Exemple #1
def datcom(wing,mach):
    """ cL_alpha = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Static_Stability.Approximations.datcom(wing,mach)
        This method uses the DATCOM formula to compute dCL/dalpha without 
        correlations for downwash of lifting surfaces further ahead on the 
        aircraft or upwash resulting from the position of the wing on the body.
        CAUTION: The method presented here is applicable for subsonic speeds.
        May be inaccurate for transonic or supersonic flight. A correction factor
        for supersonic flight is included, but may not be completely accurate.
            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                effective_apsect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]. If 
                this variable is not inlcuded in the input, the method will look
                for a variable named 'aspect_ratio'.
                sweep_le - wing leading-edge sweep angle [radians]
                taper - wing taper ratio [dimensionless]
            mach - flight Mach number [dimensionless]. Should be a numpy array
                with one or more elements.
            cL_alpha - The derivative of 3D lift coefficient with respect to AoA
            -Mach number should not be transonic
    #Unpack inputs
        ar = wing.effective_aspect_ratio
    except AttributeError:   
        ar = wing.aspect_ratio
    sweep  = wing.sweep # Value is at the leading edge
    #Compute relevent parameters
    cL_alpha = []
    half_chord_sweep = convert_sweep(wing,0.0,0.5)  #Assumes original sweep is that of LE
    #Compute k correction factor for Mach number    
    #First, compute corrected 2D section lift curve slope (C_la) for the given Mach number
    cla = 6.13          #Section C_la at M = 0; Roskam Airplane Design Part VI, Table 8.1  
    for M in mach:
        if M < 1:
            Beta = np.sqrt(1.0-M**2.0)
            cla_M = cla/Beta
            k = cla_M/(2.0*np.pi/Beta)
            Beta = np.sqrt(M**2.0-1.0)
            cla_M = 4.0/Beta
            k = cla_M/(2.0*np.pi/Beta) 
    #Compute aerodynamic surface 3D lift curve slope using the DATCOM formula
    return np.array(cL_alpha)
Exemple #2
def datcom(wing,mach):
    """ cL_alpha = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Static_Stability.Approximations.datcom(wing,mach)
        This method uses the DATCOM formula to compute dCL/dalpha without 
        correlations for downwash of lifting surfaces further ahead on the 
        aircraft or upwash resulting from the position of the wing on the body.
        CAUTION: The method presented here is applicable for subsonic speeds.
        May be inaccurate for transonic or supersonic flight. A correction factor
        for supersonic flight is included, but may not be completely accurate.
            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                effective_apsect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]. If 
                this variable is not inlcuded in the input, the method will look
                for a variable named 'aspect_ratio'.
                sweep_le - wing leading-edge sweep angle [radians]
                taper - wing taper ratio [dimensionless]
            mach - flight Mach number [dimensionless]. Should be a numpy array
                with one or more elements.
            cL_alpha - The derivative of 3D lift coefficient with respect to AoA
            -Mach number should not be transonic
    #Unpack inputs
        ar = wing.effective_aspect_ratio
    except AttributeError:   
        ar = wing.aspect_ratio
    sweep  = wing.sweep # Value is at the leading edge
    #Compute relevent parameters
    cL_alpha = []
    half_chord_sweep = convert_sweep(wing,0.25,0.5)  #Assumes original sweep is that of LE
    #Compute k correction factor for Mach number    
    #First, compute corrected 2D section lift curve slope (C_la) for the given Mach number
    cla = 6.13          #Section C_la at M = 0; Roskam Airplane Design Part VI, Table 8.1  
    cL_alpha = np.ones_like(mach)
    Beta     = np.ones_like(mach)
    k        = np.ones_like(mach)
    cla_M    = np.ones_like(mach)
    Beta[mach<1.]  = np.sqrt(1.0-mach[mach<1.]**2.0)
    Beta[mach>1.]  = np.sqrt(mach[mach>1.]**2.0-1.0)
    cla_M[mach<1.] = cla/Beta[mach<1.]
    cla_M[mach>1.] = 4.0/Beta[mach>1.]
    k              = cla_M/(2.0*np.pi/Beta)
    #Compute aerodynamic surface 3D lift curve slope using the DATCOM formula
    cL_alpha =([2.0*np.pi*ar/(2.0+((ar**2.0*(Beta*Beta)/(k*k))*(1.0+(np.tan(half_chord_sweep))**2.0/(Beta*Beta))+4.0)**0.5)])
    return np.array(cL_alpha)
Exemple #3
def wave_drag_volume(vehicle,mach,scaling_factor):
    """Computes the volume drag

    Basic fit

    D. Raymer, Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, Fifth Ed. pg. 448-449

      wings.main_wing.sweeps.leading_edge [rad]
      total_length                        [m]
      maximum_cross_sectional_area        [m^2]
      reference_area                      [m^2]
    vehicle_wave_drag                     [Unitless]

    Properties Used:
    num_main_wings = 0
    for wing in vehicle.wings:
        if isinstance(wing,Main_Wing):
            main_wing = wing
            num_main_wings += 1
        if num_main_wings > 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('This function is not designed to handle multiple main wings.')
    main_wing = vehicle.wings.main_wing
    # estimation of leading edge sweep if not defined 
    if main_wing.sweeps.leading_edge == None:                           
        main_wing.sweeps.leading_edge  = convert_sweep(main_wing,old_ref_chord_fraction = 0.25 ,new_ref_chord_fraction = 0.0) 
    LE_sweep = main_wing.sweeps.leading_edge / Units.deg
    L        = vehicle.total_length
    Ae       = vehicle.maximum_cross_sectional_area
    S        = vehicle.reference_area
    # Compute sears-hack D/q
    Dq_SH = 9*np.pi/2*(Ae/L)*(Ae/L)
    spline = Cubic_Spline_Blender(1.2,1.3)
    h00 = lambda M:spline.compute(M)    
    # Compute full vehicle D/q
    Dq_vehicle           = np.zeros_like(mach)
    Dq_vehicle_simpified = np.zeros_like(mach)
    Dq_vehicle[mach>=1.2] = scaling_factor*(1-0.2*(mach[mach>=1.2]-1.2)**0.57*(1-np.pi*LE_sweep**.77/100))*Dq_SH
    Dq_vehicle_simpified  = scaling_factor*Dq_SH
    Dq_vehicle = Dq_vehicle_simpified*h00(mach) + Dq_vehicle*(1-h00(mach))
    CD_c_vehicle = Dq_vehicle/S
    return CD_c_vehicle
Exemple #4
def compute_component_centers_of_gravity(vehicle, nose_load=0.06):
    """ computes the CG of all of the vehicle components based on correlations 
    from AA241


    AA 241 Notes



    Properties Used:

    C = SUAVE.Components

    # Go through all wings
    for wing in vehicle.wings:

        if wing.sweeps.leading_edge == None:
            wing.sweeps.leading_edge = convert_sweep(
                wing, old_ref_chord_fraction=0.25, new_ref_chord_fraction=0.0)

        if isinstance(wing, C.Wings.Main_Wing):
                0] = .05 * wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic + wing.aerodynamic_center[

        elif isinstance(wing, C.Wings.Horizontal_Tail):
            chord_length_h_tail_35_percent_semi_span = compute_chord_length_from_span_location(
                wing, .35 * wing.spans.projected * .5)
            h_tail_35_percent_semi_span_offset = np.tan(
                wing.sweeps.quarter_chord) * .35 * .5 * wing.spans.projected
            wing.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = .3*chord_length_h_tail_35_percent_semi_span + \

        elif isinstance(wing, C.Wings.Vertical_Tail):
            chord_length_v_tail_35_percent_semi_span = compute_chord_length_from_span_location(
                wing, .35 * wing.spans.projected)
            v_tail_35_percent_semi_span_offset = np.tan(
                wing.sweeps.quarter_chord) * .35 * .5 * wing.spans.projected
            wing.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = .3*chord_length_v_tail_35_percent_semi_span + \
            span_location_mac = compute_span_location_from_chord_length(
                wing, wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic)
            mac_le_offset = np.tan(
                wing.sweeps.leading_edge) * span_location_mac

                0] = .3 * wing.chords.mean_aerodynamic + mac_le_offset

    # Go through all the propulsors
    propulsion_moment = 0.
    propulsion_mass = 0.
    for prop in vehicle.propulsors:
        prop.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = prop.engine_length * .5
        propulsion_mass += prop.mass_properties.mass
        propulsion_moment += propulsion_mass * (prop.engine_length * .5 +

    if propulsion_mass != 0.:
        propulsion_cg = propulsion_moment / propulsion_mass
        propulsion_cg = 0.

    # Go through all the fuselages
    for fuse in vehicle.fuselages:
        fuse.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = .45 * fuse.lengths.total

    # All other components

    # Select a length scale depending on what kind of vehicle this is
    length_scale = 1.
    nose_length = 0.

    # Check if there is a fuselage
    if len(vehicle.fuselages) == 0.:
        for wing in vehicle.wings:
            if isinstance(wing, C.Wings.Main_Wing):
                b = wing.chords.root
                if b > length_scale:
                    length_scale = b
                    nose_length = 0.25 * b
        for fuse in vehicle.fuselages:
            nose = fuse.lengths.nose
            length = fuse.lengths.total
            if length > length_scale:
                length_scale = length
                nose_length = nose

    # unpack all components:
    avionics = vehicle.systems.avionics
    furnishings = vehicle.systems.furnishings
    apu = vehicle.systems.apu
    passengers = vehicle.payload.passengers
    baggage = vehicle.payload.baggage
    cargo = vehicle.payload.cargo
    air_conditioner = vehicle.systems.air_conditioner
    optionals = vehicle.systems.optionals
    fuel = vehicle.systems.fuel
    control_systems = vehicle.systems.control_systems
    electrical_systems = vehicle.systems.electrical_systems
    main_gear = vehicle.landing_gear.main
    nose_gear = vehicle.landing_gear.nose
    hydraulics = vehicle.systems.hydraulics

    avionics.origin[0][0] = 0.4 * nose_length
    avionics.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    furnishings.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
    furnishings.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    #assumption that it's at 90% of fuselage length (not from notes)
    apu.origin[0][0] = 0.9 * length_scale
    apu.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    passengers.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
    passengers.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    baggage.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
    baggage.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    cargo.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
    cargo.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    air_conditioner.origin[0][0] = nose_length
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    optionals.origin[0][0] = 0.51 * length_scale
    optionals.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    fuel.origin[0][0] = vehicle.wings.main_wing.origin[0][0]
    fuel.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = vehicle.wings.main_wing.mass_properties.center_of_gravity

    control_systems.origin[0][0] = vehicle.wings.main_wing.origin[0][0]
    control_systems.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0]    = vehicle.wings.main_wing.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] + \

    electrical_systems.origin[0][0] = .75 * (
        .5 * length_scale) + propulsion_cg * .25
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    hydraulics.origin[0][0]                                    = .75*(vehicle.wings.main_wing.origin[0][0] + \
                                                                      wing.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0]) + 0.25* \
    hydraulics.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    # Now the landing gear

    # Nose gear
    nose_gear.origin[0][0] = 0.25 * nose_length
    nose_gear.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0][0] = 0.0

    # Main gear
    moment_sans_main = vehicle.center_of_gravity()[0][0] * (
        vehicle.sum_mass() - main_gear.mass_properties.mass)

    main_gear_location = moment_sans_main / (
        vehicle.mass_properties.takeoff -
        main_gear.mass_properties.mass) / (1 - nose_load)
    main_gear.origin[0][0] = main_gear_location
    main_gear.mass_properties.center_of_gravity = 0.0

Exemple #5
def taw_cnbeta(geometry, conditions, configuration):
    """ CnBeta = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Static_Stability.Approximations.Tube_Wing.taw_cnbeta(configuration,conditions)
        This method computes the static directional stability derivative for a
        standard Tube-and-Wing aircraft configuration.        
        CAUTION: The correlations used in this method do not account for the
        destabilizing moments due to propellers. This can lead to higher-than-
        expected values of CnBeta, particularly for smaller prop-driven aircraft
            geometry - aircraft geometrical features: a data dictionary with the fields:
                wings['Main Wing'] - the aircraft's main wing
                    areas.reference - wing reference area [meters**2]
                    spans.projected - span of the wing [meters]
                    sweep - sweep of the wing leading edge [radians]
                    aspect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]
                    origin - the position of the wing root in the aircraft body frame [meters]
                wings['Vertical Stabilizer']
                    spans.projected - projected span (height for a vertical tail) of
                     the exposed surface [meters]
                    areas.reference - area of the reference vertical tail [meters**2]
                    sweep - leading edge sweep of the aerodynamic surface [radians]
                    chords.root - chord length at the junction between the tail and 
                     the fuselage [meters]
                    chords.tip - chord length at the tip of the aerodynamic surface
                    symmetric - Is the wing symmetric across the fuselage centerline?
                    origin - the position of the vertical tail root in the aircraft body frame [meters]
                    exposed_root_chord_offset - the displacement from the fuselage
                     centerline to the exposed area's physical root chordline [meters]
                fuselages.Fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    areas.side_projected - fuselage body side area [meters**2]
                    lengths.total - length of the fuselage [meters]
                    heights.maximum - maximum height of the fuselage [meters]
                    width - maximum width of the fuselage [meters]
                    heights.at_quarter_length - fuselage height at 1/4 of the fuselage length [meters]
                    heights.at_three_quarters_length - fuselage height at 3/4 of fuselage 
                     length [meters]
                    heights.at_vertical_root_quarter_chord - fuselage height at the quarter 
                     chord of the vertical tail root [meters]
                vertical - a data dictionary with the fields below:
                NOTE: This vertical tail geometry will be used to define a reference
                 vertical tail that extends to the fuselage centerline.
                    x_ac_LE - the x-coordinate of the vertical tail aerodynamic 
                    center measured relative to the tail root leading edge (root
                    of reference tail area - at fuselage centerline)
                    leading edge, relative to the nose [meters]
                    sweep_le - leading edge sweep of the vertical tail [radians]
                    span - height of the vertical tail [meters]
                    taper - vertical tail taper ratio [dimensionless]
                    aspect_ratio - vertical tail AR: bv/(Sv)^2 [dimensionless]
                    effective_aspect_ratio - effective aspect ratio considering
                    the effects of fuselage and horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                    symmetric - indicates whether the vertical panel is symmetric
                    about the fuselage centerline [Boolean]
                other_bodies - an list of data dictionaries containing bodies 
                such as nacelles if these are large enough to strongly influence
                stability. Each body data dictionary contains the same fields as
                the fuselage data dictionary (described above), except no value 
                is needed for 'height_at_vroot_quarter_chord'. CAN BE EMPTY LIST
                    x_front - This is the only new field needed: the x-coordinate 
                    of the nose of the body relative to the fuselage nose
            conditions - a data dictionary with the fields:
                v_inf - true airspeed [meters/second]
                M - flight Mach number
                rho - air density [kg/meters**3]
                mew - air dynamic dynamic_viscosity [kg/meter/second]
            configuration - a data dictionary with the fields:
                mass_properties - a data dictionary with the field:
                    center_of_gravity - A vector in 3-space indicating CG position [meters]
                other - a dictionary of aerodynamic bodies, other than the fuselage,
                whose effect on directional stability is to be included in the analysis
            CnBeta - a single float value: The static directional stability 
            -Assumes a tube-and-wing configuration with a single centered 
            vertical tail
            -Uses vertical tail effective aspect ratio, currently calculated by
            hand, using methods from USAF Stability and Control DATCOM
            -The validity of correlations for KN is questionable for sqrt(h1/h2)
            greater than about 4 or h_max/w_max outside [0.3,2].
            -This method assumes a small angle of attack, so the vertical tail AC
            z-position does not affect the sideslip derivative.
            -Correlations are taken from Roskam's Airplane Design, Part VI.

    except AttributeError:
        configuration.other = 0
    CnBeta_other = []

    # Unpack inputs
    S = geometry.wings['main_wing'].areas.reference
    b = geometry.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
    sweep = geometry.wings['main_wing'].sweeps.quarter_chord
    AR = geometry.wings['main_wing'].aspect_ratio
    z_w = geometry.wings['main_wing'].origin[2]
    S_bs = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.side_projected
    l_f = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.total
    h_max = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    w_max = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h1 = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.at_quarter_length
    h2 = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.at_three_quarters_length
    d_i = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord
    other = configuration.other
    vert = extend_to_ref_area(geometry.wings['vertical_stabilizer'])
    S_v = vert.extended.areas.reference
    x_v = vert.extended.origin[0]
    b_v = vert.extended.spans.projected
    ac_vLE = vert.aerodynamic_center[0]
    x_cg = configuration.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0]
    v_inf = conditions.freestream.velocity
    mu = conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity
    rho = conditions.freestream.density
    M = conditions.freestream.mach_number

    #Compute wing contribution to Cn_beta
    CnBeta_w = 0.0  #The wing contribution is assumed to be zero except at very
    #high angles of attack.

    #Compute fuselage contribution to Cn_beta
    Re_fuse = rho * v_inf * l_f / mu
    x1 = x_cg / l_f
    x2 = l_f * l_f / S_bs
    x3 = np.sqrt(h1 / h2)
    x4 = h_max / w_max
    kN_1 = 3.2413 * x1 - 0.663345 + 6.1086 * np.exp(-0.22 * x2)
    kN_2 = (-0.2023 + 1.3422 * x3 - 0.1454 * x3 * x3) * kN_1
    kN_3 = (0.7870 + 0.1038 * x4 + 0.1834 * x4 * x4 -
            2.811 * np.exp(-4.0 * x4))
    K_N = (-0.47899 + kN_3 * kN_2) * 0.001
    K_Rel = 1.0 + 0.8 * np.log(Re_fuse / 1.0E6) / np.log(50.)
    #K_Rel: Correction for fuselage Reynolds number. Roskam VI, page 400.
    CnBeta_f = -57.3 * K_N * K_Rel * S_bs * l_f / S / b

    #Compute contributions of other bodies on CnBeta
    if other > 0:
        for body in other:
            #Unpack inputs
            S_bs = body.areas.side_projected
            x_le = body.origin[0]
            l_b = body.lengths.total
            h_max = body.heights.maximum
            w_max = body.width
            h1 = body.heights.at_quarter_length
            h2 = body.heights.at_three_quarters_length
            #Compute body contribution to Cn_beta
            x_cg_on_body = (x_cg - x_le) / l_b
            Re_body = rho * v_inf * l_b / mew
            x1 = x_cg_on_body / l_b
            x2 = l_b * l_b / S_bs
            x3 = np.sqrt(h1 / h2)
            x4 = h_max / w_max
            kN_1 = 3.2413 * x1 - 0.663345 + 6.1086 * np.exp(-0.22 * x2)
            kN_2 = (-0.2023 + 1.3422 * x3 - 0.1454 * x3 * x3) * kN_1
            kN_3 = (0.7870 + 0.1038 * x4 + 0.1834 * x4 * x4 -
                    2.811 * np.exp(-4.0 * x4))
            K_N = (-0.47899 + kN_3 * kN_2) * 0.001
            #K_Rel: Correction for fuselage Reynolds number. Roskam VI, page 400.
            K_Rel = 1.0 + 0.8 * np.log(Re_body / 1.0E6) / np.log(50.)
            CnBeta_b = -57.3 * K_N * K_Rel * S_bs * l_b / S / b

    #Compute vertical tail contribution
    l_v = x_v + ac_vLE - x_cg

    except TypeError:
        M = [M]
    CLa_v = datcom(vert, M)

    #k_v correlated from Roskam Fig. 10.12. NOT SMOOTH.
    bf = b_v / d_i
    if bf < 2.0:
        k_v = 0.76
    elif bf < 3.5:
        k_v = 0.76 + 0.24 * (bf - 2.0) / 1.5
        k_v = 1.0

    quarter_chord_sweep = convert_sweep(geometry.wings['main_wing'])

    k_sweep = (1.0 + np.cos(quarter_chord_sweep))
    dsdb_e = 0.724 + 3.06 * (
        (S_v / S) / k_sweep) + 0.4 * z_w / h_max + 0.009 * AR
    Cy_bv = -k_v * CLa_v * dsdb_e * (S_v / S)  #ASSUMING SINGLE VERTICAL TAIL

    CnBeta_v = -Cy_bv * l_v / b

    CnBeta = CnBeta_w + CnBeta_f + CnBeta_v + sum(CnBeta_other)

    return CnBeta
Exemple #6
def taw_cnbeta(geometry,conditions,configuration):
    """ CnBeta = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Static_Stability.Approximations.Tube_Wing.taw_cnbeta(configuration,conditions)
        This method computes the static directional stability derivative for a
        standard Tube-and-Wing aircraft configuration.        
        CAUTION: The correlations used in this method do not account for the
        destabilizing moments due to propellers. This can lead to higher than
        expected values of CnBeta, particularly for smaller prop-driven aircraft
            configuration - a data dictionary with the fields:
                Mass_Props - a data dictionary with the field:
                    pos_cg - A vector in 3-space indicating CG position
                wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    area - wing reference area [meters**2]
                    span - span of the wing [meters]
                    sweep_le - sweep of the wing leading edge [radians]
                    z_position - distance of wing root quarter chord point
                    below fuselage centerline [meters]
                    taper - wing taper ratio [dimensionless]
                    aspect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]
                fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    side_area - fuselage body side area [meters**2]
                    length - length of the fuselage [meters]
                    h_max - maximum height of the fuselage [meters]
                    w_max - maximum width of the fuselage [meters]
                    height_at_quarter_length - fuselage height at 1/4 of the 
                    fuselage length [meters]
                    height_at_three_quarters_length - fuselage height at 3/4 of
                    the fuselage length [meters]
                    height_at_vroot_quarter_chord - fuselage height at the 
                    aerodynamic center of the vertical tail [meters]
                vertical - a data dictionary with the fields below:
                NOTE: Reference vertical tail extends to the fuselage centerline
                    area - area of the reference vertical tail [meters**2]
                    x_root_LE - x-position of the vertical reference root chord 
                    x_ac_LE - the x-coordinate of the vertical tail aerodynamic 
                    center measured relative to the tail root leading edge (root
                    of reference tail area - at fuselage centerline)
                    leading edge, relative to the nose [meters]
                    sweep_le - leading edge sweep of the vertical tail [radians]
                    span - height of the vertical tail [meters]
                    taper - vertical tail taper ratio [dimensionless]
                    aspect_ratio - vertical tail AR: bv/(Sv)^2 [dimensionless]
                    effective_aspect_ratio - effective aspect ratio considering
                    the effects of fuselage and horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                    symmetric - indicates whether the vertical panel is symmetric
                    about the fuselage centerline [Boolean]
                other_bodies - an list of data dictionaries containing bodies 
                such as nacelles if these are large enough to strongly influence
                stability. Each body data dictionary contains the same fields as
                the fuselage data dictionary (described above), except no value 
                is needed for 'height_at_vroot_quarter_chord'. CAN BE EMPTY LIST
                    x_front - This is the only new field needed: the x-coordinate 
                    of the nose of the body relative to the fuselage nose
            conditions - a data dictionary with the fields:
                v_inf - true airspeed [meters/second]
                M - flight Mach number
                rho - air density [kg/meters**3]
                mew - air dynamic viscosity [kg/meter/second]
            CnBeta - a single float value: The static directional stability 
            -Assumes a tube-and-wing configuration with a single centered 
            vertical tail
            -Uses vertical tail effective aspect ratio, currently calculated by
            hand, using methods from USAF Stability and Control DATCOM
            -The validity of correlations for KN is questionable for sqrt(h1/h2)
            greater than about 4 or h_max/w_max outside [0.3,2].
            -This method assumes a small angle of attack, so the vertical tail AC
            z-position does not affect the sideslip derivative.
            -Correlations are taken from Roskam's Airplane Design, Part VI.

    except AttributeError:
        configuration.other = 0
    CnBeta_other = []

    # Unpack inputs
    S      = geometry.Wings['Main Wing'].sref
    b      = geometry.Wings['Main Wing'].span
    sweep  = geometry.Wings['Main Wing'].sweep
    AR     = geometry.Wings['Main Wing'].ar
    z_w    = configuration.mass_props.pos_cg[2]
    S_bs   = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.side_area
    l_f    = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.length_total
    h_max  = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.height
    w_max  = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.width
    h1     = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.height_at_quarter_length
    h2     = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.height_at_three_quarters_length
    d_i    = geometry.Fuselages.Fuselage.height_at_vroot_quarter_chord
    other  = configuration.other
    S_v    = geometry.Wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].sref
    x_v    = geometry.Wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].origin[0]
    b_v    = geometry.Wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].span
    ac_vLE = geometry.Wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].aero_center[0]
    x_cg   = configuration.mass_props.pos_cg[0]
    v_inf  = conditions.freestream.velocity
    mu     = conditions.freestream.viscosity
    rho    = conditions.freestream.density
    M      = conditions.freestream.mach_number
    #Compute wing contribution to Cn_beta
    CnBeta_w = 0.0    #The wing contribution is assumed to be zero except at very
                      #high angles of attack. 
    #Compute fuselage contribution to Cn_beta
    Re_fuse  = rho*v_inf*l_f/mu
    x1       = x_cg/l_f
    x2       = l_f**2.0/S_bs
    x3       = np.sqrt(h1/h2)
    x4       = h_max/w_max
    kN_1     = 3.2413*x1 - 0.663345 + 6.1086*np.exp(-0.22*x2)
    kN_2     = (-0.2023 + 1.3422*x3 - 0.1454*x3**2)*kN_1
    kN_3     = (0.7870 + 0.1038*x4 + 0.1834*x4**2 - 2.811*np.exp(-4.0*x4))
    K_N      = (-0.47899 + kN_3*kN_2)*0.001
    K_Rel    = 1.0+0.8*np.log(Re_fuse/1.0E6)/np.log(50.)  
        #K_Rel: Correction for fuselage Reynolds number. Roskam VI, page 400.
    CnBeta_f = -57.3*K_N*K_Rel*S_bs*l_f/S/b
    #Compute contributions of other bodies on CnBeta
    if other > 0:
        for body in other:
            #Unpack inputs
            S_bs   = body.side_area
            x_le   = body.x_front
            l_b    = body.length
            h_max  = body.h_max
            w_max  = body.w_max
            h1     = body.height_at_quarter_length
            h2     = body.height_at_three_quarters_length 
            x_cg_on_body = (x_cg-x_le)/l_b
            #Compute body contribution to Cn_beta
            Re_body  = rho*v_inf*l_b/mew
            x1       = x_cg_on_body/l_b
            x2       = l_b**2.0/S_bs
            x3       = np.sqrt(h1/h2)
            x4       = h_max/w_max
            kN_1     = 3.2413*x1 - 0.663345 + 6.1086*np.exp(-0.22*x2)
            kN_2     = (-0.2023 + 1.3422*x3 - 0.1454*x3**2)*kN_1
            kN_3     = (0.7870 + 0.1038*x4 + 0.1834*x4**2 - 2.811*np.exp(-4.0*x4))
            K_N      = (-0.47899 + kN_3*kN_2)*0.001
            K_Rel    = 1.0+0.8*np.log(Re_body/1.0E6)/np.log(50.)  
                #K_Rel: Correction for fuselage Reynolds number. Roskam VI, page 400.
            CnBeta_b = -57.3*K_N*K_Rel*S_bs*l_b/S/b
    #Compute vertical tail contribution
    l_v    = x_v + ac_vLE - x_cg
    CLa_v  = geometry.Wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].CL_alpha
    #k_v correlated from Roskam Fig. 10.12. NOT SMOOTH.
    bf     = b_v/d_i
    if bf < 2.0:
        k_v = 0.76
    elif bf < 3.5:
        k_v = 0.76 + 0.24*(bf-2.0)/1.5
        k_v = 1.0
    quarter_chord_sweep = convert_sweep(geometry.Wings['Main Wing'])
    k_sweep  = (1.0+np.cos(quarter_chord_sweep))
    dsdb_e   = 0.724 + 3.06*((S_v/S)/k_sweep) + 0.4*z_w/h_max + 0.009*AR
    Cy_bv    = -k_v*CLa_v*dsdb_e*(S_v/S)  #ASSUMING SINGLE VERTICAL TAIL
    CnBeta_v = -Cy_bv*l_v/b
    CnBeta   = CnBeta_w + CnBeta_f + CnBeta_v + sum(CnBeta_other)
    return CnBeta
Exemple #7
def vortex_lift(state, settings, geometry):
    """Computes vortex lift according to the Polhamus Suction Analogy

    simple delta wing

      freestream.mach_number              [-]
      aerodynamics.angle_of_attack        [radians]
      aerodynamics.lift_coefficient       [-]
    geometry.wings.*.aspect_ratio         [Unitless]
    geometry.wings.*.sweeps.leading_edge  [radians]

      lift_breakdown.vortex_lift          [-] CL due to vortex lift
    wings_lift                            [-] Total CL at this point

    Properties Used:

    Mc = state.conditions.freestream.mach_number
    AoA = state.conditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack
    wings_lift = np.zeros_like(state.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient)
    vortex_cl = np.zeros_like(wings_lift)

    for wing in geometry.wings:
        wing_lift = state.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_breakdown.inviscid_wings[

        if wing.vortex_lift is True:
            # compute leading edge sweek if not given
            if wing.sweeps.leading_edge == None:
                gamma = convert_sweep(wing,
                gamma = wing.sweeps.leading_edge

            AR = wing.aspect_ratio
            a = AoA[Mc < 1.0]

            # Calculate vortex lift
            vortex_cl[Mc < 1.0] += np.pi * AR / 2 * np.sin(a) * np.cos(a) * (
                np.cos(a) + np.sin(a) * np.cos(a) / np.cos(gamma) - np.sin(a) /
                (2 * np.cos(gamma)))

            # Apply to wing lift
            wing_lift[Mc < 1.0] = vortex_cl[Mc < 1.0]

        wings_lift += wing_lift

    state.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient = wings_lift
    state.conditions.aerodynamics.lift_breakdown.vortex_lift = vortex_cl

    return vortex_cl
Exemple #8
def taw_cnbeta(geometry,conditions,configuration):
    """ CnBeta = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Static_Stability.Approximations.Tube_Wing.taw_cnbeta(configuration,conditions)
        This method computes the static directional stability derivative for a
        standard Tube-and-Wing aircraft configuration.        
        CAUTION: The correlations used in this method do not account for the
        destabilizing moments due to propellers. This can lead to higher-than-
        expected values of CnBeta, particularly for smaller prop-driven aircraft
            geometry - aircraft geometrical features: a data dictionary with the fields:
                wings['Main Wing'] - the aircraft's main wing
                    areas.reference - wing reference area [meters**2]
                    spans.projected - span of the wing [meters]
                    sweep - sweep of the wing leading edge [radians]
                    aspect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]
                    origin - the position of the wing root in the aircraft body frame [meters]
                wings['Vertical Stabilizer']
                    spans.projected - projected span (height for a vertical tail) of
                     the exposed surface [meters]
                    areas.reference - area of the reference vertical tail [meters**2]
                    sweep - leading edge sweep of the aerodynamic surface [radians]
                    chords.root - chord length at the junction between the tail and 
                     the fuselage [meters]
                    chords.tip - chord length at the tip of the aerodynamic surface
                    symmetric - Is the wing symmetric across the fuselage centerline?
                    origin - the position of the vertical tail root in the aircraft body frame [meters]
                    exposed_root_chord_offset - the displacement from the fuselage
                     centerline to the exposed area's physical root chordline [meters]

    x_v    = vert.origin[0]
    b_v    = vert.spans.projected
    ac_vLE = vert.aerodynamic_center[0]
                fuselages.Fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                    areas.side_projected - fuselage body side area [meters**2]
                    lengths.total - length of the fuselage [meters]
                    heights.maximum - maximum height of the fuselage [meters]
                    width - maximum width of the fuselage [meters]
                    heights.at_quarter_length - fuselage height at 1/4 of the fuselage length [meters]
                    heights.at_three_quarters_length - fuselage height at 3/4 of fuselage 
                     length [meters]
                    heights.at_vertical_root_quarter_chord - fuselage height at the quarter 
                     chord of the vertical tail root [meters]
                vertical - a data dictionary with the fields below:
                NOTE: This vertical tail geometry will be used to define a reference
                 vertical tail that extends to the fuselage centerline.
                    x_ac_LE - the x-coordinate of the vertical tail aerodynamic 
                    center measured relative to the tail root leading edge (root
                    of reference tail area - at fuselage centerline)
                    leading edge, relative to the nose [meters]
                    sweep_le - leading edge sweep of the vertical tail [radians]
                    span - height of the vertical tail [meters]
                    taper - vertical tail taper ratio [dimensionless]
                    aspect_ratio - vertical tail AR: bv/(Sv)^2 [dimensionless]
                    effective_aspect_ratio - effective aspect ratio considering
                    the effects of fuselage and horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                    symmetric - indicates whether the vertical panel is symmetric
                    about the fuselage centerline [Boolean]
                other_bodies - an list of data dictionaries containing bodies 
                such as nacelles if these are large enough to strongly influence
                stability. Each body data dictionary contains the same fields as
                the fuselage data dictionary (described above), except no value 
                is needed for 'height_at_vroot_quarter_chord'. CAN BE EMPTY LIST
                    x_front - This is the only new field needed: the x-coordinate 
                    of the nose of the body relative to the fuselage nose
            conditions - a data dictionary with the fields:
                v_inf - true airspeed [meters/second]
                M - flight Mach number
                rho - air density [kg/meters**3]
                mew - air dynamic dynamic_viscosity [kg/meter/second]
            configuration - a data dictionary with the fields:
                mass_properties - a data dictionary with the field:
                    center_of_gravity - A vector in 3-space indicating CG position [meters]
                other - a dictionary of aerodynamic bodies, other than the fuselage,
                whose effect on directional stability is to be included in the analysis
            CnBeta - a single float value: The static directional stability 
            -Assumes a tube-and-wing configuration with a single centered 
            vertical tail
            -Uses vertical tail effective aspect ratio, currently calculated by
            hand, using methods from USAF Stability and Control DATCOM
            -The validity of correlations for KN is questionable for sqrt(h1/h2)
            greater than about 4 or h_max/w_max outside [0.3,2].
            -This method assumes a small angle of attack, so the vertical tail AC
            z-position does not affect the sideslip derivative.
            -Correlations are taken from Roskam's Airplane Design, Part VI.

    except AttributeError:
        configuration.other = 0
    CnBeta_other = []

    # Unpack inputs
    S      = geometry.wings['main_wing'].areas.reference
    b      = geometry.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
    sweep  = geometry.wings['main_wing'].sweep
    AR     = geometry.wings['main_wing'].aspect_ratio
    z_w    = geometry.wings['main_wing'].origin[2]
    S_bs   = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.side_projected
    l_f    = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.total
    h_max  = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    w_max  = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h1     = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.at_quarter_length
    h2     = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.at_three_quarters_length
    d_i    = geometry.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord
    other  = configuration.other
    vert   = extend_to_ref_area(geometry.wings['vertical_stabilizer'])
    S_v    = vert.areas.reference
    x_v    = vert.origin[0]
    b_v    = vert.spans.projected
    ac_vLE = vert.aerodynamic_center[0]
    x_cg   = configuration.mass_properties.center_of_gravity[0]
    v_inf  = conditions.freestream.velocity
    mu     = conditions.freestream.dynamic_viscosity
    rho    = conditions.freestream.density
    M      = conditions.freestream.mach_number
    #Compute wing contribution to Cn_beta
    CnBeta_w = 0.0    #The wing contribution is assumed to be zero except at very
                      #high angles of attack. 
    #Compute fuselage contribution to Cn_beta
    Re_fuse  = rho*v_inf*l_f/mu
    x1       = x_cg/l_f
    x2       = l_f**2.0/S_bs
    x3       = np.sqrt(h1/h2)
    x4       = h_max/w_max
    kN_1     = 3.2413*x1 - 0.663345 + 6.1086*np.exp(-0.22*x2)
    kN_2     = (-0.2023 + 1.3422*x3 - 0.1454*x3**2)*kN_1
    kN_3     = (0.7870 + 0.1038*x4 + 0.1834*x4**2 - 2.811*np.exp(-4.0*x4))
    K_N      = (-0.47899 + kN_3*kN_2)*0.001
    K_Rel    = 1.0+0.8*np.log(Re_fuse/1.0E6)/np.log(50.)  
        #K_Rel: Correction for fuselage Reynolds number. Roskam VI, page 400.
    CnBeta_f = -57.3*K_N*K_Rel*S_bs*l_f/S/b
    #Compute contributions of other bodies on CnBeta
    if other > 0:
        for body in other:
            #Unpack inputs
            S_bs   = body.areas.side_projected
            x_le   = body.origin[0]
            l_b    = body.lengths.total
            h_max  = body.heights.maximum
            w_max  = body.width
            h1     = body.heights.at_quarter_length
            h2     = body.heights.at_three_quarters_length 
            #Compute body contribution to Cn_beta
            x_cg_on_body = (x_cg-x_le)/l_b
            Re_body  = rho*v_inf*l_b/mew
            x1       = x_cg_on_body/l_b
            x2       = l_b**2.0/S_bs
            x3       = np.sqrt(h1/h2)
            x4       = h_max/w_max
            kN_1     = 3.2413*x1 - 0.663345 + 6.1086*np.exp(-0.22*x2)
            kN_2     = (-0.2023 + 1.3422*x3 - 0.1454*x3**2)*kN_1
            kN_3     = (0.7870 + 0.1038*x4 + 0.1834*x4**2 - 2.811*np.exp(-4.0*x4))
            K_N      = (-0.47899 + kN_3*kN_2)*0.001
            #K_Rel: Correction for fuselage Reynolds number. Roskam VI, page 400.
            K_Rel    = 1.0+0.8*np.log(Re_body/1.0E6)/np.log(50.)
            CnBeta_b = -57.3*K_N*K_Rel*S_bs*l_b/S/b
    #Compute vertical tail contribution
    l_v    = x_v + ac_vLE - x_cg
    #    CLa_v  = geometry.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].CL_alpha
    #except AttributeError:
    #    CLa_v  = datcom(geometry.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'], [M])
    except TypeError:
        M = [M]
    CLa_v = datcom(vert,M)
    #k_v correlated from Roskam Fig. 10.12. NOT SMOOTH.
    bf     = b_v/d_i
    if bf < 2.0:
        k_v = 0.76
    elif bf < 3.5:
        k_v = 0.76 + 0.24*(bf-2.0)/1.5
        k_v = 1.0
    quarter_chord_sweep = convert_sweep(geometry.wings['main_wing'])
    k_sweep  = (1.0+np.cos(quarter_chord_sweep))
    dsdb_e   = 0.724 + 3.06*((S_v/S)/k_sweep) + 0.4*z_w/h_max + 0.009*AR
    Cy_bv    = -k_v*CLa_v*dsdb_e*(S_v/S)  #ASSUMING SINGLE VERTICAL TAIL
    CnBeta_v = -Cy_bv*l_v/b
    CnBeta   = CnBeta_w + CnBeta_f + CnBeta_v + sum(CnBeta_other)
    ##print "Wing: {}  Fuse: {}   Vert: {}   Othr: {}".format(CnBeta_w,CnBeta_f,CnBeta_v,sum(CnBeta_other))
    return CnBeta
Exemple #9
def datcom(wing,mach):
    """ This method uses the DATCOM formula to compute dCL/dalpha without 
    correlations for downwash of lifting surfaces further ahead on the 
    aircraft or upwash resulting from the position of the wing on the body.

    CAUTION: The method presented here is applicable for subsonic speeds.
    May be inaccurate for transonic or supersonic flight. A correction factor
    for supersonic flight is included, but may not be completely accurate.

    Mach number should not be transonic
        wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
            effective_apsect_ratio - wing aspect ratio [dimensionless]. If 
            this variable is not inlcuded in the input, the method will look
            for a variable named 'aspect_ratio'.
            sweep_le - wing leading-edge sweep angle [radians]
            taper - wing taper ratio [dimensionless]
        mach - flight Mach number [dimensionless]. Should be a numpy array
            with one or more elements.

        cL_alpha - The derivative of 3D lift coefficient with respect to AoA

    Properties Used:
    #Unpack inputs
    if wing.has_key('effective_aspect_ratio'):
        ar = wing.effective_aspect_ratio
    elif wing.has_key('extended'):
        if wing.extended.has_key('aspect_ratio'):
            ar = wing.extended.aspect_ratio
            ar = wing.aspect_ratio
        ar = wing.aspect_ratio    
    #Compute relevent parameters
    cL_alpha = []
    half_chord_sweep = convert_sweep(wing,0.25,0.5)  #Assumes original sweep is that of LE
    #Compute k correction factor for Mach number    
    #First, compute corrected 2D section lift curve slope (C_la) for the given Mach number
    cla = 6.13          #Section C_la at M = 0; Roskam Airplane Design Part VI, Table 8.1  
    cL_alpha = np.ones_like(mach)
    Beta     = np.ones_like(mach)
    k        = np.ones_like(mach)
    cla_M    = np.ones_like(mach)
    Beta[mach<1.]  = (1.0-mach[mach<1.]**2.0)**0.5
    Beta[mach>1.]  = (mach[mach>1.]**2.0-1.0)**0.5
    cla_M[mach<1.] = cla/Beta[mach<1.]
    cla_M[mach>1.] = 4.0/Beta[mach>1.]
    k              = cla_M/(2.0*np.pi/Beta)
    #Compute aerodynamic surface 3D lift curve slope using the DATCOM formula
    cL_alpha =(2.0*np.pi*ar/(2.0+((ar**2.0*(Beta*Beta)/(k*k))*(1.0+(np.tan(half_chord_sweep))**2.0/(Beta*Beta))+4.0)**0.5))
    return cL_alpha