Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.filenamesByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
     self.masspointByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
     self.reqidProvider = ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid()
     self.parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()
     self.reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
     self.overwrite = False
     self.verbose = False
     self.regexHist = '.*'
class SamplesMerger :
    def __init__(self) :
        self.filenamesByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.masspointByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.reqidProvider = ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid()
        self.parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()
        self.reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
        self.overwrite = False
        self.verbose = False
        self.regexHist = '.*'
    def idTagFromFilename(self, fname) :
        'parse something like wA_noslep_WH_2Lep_9_May16_n0139.AnaHists'
        match = re.search('wA_noslep_WH_2Lep_(?P<id>\d+?)_(?P<tag>.*?).AnaHist', fname)# nongreedy
        return match.group('id'), match.group('tag')
    def addFile(self, filename) :
        sample = guessSampleFromFilename(filename)
        mc1, mn1 = self.parDb.mc1Mn1ByReqid(self.reqDb.reqidBySample(sample))
        fakeReqid = self.reqidProvider.reqidByMc1Mn1(mc1, mn1)
        self.masspointByReqid[fakeReqid].append((mc1, mn1))
    def mergeAndWrite(self, outdir) :
        """write merged histos, unless !overwrite, in which case just
        compute merged coords and fnames"""
        def mergeFiles(targetFile, filenames, regex) :
            infiles = [r.TFile.Open(f) for f in filenames]
            histonames = [h for h in getAllHistoNames(infiles[0]) if re.search(regex, h)]
            scale = 1.0/len(infiles)
            outFile = r.TFile.Open(targetFile, 'recreate')
            for hn in histonames :
                h = infiles[0].Get(hn).Clone()
                for inf in infiles[1:] : h.Add(inf.Get(hn), scale)
        self.mergedPointsByReqid = {}
        self.outFnameByReqid     = {}
        reqids = self.filenamesByReqid.keys()
        for rid in reqids :
            fnames = self.filenamesByReqid[rid]
            points = self.masspointByReqid[rid]
            npoints = len(points)
            assert npoints,"cannot merge 0 samples"
            def avgPoint(points) :
                np = float(len(points))
                return (sum([x for x,y in points])/np,
                        sum([y for x,y in points])/np)
            point = avgPoint(points)
            ids, tags = zip(*[self.idTagFromFilename(f) for f in fnames]) # vertical slice
            assert len(set(tags))==1,"cannot merge samples with different tags %s"%str(fnames)
            outfname = outdir+'/'+os.path.basename(fnames[0]).replace(str(ids[0]), str(rid))
            self.outFnameByReqid[rid], self.mergedPointsByReqid[rid] = outfname, point
            if self.verbose : print str(point)+' : '+outfname
            skipMerge = os.path.exists(outfname) and not self.overwrite
            if  skipMerge : continue
            else          : mergeFiles(outfname, fnames, self.regexHist)
    def printMergedFiles(self) :
        for rid in self.outFnameByReqid.keys() :
            print self.mergedPointsByReqid[rid], ' : ', self.outFnameByReqid[rid]
 def __init__(self) :
     self.filenamesByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
     self.masspointByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
     self.reqidProvider = ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid()
     self.parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()
     self.reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
     self.overwrite = False
     self.verbose = False
     self.regexHist = '.*'
import collections, optparse, re, sys
import ROOT as r
r.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True

from PickleUtils import readFromPickle
from SampleUtils import ModeAWhDbPar, ModeAWhDbReqid, ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid

parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
                  help="print more details about what is going on")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
verbose         = options.verbose

reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()

allMc1 = [float(m) for m in parDb.allMc1()]
allMn1 = [float(m) for m in parDb.allMn1()]
def roundup(val) : return round(float(val)+0.5)
def rounddo(val) : return round(float(val)+0.0)
mc1Range = {'min': rounddo(min(allMc1)), 'max' : roundup(max(allMc1))}
mn1Range = {'min': rounddo(min(allMn1)), 'max' : roundup(max(allMn1))}

histo2l = r.TH2F('mc1mn1_2lep_reqids',
                 'ReqIds for the WH 2lep grid ;mc_{1};mn_{1}',
                 50, float(mc1Range['min']), float(mc1Range['max']),
                 50, float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
histo2lnth = r.TH2F('mc1mn1_2lep_notauhad_reqids',
                    'ReqIds for the WH notauhad 2lep grid ;mc_{1};mn_{1}',
Exemple #5
sigScale = options.sigScale
verbose = options.verbose

countsSigSampleSel = readFromPickle(sigInputFname)
countsBkgSampleSel = readFromPickle(bkgInputFname)
interestingSelections = ["sr%d" % i for i in range(6, 9 + 1)]
countBkgTot = collections.defaultdict(float)
for sample, countsSel in countsBkgSampleSel.iteritems():
    if sample in ['data', 'totbkg']: continue
    for sel, counts in countsSel.iteritems():
        if sel not in interestingSelections: continue
        print 'adding ' + sample + ' to ' + sel + ' (' + str(counts) + ')'
        countBkgTot[sel] += counts
print countBkgTot

reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()

def selIsRelevant(sel):
    return sel.startswith('sr')

def selIsFinal(sel):
    return sel in interestingSelections

mc1Range = {'min': min(parDb.allMc1()), 'max': max(parDb.allMc1())}
mn1Range = {'min': min(parDb.allMn1()), 'max': max(parDb.allMn1())}

histos = dict()
sigScale        = options.sigScale
verbose         = options.verbose

countsSigSampleSel = readFromPickle(sigInputFname)
countsBkgSampleSel = readFromPickle(bkgInputFname)
interestingSelections = ["sr%d"%i for i in range(6,9+1)]
countBkgTot = collections.defaultdict(float)
for sample, countsSel in countsBkgSampleSel.iteritems() :
    if sample in ['data', 'totbkg'] : continue
    for sel, counts in countsSel.iteritems() :
        if sel not in interestingSelections : continue
        print 'adding '+sample+' to '+sel+' ('+str(counts)+')'
        countBkgTot[sel] += counts
print countBkgTot

reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()

def selIsRelevant(sel) : return sel.startswith('sr')
def selIsFinal(sel) : return sel in interestingSelections

mc1Range = {'min': min(parDb.allMc1()), 'max' : max(parDb.allMc1())}
mn1Range = {'min': min(parDb.allMn1()), 'max' : max(parDb.allMn1())}

histos = dict()
backgroundRelErr = 0.2
for sample, countsSel in countsSigSampleSel.iteritems() :
    mc1, mn1 = parDb.mc1Mn1ByReqid(reqDb.reqidBySample(sample))
    print "%s (%.1f, %.1f) " % (sample, mc1, mn1)
    for sel, counts in sorted(countsSel.iteritems()) :
        if not selIsFinal(sel) : continue
Exemple #7

from PickleUtils import readFromPickle
from SampleUtils import ModeAWhDbPar, ModeAWhDbReqid, ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid

parser = optparse.OptionParser()
                  help="print more details about what is going on")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
verbose = options.verbose

reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()

allMc1 = [float(m) for m in parDb.allMc1()]
allMn1 = [float(m) for m in parDb.allMn1()]

def roundup(val):
    return round(float(val) + 0.5)

def rounddo(val):
    return round(float(val) + 0.0)

mc1Range = {'min': rounddo(min(allMc1)), 'max': roundup(max(allMc1))}
Exemple #8
class SamplesMerger:
    def __init__(self):
        self.filenamesByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.masspointByReqid = collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.reqidProvider = ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid()
        self.parDb = ModeAWhDbPar()
        self.reqDb = ModeAWhDbReqid()
        self.overwrite = False
        self.verbose = False
        self.regexHist = '.*'

    def idTagFromFilename(self, fname):
        'parse something like wA_noslep_WH_2Lep_9_May16_n0139.AnaHists'
        match = re.search(
            fname)  # nongreedy
        return match.group('id'), match.group('tag')

    def addFile(self, filename):
        sample = guessSampleFromFilename(filename)
        mc1, mn1 = self.parDb.mc1Mn1ByReqid(self.reqDb.reqidBySample(sample))
        fakeReqid = self.reqidProvider.reqidByMc1Mn1(mc1, mn1)
        self.masspointByReqid[fakeReqid].append((mc1, mn1))

    def mergeAndWrite(self, outdir):
        """write merged histos, unless !overwrite, in which case just
        compute merged coords and fnames"""
        def mergeFiles(targetFile, filenames, regex):
            infiles = [r.TFile.Open(f) for f in filenames]
            histonames = [
                h for h in getAllHistoNames(infiles[0]) if re.search(regex, h)
            scale = 1.0 / len(infiles)
            outFile = r.TFile.Open(targetFile, 'recreate')
            for hn in histonames:
                h = infiles[0].Get(hn).Clone()
                for inf in infiles[1:]:
                    h.Add(inf.Get(hn), scale)

        self.mergedPointsByReqid = {}
        self.outFnameByReqid = {}
        reqids = self.filenamesByReqid.keys()
        for rid in reqids:
            fnames = self.filenamesByReqid[rid]
            points = self.masspointByReqid[rid]
            npoints = len(points)
            assert npoints, "cannot merge 0 samples"

            def avgPoint(points):
                np = float(len(points))
                return (sum([x for x, y in points]) / np,
                        sum([y for x, y in points]) / np)

            point = avgPoint(points)
            ids, tags = zip(*[self.idTagFromFilename(f)
                              for f in fnames])  # vertical slice
            assert len(
            ) == 1, "cannot merge samples with different tags %s" % str(fnames)
            outfname = outdir + '/' + os.path.basename(fnames[0]).replace(
                str(ids[0]), str(rid))
            self.outFnameByReqid[rid], self.mergedPointsByReqid[
                rid] = outfname, point
            if self.verbose: print str(point) + ' : ' + outfname
            skipMerge = os.path.exists(outfname) and not self.overwrite
            if skipMerge: continue
            else: mergeFiles(outfname, fnames, self.regexHist)

    def printMergedFiles(self):
        for rid in self.outFnameByReqid.keys():
            print self.mergedPointsByReqid[rid], ' : ', self.outFnameByReqid[