def findEntity(self, image, which, orig):

        # Work around OpenCV crash on some nearly black images
        nonZero = cv.CountNonZero(image.getGrayscaleMatrix())
        if nonZero < 10:
            return Entity()
        size = self.Sizes[which]
        blobmaker = BlobMaker()
        blobs = blobmaker.extractFromBinary(image, image, minsize=size[0], maxsize=size[2])

        if blobs is None:
            return Entity()

        entityblob = None
        mindiff = 9999
        for blob in blobs:
            diff = self.sizeMatch(blob, which)
            if diff >= 0 and diff < mindiff:
                entityblob = blob
                mindiff = diff
        if entityblob is None:
            return Entity()
        notBall = which != 'ball'
        entity = Entity.fromFeature(entityblob, notBall, notBall, orig.getBitmap(), self.threshold._diff)

        return entity
    def findEntity(self, image, which):

        # Work around OpenCV crash on some nearly black images
        nonZero = cv.CountNonZero(image.getGrayscaleMatrix())
        if nonZero < 10:
            return Entity()
        size = self.Sizes[which]
        blobmaker = BlobMaker()
        blobs = blobmaker.extractFromBinary(image, image, minsize=size[0], maxsize=size[1])

        if blobs is None:
            return Entity()

        entityblob = None
        for blob in blobs:
            if self.sizeMatch(blob, which):
                entityblob = blob
        if entityblob is None:
            return Entity()
        isBall = which != 'ball'
        entity = Entity.fromFeature(entityblob, isBall, isBall)

        return entity
Exemple #3
    def findEntity(self, image, which):

        # Work around OpenCV crash on some nearly black images
        nonZero = cv.CountNonZero(image.getGrayscaleMatrix())
        if nonZero < 10:
            return Entity()

        size = self.Sizes[which]
        blobmaker = BlobMaker()
        blobs = blobmaker.extractFromBinary(image, image, minsize=size[0], maxsize=size[1])
        if blobs is None:
            return Entity()
        if len(blobs) == 0:
            return Entity()

        entityblob = None
        # sort the blobs by area ( to chose the largest blob that fits)
        blobs = sorted(blobs, key = lambda bl: bl.area() , reverse=True);
        #if (len(blobs)> 1): print which, blobs
        #for blob in blobs:
        #    if self.sizeMatch(blob, which):
        #        entityblob = blob
        #        break

        #if entityblob is None:
        #    return Entity()
        # size match is actually already done in blobmaker, just take the largest blob
        entityblob = blobs[0];
        isBall = which != 'ball'
        entity = Entity.fromFeature(entityblob, isBall, isBall)

        return entity