Exemple #1
def findMatch_track_old_random(lepton, tracks):

    drmin = 10
    idx = -1

    if lepton.pt() > 0:

        leptonTlv = TLorentzVector()
        leptonTlv.SetPxPyPzE(lepton.px(), lepton.py(), lepton.pz(),

        for itrack, track in enumerate(tracks):

            if track.numberOfValidHits() == 0: continue
            if track.ndof() == 0: continue
            if track.charge() == 0: continue

            #			if not passesPreselection_basic_track(track): continue

            if not track.charge() * lepton.charge() < 0: continue

            #			if not abs(track.pt() - lepton.pt()) / lepton.pt() < 0.2: continue

            trackTlv = TLorentzVector()
            trackTlv.SetPxPyPzE(track.px(), track.py(), track.pz(),
                                track.pt() * TMath.CosH(track.eta()))

            dr = trackTlv.DeltaR(leptonTlv)

            if dr < drmin:

                drmin = dr
                idx = itrack

    return idx, drmin
Exemple #2
 def RecoP4(self, regIdx):
     Sums the energy collected in a given signal region
     and returns the 4-vector.
     p4 = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0)
     en = np.sum(self.recEn[:regIdx], axis=None)
     pt = en / TMath.CosH(self.genP4.Eta())
     p4.SetPtEtaPhiM(pt, self.genP4.Eta(), self.genP4.Phi(), 0)
     return p4