h["lvlv"])