Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, handle, wrap=60, record2title=None):
        """Create a Fasta writer.

        handle - Handle to an output file, e.g. as returned
                 by open(filename, "w")
        wrap -   Optional line length used to wrap sequence lines.
                 Defaults to wrapping the sequence at 60 characters
                 Use zero (or None) for no wrapping, giving a single
                 long line for the sequence.
        record2title - Optional function to return the text to be
                 used for the title line of each record.  By default
                 a combination of the record.id and record.description
                 is used.  If the record.description starts with the
                 record.id, then just the record.description is used.

        You can either use::

            handle = open(filename, "w")
            myWriter = FastaWriter(handle)

        Or, follow the sequential file writer system, for example:

            handle = open(filename, "w")
            myWriter = FastaWriter(handle)
            writer.write_header() # does nothing for Fasta files
            Multiple calls to writer.write_record() and/or writer.write_records()
            writer.write_footer() # does nothing for Fasta files

        SequentialSequenceWriter.__init__(self, handle)
        #self.handle = handle
        self.wrap = None
        if wrap:
            if wrap < 1:
                raise ValueError
        self.wrap = wrap
        self.record2title = record2title
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, handle):
     SequentialSequenceWriter.__init__(self, handle)
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, handle):
     SequentialSequenceWriter.__init__(self, handle)