Exemple #1
def nn_guess(mol, S, P0=None):
    """This method returns a guess for the density matrix of a molecule
    that can be used as input for scf calculations. Until now only the diagonal 
    elements are estimated by the network, while the rest is 

        - atoms <list<str>>: a list of chemical symbols for the atoms in the 
        - S <np.array>: the density matrix of the molecule
        - P0 <np.array>: a (cheap) initial guess in which the network guess 
        (which calculates only the diagonal) shall be placed.

        - <np.array>: a matrix containing the initial guess for the density 
    atoms = mol.species

    sess = tf.Session()

    #--- acquire model and setup graph ---
    model_database = normpath("./models")
    networks = {}

    for species in list(set(atoms)):
        model = np.load(join(model_database, species + ".npy"), encoding="bytes")
        nn = EluFixedValue(*model)
        networks[species] = nn


    # if no init guess is given used pyscf default guess
    if P0 is None:
        P0 = init_guess_by_minao(mol.get_pyscf_molecule())

    dm = []
    for atom_index, atom in enumerate(atoms):
        inputs = [Descriptor.values(S, atoms, atom_index)]
        dm += (list(networks[atom].run(sess, inputs)))

    # overwrite the diag of P0
    np.fill_diagonal(P0, dm)
    return P0
Exemple #2
def main(species="H"):

    #--- assemble the dataset ---
    root_directory = normpath(join(dirname(realpath(__file__)), "../"))
    dataset_source_folder = join(root_directory, "dataset/")
    sources = [
        join(dataset_source_folder, directory) \
            for directory in ["GMTKN55"]

    dataset = Dataset(*assemble_batch(sources, species))

    #--- setup and train the network ---
    dim = N_BASIS[species]

    structure = [dim, 25, dim]

    network = EluTrNNN(structure)

    network, sess = train_network(network, dataset)

    save_path = join(root_directory, "tmp" + species + ".npy")
    #--- save trained model ---
    save_object = [

    np.save(save_path, save_object)
    msg.info("Session closed", 1)

    #--- load and reinitialize model ---
    msg.info("Starting new session and loading the model ...", 1)
    sess = tf.Session()
    model = np.load(save_path)

    new_network = EluFixedValue(*model)

    if isfile(save_path):
Exemple #3
def main():
    #todo this funciton and taining should become part of the library!!
    # sodass man nur mehr savepath und dataset angeben muss!

    msg.info("Traing a network for butadien", 2)

    msg.info("Fetching dataset ... ", 2)
    dataset = prep_dataset()

    save_path = "butadien/data/networks/networkS400.npy"

    user_input =  msg.input(
        "This will overwrite the model at " + save_path + \
        "Are you sure you want that? (y for yes)"

    if user_input.upper() != "Y":
        msg.info("Aborting", 2)

    msg.info("Try to fetch current model")

        model = np.load(save_path, encoding="latin1")
        structure, weights, biases = model[0], model[1], model[2]
        network = EluFixedValue(structure, weights, biases)
        test_error = model[3]

        user_input =  msg.input(
            "Model found with test error :  " + str(test_error) + \
            ". Do you want to continue to train it? (y for yes)"

        if user_input.upper() != "Y":
            msg.info("Creating new network", 2)
            model = None

        model = None

    if model is None:
        dim_triu = int(DIM * (DIM + 1) / 2)
        structure = [
            int(dim_triu * 0.75),
            int(dim_triu * 0.5), dim_triu, dim_triu
        test_error = 1e10

    msg.info("Train ... ", 2)

    network = EluTrNNN(structure)

    train_network(dataset, network, save_path, test_error)

    msg.info("All done. Bye bye..", 2)
Exemple #4
    def test_load_model(self):


        model_path = "tests/data/C_model.npy"

            sess = tf.Session()

            #load model
            model = np.load(model_path, encoding="latin1")
            structure, weights, biases = model[0], model[1], model[2]

            network = EluFixedValue(structure, weights, biases)
            y = network.setup()
            x = network.input_tensor

            # try to run the network
            x_result = sess.run(y,
                                feed_dict={y: np.random.rand(1, structure[0])})

        except Exception as ex:
            self.fail("Network could not be loaded: " + str(ex))
Exemple #5
def do_analysis(network_path, dataset, molecules, s_raw, log_file):

    #--- fetch network ---
    msg.info("Fetching pretained network ", 2)
    graph = tf.Graph()
    structure, weights, biases = np.load(

    with graph.as_default():
        sess = tf.Session()
        network = EluFixedValue(structure, weights, biases)

    #--- calculate guesses ---
    msg.info("Calculating guesses ...",2)
    msg.info("Neural network ", 1)
    p_nn = network.run(sess, dataset.testing[0])

    msg.info("McWheenys", 1)
    p_batch = make_matrix_batch(p_nn, DIM, True)
    p_mcw1 = np.array(list(map(lambda x: multi_mc_wheeny(x[0], x[1], n_max=1), zip(p_batch, s_raw))))
    p_mcw5 = np.array(list(map(lambda x: multi_mc_wheeny(x[0], x[1], n_max=5), zip  (p_batch, s_raw))))

    msg.info("Classics", 1)
    p_1e = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_1e(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]
    p_sap = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_atom(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]
    p_minao = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]
    p_gwh = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_wolfsberg_helmholtz(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]

    msg.info("Results NN: ", 1)
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n+++++ Plain NN +++++\n")
        p_nn, dataset, molecules, True, log_file, s=s_raw
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ McW 1 +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results McWheeny 1: ",1)
        p_mcw1.reshape(-1, DIM**2), dataset, molecules, False, log_file, s=s_raw
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ McW 5 +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results McWheeny 5: ", 1)
        p_mcw5.reshape(-1, DIM**2), dataset, molecules, False, log_file, s=s_raw

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ H_Core +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results H_Core: ", 1)
        p_1e.reshape(-1, DIM**2), dataset, molecules, False, log_file, s=s_raw

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ SAP +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results SAP: ", 1)
        p_sap.reshape(-1, DIM**2), dataset, molecules, False, log_file, s=s_raw

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ MINAO +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results MINAO: ", 1)
        p_minao.reshape(-1, DIM**2), dataset, molecules, False, log_file, s=s_raw

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ GWH +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results GWH: ", 1)
        p_gwh.reshape(-1, DIM**2), dataset, molecules, False, log_file, s=s_raw
Exemple #6
def main(sample_index):

    msg.print_level = 2

    msg.info("Hi. Measurements for butadien", 2)

    #--- fetch dataset and constants ---
    msg.info("Fetching sample " + str(sample_index) + " from datase", 2)

    dim = DIM

    molecules = np.load(
    S = np.load( "butadien/data/S.npy")
    P = np.load( "butadien/data/P.npy")
    dataset = make_butadien_dataset(molecules, S, P)[0]

    molecule = molecules[sample_index].get_pyscf_molecule()
    s = S[sample_index].reshape(dim, dim)
    s_normed = dataset.inverse_input_transform(s.reshape(1, -1)).reshape(1,-1)
    p = P[sample_index].reshape(dim, dim)

    #--- fetch network ---
    msg.info("Fetching pretained network ", 2)
    graph = tf.Graph()
    structure, weights, biases = np.load(
    with graph.as_default():
        sess = tf.Session()
        network = EluFixedValue(structure, weights, biases)

    #--- calculate guesses ---
    msg.info("Calculating guesses ...",2)
    msg.info("Neural network ", 1)
    p_nn = network.run(sess, s_normed).reshape(dim, dim)

    msg.info("McWheenys", 1)
    p_mcw1 = multi_mc_wheeny(p_nn, s, n_max=1)
    p_mcw5 = multi_mc_wheeny(p_nn, s, n_max=5)

    msg.info("Classics", 1)
    p_sap = hf.init_guess_by_atom(molecule)
    p_minao = hf.init_guess_by_minao(molecule)
    p_gwh = hf.init_guess_by_wolfsberg_helmholtz(molecule)

    #--- Measureing & print ---
    outfile = "butadien/results/cube_" + str(sample_index) + "_"
    msg.info("Results Converged ", 1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "converged.cube", p.astype("float64"))

    msg.info("Results NN: ", 1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "nn.cube", p_nn.astype("float64"))
    msg.info("Results McWheeny 1: ",1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "mcw1.cube", p_mcw1.astype("float64"))
    msg.info("Results McWheeny 5: ", 1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "mcw5.cube", p_mcw5.astype("float64"))

    msg.info("Results SAP: ", 1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "sap.cube", p_sap)

    msg.info("Results MINAO: ", 1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "minao.cube", p_minao)

    msg.info("Results GWH: ", 1)
    cubegen.density(molecule, outfile + "gwh.cube", p_gwh)
Exemple #7
def main(molecule_type):

    msg.print_level = 2

    msg.info("Hi. Measurements for " + molecule_type, 2)

    #--- fetch dataset and constants ---
    msg.info("Fetching dataset", 2)
    dataset_triu, molecules = fetch_dataset(molecule_type, True)
    dataset, _ = fetch_dataset(molecule_type, False)
    dim = DIM[molecule_type]

    #--- fetch network ---
    msg.info("Fetching pretained network ", 2)
    graph = tf.Graph()
    structure, weights, biases = np.load(
        "cc2ai/" + molecule_type + "/network_" + molecule_type + ".npy", 

    with graph.as_default():
        sess = tf.Session()
        network = EluFixedValue(structure, weights, biases)

    #--- calculate guesses ---
    msg.info("Calculating guesses ...",2)
    s_raw = make_matrix_batch(dataset_triu.inverse_input_transform(dataset_triu.testing[0]), dim, True)
    msg.info("Neural network ", 1)
    p_nn = network.run(sess, dataset_triu.testing[0])

    msg.info("McWheenys", 1)
    p_batch = make_matrix_batch(p_nn, dim, True)
    p_mcw1 = np.array(list(map(lambda x: multi_mc_wheeny(x[0], x[1], n_max=1), zip(p_batch, s_raw))))
    p_mcw5 = np.array(list(map(lambda x: multi_mc_wheeny(x[0], x[1], n_max=5), zip  (p_batch, s_raw))))

    msg.info("Classics", 1)
    p_1e = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_1e(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]
    p_sap = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_atom(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]
    p_minao = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]
    p_gwh = np.array([
        hf.init_guess_by_wolfsberg_helmholtz(mol.get_pyscf_molecule()) for mol in molecules[1]

    #--- Measureing & print ---
    log_file = "cc2ai/" + molecule_type + "/pretrained_" + str(date.today()) + ".log"
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("##### Analysis of " + str(datetime.now()) + " #####\n")
    msg.info("Results NN: ", 1)
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n+++++ Plain NN +++++\n")
        p_nn, dataset_triu, molecules, molecule_type, True, log_file
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ McW 1 +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results McWheeny 1: ",1)
        p_mcw1.reshape(-1, dim**2), dataset, molecules, molecule_type, False, log_file
    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ McW 5 +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results McWheeny 5: ", 1)
        p_mcw5.reshape(-1, dim**2), dataset, molecules, molecule_type, False, log_file

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ H_Core +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results H_Core: ", 1)
        p_1e.reshape(-1, dim**2), dataset, molecules, molecule_type, False, log_file

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ SAP +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results SAP: ", 1)
        p_sap.reshape(-1, dim**2), dataset, molecules, molecule_type, False, log_file

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ MINAO +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results MINAO: ", 1)
        p_minao.reshape(-1, dim**2), dataset, molecules, molecule_type, False, log_file

    with open(log_file, "a+") as f:
        f.write("\n\n+++++ GWH +++++\n")
    msg.info("Results GWH: ", 1)
        p_gwh.reshape(-1, dim**2), dataset, molecules, molecule_type, False, log_file
from SCFInitialGuess.nn.training import train_network

dim = 26
model_save_path = "butadien/model.npy"
source = "butadien/data"

msg.info("Welcome", 2)

#--- fetching the network ---
msg.info("Loading Network", 2)

sess = tf.Session()
model = np.load(model_save_path)
network = EluFixedValue(*model)

#--- fetching the molecules ---
msg.info("Fetching the molecules", 2)
def grep_molecule(input_file):
    import re
    with open(input_file) as f:
        molecule = re.search(r"\$molecule.*\$end", f.read(), re.DOTALL)
        if molecule is None:
            raise ValueError("No molecule found in " + f.name)