Exemple #1
def string_key (entry, fmt, table, oldnew):
    """ Generates an alphabetical key for an entry. fmt is the
    output coding """

    rc = recode.recode ("latin1.." + fmt)

    if   entry.has_key ('author'): aut = entry ['author']
    elif entry.has_key ('editor'): aut = entry ['editor']
    else:                          aut = ()

    if len (aut) > 0:
        if len (aut) > 1:
            key = ''
            for a in aut:
                honorific, first, last, lineage = a.format (fmt)
                key = key + string.join (map (lambda x:
                                              x [0], string.split (last, ' ')), '')
                if len (key) >= 3:
                    if len (aut) > 3:
                        key = key + '+'
            honorific, first, last, lineage = aut [0].format (fmt)
            parts = string.split (last, ' ')

            if len (parts) == 1:
                key = parts [0][0:3]
                key = string.join (map (lambda x: x [0], parts), '')

        key = rc (entry.key.key [0:3])

    if entry.has_key ('date'):
        year = entry ['date'].format (fmt) [0]

        if year:
            key = key + year [2:]

    if table.has_key (key) or table.has_key (key + 'a'):

        if table.has_key (key):
            # rename the old entry
            new = key + 'a'

            oldnew [table [key].key] = new
            table [new] = table [key]
            del table [key]

        base = key
        suff = ord ('b')
        key  = base + chr (suff)

        while table.has_key (key):
            suff = suff + 1
            key  = base + chr (suff)

    return key
Exemple #2
def string_key (entry, fmt, table, oldnew):
    """ Generates an alphabetical key for an entry. fmt is the
    output coding """

    rc = recode.recode ("latin1.." + fmt)

    if   entry.has_key ('author'): aut = entry ['author']
    elif entry.has_key ('editor'): aut = entry ['editor']
    else:                          aut = ()

    if len (aut) > 0:
        if len (aut) > 1:
            key = ''
            for a in aut:
                honorific, first, last, lineage = a.format (fmt)
                key = key + string.join (map (lambda x:
                                              x [0], string.split (last, ' ')), '')
                if len (key) >= 3:
                    if len (aut) > 3:
                        key = key + '+'
            honorific, first, last, lineage = aut [0].format (fmt)
            parts = string.split (last, ' ')

            if len (parts) == 1:
                key = parts [0][0:3]
                key = string.join (map (lambda x: x [0], parts), '')

        key = rc (entry.key.key [0:3])

    if entry.has_key ('date'):
        year = entry ['date'].format (fmt) [0]

        if year:
            key = key + year [2:]

    if table.has_key (key) or table.has_key (key + 'a'):

        if table.has_key (key):
            # rename the old entry
            new = key + 'a'

            oldnew [table [key].key] = new
            table [new] = table [key]
            del table [key]

        base = key
        suff = ord ('b')
        key  = base + chr (suff)

        while table.has_key (key):
            suff = suff + 1
            key  = base + chr (suff)

    return key
Exemple #3
def authoryear_key (entry, fmt, table, oldnew):
    """ Generates an author-year type key for an entry. fmt is the
    output coding """

    rc = recode.recode ("latin1.." + fmt)

    if   entry.has_key ('author'): aut = entry ['author']
    elif entry.has_key ('editor'): aut = entry ['editor']
    else:                          aut = ()

    key = ''
    if len (aut) > 0:
        if len (aut) > 1:
            if len (aut) == 2:
                for a in aut:
                    honorific, first, last, lineage = a.format (fmt)
                    parts = string.split (last, ' ')
                    if key:
                        key = key + ' and '

                    key = key + parts [0]

                a = aut [0]
                honorific, first, last, lineage = a.format (fmt)
                parts = string.split (last, ' ')
                key = parts [0] + ' et al.'

            honorific, first, last, lineage = aut [0].format (fmt)
            parts = string.split (last, ' ')
            key = parts [0]

        key = rc (entry.key.key)

    if entry.has_key ('date'):
        year = entry ['date'].format (fmt) [0]

        if year:
            key = key + ', ' + year

    if table.has_key (key) or table.has_key (key + 'a'):

        if table.has_key (key):
            # rename the old entry
            new = key + 'a'

            oldnew [table [key].key] = new
            table [new] = table [key]
            del table [key]

        base = key
        suff = ord ('b')
        key  = base + chr (suff)

        while table.has_key (key):
            suff = suff + 1
            key  = base + chr (suff)

    return key
Exemple #4
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details. 
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
import re
from string import *

from Pyblio import Key, Autoload, recode

_flat = recode.recode ('latin1..flat')

def compress_page_range (pages, separator='-'):
    """Returns a page range with common prefix
    elided from the second number. Resulte is string
    firstpage(separator)(lastpage), except if separator
    is None, then a sequence is returned."""

    p = re.sub (' *--? *', '-', pages)
    s = p.split('-')
    if len(s) > 1:
        l, r = s
        if len(l) == len(r):
            i = 0
            while r [i] == l[i]:
                i += 1
Exemple #5
def authoryear_key (entry, fmt, table, oldnew):
    """ Generates an author-year type key for an entry. fmt is the
    output coding """

    rc = recode.recode ("latin1.." + fmt)

    if   entry.has_key ('author'): aut = entry ['author']
    elif entry.has_key ('editor'): aut = entry ['editor']
    else:                          aut = ()

    key = ''
    if len (aut) > 0:
        if len (aut) > 1:
            if len (aut) == 2:
                for a in aut:
                    honorific, first, last, lineage = a.format (fmt)
                    parts = string.split (last, ' ')
                    if key:
                        key = key + ' and '

                    key = key + parts [0]

                a = aut [0]
                honorific, first, last, lineage = a.format (fmt)
                parts = string.split (last, ' ')
                key = parts [0] + ' et al.'

            honorific, first, last, lineage = aut [0].format (fmt)
            parts = string.split (last, ' ')
            key = parts [0]

        key = rc (entry.key.key)

    if entry.has_key ('date'):
        year = entry ['date'].format (fmt) [0]

        if year:
            key = key + ', ' + year

    if table.has_key (key) or table.has_key (key + 'a'):

        if table.has_key (key):
            # rename the old entry
            new = key + 'a'

            oldnew [table [key].key] = new
            table [new] = table [key]
            del table [key]

        base = key
        suff = ord ('b')
        key  = base + chr (suff)

        while table.has_key (key):
            suff = suff + 1
            key  = base + chr (suff)

    return key
Exemple #6
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

import re

from string import rstrip, join, split

from Pyblio import Key, Autoload, recode

_flat = recode.recode ('latin1..flat')

def compress_page_range (pages, separator='-'):
    """Returns a page range with common prefix
    elided from the second number. Resulte is string
    firstpage(separator)(lastpage), except if separator
    is None, then a sequence is returned."""

    p = re.sub (' *--? *', '-', pages)
    s = p.split('-')
    if len(s) > 1:
        l, r = s
        if len(l) == len(r):
            i = 0
            while r [i] == l[i]: