Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal, heuristic_type):
        self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal
        self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type

        self.Env = env.Env()  # class Env

        self.u_set = self.Env.motions  # feasible input set
        self.obs = self.Env.obs  # position of obstacles

        self.g_fore = {
            self.s_start: 0,
            self.s_goal: float("inf")
        }  # cost to come: from s_start
        self.g_back = {
            self.s_goal: 0,
            self.s_start: float("inf")
        }  # cost to come: form s_goal

        self.OPEN_fore = queue.QueuePrior()  # OPEN set for foreward searching
            self.g_fore[self.s_start] + self.h(self.s_start, self.s_goal))
        self.OPEN_back = queue.QueuePrior()  # OPEN set for backward searching
            self.g_back[self.s_goal] + self.h(self.s_goal, self.s_start))

        self.CLOSED_fore = []  # CLOSED set for foreward
        self.CLOSED_back = []  # CLOSED set for backward

        self.PARENT_fore = {self.s_start: self.s_start}
        self.PARENT_back = {self.s_goal: self.s_goal}
Exemple #2
    def Astar(self, x_start, N):
        OPEN = queue.QueuePrior()  # OPEN set
        OPEN.put(x_start, self.h_table[x_start])
        CLOSED = []  # CLOSED set
        g_table = {x_start: 0, self.s_goal: float("inf")}  # Cost to come
        PARENT = {x_start: x_start}  # relations
        count = 0  # counter

        while not OPEN.empty():
            count += 1
            s = OPEN.get()

            if s == self.s_goal:  # reach the goal node
                return "FOUND", self.extract_path(x_start, PARENT), [], []

            for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
                if s_n not in CLOSED:
                    new_cost = g_table[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
                    if s_n not in g_table:
                        g_table[s_n] = float("inf")
                    if new_cost < g_table[s_n]:  # conditions for updating Cost
                        g_table[s_n] = new_cost
                        PARENT[s_n] = s
                        OPEN.put(s_n, g_table[s_n] + self.h_table[s_n])

            if count == N:  # expand needed CLOSED nodes

        self.visited.append(CLOSED)  # visited nodes in each iteration

        return OPEN, CLOSED, g_table, PARENT
Exemple #3
    def repeated_searching(self, s_start, s_goal, e):
        run a* with weight e.
        :param s_start: starting state
        :param s_goal: goal state
        :param e: weight of a*
        :return: path and visited order.

        g = {s_start: 0, s_goal: float("inf")}
        OPEN = queue.QueuePrior()
        OPEN.put(s_start, g[s_start] + e * self.Heuristic(s_start))
        CLOSED = []
        PARENT = {s_start: s_start}

        while OPEN:
            s = OPEN.get()

            if s == s_goal:

            for s_n in self.get_neighbor(s):
                if s_n not in CLOSED:
                    new_cost = g[s] + self.cost(s, s_n)
                    if s_n not in g:
                        g[s_n] = float("inf")
                    if new_cost < g[s_n]:  # conditions for updating cost
                        g[s_n] = new_cost
                        PARENT[s_n] = s
                        OPEN.put(s_n, g[s_n] + e * self.Heuristic(s_n))

        return self.extract_path(PARENT), CLOSED
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal):
        self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal

        self.Env = env.Env()
        self.plotting = plotting.Plotting(self.s_start, self.s_goal)

        self.u_set = self.Env.motions  # feasible input set
        self.obs = self.Env.obs  # position of obstacles

        self.OPEN = queue.QueuePrior()  # OPEN set
        self.OPEN.put(self.s_start, self.Heuristic(self.s_start))
        self.CLOSED = []  # CLOSED set / visited order
        self.PARENT = {self.s_start: self.s_start}
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, start, goal, heuristic_type):
        self.s_start, self.s_goal = start, goal
        self.heuristic_type = heuristic_type

        self.Env = env.Env()  # class Env

        self.u_set = self.Env.motions  # feasible input set
        self.obs = self.Env.obs  # position of obstacles

        self.g = {self.s_start: 0, self.s_goal: float("inf")}  # cost to come
        self.OPEN = queue.QueuePrior()  # priority queue / OPEN set
        self.OPEN.put(self.s_start, self.fvalue(self.s_start))
        self.CLOSED = []  # CLOSED set / VISITED order
        self.PARENT = {self.s_start: self.s_start}
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, s_start, s_goal):
        self.s_start, self.s_goal = s_start, s_goal

        self.Env = env.Env()
        self.plotting = plotting.Plotting(self.s_start, self.s_goal)

        self.u_set = self.Env.motions  # feasible input set
        self.obs = self.Env.obs  # position of obstacles

        self.g = {self.s_start: 0, self.s_goal: float("inf")}  # cost to come
        self.OPEN = queue.QueuePrior()  # priority queue / OPEN set
        self.OPEN.put(self.s_start, 0)
        self.CLOSED = []  # closed set & visited
        self.PARENT = {self.s_start: self.s_start}