Exemple #1
    def setupCOOLReading(self,TrigCoolDbConnection):
        log = logging.getLogger( "TriggerConfigGetter.py" )
        log.info( 'DSConfigSvc enabled, will setup IOVDbSvc to access configuration meta data')
        #usePresetConnection = (TrigCoolDbConnection != "")

        ## if we process MC from an XML file the dbConnection needs to
        ## be set to a local SQlite file

        # when reading from the COOL database (either form
        # ORACLE/SQlite) we need an algorithm that triggers the
        # copying
        # In addition for MC the IOV has to be adjusted since in COOL the config data is written with IOV=infinity

        if TrigCoolDbConnection=='':
            log.info("COOL DBConnection: not set, will use default conditions database" )
            TrigCoolDbConnection = 'TRIGGER'
            addNewFolders = TriggerFlags.configForStartup()=="HLTonline" and self.readRDO
        else: # for sqlite COOL: temp (usually /tmp/hltMenu.xxx.db) or predefined (e.g. trigconf.db)
            log.info("COOL DBConnection: " + TrigCoolDbConnection )
            addNewFolders = ( ( TriggerFlags.configForStartup()=="HLToffline"
                                or TriggerFlags.configForStartup()=="HLTonline"
                                or globalflags.DataSource()!='data')
                              and self.readRDO )  # bytestream or MC RDO

        # add folders for reading
        from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
        folders = []
        if self.hltFolders:
            folders += [ "HLT/Menu", "HLT/HltConfigKeys" ]
        if self.l1Folders:
            folders += [ "LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey", "LVL1/Menu", "LVL1/Prescales" ]
        if globalflags.DataSource() == 'data':
            if self.l1Folders:
                folders += [ "LVL1/BunchGroupKey", "LVL1/BunchGroupDescription", "LVL1/BunchGroupContent" ]
        if self.hasLBwiseHLTPrescalesAndL1ItemDef:
            if self.hltFolders:
                folders += [ "HLT/Prescales", "HLT/PrescaleKey" ]
            if self.l1Folders:
                folders += [ "LVL1/ItemDef" ]

        log.info("Adding folders to IOVDbSvc")

        if addNewFolders:
            # Need thresholds folders but only for Tier0 BS->ESD
            log.info("Also adding new folders to IOVDbSvc")
            if self.hltFolders:
                folders += [ "HLT/Groups" ]
            if self.l1Folders:
                folders += [ "LVL1/Thresholds" ]

        for f in folders:
            log.info("     /TRIGGER/%s", f)
            conddb.addFolderWithTag(TrigCoolDbConnection, "/TRIGGER/%s" % f, "HEAD")
Exemple #2
    def checkInput(self):

        log = logging.getLogger( "TriggerConfigGetter.py" )
        if "ReadPool" in self._environment or "WritePool" in self._environment:
            log.info("Flags are ignored, since 'ReadPool' or  'WritePool' is specified")
            return True

        if rec.readESD() or rec.readAOD(): # and globalflags.DataSource()=='data':  # need this for MC as well

        if rec.readRDO() and globalflags.InputFormat()=='bytestream' and globalflags.DataSource()=='data' and TriggerFlags.configForStartup()!='HLToffline':

        log.info("The following flags are set:")
        log.info("globalflags.InputFormat             : %s", globalflags.InputFormat())
        log.info("rec.read.*                          : RDO: %s, ESD: %s, AOD: %s, TAG: %s", rec.readRDO(), rec.readESD(), rec.readAOD(), rec.readTAG())
        log.info("rec.doWrite.*                       : ESD: %s, AOD: %s, TAG: %s", rec.doWriteESD(), rec.doWriteAOD(), rec.doWriteTAG())
        log.info("globalflags.DataSource              : %s", globalflags.DataSource())
        log.info("TriggerFlags.configForStartup       : %s", TriggerFlags.configForStartup())
        log.info("TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions   : %s", TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions())
        log.info("TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList: %s", TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList())

        count = len([1 for x in [rec.readRDO(),rec.readESD(),rec.readAOD()] if x ]) #readTAG is only set with another input
        if count == 0:
            log.warning("Don't know what the input format is.")
            return False
        if count >= 2:
            log.warning("More than one input format specified, please set only the appropriate one.")
            return False
        return True
Exemple #3
        def InitialiseSvc(self):
            if self.initialised:
                raise (RuntimeError,
                       'athena service has already been added, do nothing.')

            self.initialised = True

            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr

            self.mlog.info("initialising TrigConfigSvc using state %s",
            if 'xml' in self.states:
                from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags

                if TriggerFlags.doLVL2() or TriggerFlags.doEF(
                ) or TriggerFlags.doHLT() or TriggerFlags.configForStartup(
                ) == 'HLToffline':
                        "setup HLTConfigSvc and add instance to ServiceMgr (xml file="
                        + self.hltXmlFile + ")")
                    hlt = HLTConfigSvc("HLTConfigSvc")
                    hlt.XMLMenuFile = self.hltXmlFile
                    hlt.doMergedHLT = TriggerFlags.doHLT()
                    ServiceMgr += hlt
                        "Will not setup HLTConfigSvc, since TriggerFlags doLVL2(), doEF(), and doHLT() are all False"
                    self.states[self.states.index("xml")] = "xmll1"

                    "setup LVL1ConfigSvc and add instance to ServiceMgr (xml file="
                    + self.l1XmlFile + ")")
                l1 = LVL1ConfigSvc("LVL1ConfigSvc")
                l1.XMLMenuFile = self.l1XmlFile
                ServiceMgr += l1

                    "setup L1TopoConfigSvc and add instance to ServiceMgr (xml file="
                    + self.l1topoXmlFile + ")")
                l1topo = L1TopoConfigSvc()
                l1topo.XMLMenuFile = self.l1topoXmlFile
                ServiceMgr += l1topo

            if 'ds' in self.states:

                    "setup DSConfigSvc and add instance to ServiceMgr")
                ds = DSConfigSvc("DSConfigSvc")
                ServiceMgr += ds

                "setup TrigConfigSvc and add instance to ServiceMgr")
            trigSvc = TrigConfigSvc("TrigConfigSvc")
            trigSvc.PriorityList = self.states
            ServiceMgr += trigSvc
            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
            theApp.CreateSvc += [ServiceMgr.TrigConfigSvc.getFullName()]
Exemple #4
    #HLTonlineNoL1Thr : Everything is taken from COOL, except LVL1ConfigSvc for thresholds
    #HLToffline       : HLT is ran offline. Needs to specify the .xml files
    #HLTonline        : Normal running, everything is taken from COOL

    tf.configForStartup= "HLTonlineNoL1Thr"

        from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
    except Exception:
        treatException("Could not run TriggerConfigGetter()")

    if tf.configForStartup() == "HLTonlineNoL1Thr":

        # Want to use LVL1ConfigSvc for LVL1 thresholds only
        from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcConf import TrigConf__LVL1ConfigSvc
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
        l1 = TrigConf__LVL1ConfigSvc("LVL1ConfigSvc")
        l1.XMLFile = "LVL1config_SingleBeam_v1_7-bit_trigger_types.xml"
        ServiceMgr += l1

        tf.inputLVL1configFile = "LVL1config_SingleBeam_v1_7-bit_trigger_types.xml"
        tf.inputLVL1configFile.lock() # this is needed to not be overwritten by TrigT1CTMonitoring

        # The following are using LVL1ConfigSvc (no thresholds involved)
        # They should use COOL and not the xml file
        if not hasattr(ToolSvc,'RecMuCTPIByteStreamTool'):
Exemple #5
    def configure(self):
        log = logging.getLogger("TriggerConfigGetter.py")

        # first check the input
        if "HIT2RDO" in self._environment:
            TriggerFlags.doLVL2 = False
            TriggerFlags.doEF = False
            log.info("For simulation jobs the following flags are set:")
            log.info("globalflags.InputFormat             : %s" %
            log.info("globalflags.DataSource              : %s" %
            log.info("TriggerFlags.configForStartup       : %s" %
            log.info("TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions   : %s" %
            log.info("TriggerFlags.doLVL2                 : %s" %
            log.info("TriggerFlags.doEF                   : %s" %
            if not self.checkInput():
                    "Could not determine job input. Can't setup trigger configuration and will return!"

        self.readPool = globalflags.InputFormat() == 'pool'
        self.readRDO = rec.readRDO()
        self.writeESDAOD = rec.doWriteESD() or rec.doWriteAOD(
        ) or rec.doWriteDPD()
        self.ConfigSrcList = TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList()
        self.readMC = globalflags.DataSource(
        ) == 'geant3' or globalflags.DataSource() == 'geant4'
        self.readTriggerDB = TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb(
        ) and self.readRDO
        self.isCommisioning = globalflags.DataSource(
        ) == 'data' and globalflags.DetGeo() == 'commis'
        self.l1Folders = TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions(
        ) == 'FullTrigger' or TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions() == 'Lvl1Only'
        self.hltFolders = TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions(
        ) == 'FullTrigger' or TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions() == 'HltOnly'
        self.isRun1Data = False
        if globalflags.DataSource() == 'data':
            from RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration import GetRunNumber
            runNumber = GetRunNumber()
            if runNumber > 0 and runNumber < 230000:
                self.isRun1Data = True
        self.isTriggerReprocessing = False

        # the TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb() tells us that we read the trigger menu from the database
        # the connection itself is defined in TriggerFlags.triggerDbConnection()

        # reading from the TriggerDB can mean different things:

        # a) TriggerFlags doLVL2() and doEF() are both False:
        #    - create a tmp sqlite file with the conditions (menu)
        #    - use DSConfigSvc

        # b) TriggerFlags doLVL2() or doEF() is True:
        #    - use HLTConfigSvc
        if self.readTriggerDB and (TriggerFlags.doLVL2()
                                   or TriggerFlags.doEF()
                                   or TriggerFlags.doHLT()):

            self.ConfigSrcList = [
            ]  # to use L1/HLTConfigSvc and not DSConfigSvc, but only if we are running the HLT

        if self._environment:  # I don't think anyone calls TriggerConfigGetter with an argument
            self.readPool = False
            self.writeESDAOD = False
            self.readHits = False
            if "ReadPoolRDO" in self._environment:
                self.readPool = True
                self.readRDO = True
            elif "ReadPool" in self._environment:
                self.readPool = True
                self.readRDO = False
            if "WritePool" in self._environment:
                self.writeESDAOD = True
            if "HIT2RDO" in self._environment:
                self.readRDO = False
                self.readHits = True

        # define ConfigSvc
        if not self.ConfigSrcList:
            if (self.readPool and not self.readRDO) or (
                    and not self.readPool):  # (ESD, AOD, DPD) or (RDO-BS)
                self.ConfigSrcList = ['ds']
            elif (self.readRDO and self.readPool
                  ) or rec.readTAG() or self.readHits:  # (RDO-MC) or TAG
                self.ConfigSrcList = ['xml']
            else:  # should not get here: should be found by checkInput
                log.fatal('no reading of BS, RDO, AOD, ESD, or TAG specified')

        # we need the temporary COOL database, if we read the configuration from XML and write ESD/AOD (or have 'ds' set for some reason)
        self.makeTempCool   = self.readRDO and \
                              ( self.writeESDAOD or 'ds' in self.ConfigSrcList ) and \
                              ( self.readMC \
                                or (self.isCommisioning and (TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML() and TriggerFlags.readHLTconfigFromXML())) \
                                or TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb() )

        log.info("Need to create temporary cool file? : %r" %

        log.info('Creating the Trigger Configuration Services')
        self.svc = SetupTrigConfigSvc()

        #set the merged system
        #self.svc.doMergedHLT = TriggerFlags.doHLT()

        if 'xml' in self.ConfigSrcList or self.makeTempCool:
            # sets them if plain XML reading is to be used
            self.svc.l1topoXmlFile = TriggerFlags.outputL1TopoConfigFile(
            )  # generated in python
            self.svc.l1XmlFile = TriggerFlags.outputLVL1configFile(
            )  # generated in python
            self.svc.hltXmlFile = TriggerFlags.outputHLTconfigFile(
            )  # generated in python
            if TriggerFlags.readL1TopoConfigFromXML():
                self.svc.l1topoXmlFile = TriggerFlags.inputL1TopoConfigFile(
                )  # given XML
            if TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML():
                self.svc.l1XmlFile = TriggerFlags.inputLVL1configFile(
                )  # given XML
            if TriggerFlags.readHLTconfigFromXML():
                self.svc.hltXmlFile = TriggerFlags.inputHLTconfigFile(
                )  # given XML

        ### preparations are done!
            log.error('Failed to set state of TrigConfigSvc to %r' %
            log.info('The following configuration services will be tried: %r' %

        except Exception, ex:
            log.error('Failed to activate TrigConfigSvc: %r' % ex)
Exemple #6
    def configure(self):
        log = logging.getLogger( "TriggerConfigGetter.py" )
        from PyUtils.MetaReaderPeekerFull import metadata

        # first check the input
        if "HIT2RDO" in self._environment:
            TriggerFlags.doLVL2 = False
            TriggerFlags.doEF = False
            log.info("For simulation jobs the following flags are set:")
            log.info("globalflags.InputFormat             : %s", globalflags.InputFormat())
            log.info("globalflags.DataSource              : %s", globalflags.DataSource())
            log.info("TriggerFlags.configForStartup       : %s", TriggerFlags.configForStartup())
            log.info("TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions   : %s", TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions())
            log.info("TriggerFlags.doLVL2                 : %s", TriggerFlags.doLVL2())
            log.info("TriggerFlags.doEF                   : %s", TriggerFlags.doEF())
            if not self.checkInput():
                log.error("Could not determine job input. Can't setup trigger configuration and will return!")
            # self.checkInput() may call TriggerConfigCheckMetadata, this can in turn set "rec.doTrigger.set_Value_and_Lock(False)"
            # but TriggerConfigGetter might have only been called in the first place due to this flag having been true, 
            # so re-check that we're still OK to be executing here
            if not (recAlgs.doTrigger() or rec.doTrigger() or TriggerFlags.doTriggerConfigOnly()):
                log.info("Aborting TriggerConfigGetter as the trigger flags were switched to false in checkInput()")
                return True

        self.readPool       = globalflags.InputFormat() == 'pool'
        self.readRDO        = rec.readRDO()
        self.writeESDAOD    = rec.doWriteESD() or rec.doWriteAOD() or rec.doWriteDPD()
        self.writeAOD       = rec.doWriteAOD() or rec.doWriteDPD()
        self.ConfigSrcList  = TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList()
        self.readMC         = globalflags.DataSource()=='geant3' or globalflags.DataSource()=='geant4'
        self.readTriggerDB  = TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb() and self.readRDO
        self.isCommisioning = globalflags.DataSource()=='data' and globalflags.DetGeo()=='commis' 
        self.l1Folders      = TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions()=='FullTrigger' or TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions()=='Lvl1Only'
        self.hltFolders     = TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions()=='FullTrigger' or TriggerFlags.dataTakingConditions()=='HltOnly'
        self.isRun1Data     = False 
        self.hasxAODMeta    = ("metadata_items" in metadata and any(('TriggerMenu' in key) for key in metadata["metadata_items"].keys()))
        if globalflags.DataSource()=='data':
            from RecExConfig.AutoConfiguration  import GetRunNumber
            runNumber = GetRunNumber()
            if runNumber is not None and runNumber > 0 and runNumber < 230000 :
                self.isRun1Data = True
        self.isTriggerReprocessing = False

        # the TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb() tells us that we read the trigger menu from the database
        # the connection itself is defined in TriggerFlags.triggerDbConnection()

        # reading from the TriggerDB can mean different things:

        # a) TriggerFlags doLVL2() and doEF() are both False:
        #    - create a tmp sqlite file with the conditions (menu)
        #    - use DSConfigSvc

        # b) TriggerFlags doLVL2() or doEF() is True:
        #    - use HLTConfigSvc
        if self.readTriggerDB and (TriggerFlags.doLVL2() or TriggerFlags.doEF() or TriggerFlags.doHLT()):

            self.ConfigSrcList = ['xml'] # to use L1/HLTConfigSvc and not DSConfigSvc, but only if we are running the HLT

        if self._environment: # I don't think anyone calls TriggerConfigGetter with an argument
            self.readPool  = False
            self.writeESDAOD = False
            self.readHits = False
            if "ReadPoolRDO" in self._environment:
                self.readPool = True
                self.readRDO = True
            elif "ReadPool" in self._environment:
                self.readPool = True
                self.readRDO = False
            if "WritePool" in self._environment:
                self.writeESDAOD = True
            if "HIT2RDO" in self._environment:
                self.readRDO = False
                self.readHits = True

        # define ConfigSvc
        if not self.ConfigSrcList:
            if (self.readPool and not self.readRDO) or (self.readRDO and not self.readPool): # (ESD, AOD, DPD) or (RDO-BS)
                self.ConfigSrcList = ['ds']
            elif (self.readRDO and self.readPool) or rec.readTAG() or self.readHits:           # (RDO-MC) or TAG
                self.ConfigSrcList = ['xml']
            else: # should not get here: should be found by checkInput
                log.fatal('no reading of BS, RDO, AOD, ESD, or TAG specified')

        # we need the temporary COOL database, if we read the configuration from XML and write ESD/AOD (or have 'ds' set for some reason)
        self.makeTempCool   = self.readRDO and \
                              ( self.writeESDAOD or 'ds' in self.ConfigSrcList ) and \
                              ( self.readMC \
                                or (self.isCommisioning and (TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML() and TriggerFlags.readHLTconfigFromXML())) \
                                or TriggerFlags.readMenuFromTriggerDb() )

        log.info("Need to create temporary cool file? : %r", self.makeTempCool)

        log.info('Creating the Trigger Configuration Services')

        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr

        from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerResultGetter import EDMDecodingVersion
        EDMDecodingVersion()  # In most use cases this needs to be called much earlier than in HLTTriggerResultGetter

        if TriggerFlags.EDMDecodingVersion() >= 3:
            if self.hasxAODMeta:
                if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'xAODConfigSvc'):
                    from TrigConfxAOD.TrigConfxAODConf import TrigConf__xAODConfigSvc
                    svcMgr += TrigConf__xAODConfigSvc('xAODConfigSvc')
            else: # Does not have xAODMeta
                # Run-3 Trigger Configuration Services
                from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcCfg import getL1ConfigSvc, getHLTConfigSvc
                from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
                svcMgr += getL1ConfigSvc(ConfigFlags)
                svcMgr += getHLTConfigSvc(ConfigFlags)

                # Needed for TrigConf::xAODMenuWriterMT
                from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcConfig import TrigConfigSvc
                svcMgr += TrigConfigSvc("TrigConfigSvc")
                svcMgr.TrigConfigSvc.PriorityList = ["none", "ds", "xml"]

            # non-MT (Run-2) Trigger Configuration
            self.svc = SetupTrigConfigSvc()

            if 'xml' in self.ConfigSrcList or self.makeTempCool:
                # sets them if plain XML reading is to be used
                self.svc.l1topoXmlFile = TriggerFlags.outputL1TopoConfigFile()  # generated in python
                self.svc.l1XmlFile     = TriggerFlags.outputLVL1configFile()    # generated in python
                self.svc.hltXmlFile    = TriggerFlags.outputHLTconfigFile()     # generated in python
                if TriggerFlags.readL1TopoConfigFromXML():
                    self.svc.l1topoXmlFile  = TriggerFlags.inputL1TopoConfigFile() # given XML
                if TriggerFlags.readLVL1configFromXML():
                    self.svc.l1XmlFile  = TriggerFlags.inputLVL1configFile() # given XML
                if TriggerFlags.readHLTconfigFromXML():
                    self.svc.hltXmlFile  = TriggerFlags.inputHLTconfigFile()   # given XML

                self.svc.SetStates( self.ConfigSrcList )
            except Exception:
                log.error( 'Failed to set state of TrigConfigSvc to %r', self.ConfigSrcList )
                log.info('The following configuration services will be tried: %r', self.ConfigSrcList )

            except Exception as ex:
                log.error( 'Failed to activate TrigConfigSvc: %r', ex )

        if self.readTriggerDB:
            log.info( "Using TriggerDB connection '%s'", TriggerFlags.triggerDbConnection() )
            self.trigDbConnectionParameters = interpretConnection(TriggerFlags.triggerDbConnection(), resolveAlias=False)

        log.info("TriggerFlags.triggerCoolDbConnection is '%s' [default: '']", TriggerFlags.triggerCoolDbConnection())
        TrigCoolDbConnection = TriggerFlags.triggerCoolDbConnection()

        if self.makeTempCool:
            TrigCoolDbConnection = self.setupTempCOOLWriting(TrigCoolDbConnection)

        if ('ds' in self.ConfigSrcList) and not self.hasxAODMeta:

        if hasattr(svcMgr, 'DSConfigSvc'):
            db = 'TRIGGERDB'
            if self.isRun1Data:
                db = 'TRIGGERDB_RUN1'
            elif self.readMC:
                db = 'TRIGGERDBMC'
            elif self.isTriggerReprocessing:
                db = 'TRIGGERDBREPR'
            svcMgr.DSConfigSvc.ConfigSource = 'dblookup'
            svcMgr.DSConfigSvc.DBServer = db
            log.info("DSConfigSvc trigger database is '%s'", db)
        if not self.hasxAODMeta:

        # all went fine we are configured
        return True